Selecting the right Monkey Towers to place onto any set race track can be tricky and will depend on what the track looks like, the difficulty of the track and a player’s personal playstyle.
While I have to admit there are some Monkeys that I rarely (or never use), it’s still a good idea to get to know what all the Monkeys get up to and what price they are and their upgrades cost, as some Monkeys are better than others when it comes to quickly upgrading the Monkey Tower or using them to keep bloons from leaking.
The following will take you through the different types of Monkeys, their uses, costs, abilities and when I prefer to use each and which upgrades I prefer to use together.
Note: If you want to watch me play games like BTD6 on Twitch head on over here! I’m always happy to answer your questions there as well!
Primary Monkeys cost a minimum of $170 on Easy and as high as $720 on Impoppable.
Primary Monkeys are by far the cheapest types of Monkeys players can place, though it should be noted that Primary Monkeys range in power and unfortunately the majority of Primary Monkeys lack the ability to detect camo bloons without the use of a Support Tower.
In most cases players should be able to rely on Primary Monkey for the different skills they bring to the table.
The Dart Monkey is a great Monkey Tower to start off with, though players cannot fully rely on Dart Monkeys when advancing to Hard and Impoppable content as they are not strong enough.
Most notably Dart Monkeys lack the ability to deal with Dark Dirigible Titans (DDTs), though Dart Monkeys do a decent amount of damage against other forms of MOAB-class bloons.
Dart Monkeys are most useful when placed on a long straight path due to the amount of pierce they receive.
If placed on a curved path the Dart Monkey may actually lose a lot of damage simply due to the fact that their attacks will go through bloons and essentially end up in a blank area. Players will want to make sure they maximize the amount of damage they can deal in order to ensure that no pierce is wasted, especially as players maximize the upgrades of their Dart Monkeys.
The Dart Monkey is unlocked by default when purchasing BTD6.
The Dart Monkey has a Small range, which is considered to be “32.”
The Dart Monkey has a base pierce of 2.
The Dart Monkey has a base damage of 1.
The Dart Monkey can gain camo detection if players upgrade their third path to the second tier.
The Dart Monkey has a Medium attack speed, coming in at 0.95s.
Easy: $170
Medium: $200
Hard: $215
Impoppable: $240
If players upgrade using Path 1 they will gain a great load of pierce and will dominate the screen with projectiles.
It’s usually a good idea to have at least one Dart Monkey powered up all the way with Path 1 as it will provide players with a great amount of reach in comparison to other Monkey Towers, especially if there are walls around.
Easy: $120
Medium: $140
Hard: $150
Impoppable: $170
Unlock XP: 100
Sharp Shots provides players with an extra bloon pop per shot, allowing players to pop 2 bloons with a single dart.
Since players have an initial pierce of 2 (or 3 with Monkey Knowledge), players will be able to pop up to 3 bloons (or 4 with Monkey Knowledge) per dart.
Easy: $185
Medium: $220
Hard: $235
Impoppable: $265
Unlock XP: 500
Razor Sharp Shots provides players with 2 extra bloon pops per shot, allowing players to pop a total of 5 bloons (or 6 with Monkey Knowledge) per shot.
SPIKE-O-PULT (3/-/-)
Easy: $225
Medium: $300
Hard: $325
Impoppable: $360
Unlock XP: 1,900
The Dart Monkey’s darts will be converted into a large Spike-o-pult that hurls large spiked balls instead of darts.
Spiked balls have an extended range popping a maximum of 22 bloons (or 23 with Monkey Knowledge).
The biggest benefit to getting access to the Spike-o-pult is that they deal extra damage to Ceramic Bloons.
It should be noted that the Spike-o-pult deals damage every 1.25 seconds instead of every 0.95 seconds.
Easy: $1,530
Medium: $1,800
Hard: $1,945
Impoppable: $2,160
Unlock XP: 7,500
The Juggernaut hurls a giant spiked ball that pops Lead Bloons, Frozen Bloons and deals 3x damage to Ceramic Bloons.
The most impressive aspect to the Juggernaut is the fact that it provides players with 50 pierce (or 51 with Monkey Knowledge) making it one of the “highest pierce” projectiles in the game, though it should be noted that players will also increase to having 2 damage.
Players will see a 15% increase in the Dart Monkey’s range and its attack speed will become an attack per second instead of an attack every 1.25 seconds.
Easy: $12,750
Medium: $15,000
Hard: $16,200
Impoppable: $18,000
Unlock XP: 22,000
The Ultra-Juggernaut is shockingly one of my favourite final tiers for Dart Monkeys as players will be able to deal quadruple the damage it deals to regular bloons.
Ultra-Juggernauts deal 12 damage to Ceramic Bloons and a spiked ball’s pierce sits at 300.
The coolest thing about the Ultra-Juggernaut is the fact that their spiked balls split up into 6 normal Juggernaught balls twice, dealing extra damage.
If players upgrade using Path 2 they will gain a great deal of attack speed and extra darts, acquiring an ability early to turn all nearby Dart Monkeys into Super Monkeys and/or Plasma Monkeys.
Path 2 isn’t really great as a fully upgraded Path, though it is recommended that players at least put two points into Path 2 for all types of towers as the 33% attack speed proves to be extremely helpful, especially when trying to clear hoards of bloons with both Path 1 and Path 3 upgrades.
I would strongly recommend only upgrading one Monkey all the way through Path 2 as there are better strategies for Dart Monkeys, though players may choose to focus on attack speed, simply due to their playstyle.
Easy: $85
Medium: $100
Hard: $110
Impoppable: $120
Unlock XP: 80
Quick Shots cause Dart Monkeys to attack 15% faster.
Easy: $160
Medium: $190
Hard: $205
Impoppable: $230
Unlock XP: 400
Very Quick Shots causes Dart Monkeys to shoot 33% faster, causing them to shoot about 1 shot every 0.65 seconds.
Easy: $340
Medium: $400
Hard: $430
Impoppable: $480
Unlock XP: 2,000
Dart Monkeys will throw 3 darts at a time instead of 1.
Given how inexpensive Triple Shot is, players may want to use this upgrade as it will secure the death of at least 12 bloons (4 per dart) with an additional 3 pierce with the related Monkey Knowledge.
Easy: $6,800
Medium: $8,000
Hard: $8,640
Impoppable: $9,600
Unlock XP: 9,500
The Super Monkey Fan club reminds me so much of the Supermonkey‘s ability in Bloons Adventure Time TD.
Super Monkey Fanclub will allow players to transform 10 nearby Dart Monkeys converting them into Super Monkeys for 15 seconds.
Transformed Dart Monkeys will deal 33% faster damage than a Dart Monkey with the Very Quick Shots upgrade.
It should be noted that Super Monkey Fan Club has a 50-second cooldown once activated and will only last for 15 seconds.
Unlike the previous version of BTD (ie. BTD5), transformed Dart Monkey will not receive a range increase.
Easy: $42,500
Medium: $50,000
Hard: $54,000
Impoppable: $60,000
Unlock XP: 30,000
Plasma Monkey Fan Club members are by far some of the most powerful Dart Monkeys in the game, as initiating the ability turns up to 20 Dart Monkeys on the screen into extremely powerful Plasma Monkeys for 15 seconds.
As powerful as Plasma Monkeys are, players should note that the cooldown reduction for this activatable ability the same as its predecessor, coming in at 50 seconds.
I would strongly recommend that players hoping to max out Path 2 on a Dart Monkey pair up said Dart Monkeys with a few Monkey Villages that either has the Homeland Defense Village upgrade or the Monkey City upgrade, which we will discuss more in the Support section.
Although players will have to wait for the initial cooldown for Plasma Monkey Fan Club, making it unsuitable for players to use in moments where they need quick saving from bloon leakages if pre-emptively prepared the Plasma Monkey Fan Club will save you from leakages as well as threats from ZOMGs and BADs.
If players upgrade using Path 3 they will acquire extra range and damage and most importantly they will also receive camo detection. A Path 3 Dart Monkey deals the most damage out of all of the other upgrades, though players may still want a few of the other types of Monkeys for some of the perks we’ll mention below.
Easy: $75
Medium: $90
Hard: $95
Impoppable: $110
Unlock XP: 50
There’s nothing shocking or remarkable about the Long Range Darts upgrade as it simply provides players with a 25% increased range.
Easy: $170
Medium: $200
Hard: $215
Impoppable: $240
Unlock XP: 450
For players looking for some extra camo detection, look no further than Enhanced Eyesight which will do just that and increase the range of the affected Dart Monkey by 150%.
In my opinion, Enhanced Eyesight is one of the best upgrades you can get a Dart Monkey, especially when progressing, as Dart Monkey can essentially destroy any type of bloon with the right upgrades attached to them.
If players have a number of camo detectors on the map, chances are they will not also need a fleet of Dart Monkeys with Enhanced Eyesight.
CROSSBOW (-/-/3)
Easy: $530
Medium: $625
Hard: $675
Impoppable: $750
Unlock XP: 2,100
One of my favourite upgrades for the Dart Monkey is the Crossbow upgrade as it allows Dart Monkeys to strip 3 layers off of bloons and gains an extra pierce point (bringing the pierce up to 3 before Monkey Knowledge).
The Crossbow Monkey also gains 75% more range.
Easy: $1,700
Medium: $2,000
Hard: $2,160
Impoppable: $2,400
Unlock XP: 12,000
Even stronger than the Crossbow Dart Monkey is the Sharp Shooter which can now pop up to 5 layers off of bloons and allow Dart Monkeys to deal Critical damage, popping 50 layers of bloons instead of 6.
It is believed that a Sharp Shooter Monkey can deal Critical damage every 8-12 shots.
Although you may not think it at first, Sharp Shooters are an awesome way to deal with Ceramic Bloons as they can be destroyed in a single hit, if the Sharp Shooter Monkey lands a Critical hit.
While powerful, the Sharp Shooter cannot stand on its own and will need assistance from other towers.
Easy: $21,250
Medium: $25,00
Hard: $27,000
Impoppable: $30,000
Unlock XP: 35,000
As the final upgrade for Dart Monkeys on Path 3, players will have access to the Crossbow Master who can shoot 6.25 shots per second, increasing the frequency of Critical shots to 4-8 shots.
The Crossbow Master will also have a base pierce of 10, though players can upgrade the pierce if they upgrade Path 1 with the Crossbow Master.
Some of the best features of the Crossbow Master include the fact that it can disintegrate lead bloons making them very appealing for dealing with leaked bloons or higher tier threats.
Ideally, players would have the Monkey Knowledge “Master Double Cross” as it will allow players to place two Crossbow Masters in different areas, further proving how strong Crossbow Masters are for players.
A Boomerang Monkey has a decent amount of range and can provide players with Lead Bloon popping, but can also provide players with a good amount of general popping power depending on what upgrade players choose.
The Boomerang Monkey throws Boomerangs in a circular motion, essentially making it so players players will have to place a Boomerang Monkey around a rounded track.
Players unfortunately will miss the majority of bloons when using a Boomerang Monkey, though after a boomerang is thrown it still can deal damage on the way back.
Players will be able to change the way the Boomerang is thrown using Path 3, allowing it to be thrown in a straight line.
Depending on what a player is trying to achieve the Boomerang Monkey has multiple placements.
For Path 1 and Path 2, players are recommended to place the Boomerang Monkey on a circular portion of a map, though if using Path 3, the Boomerang Monkey is recommended to be placed on a straight portion of the map near other towers.
The Boomerang Monkey can be unlocked at Rank 2-6.
The Boomerang Monkey has a Medium attack range being “43.”
The Boomerang Monkey has the base pierce of 4.
The Boomerang Monkey has the base damage of 1.
The Boomerang Monkey can gain camo detection if they upgrade Path 1 five times, providing the Boomerang Monkey with spinning glaives.
The Boomerang Monkey has Medium attack speed, coming in at a shot every 1.42 seconds.
Easy: $275
Medium: $325
Hard: $350
Impoppable: $390
If players are looking for more damage and more range from their Boomerang Monkey, look no further than Path 1 as it destroys bloons quickly and effectively.
Path 1 tends to be my go-to, especially because of how reliable it is.
Easy: $170
Medium: $200
Hard: $215
Impoppable: $240
Unlock XP: 100
Upon upgrading the Boomerang Monkey with Improved Rangs, players will be able to deal damage to 8 bloons instead of 4.
GLAIVES (2/-/-)
Easy: $240
Medium: $280
Hard: $300
Impoppable: $335
Unlock XP: 520
Upon upgrading to Glaives, the Boomerang Monkey will be able to deal damage to 13 bloons instead of 8.
The Boomerang Monkey will also gain a 17.6% increase in attack speed.
Easy: $1,105
Medium: $1,300
Hard: $1,405
Impoppable: $1,560
Unlock XP: 2,500
Upon upgrading the Boomerang Monkey with the Glaive Riccochet upgrade, players will be able to throw a single Glaive that will continue to destroy up to 50 bloons or 80 if players have Monkey Knowledge.
It should be noted that Glaives can only ricochet against a bloon one time before it moves onto the next, being unable to pop a bloon twice.
M.O.A.R. GLAIVES (4/-/-)
Easy: $2,550
Medium: $3,000
Hard: $3,240
Impoppable: $3,600
Unlock XP: 8,500
For players who have played older versions of BTD, in specific BTD5, you can begin rejoicing as the M.O.A.R. Glaives upgrade allows Boomerang Monkeys to deal damage to a maximum of 100 bloons, as one would with the Glaive Ricochet in BTD5.
It should also be noted that Boomerang Monkeys will also gain double their attack speed as well as double the jump distance between bloons.
The M.O.A.R. Glaives upgrade is quite essential for all Boomerang Monkeys. Do. It.
Easy: $29,750
Medium: $35,000
Hard: $37,800
Impoppable: $42,000
Unlock XP: 37,500
For players who love the Boomerang Monkey, there’s nothing better than the Glaive Lord upgrade as it will provide players with 3 orbital glaives.
Unlike all other versions of the Boomerang Monkey and their glaives, orbital glaives will shred through any Camo Bloons, Lead Bloons and even DDTs that are nearby.
Note that although the Glaive Lord’s orbital glaives can shred through Camo Bloons and Lead Bloons, the Boomerang Monkey will not be able to detect Camo Bloons on its own.
Players will be extremely happy to know that the orbital glaives have 8000 pierce and deal 2 damage to normal bloons.
The orbital glaives will deal more damage to ceramics and MOAB-class bloons, coming in at 7 damage.
Orbital glaives deal damage every 0.1 seconds making them more powerful than the Boomerang Monkey itself.
The Glaive Lord’s thrown glaives will also apply a fragment onto the first bloon that they hit, dealing 150 damage to the bloon for 15 seconds. The fragmenting effect can be stacked infinitely.
As much as I’m not a fan of upgrading Path 2 in comparison to Path 1, Path 2 can be pretty useful for early game as it deals a lot of quick damage.
It should be noted that Path 2 + Path 1 is the better combo than Path 2 and Path 3, though again, this will be based on a player’s playstyle.
Easy: $150
Medium: $175
Hard: $190
Impoppable: $210
Unlock XP: 120
Faster throwing is nothing exciting as is exactly as the name would suggest. Boomerang Monkey with this upgrade will throw 33.3% faster.
Easy: $210
Medium: $250
Hard: $270
Impoppable: $300
Unlock XP: 550
For players who want to blitz through enemies, they will be happy to know that with the Faster Rangs upgrade they will be able to increase their projectile speed by 20%.
Players will also get an attack speed boost of 33.3%, making players able to throw a boomerang every 0.8 seconds.
Easy: $1,360
Medium: $1,600
Hard: $1,730
Impoppable: $1,920
Unlock XP: 2,500
Need even more attack speed? Say no more.
The Bionic Boomerang will allow players to deal damage every 0.28 seconds, raising its attack speed by 2.86x.
If players have upgraded their Boomerang Monkey with Glaives they will receive a 3.57x attack speed boost, allowing them to deal damage every 0.238 seconds.
Boomerang Monkeys with the Bionic Boomerang upgrade will also deal 1 extra damage to MOAB-class bloons.
Easy: $3,400
Medium: $4,000
Hard: $4,320
Impoppable: $4,800
Unlock XP: 9,000
Turbo Charge unlocks an activatable ability.
While I might not be a huge fan of the Path 2 upgrades, I do have to say that the Turbo Charge upgrade provides players with a great deal of attack speed once activated.
Players will receive 7x their attack speed, firing around 25 boomerangs per second.
If the ability is activated, players will also receive an increase in damage by 1.
Turbo Charge lasts for a maximum of 10 seconds and has a cooldown of 45 seconds.
Easy: $29,750
Medium: $35,000
Hard: $37,800
Impoppable: $42,000
Unlock XP: 32,000
If players decide to upgrade their Boomerang Monkey by using Path 2, I strongly suggest that they focus on powering up their Boomerang Monkey all the way as Perma Charge is the most worth it upgrade players can get in this tier.
Players who upgrade their Boomerang Monkey to Perma Charge will receive all of the stats from Turbo Charge at all times with the added bonus of 2 damage.
Perma Charge also switches out the Turbo Charge activatable ability and exchanges it for one that provides the Boomerang Monkey with 8 damage for 15 seconds. The cooldown on this ability is only 40 seconds, in comparison to the 45 seconds from the previous tier.
It should be noted that players can pair Turbo Charge with Red Hot Rangs (Path 3, upgrade 2) as it will provide players with 4 damage instead of 1.
As powerful as the Perma Charge Boomerang Monkey is, placement is key, requiring players to place the Monkey near a looped track for maximum efficiency.
I’m a sucker when it comes to Path 3 Boomerang Monkeys, especially as they are fairly low cost, deal heaps of damage and can protect players from the ongoing hoards of MOAB-class bloons.
Although Path 3 Boomerang Monkeys don’t have as much of an ability to destroy swarms of bloons, players can safely rely on Boomerang Monkeys to deal with Lead Bloons that are not camouflaged.
I usually substitute Bomb Shooters for Boomerang Monkeys if I choose to go down the Path 3 Boomerang Monkey route, though it completely depends on what map I’m playing.
Easy: $85
Medium: $100
Hard: $110
Impoppable: $120
Unlock XP: 110
If players are looking for some extra range for their Boomerang Monkey, they can look no further than the Long Range Rangs upgrade which increases a Boomerang Monkey’s range by 15.1%.
Easy: $255
Medium: $300
Hard: $325
Impoppable: $360
Unlock XP: 490
Red Hot Rangs provides Boomerang Monkeys with the ability to destroy frozen and Lead Bloons.
Red Hot Rangs also provides Boomerang Monkeys with 1 extra damage per boomerang.
Easy: $1,105
Medium: $1,300
Hard: $1,405
Impoppable: $1,560
Unlock XP: 3,000
For players who are frustrated with the Boomerang Monkey’s throwing pattern, which is essentially a circle that constantly misses, put fear behind you as you have the option to upgrade to Kylie Boomerangs to begin throwing straight boomerangs.
Boomersnags throwing in a straight path have a higher chance of landing on bloons and can hit bloons multiple times.
The Kylie Boomerangs can deal damage to 18 bloons per shot and if upgraded with Path 1, players will be able to deal damage to 4 extra bloons for the first upgrade and 9 with the second upgrade.
Players can alternatively upgrade their Path 2 in hopes of dealing faster damage.
MOAB PRESS (-/-/4)
Easy: $1,530
Medium: $1,800
Hard: $1,945
Impoppable: $2,160
Unlock XP: 9,500
By far my favourite upgrade with the Boomerang Monkey is MOAB Press as it provides players with the ability to pushback MOAB-class bloons, dealing an additional 5 damage for a maximum of 14 times (a total of 70 damage per special boomerang).
If you’re not focussing on placing Military Monkeys, MOAB Press is definitely the upgrade for you.
MOAB Domination (-/-/5)
Easy: $51,000
Medium: $60,000
Hard: $64,800
Impoppable: $72,000
Unlock XP: 28,000
The final upgrade on Path 3 for Boomerang Monkeys is MOAB Domination which doubles the range of the Boomerang Monkey’s Kylie Boomerangs, stunning MOABs for 0.25 seconds before they are ultimately knocked back.
MOAB Domination provides players with 20 damage every 0.1 seconds allowing Kylie Boomerangs to deal up to 280 damage per shot.
Another cool factor that MOAB Domination has is the fact that it will deal explosive damage upon “expiring.”
Explosions deal an extra 100 damage and deal 50 damage per 1-second shred for 4 seconds to up to 20 bloons (or 30 with Glaives).
The MOAB Domination upgrade will also provide the Boomerang Monkey with the ability to pop 12 layers of bloons from its basic attacks.
If players choose to go down the route of MOAB Domination towers, they should consider placing it near the end of the track as the knockback caused by this upgrade is quite substantial against MOAB-class bloons.
The Bomb Shooter is quite a strong Tower to place that will wreak hacov on a number of bloons at a time.
While Bomb Shooters deal a good amount of damage they will not be able to damage Black Bloons or Zebra Bloons as they have resistance to explosions.
Players should always try to place a Bomb Shooter where paths cross over each other as this is the best way for players to attack the most amount of bloons.
Players should have a good chance of being able to catch bloons, especially on their way back.
The Bomb Shooter has a Medium range.
The Bomb Shooter has the base pierce of 40.
The Bomb Shooter has the base damage of 1.
The Bomb Shooter does not have camo detection, though players will be happy to know that the Bomb Shooter can gain an ability to detect Camo Bloons.
The Bomb Shooter has Medium to Slow damage, firing about 0.63 times per second.
Easy: $555
Medium: $650
Hard: $700
Impoppable: $780
If players are hoping to choose Path one as their primary upgrade tree, I would strongly recommend pairing it up with Path 3 as doing so will provide these abilities with more pierce, range and target size.
If players choose to upgrade their Bomb Shooter with Path 1 it is strongly suggested that they only place it by an area where the track loops a number of times as this will increase the chances of bloons being stunned.
Path 1 is especially useful when players have the Jungle Drums upgrade on their Monkey Villages.
Easy: $340
Medium: $400
Hard: $430
Impoppable: $480
Unlock XP: 200
Bigger bombs will cause Bomb Shooters to shoot larger bombs that also gain a larger blast area.
Bomb Shooters will also gain popping power, being able to pop up to 28 bloons per shot.
Easy: $680
Medium: $800
Hard: $865
Impoppable: $960
Unlock XP: 1,000
Heavy Bombs allows Bomb Shooters to pop through 2 layers of bloons every time it shoots a bomb that destroys up to 28 bloons per shot.
Although not actively displayed on the upgrade text, the Heavy Bombs upgrade allows players to use Bomb Shooters to deal with Rainbow Bloons, as normally when a Rainbow Bloon pops it would summon a Zebra Bloon which has an explosive resistance, making it impossible for the Bomb Shooter to destroy them.
Easy: $1,020
Medium: $1,200
Hard: $1,295
Impoppable: $1,440
Unlock XP: 3,000
Really Big Bombs allows Bomb Shooters to deal damage to 48 bloons per bomb, as opposed to the previous damage to 28 bloons.
Easy: $1,020
Medium: $1,200
Hard: $1,295
Impoppable: $1,440
Unlock XP: 3,000
Bloon Impact is an upgrade that provides Bomb Shooters with 3 damage instead of 2 and adds the capability of popping black bloons, when previously Bomb Shooters would be unable to damage them.
Any bloons affected by Bloon Impact will be stunned for 1 second and will be refreshed with every proceeding Bloon Impact.
Bloon Impact will increase a Bomb Shooter’s range by 3.
Easy: $46,750
Medium: $55,000
Hard: $59,400
Impoppable: $66,000
Unlock XP: 37,500
Upon upgrading a Bomb Shooter to the Bloon Crush tier, players will be able to stun both regular bloons as well as MOAB-class bloons for two seconds.
While extremely useful when protecting players from ZOMGs and DDTs, the Bloon Crush upgrade is quite pricy.
A Blue Crush Bomb Shooter is especially useful when paired up with a Sun Avatar or another equally strong tower, though it should be noted that the Bomb Shooter alone will not be that powerful.
If you’re hoping to max out Path 2, I strongly recommend powering up Path 3 with it as Path 1 proves to be less useful as Heavy Bombs does not effect a Bomb Shooters damage towards MOAB-class bloons.
Truthfully, Path 2 is the only path that I use when it comes to Bomb Shooters, simply due to how powerful the upgrades are when it comes to protecting players.
Easy: $210
Medium: $250
Hard: $270
Impoppable: $300
Unlock XP: 180
As one would assume, the Faster Reload upgrade will provide Bomb Shooters with 33% more attack speed, making it attack every 1.125 seconds instead of 1.5 seconds.
Easy: $340
Medium: $400
Hard: $430
Impoppable: $480
Unlock XP: 650
The Missile Launcher upgrade adds faster projectile speed and a 10% increase in range.
Missile Launchers will also gain 25% additional attack speed, causing the Missile Launcher to attack every 0.9 seconds instead of every 1.125 seconds.
Easy: $765
Medium: $900
Hard: $970
Impoppable: $1,080
Unlock XP: 2,700
The MOAB Mauler upgrade provides Bomb Shooters with 18 damage towards MOAB-class bloons, making it one of the best ways to deal massive damage towards MOABs.
The MOAB Mauler upgrade also provides players with 3 damage towards Ceramic Bloons, though it should be noted that all other bloons only receive 1 damage per hit.
Upon upgrading to the MOAB Mauler tier, Bomb Shooters will also receive bonus range.
MOAB Maulers should always be set to “Strong” as if MOAB Maulers focus on bloons that are too weak, they may deal less damage overall.
MOAB Mauler attacks once every 0.83 seconds.
Easy: $2,720
Medium: $3,200
Hard: $3,455
Impoppable: $3,840
Unlock XP: 10,000
Upon activating MOAB Assassin will deal 750 damage to MOAB-class bloons, creating an additional explosion that deals 3 damage with 100 pierce.
Unfortunately, MOAB Assassin cannot detect DDTs unless players have used a Monkey Village to help provide the Bomb Shooter with camo detection.
Players who upgrade Bomb SHooters to the MOAB Assassin tier will also gain extra range on their basic attacks.
MOAB Assassin has a 30-second cooldown.
Easy: $21,250
Medium: $25,000
Hard: $27,000
Impoppable: $30,000
Unlock XP: 35,000
If you’re looking for an incredible way of dealing with MOAB-class bloons, look no further than MOAB Eliminator as when players activate this ability they will deal 4500 damage… yes, you heard me… 4,500 damage.
Not only does MOAB Eliminator deal a shit tonne of damage, but it can also be used every 10-seconds, making it one of the abilities you’re going to want to keep your finger on during tricky situations.
It should be noted that a Bomb Shooter with the MOAB Eliminator upgrade will deal 80 damage per every basic attack.
When you thought things couldn’t get any better, it can. Bomb Shooters with the MOAB Eliminator upgrade are actually able to pop Black and Zebra Bloons. You’re welcome.
Path 3 deals a lot of ranged damage to bloons and helps make sure that bloons are destroyed before they have the chance to leak.
As a strategy, players should probably pair Bomb Blitz with the second path instead of the first as it will deal more damage.
Easy: $170
Medium: $200
Hard: $215
Impoppable: $240
Unlock XP: 150
As one would expect, Extra Range provides a Bomb Shooter with extra range.
FRAG BOMBS (-/-/2)
Easy: $255
Medium: $300
Hard: $325
Impoppable: $360
Unlock XP: 600
Upon attacking and exploding, a Bomb Shooter’s bomb will fragment into 8 pieces which each deal 1 damage with 1 pierce.
Fragments can be buffed by other upgrades, however, it should be noted that Frags cannot damage Lead Bloons.
Fragments, however, can deal damage to Black Bloons to bloons as long as they aren’t the first bloon affected.
Frag Bombs provides Bomb Shooters with a bit of extra range.
Easy: $680
Medium: $800
Hard: $865
Impoppable: $960
Unlock XP: 2,500
Upon upgrading a Bomb Shooter with Cluster Bombs, the tower will begin shooting clusters of bombs instead of simply bombs that fragment.
Easy: $2,040
Medium: $2,400
Hard: $2,590
Impoppable: $2,880
Unlock XP: 10,000
Upon upgrading a Bomb Shooter to the Recursive Cluster tier Bomb Shooters will be able to send out a third bomb every second shot effectively causing the 8 clusters of bombs to explode into 8 more clusters.
In total, a Bomb Shooter with Recursive Cluster will shoot 64 bombs.
BOMB BLITZ (-/-/5)
Easy: $29,750
Medium: $35,000
Hard: $37,800
Impoppable: $42,000
Unlock XP: 25,000
As a final upgrade, Bomb Blitz provides players with a passive ability that destroys all bloons on the screen upon the player losing a life. Overpowered much?
Although bloons are destroyed, ZOMGs and BADs will only take 2000 damage, which is nothing to laugh about.
Passive aside, Bomb Blitz provides players with tertiary cluster bombs every shot instead of every second shot with all shots gaining 5 damage.
Bomb Blitz also provides Bomb Shooters with the ability to damage both Black and Zebra Bloons when using their main attacks.
Bomb Blitz can only be used once per round or every 40 seconds, though it should be noted that if a round ends before 40 seconds, Bomb Blitz will not reset.
The Tack Shooter is one of the most rapid firing towers players can place in all of Bloons TD 6 and provides players with the ability to attack in a full circle.
The Tack Shooter unfortunately sees fairly limited use simply due to the fact that many levels do not feature tracks that are considered appropriate for the Tack Shooter.
Tack Shooters have three very different upgrade paths making them useful for dealing damage to Lead Bloons while risking flooding Purple Bloons, having an ability that deals global damage to all bloons on screen, destroying any type of bloon and being able to rapidly fire in a larger radius in order to damage many more bloons before they leak.
Players should always attempt to place the Tack Shooter in a section that has a circle in order to make use of the the 360° damage that the Tack Shooters deal.
On maps that don’t feature loops, players should try to at least cover two sides of the Tack Shooter.
The only Tack Shooter that doesn’t require players to cover at least two sides of them is the Path 2 Tack Shooter as it will deal the most damage when players activate it’s special ability.
If players have a good chunk of money and do not have access to two sides of a track they can essentially place two Tack Shooters, one on each side of the track, both maxed out on tier-3 as this will still deal a significant amount of damage that players can rely on in hopes of catching bloons before they leak.
The Tack Shooter has a Small Range which is considered “23.”
The Tack Shooter has a base pierce of 1, though it sprays a minimum of 8 tacks.
The Tack Shooter has the base damage of 1, though it sprays a minimum of 8 tacks.
The Tack Shooter does not have camo detection, though players can defeat Camo Bloons using its meteor attack.
The Tack Shooter has a Medium-Slow attack speed, coming in at one shot every 1.4 seconds.
Easy: $240
Medium: $280
Hard: $300
Impoppable: $335
If you’re wanting to deal a lot of damage to bloons or have a track that has a plethora of loops on it, you’re going to want to get yourself a Tack Shooter that is powered up to the Ring of Fire tier at least.
Path 1 allows players to deal damage with no gaps in between tacks as fire will surround the Tack Shooter.
Easy: $125
Medium: $150
Hard: $160
Impoppable: $180
Unlock XP: 150
Upon upgrading the Tack Shooter with Faster Shooting, players will see an increase in attack speed by 33%.
Easy: $255
Medium: $300
Hard: $32
Impoppable: $360
Unlock XP: 550
If you want even more attack speed to ensure that you slay all the bloons that are coming your way, grab the Even Faster Shooting upgrade.
The Even Faster Shooting upgrade will double the attack speed of a Tack Shooter.
HOT SHOTS (3/-/-)
Easy: $510
Medium: $600
Hard: $650
Impoppable: $720
Unlock XP: 2,400
If you’re in need of a method that helps destroy Frozen and Lead Bloons, upgrading a Tack Shooter to the Hot Shots upgrade can prove very effective, especially if placed in the center of a loop.
Hot Shots will deal damage to two layers of bloons per hit and are capable of popping Purple Bloons since it still deals physical damage.
A strategy for Tack Shooters is to leave the Tack Shooter at the Hot Shots upgrade, also upgrading Path 2 along with it to deal extra pierce at an increased range. Using the 3-2-0 upgrade path will also be beneficial for players who need to deal with MOAB-class bloons with the Tack Shooters.
Although players can deal more damage to MOAB-class bloons by leaving a Tack Shooter in the Hot Shots upgrade, players should take note that Tack Shooters are not an optimal way to deal with MOABs.
Path 1 Tack Shooters are amazing at shredding Ceramic Bloons though.
RING OF FIRE (4/-/-)
Easy: $3,825
Medium: $4,500
Hard: $4,860
Impoppable: $5,400
Unlock XP: 2,400
The Ring of Fire upgrade provides a Tack Shooter with some extra attack speed, still being comparatively slower than other towers, shooting only once every 0.54 seconds.
Ring of Fire has the ability to pop a maximum of 60 bloons each time it is triggered though players will now deal damage to 2 layers at a time instead of 2.
Players should note that by upgrading a Tack Shooter to the Ring of Fire upgrade, they will lose the ability to destroy Purple Bloons as the Tack Shooter will no longer be dealing physical damage and instead deal fire damage.
So, does that make certain paths like Extra Tack Upgrades useless? Nah.
If players choose to get some extra tacks for their Tack Shooter, they’ll actually get 10 extra pierce for the first tier and 20 pierce for. the second.
Players can alternatively choose to extend the range of their Tack Shooter if they want to ensure that the Tack Shooter does as much damage as it can while bloons are still in range.
Easy: $42,500
Medium: $50,000
Hard: $54,000
Impoppable: $60,000
Unlock XP: 32,500
Inferno Ring is an intense upgrade to have in BTD6 as it provides Tack Shooters ith an endless supply of fire and has an increase in range.
Inferno Ring provides players with 4 damage every 0.1 seconds to its surrounding area.
While I may have shat on the idea of using a Tack Shooter to deal with MOAB-class bloons, players should be happy to hear that they will receive 6 damage against MOAB-class bloons with the Inferno Ring upgrade.
Inferno Ring Tack Shooters will still be unable to destroy Camo Bloons and Purple Bloons, though I will often pair Tack Shooters with upgraded Monkey Villages as I pair them with other Towers.
Inferno Ring also provides players with a meteor attack every 3 seconds, damaging the strong bloon on-screen and dealing 700 damage. Not only that, but the metro will additionally damage 10 extra bloons dealing 50 damage to each and also applying and additional 50 damage over time for 4 seconds.
Nice splash damage, eh?
Easy: $85
Medium: $100
Hard: $110
Impoppable: $120
Unlock XP: 140
As suggested, Long Range Tacks provides players with an extra increase in attack range.
Easy: $190
Medium: $225
Hard: $245
Impoppable: $270
Unlock XP: 500
Want even further range? Well, look no further than the Super Range Tacks upgrade.
Easy: $465
Medium: $550
Hard: $595
Impoppable: $660
Unlock XP: 2,300
Blade Shooters deal more accurate damage to bloons and cover a larger surface area than tanks, essentially providing players with a greater amount of popping power.
Blade Shooters can pop up to 6 bloons per blade and attacks 18% faster.
Easy: $2,295
Medium: $2,700
Hard: $2,915
Impoppable: $3,240
Unlock XP: 9,000
Upon upgrading a Tack Shooter to Blade Maelstrom players will gain the ability to shoot two streams of blades that spiral outwards for 3-seconds.
Blades have an infinite-pierce and can be used every 20 seconds.
Blade Maelstrom is fantastic when players have a large map with not much cross over as players can activate the Blade Maelstrom ability from afar, still dealing damage to all bloons on the screen.
It is recommended that players place the Tack Shooter towards the end of a map or against the grain of the map as when the ability spirals clockwise, it will have a higher chance of securing bloon takedowns.
Players can essentially use multiple Tack Shootersin hopes of taking down ceramics of simply bloons that are at risk of leaking.
Easy: $12,750
Medium: $15,000
Hard: $16,200
Impoppable: $18,000
Unlock XP: 28,000
For folks who love the Blade Maelstrom ability, if you want something that is even more hardy, pick up the Super Maelstrom as it is significantly longer, lasting for 9 seconds instead of 3.
Super Maelstrom also gains an increase in damage, dealing 2 damage per bloon instead of 2.
Although players can essentially use either path to cross paths, it is usually recommended players put points into Path 1 instead of Path 3.
MORE TACKS (-/-/1)
Easy: $85
Medium: $100
Hard: $110
Impoppable: $120
Unlock XP: 150
For players who are having difficulty with bloons slipping away from tacks, you may want to look into the More Tacks upgrade as it provides players with 2 bonus projectiles for a low cost.
More Tacks is a great upgrade to have when players have Path 1 maxed out with Inferno Ring as it will provide the tower with 10 pierce.
Easy: $85
Medium: $100
Hard: $110
Impoppable: $120
Unlock XP: 490
Upon upgrading a Tack Shooter with Even More Tacks, Tack Shooters will begin shooting 12 tacks instead of 10.
Tack Shooters are inexpensive and are the only towers that can be upgraded twice with the $650 that players receive upon starting a map.
Players can utilize one Tack Shooter with the Even More Tacks upgrade successfully when a map has a single round in most instances.
Easy: $350
Medium: $450
Hard: $485
Impoppable: $540
Unlock XP: 2,450
Tack Sprayer provides players with extremely rapid tack damage as it increases a Tack Shooter’s attack speed by 33%.
Most notably a Tack Shooter with the Tack Sprayer upgrade will have 16 tacks instead of 12.
Easy: $2.720
Medium: $3,200
Hard: $3,455
Impoppable: $3,840
Unlock XP: 8,750
For players who need some extreme popping power, look no further than the Overdrive upgrade which will shoot tacks out even faster than before.
Overdrive allows Tack Sprays to pop 2 bloons at a time and shoots three times as fast as the Tack Sprayer upgrade, making them especially useful when they are placed on their own.
Overdrive can help players deal with MOAB-class bloons, however, similar to all other forms of Tack Shooters, players should not expect a whole lot of damage from them.
Easy: $20,400
Medium: $24,000
Hard: $25,920
Impoppable: $28,800
Unlock XP: 26,500
Upon upgrading a Tack Shooter to The Tack Zone, towers will begin shooting 32 tacks per volley.
The Tack Zone will gain an attack speed increase of 33% and can pop Lead Bloons and Purple Bloons, though players will not be able to destroy Camo Bloons without exterior help.
Tacks now have the chance to pop a maximum of 4 bloons instead of two, making The Tack Zone an extremely effective upgrade, though Tacks can damage 2 layers at a time.
It is recommended that players use Path 1 to support their upgrade with The Tack Zone as Path 1 will provide players with a solid amount of attack speed, which proves to be much more effective than receiving a bit of extra range.
The Tack Zone works especially well with Pat Fusty as your Hero and with an Alchemist with the Stronger Stimulant upgrade.
The Ice Monkey is one of the most powerful type of support Primary Monkeys as it can deal a great deal of damage while providing players with the ability to freeze bloons in place in hopes of dealing more damage to them with other Towers.
Ice Monkeys unfortunately will prevent a number of Towers from being able to damage bloons as many Towers are actually unable to break through frozen properties, though many Towers can be upgraded in order to avoid this problem.
The Ice Monkey is best used to isolate bloons in hopes of having less bloons leak at a time and allow a lesser amount of bloons to pass in hopes of buying some extra time to shred through all of them.
The nice thing about Ice Monkeys is that they can be upgraded in order to affect MOAB-class bloons and Camo Bloons, essentially making them one of the most well rounded support Towers in the game.
The placement of an Ice Monkey is very similar to that of a Tack Shooter as the Ice Monkey has 360° damage.
Players should do their best to place an Ice Monkey in a circular portion of a map or if not possible a path that crosses over itself, similar to where a Bomb Shooter would be.
In the early game it is important not to place an Ice Monkey near Towers that deal sharp damage such as a Dart Monkey or Tack Shooter as doing so may actually drop the player’s damage due to the fact that sharp damage cannot effect frozen bloons.
Players will do well by placing an Ice Monkey near a Bomb Shooter as this will help a player deal the most damage early on.
If placed in the late-game, having a path that crosses over itself is less important as the most important thing at that point is to place the Ice Monkey next to high damage dealing Towers.
The Ice Monkey has a Small range.
The Ice Monkey has a base pierce of 40.
The Ice Monkey has the base damage 1.
Although players can technically freeze camo bloons when using abilities like Viral Frost and Absolute Zero, the Ice Monkey cannot directly attack Camo Bloon unless players use the Embrittlement upgrade.
Embrittlement has been updated to allow camo detection, but I will cover more on that later.
The Ice Monkey has a Slow attack speed, firing about 0.41 times per second.
Easy: $425
Medium: $500
Hard: $540
Impoppable: $600
Path 1 is an amazing choice for creating the ultimate support Ice Monkey tower as it can slow, freeze and cause almost all bloons to take more damage.
It is recommended that if players choose to use a Path 1 Ice Monkey that they cross upgrade with Path 2 as Path 3’s Re-Freeze is useless with Super Brittle and the Ice Monkey gains more from being able to freeze through multiple layers of bloons (Enhanced and Deep Freeze).
Easy: $85
Medium: $100
Hard: $110
Impoppable: $120
Unlock XP: 160
Upon upgrading an Ice Monkey with Permafrost, players will permanently slow bloons by 50% speed for one layer upon being unfrozen.
If a bloon loses the layer that is affected by Permafrost, the bloon will return back to its initial speed.
Easy: $255
Medium: $300
Hard: $3525
Impoppable: $360
Unlock XP: 500
Upon upgrading an Ice Monkey with Metal Freeze, Ice Monkeys will be able to damage and freeze Lead Bloons.
ICE SHARDS (2/-/-)
Easy: $1,275
Medium: $1,500
Hard: $1,620
Impoppable: $1,800
Unlock XP: 2,500
An Ice Monkey with the Ice Shards upgrade will deal damage to other bloons upon being popped as it shoots out fragments.
Unfortunately, Ice Shards depends on other towers destroying the affected bloons as, without Re-Freeze, bloons will not pop or fragment on their own.
Ice Shards has a maximum of 40 pierce and 3 pierce per each shard.
Not only does Ice Shard have a decent amount of pierce, upgrading an Ice Monkey to the Ice Shards tier will also increase its range from 20 to 25.
Easy: $1,870
Medium: $2,200
Hard: $2,275
Impoppable: $2,640
Unlock XP: 8,250
Ice Monkeys upgraded to the Embrittlement tier causes frozen bloons to take 1 extra damage from all attacks for up to 2 seconds after thawing out.
Ice Blasts will also deal 2 damage per attack and the Embrittlement effect cannot stack, making a single Ice Monkey necessary instead of multiple.
Embrittlement can now detect Camo Bloons and can also strip the camo and regrow properties off of affected bloons.
An Ice Monkey with Embrittlement is necessary for game modes that only allow for Primary Monkeys or simply when players are rushed by Camo Bloons and require assistance.
Ice Monkeys with the Embrittlement upgrade are must better at damaging bloons that are close in range and not spaced out as the Ice Monkey has a slow attack speed in comparison to other towers.
Easy: $25,500
Medium: $30,000
Hard: $32,400
Impoppable: $36,000
Unlock XP: 25,000
Upon upgrading an Ice Monkey to the Super Brittle upgrade players will be able to pop a maximum of 5 layers of bloons.
Super Brittle has the ability to attack almost all types of bloons, including MOAB-class bloons, White Bloons and Zebra Bloons.
Ice Monkeys with the Super Brittle upgrade will be able to attack 11% faster and will have the ability to Re-Freeze bloons.
All bloons that are affected by the Super Brittle upgrade will receive 4 extra damage from any source of damage for 3 seconds.
It should be noted that the extra damage will also affect MOAB-class bloons, though players will not be able to force the MOAB-class bloons to stand still, though they will permanently move 25% slower.
Easy: $190
Medium: $225
Hard: $245
Impoppable: $270
Unlock XP: 160
Upon upgrading an Ice Monkey with Enhanced Freeze, Ice Monkeys will receive an increase in range and an increase in attack speed by 33%.
Ice Monkeys will begin freezing once every 1.8 seconds instead of 2.4.
Enhanced freezing will also increase the freeze duration to 2.2 seconds instead of 1.5 seconds
Easy: $295
Medium: $350
Hard: $380
Impoppable: $420
Unlock XP: 500
Upon upgrading an Ice Monkey with the Deep Freeze upgrade, players will be able to pop 2 layers of bloons instead of 1.
Easy: $2,465
Medium: $2,900
Hard: $3,130
Impoppable: $3,480
Unlock XP: 2,500
If players choose to upgrade their Ice Monkey with Arctic Wind they will slow down bloons by 50% and if placed near water will allow players to place land towers onto the water.
Ice Monkeys upgraded to this tier will also receive an increase in pierce, jumping up to a solid 100 from a measly 40.
Easy: $2,720
Medium: $3,200
Hard: $3,455
Impoppable: $3,840
Unlock XP: 2,500
Upon upgrading an Ice Monkey to the Snowstorm tier, players will gain an activatable ability that deals 1 damage to all bloons on-screen, but cannot hit White Bloons and Zebra Bloons.
Snowstorm will freeze most bloons for 4 seconds, though MOAB-class bloons, Camo Bloons, White Bloons and Zebra Bloons will only be damage.
Players can use the activatable ability every 30 seconds.
Ice Monkeys also gain 10 range which is the equivalent of 50% more range than prior.
Although players can choose any upgrades they prefer, players may want to stick to Path 3 as it will provide players with extra range and the chance to stall Ceramic Bloons when using Re-Freeze.
Easy: $22,100
Medium: $26,000
Hard: $28,080
Impoppable: $31,200
Unlock XP: 27,500
Upon upgrading to Absolute Zero, players will gain the ability to freeze all bloons on the screen for 4 seconds, including White Bloons, Zebra Bloons, Lead Bloons, Camo Bloons and MOAB-class bloons.
Absolute Zero also increases the Ice Monkey’s slow to 40% and increases the tower’s range from 100 to 300, affecting more bloons.
Ice Monkeys will attack 50% faster when they have the Absolute Zero ability activated, now freezing bloons for 10 seconds instead of 4.
Path 3 tends to be the more rare option when it comes to using an Ice Monkey, simply due to how slow the Ice Monkey attacks.
Easy: $85
Medium: $100
Hard: $110
Impoppable: $120
Unlock XP: 160
As one would guess, upgrading an Ice Monkey with Larger Radius will provide the Ice Monkey with more range.
Specifically, Ice Monkeys will receive a 35% increase in range, bringing one up from 20 to 27.
RE-FREEZE (-/-/2)
Easy: $170
Medium: $200
Hard: $215
Impoppable: $240
Unlock XP: 500
Upon upgrading an Ice Monkey with Re-Freezem players will be able to reapply a new freeze onto Frozen bloons.
Re-Freeze may be powerful, but when players are pairing it up with the upgrade Super Brittle, it pretty much does nothing and was a waste of money.
Lalala, you may not want to keep reading this section because Path 3 is kinda pointless…
Easy: $1,700
Medium: $2,000
Hard: $2,160
Impoppable: $2,400
Unlock XP: 2,500
Upon upgrading an Ice Monkey to the Cryo Cannon, players will be able to shoot freezing snowballs.
The Cryo Cannon upgrade provides an Ice Monkey with a 2.4x faster firing rate, now shooting every second.
Ice Monkeys can pierce through 30 bloons at a time.
ICICLES (-/-/4)
Easy: $1,485
Medium: $1,750
Hard: $1,890
Impoppable: $2,100
Unlock XP: 9,000
The Icicles upgrade causes frozen bloons to grow icicles which are able to pop off a single layer of any bloon it touches, up to a maximum of 3 bloons.
Affected bloons can pop White Bloons, Zebra Bloons but unfortunately not Lead Bloons.
While great for waves of bloons, Icicles doesn’t see much use in BTD6.
Easy: $25,500
Medium: $30,000
Hard: $32,400
Impoppable: $36,000
Unlock XP: 30,000
Upon upgrading a Ice Monkey with Icicle Impale, towers will be able to deal 50 damage to MOAB-class bloon and slowing them down by about 50%, except for BADs, which cannot be slowed.
Icicle Impale can also pop White Bloons and Zebra Bloons.
Ice Monkeys will deal damage 33% after and will fire once per 0.75 seconds.
The main reason players would want to have an Icicle Impale Ice Monkey is to deal with DDTs.
Glue Gunners are a bit tricky as upgrading a Glue Gunner to The Bloon Solver and having one with Super Glue may cause them to cancel each other out over and over again.
In some cases, using both maxed out towers can be effective, but in other cases, it can just prove to be an annoying counter-intuitive method.
I personally don’t upgrade both types of towers on my maps, as I tend to focus on other strategies.
Glue Gunners provide players with an ample amount of support, especially if placed at the beginning of a track.
It doesn’t matter what upgrade players choose, all of them should placed near the front of a track unless players are at risk of the glue expiring before reaching Towers that will damage them.
The Glue Gunner has a Medium range.
The Glue Gunner has a base pierce of 1.
The Glue Gunner has a base damage of 0 upon impact, though deals 1 damage over time depending on the upgrades it receives.
The Glue Gunner does not have camo detection unless players upgrade Path 2 to tier 4.
The Glue Gunner has Medium attack speed, firing about every 0.97.
Easy: $230
Medium: $270
Hard: $290
Impoppable: $325
GLUE SOAK (1/-/-)
Easy: $170
Medium: $200
Hard: $215
Impoppable: $240
Unlock XP: 150
Upon upgrading a Glue Gunner with Glue Soak, players will be able to soak through all bloon layers.
Glue Soak cannot affect MOAB-class bloons and Glue Gunner Monkeys will avoid damaging MOAB-class bloons until they are provided with an upgrade that allows them to deal damage.
Easy: $255
Medium: $300
Hard: $325
Impoppable: $360
Unlock XP: 550
Upon upgrading a Glue Gunner with Corrosive Glue, Glue Gunners will deal more damage over time to affected bloons.
Glue officially corrodes once per 2.3 seconds and can destroy up to 4 layers alone.
Players can lengthen the amount of time a Glue Gunner’s glue lasts with Skickier Glue, essentially making it possible to pop 10 layers of bloons.
Easy: $2,805
Medium: $3,300
Hard: $3,565
Impoppable: $3,960
Unlock XP: 2,500
Upon upgrading a Glue Gunner with Bloon Dissolver, players will be able to pop bloons a few times faster, dealing damage to a single layer every 0.575 seconds.
Easy: $2,210
Medium: $2,600
Hard: $2,810
Impoppable: $3,120
Unlock XP: 9,000
Bloon Liquefier is an upgrade that allows players to deal 1 damage every 0.1 seconds using a Glue Gunner, though players will rejoice in knowing that upon upgrading a GLue Gunner to Bloon Liquefier, they will also have access to MOAB-class damage.
Unlike previous versions of BTD, the Bloon Liquefier upgrade does not pop bloons on impact and instead deals damage to them after a small delay, though still dealing a good amount of damage for players.
Easy: $20,400
Medium: $24,000
Hard: $25,920
Impoppable: $28,800
Unlock XP: 37,500
Upon upgrading a Glue Gunner to the final tier of Path 1, The Bloon Solver, players will not be able to dissolve Ceramics and MOAB-class bloons three times as fast, also allowing the Glue Gunner to fire 3x faster.
The Glue Gunner can now hit up to 12 bloons at a time with this upgrade, though players are encouraged to cross paths with Bigger Globs and Glue Splatter as this will also increase the number of bloons affected.
Easy: $85
Medium: $100
Hard: $110
Impoppable: $120
Unlock XP: 120
Upon upgrading a Glue Gunner with Bigger Globs, players will be able to shoot two bloons at once.
Bigger Globs is a fairly safe upgrade to consistently use on a Glue Gunner as the focus of this path is to deal damage to more bloons.
Easy: $1,530
Medium: $1,800
Hard: $1,945
Impoppable: $2,160
Unlock XP: 900
Upon upgrading a Glue Gunner with Glue Splatter, Glue Gunners will now be able to glue 6 bloons at a time.
GLUE HOSE (-/3/-)
Easy: $2,760
Medium: $3,250
Hard: $3,510
Impoppable: $3,900
Unlock XP: 2,500
Upon upgrading a Glue Gunner with Glue Hose, the Glue Gunner will be able to shoot out glue, up to three times faster.
A Glue Hose Glue Gunner can be crosspathed with any other upgrade, however, players may want to focus on MOAB damage with Corrosive Glue.
Easy: $2,975
Medium: $3,500
Hard: $3,780
Impoppable: $3,900
Unlock XP: 8,500
Upon upgrading a Glue Gunner with the Glue Strike upgrade, the Glue Gunner will gain an ability that causes glue to rain down all over the screen, gluing all non-MOAB-class bloons on-screen and dealing 1 damage to each.
Glue Strike will also place any upgrades players have on Glue Gunners, such as Corrosive Glue, on affected bloons, effectively dealing extra damage to bloons.
Speaking of Corrosive Glue, if players choose to crosspath with Path 1, they will be able to deal damage to MOAB-class bloons with this upgrade.
Players can use Glue Strike every 30 seconds.
GLUE STORM (-/5/-)
Easy: $12,750
Medium: $15,000
Hard: $16,200
Impoppable: $18,000
Unlock XP: 25,000
Upon upgrading a Glue Gunner with Glue Storm, Glue Gunners will gain the ability to reapply Glue Strike every 2 seconds for 15 seconds.
Glue from Glue Strike will also last twice as long and slow for 75%.
Similar to Glue Strike, Glue Storm can only be used every 30 seconds, though all bloons affected by the Glue STorm ability will also take an extra 1 damage from all damage.
Easy: $100
Medium: $120
Hard: $130
Impoppable: $145
Unlock XP: 130
Upon upgrading a Glue Gunner to the Stickier Glue upgrade, the Glue Gunner’s glue will last twice as long on bloons (11 seconds to 24 seconds).
Though Stickier glue may not seem like a great upgrade on its own, Stickier Glue does pair up nicely with upgrades like Corrosive Glue.
Easy: $340
Medium: $400
Hard: $430
Impoppable: $480
Unlock XP: 600
Upon upgrading a Glue Gunner with the Stronger Glue upgrade, players will be able to slow down bloons by 75% instead of 50%.
Stronger Glue can stack with other upgrades, such as Glue Storm, to increase a bloons slow beyond 80%.
Stronger Glue is a decent upgrade to cross paths with in most situations Glue Gunner related, especially as it substantially increases the length of time bloons are affected by glue.
MOAB GLUE (-/-/3)
Easy: $2,720
Medium: $3,200
Hard: $3,455
Impoppable: $3,840
Unlock XP: 2,500
Upon upgrading a Glue Gunner to the MOAB Glue upgrade, a Glue Gunner will be able to slow a MOAB-class bloon by 0.75x for 12 seconds.
It should be noted that MOAB Glue only slows down MOAB-class bloons while Corrosive Glue can deal damage to them.
Easy: $2,550
Medium: $3,000
Hard: $3,240
Impoppable: $3,600
Unlock XP: 8,000
Upon upgrading a Glue Gunner with Relentless Glue, bloons affected by the Glue Gunner will begin leaving blobs of glue upon being destroyed, lasting for 5 seconds.
Relentless Glue is a great way to globally swamp a map with glue or when placed close enough to damage dealing towers, can be the factor that keeps all bloons in one place in hopes of blitzing through them all.
It is strongly recommended that if players power up their Glue Gunner with Relentless Glue that they also provide it with Glue Soak as the bloons have to have glue on them prior to popping for them to place the glue onto the track.
Corrosive Glue can deal more damage to bloons, however, it tends to leave players empty-handed when it comes to Relentless Glue.
A Glue Gunner with Relentless Glue should always be set on “First” as it raises the chance of all proceeding bloons to become affected by the glue left on the track.
SUPER GLUE (-/-/5)
Easy: $29,759
Medium: $35,000
Hard: $37,800
Impoppable: $42,000
Unlock XP: 30,000
Upon upgrading a Glue Gunner with Super Glue, the Glue Gunner will be able to shoot pink globs that apply an extreme slowdown to MOAB-class bloons.
All MOAB-class balloons will be slowed by a minimum of 90% while also receiving 50 damage upon impact.
Unfortunately, Super Glue is not infinite and all MOAB-class bloons will gain immunity to it, however, it still proves to be extremely effective for Ceramic Bloons and lower as they are stunned for 24 seconds without the need to be directly impacted.
ZOMGs are slowed by 90% for a maximum of 0.75 seconds.
BFBs are slowed by 95% for a maximum of 2.5 seconds.
MOABs and DDTs will be completely stunned for 5 seconds.
All MOAB-class bloons that are affected by Super Glue or still have glue stuck on them will keep travelling with a 37.5% slowdown due to MOAB Glue.
Super Glue is often compared to as an alternative to Icicle Impale, though each has their advantages depending on what game mode or map players are working on.
Military Monkeys cost a minimum of $300 on Easy and as high as $1920 on Impoppable
The Sniper Monkey is one of the most powerful Military Monkeys players can choose to place, especially if place in a location that does not have any Line of Sight obstructions a sit has global range.
The Sniper Monkey has a fairly long reload time unless upgraded to Path 3, though Path 1 provides a great coverage for MOAB-class bloons and Path 2 will provide the player with a new targeting mode and a great deal of money with it’s special ability.
The Sniper Monkey does not require any special placement as it will not lose any attack damage if placed further away from bloons.
The most important thing to keep in mind when placing a Sniper Monkey is to place it where it has the most visibility.
If possible, players should place the Sniper Monkey on the highest terrain in order to bypass all Line of Sight obstructions, though sadly this isn’t always possible.
Sniper Monkeys have an Infinite range.
Spiner Monkeys have a base pierce of 1.
Sniper Monkeys have a base damage of 2.
Sniper Monkeys do not have camo detection upon being placed, however, they can gain camo detection through Path 2.
Sniper Monkeys have slow attack speed, coming in at 0.45 times per second.
Easy: $300
Medium: $350
Hard: $380
Impoppable: $420
If players are looking to deal high amounts of damage to bloons, especially the stronger variant, players should look no further than Path 1.
Path 1 has the ability to stun MOAB-class bloons and is most effectively paired with Path 3 for faster shooting.
Easy: $295
Medium: $350
Hard: $380
Impoppable: $420
Unlock XP: 120
Upon upgrading a Sniper Monkey to the Full Metal Jacket tier, Sniper Monkeys will be able to pop 4 layers of bloons it hits and will gain the ability to destroy lead bloons.
While Full Metal Jacket is great for early game Lead Bloon shredding, players, unfortunately, will not be able to deal damage to many bloons at a time.
Easy: $1,275
Medium: $1,500
Hard: $1,620
Impoppable: $1,800
Unlock XP: 800
Upon upgrading a Sniper Monkey with Large Calibre, the monkey will be able to deal damage to 7 bloons instead of 4, now making it possible to destroy Zebra Bloons or Lead Bloons in one hit.
It is recommended that players select “Strong” as the target for Sniper Monkeys with Large Calibre to make use of its strong damage.
Easy: $2,550
Medium: $3,000
Hard: $3,240
Impoppable: $3,600
Unlock XP: 3,500
Upon upgrading a Sniper Monkey to have Deadly Precision, players will be able to deal 35 damage to Ceramic Bloons and 20 damage to all other bloons.
MAIM MOAB (4/-/-)
Easy: $4250
Medium: $5000
Hard: $5400
Impoppable: $6000
Unlock XP: 10,500
Upon upgrading a Sniper Monkey to Maim MOAB, players will be able to temporarily stun MOAB-class bloons for up to 3 seconds per hit.
Each time a Sniper Monkey damages a MOAB-class bloon they will also cause 30 damage per hit.
Sniper Monkeys can also deal an additional 15 damage to Ceramic Bloons.
If players hope to deal with DDTs using Sniper Monkeys, they will have to cross paths with Night Vision Goggles (Path 2).
MOABs are stunned for 3 seconds.
BFBs are stunned for 1.5 seconds.
ZOMGs and DDTs are stunned for 0.75 seconds.
Players can reduce the amount of MOAB-Maim by activating the Monkey Knowledge “Cheaper Maiming.”
As Maim MOAB is most beneficial when it comes to dealing damage to MOAB-class bloons and big baddies, it’s a good idea to turn their damage onto “Strong” instead of any of the other settings.
Easy: $34,000
Medium: $40,000
Hard: $43,200
Impoppable: $48,000
Unlock XP: 37.5000
Upon upgrading a Sniper Monkey with the Cripple MOAB upgrade players will be able to deal 80 damage to all bloon types.
Players will still deal an additional 15 damage to Ceramic Bloons.
MOAB-class bloons will become stunned for 6 seconds.
BFBs will become stunned for 3 seconds.
ZOMGs and DDTs will become stunned for 1.5 seconds.
All MOAB-class bloons can take 5 extra layers of damage when they are crippled. BADs, although unable to be stunned, will take 5 extra layers of damage for 0.24 seconds.
Since Cripple MOAB itself doesn’t deal a load of damage to MOAB class bloons, it is strongly recommended that players pair up a Sniper Monkey with other towers.
The Path 2 Sniper Monkey is a generally strong Monkey to power up, especially if players are looking to get some extra cash without using Banana Farms or Heroes like Benjamin.
Path 2 unlocks camo detection, Cash Drops and some attack speed boost, making it successfully pairable with Path 1 which provides players with more damage per bloon.
Players could technically try to get attack speed by using Path 3, however, it’s probably not going to be as useful for players, especially with the amount of AoE this path provides players.
Easy: $255
Medium: $300
Hard: $325
Impoppable: $360
Unlock XP: 200
Upon upgrading a Sniper Monkey with Night Vision Goggles, Sniper Monkeys will be able to detect Camo Bloons.
Night Vision Goggles additionally allows Sniper Monkeys to deal 2 damage to Camo Bloons.
Easy: $380
Medium: $450
Hard: $485
Impoppable: $540
Unlock XP: 600
Upon upgrading a Sniper Monkey with Shrapnel Shot, the Sniper Monkey will shoot out a sharp bullet that breaks off into 5 different fragments similar to a Bomb Shooter’s Frag Bombs upgrade.
Each shrapnel will deal 1 damage for up to two bloons.
Shrapnels will become more powerful if players cross path with Path 1, bringing the pierce up to 4 with Deadly Precision, 6 with Maim MOAB and 12 with Cripple MOAB.
Easy: $2,720
Medium: $3,200
Hard: $3,455
Impoppable: $3,840
Unlock XP: 2,500
Upon upgrading a Sniper Monkey with Bouncing Bullet, Sniper Monkeys will shoot bullets that bounce up to three times hitting a total of 4 bloons per shot.
Though bullets only bounce between 4 bloons in total, players will witness each bullet explode into the 5 shrapnel pieces per bloon popped.
While admittedly powerful, Bouncing Bullet doesn’t see much use as players can easily use other towers instead that will do the same thing, if not better.
Bouncing Bullet is, however, very effective for maps where players don’t have much room for central placing or kill box making.
Bouncing Bullet is great when you have a few Sniper Monkeys trying to destroy all Camo Bloons.
SUPPY DROP (-/4/-)
Easy: $6,120
Medium: $7,200
Hard: $7,775
Impoppable: $8,640
Unlock XP: 11,000
I can’t say that a Supply Drop Sniper Monkey gets much use when I’m playing, however, on game modes that require players to only use Military Monkeys or where players do not have access to Banana Farms, players can use this ability to get between $500 and $1,000.
Similar to a Banana Farm, players must hover over a crate in order to collect the money inside and unlike Banana Farms which are round-based, the Supply Drop Sniper Monkey has a 60-second cooldown for the ability.
Supply Drop Sniper Monkeys are better for long rounds that have many bloons, otherwise, you’re going to want to rely on Banana Farms and Banks.
As a side upgrade, Sniper Monkeys with the Supply Drop upgrade will also be able to shred through Lead Bloons.
Supply Drops will also gain an increase in pierce to allow the Sniper Monkey to pierce 6 bloons.
Easy: $11,050
Medium: $13,000
Hard: $14,040
Impoppable: $15,600
Unlock XP: 35,000
Upon upgrading a Sniper Monkey to Elite Sniper, players will gain access to a Supply Drop of $1,500-$2,500 as well as allowing all Snipers to gain the “Elite” targeting option.
All Snipers will also gain an attack speed boost of 33%, while the Elite Sniper itself will gain about 150% attack speed boost.
Upon activating the Elite target mode, Sniper Monkeys will target Strong Bloons until bloons start to get too close to the exit of the map.
If bloons are at risk of leaking, Sniper Monkeys with the Elite targeting setting will begin damaging the first bloon instead.
Sniper Monkeys with the Elite setting will prioritize Ceramic Bloons over MOAB-Class Bloons.
Easy: $340
Medium: $400
Hard: $430
Impoppable: $480
Unlock XP: 130
Upon upgrading a Sniper Monkey with Faster Firing, players will increase the Sniper Monkey by 1.4x.
Easy: $340
Medium: $400
Hard: $430
Impoppable: $480
Unlock XP: 600
Upon upgrading a Sniper Monkey with the upgrade Fast Firing, Sniper Monkeys will deal damage 66% faster than Faster Firing.
With Even Faster Firing, a Sniper Monkey will deal damage 2.6 times faster than a normal Sniper.
Even Faster Firing deals quick damage, making it great for players with the upgrade Maim MOAB as it will pretty much permanently stun a ZOMG or DDT, though it should be noted that this will lead players vulnerable to camouflaged blimps.
Easy: $2,975
Medium: $3,500
Hard: $3,780
Impoppable: $4,200
Unlock XP: 2,750
Upon upgrading a Sniper Monkey to Semi-Automatic, players will be able to deal damage 3x as fast as they would earlier.
At this point of the game, Sniper Monkeys will have about 7.7x the attack speed of a standard Sniper Monkey.
Easy: $4,035
Medium: $4,750
Hard: $5,130
Impoppable: $5,700
Unlock XP: 10,000
Upon upgrading a Sniper Monkey to Full Auto Rifle, Sniper Monkeys will begin shooting twice as fast as with a Semi-Automatic.
In total, A Full Auto Rife will shoot 15.4x faster than a normal Sniper and will be able to deal damage to Frozen or Lead Bloons without the need of any other upgrades.
The Full Auto Rifle is a very efficient DPS tower, especially if players use Path 2 to cross path as it will provide players with more area of effect damage, though players may want to use Path 1 if they just need a Full Auto Rifle to take down strong bloons.
Easy: $11,900
Medium: $14,000
Hard: $15,120
Impoppable: $16,800
Unlock XP: 30,000
Upon upgrading a Sniper Monkey to the Elite Defender tier, Sniper Monkeys will be able to shoot an extra 2x faster.
Sniper Monkeys will attack 1% faster for every 1% of the track that the bloons reach up to a maximum of 100%.
Elite Defenders will also be able to shoot 4x faster for 7 seconds if players lose a life.
In total, the maximum attack speed of an Elite Defender can reach up to 246x that of a base Sniper Monkey.
The Monkey Sub is very similar to a Sniper Monkey as it can essentially be provided with global damage and can provide players with heavy amounts of damage to hoards of bloons or MOAB-class bloons.
The Monkey Sub can also be used to provide an ample amount of support by revealing and damaging Camo Bloons.
Depending on what players are trying to achieve the placement of the Monkey Sub differs.
If players are trying to reveal Camo Bloons using Path 1 players should try to place the Monkey Sun closest to the entrance of the map as this will make sure that bloons are revealed as early as possible.
For Path 2 and Path 3 Monkey Subs, players should simply try to place the Monkey Sub in an area that provides it with the most sight.
I always try to place Monkey Subs around the map, especially closer to the end of the map to ensure that bloons are destroyed before they leak.
The Monkey Sub has a Medium range or a base range of “42.”
The Monkey Sub has a base pierce of “1.”
The Monkey Sub has a based damage of “1.”
The Monkey Sub does not initially have camo detection, however, players can use Path 1 to receive camo detection from other towers with the upgrade or with Path 1 upgrade 3, which allows players to submerge the Monkey Sub in hopes of revealing bloons for all towers.
The Monkey Sub has an attack speed of “0.75.”
Easy: $275
Medium: $325
Hard: $350
Impoppable: $390
Path 1 is by far one of the most interesting upgrades to choose for a Monkey Sub, though I primarily use it as a cross path as Advanced Intel (2/-/-) can effectively make it so players have an unlimited range with all of their Monkey Subs.
Monkey Subs will also gain camo detection if the tower they are utilizing for range has camo detection.
Often I will have a fleet of both (2/4/-) and (2/-/4) Monkey Subs in hopes of being able to annihilate bloons from anywhere.
Easy: $110
Medium: $130
Hard: $140
Impoppable: $155
Unlock XP: 125
Longer Range provides Monkey Subs with 10 extra range, bringing the Monkey Sub’s range up to 52.
Easy: $425
Medium: $500
Hard: $540
Impoppable: $600
Unlock XP: 750
Advanced Intel allows Monkey Subs to target all bloons within the radius of any other tower.
Advanced Intel can be used to provide Monkey Subs with unlimited range and quite frankly, I love using Monkey Subs in a majority of levels, simply to shred through waves of small tier bloons.
It should be noted that a Monkey Sub with Advanced Intel will also provide the Monkey Sub with range for its Ballistic Missiles.
Easy: $425
Medium: $500
Hard: $540
Impoppable: $600
Unlock XP: 2,250
A Monkey Sub with the Submerge and Support upgrade will gain a tew targeting option called “Submerge” which allows the Monkey Sub to remain submerged.
It should be noted that while a Monkey Sub is submerged it will no longer attack, but it will reveal all bloons with camouflage layers, including the frustrating DDTs every 1.5 seconds.
If the Monkey Sub has the Twin Guns upgrade (3/0/1) it will reveal bloons every 1.275 seconds and with Airburst Darts (3/0/2) it will reveal 0.956s.)
Players can technically Submerge and Resurface a Monkey Sub over and over in hopes of revealing bloons more rapidly.
Submerge has infinite pierce.
I will admit, I initially thought that Submerge and Support was the sole use of Monkey Subs and while useful, I just didn’t find it useful enough. I’m also someone who is much too lazy to use it properly and Submerge and Resurface my Monkey Sub, simply because… I’m lazy.
Most notably, I would use Monkey Subs if you’re struggling with DDTs, they’re frustrating, but can be easy to handle with enough camo revealers or towers with camo detection.
Easy: $425
Medium: $500
Hard: $540
Impoppable: $600
Unlock XP: 2,250
Bloontonium Reactor allows Monkey Subs to reveal Camo Bloons similar to Submerge and Support, however, Bloontonium Reactor can deal damage at the same time.
Bloontonium Reactors will also block Regrowth bloons in range.
It should be noted that the Bloontonium Reactor can only damage bloons that are in its radius and will not take advantage of Advanced Intel (2/-/- ).
The Bloontonium Reactor has the ability to cooldown other water tower’s abilities by 15% as long as they are in the radius of the Bloontonium Reactor.
Although players can have multiple Bloontonium Reactors, players cannot stack the effects of Bloontonium Reactors.
A Bloontonium Reactor can affect a maximum of 50bloons per pulse, though players can effectively increase the pierce to 70by getting the Barbed Darts 1/-/- upgrade.
Easy: $34,000
Medium: $40,000
Hard: $43,200
Impoppable: $48,000
Unlock XP: 33,000
The Energizer upgrade for Monkey Subs allows Heros to gain experience 50% faster and reduces the cooldown of all water Monkeys within its radius by 50%.
All towers on-screen will gain a 20% cooldown reduction.
The Energizer Monkey Sub has an incredible amount of pierce, coming in at 1000 and an increase in damage, bringing it up to 3.
Players will commonly pair an Energizer Monkey Sub with Pat Fusty or Admiral Brickell for their powerful abilities that can be cooled down by the Monkey Sub.
Easy: $380
Medium: $450
Hard: $485
Impoppable: $540
Unlock XP: 130
The Barbed Darts upgrade allows Monkey subs to deal damage to 5 bloons however does not increase the pierce of the Airburst Darts -/-/2 upgrade.
Easy: $255
Medium: $300
Hard: $325
Impoppable: $360
Unlock XP: 600
Heat-Tipped Darts allow Monkey Subs to pop both Frozen and Lead Bloons.
Heat-Tipped Darts will allow Bloontonium Reactor to deal 1 extra damage to Lead Bloons when submerged, though oddly Heat-Tipped Darts will not provide the same benefit for Frozen Bloons.
Heat-Tipped Darts tend to be the weaker upgrade of the paths for Monkey Subs, especially as there are a number of towers that can do the same amount of damage that are more effective.
Heat-Tipped Darts do come in especially handy for Lead Bloons and DDTs, though, as soon as players upgrade to Ballistic Missiles, players should be able to easily take down MOAB-class bloons.
Easy: $1,190
Medium: $1,400
Hard: $1,510
Impoppable: $1,680
Unlock XP: 3,000
Ballistic Missiles are attacks that crash onto a targetted bloon dealing 1 damage.
Ballistic Missiles with deal an extra 5 damage when put up against Ceramic Bloons and MOAB-class bloons.
Ballistic Missiles will deal damage every 1.5 seconds unless upgraded with Twin Guns -/-/1, now shooting at 1.313 seconds or Airburst Darts -/-/2, now shooting at 0.984 seconds.
Easy: $11,050
Medium: $13,000
Hard: $14,040
Impoppable: $15,600
Unlock XP: 20,000
First Strike Capability provides Monkey Subs with an ability that deals a maximum of 10,000 damage to the strongest bloon on screen.
Fire Strike Capability is able to destroy ZOMGs, DDTs and BADs when given the opportunity to deal enough damage.
It should be noted that upon activating First Strike Capability, the explosion will also deal 350 damage to bloons in the area.
First Strike Capabilities does not necessarily need the use of Advanced Intel (2/-/-) as it is a global activatable ability and the lower tier upgrades aren’t as powerful as other upgrades, especially on Path 3.
Easy: $27,200
Medium: $32,000
Hard: $34,560
Impoppable: $38,400
Unlock XP: 45,000
Pre-Emptive Strike allows Monkey Subs to deal 750 damage to blimps upon impact and provides the Monkey Sub with an extra cooldown reduction for First Strike.
First Strike can now be used every 45 seconds instead of 60 seconds.
The Ballistic Missiles from the Monkey Sub deals 11 damage to MOAB-class Bloons and Ceramic Bloons instead of 6 and shoots every 0.5 seconds without an upgrade.
While powerful, the high price of a Pre-Emptive Strike Monkey Sub can often be a big enough deterrent for players to select another tower.
Players do not need camo detection when they use Pre-Emptive Strike as it bypasses the need and will help destroy even DDTs, though not effectively on their own.
If players choose to rely on Pre-Emptive Strikes for killing MOAB-class bloons, it’s a good idea to have other towers that shred through Ceramic Bloons.
TWIN GUNS (-/-/1)
Easy: $380
Medium: $450
Hard: $485
Impoppable: $540
Unlock XP: 150
Twin Guns provide a Monkey Sub with the ability to shoot twice as fast, also affecting upgrades like Barbed Darts (1/-/-) which can gain up to 5 times the popping power.
Easy: $850
Medium: $1,000
Hard: $1,080
Impoppable: $1,200
Unlock XP: 1,000
Airburst Darts will cause the Monkey Sub’s dart to split into three airburst darts, or four with the Quad Burst Monkey Knowledge.
Each airburst dart pops up to two bloons each, making them a solid choice for clearing out early-game bloon waves.
It is recommended that players pair a Monkey Sub with an Alchemist with Berserker Brew.
Easy: $935
Medium: $1,100
Hard: $1,190
Impoppable: $1,320
Unlock XP: 2,750
Triple Guns provide a Monkey Sub with a 50% attack speed increase, shooting 3x as fast as a normal Monkey Sub.
Easy: $2,550
Medium: $3,000
Hard: $3,240
Impoppable: $3,600
Unlock XP: 10,000
Amour Piercing Darts is an upgrade that mostly affects the damage Monkey Subs deal to MOAB-class bloons.
Monkey Subs will deal 1 extra damage to all bloons and deal 2 bonus damage to MOAB-class bloons.
Monkey Subs will essentially be dealing 2 damage to all bloons and 4 damage to all MOAB-class bloons.
Easy: $21,250
Medium: $25,000
Hard: $27,000
Impoppable: $30,000
Unlock XP: 25,000
Monkey Subs with Sub Commander will gain an increase in pierce by 5 and 1 damage and will also provide Monkey Subs in its range with the same.
The Sub Commander also gains 2 times faster than with the Triple Guns upgrade.
Sub Commanders deal 2 damage per each Airburst Dart and 4 damage against MOAB-class bloons.
Each Airburst Dart also has 10 pierce, making the damage great for wave clearing.
The Monkey Buccaneer is by far the strongest type of water based towers players can place, though they are really pricy.
Monkey Buccaneers deal a high amount of damage and can be upgraded to have global damage, focus on pulling MOAB-class bloons from the sky or to provide players with some income, though not as impactful as other money-based Towers.
The Monkey Buccaneer does not have any special placement needs, though players are recommended to place a Path 2 Monkey Buccaneer closer to the front of a map to ensure that Lead Bloons are shred, especially if players have Camo detection with the Monkey Buccaneer.
The Monkey Buccaneer has a Medium range.
The Monkey Buccaneer has a base pierce of 1
The Monkey Buccaneer has a base damage of 1.
The Monkey Buccaneer does not have Camo detection, however, the (-/-/2) upgrade is able to.
The Monkey Buccaneer has a Medium-Slow attack speed and fires about once per second.
Easy: $425
Medium: $500
Hard: $540
Impoppable: $600
Path 1, when it comes to Monkey Buccaneers, is an insanely strong path as it can technically provide players with global damage with the use of onboard Monkey Aces.
I commonly cross paths with Path 3 as it will provide players with camo detection, though players can also unlock camo detection, simply by placing their Monkey Buccaneers close enough to a Monkey Village with the Radar Scanner (-/2/-) upgrade.
The only thing players miss out on when cross pathing Path 1 with Path 3 is the damage to Lead Bloons you would receive from Path 2, however, this can be countered with other Towers with lead melting properties.
Easy: $295
Medium: $350
Hard: $380
Impoppable: $420
Unlock XP: 150
Upon upgrading a Monkey Buccaneer with the Faster Shooting upgrade, players will see an increase in attack speed by 33%.
It should be noted that if players cross paths with Grape Shots (-/1/-) they will also receive the Faster Shooting bonus.
Easy: $425
Medium: $500
Hard: $540
Impoppable: $600
Unlock XP: 700
Upon upgrading a Monkey Buccaneer with Double Shot, the Monkey Buccaneer will gain the ability to shoot two darts at a time per every shot.
Similar to Faster Shooting, Double Shot will also affect Grape Shot (-/1/-) and Hot Shot (-/2/-/).
Easy: $2,505
Medium: $2,950
Hard: $3,185
Impoppable: $3,540
Unlock XP: 3,000
Upon upgrading a Monkey Buccaneer with Destroyer, the Monkey Buccaneer will begin shooting the heavy darts 5x faster.
Destroyer will affect the speed of Grape Shots (-/2/-) however, it is not clear how much faster. I can definitely tell you that it is not 5x faster.
Although you wouldn’t think it, a Destroyer is actually much more effective at clearing waves of many bloons in comparison to a regular Super Monkey.
Players should make note of this, especially if they are dealing with hoards of Camo Bloons and are in the market for Crow’s Nest (-/-/2).
Easy: $7,650
Medium: $9,000
Hard: $9,720
Impoppable: $10,800
Unlock XP: 12,500
Upon upgrading a Monkey Buccaneer to Aircraft Carrier, the Monkey Buccaneer will launch three Monkey Ace aircrafts that will shoot in all directions, though will all fly in an O shape.
Each Monkey Ace will shoot two fast streams of darts, that are comparable to an unupgraded Super Monkey, though Monkey Aces also shoot 8 darts similar to a traditional Monkey Ace.
Monkey Aces will also be equipped with an anti-MOAB missile attack, similar to the Monkey Ace Fighter Plane (5/-/-) upgrade.
Easy: $21,250
Medium: $25,000
Hard: $27,000
Impoppable: $30,0000
Unlock XP: 37,000
Upon upgrading a Monkey Buccaneer to become a Carrier Flagship, players will begin dealing extra damage to all bloon types.
Anti-MOAB homing missiles will fire every 1.5 seconds with a pierce of 4 and a total damage of 30 per hit.
Carrier Flagships will also increase the attack speed of all water-based towers by 18%.
Towers that can be effected include Monkey Subs, Admiral Brickel, Pat Fusty (as long as he is in the water), Sun Temples (in water) and Monkey Aces.
Upgrading a Monkey Buccaneer to the Carrier Flagship tier will also allow players to place another Monkey atop, providing the placed Tower with complete Line of Sight that is not obscured by bushes or any terrain.
It is recommended that players place a Sniper atop a Flagship Carrier as Snipers are the one tower that will benefit the most from
Ace Carriers that are summoned from the Carrier Flagship will not shoot one rapid stream of darts that have a total of 14 pierce per dart.
Each dart will still deal 1 damage, though against Ceramic Bloons, darts will deal 3 damage.
Although Path 2 doesn’t seem like it can do as much damage as Path 1, simply due to the fact that Path 2 leaves a Monkey Buccaneer static instead of global.
As a Monkey Buccaneer can shoot projectiles from both sides of the ship, players will want to place their Monkey Buccaneer where there are tracks on both sides of it.
Players are also recommended to keep a Path 2 Monkey Buccaneer on the “Close” targeting as this will ensure the most bloons that can be affected are.
GRAPE SHOT (-/1/-)
Easy: $425
Medium: $500
Hard: $540
Impoppable: $600
Unlock XP: 200
Grape Shot is one of my favourite upgrades to have on any tower as it practically provides players with the ability to clear out waves of bloons early on in the game.
Grape Shot shoots out 5 grapes, alongside the initial dart from the Monkey Buccaneer, and will initially destroy one bloon per shot, though with the Naval Upgrades Monkey Knowledge will allow players to destroy two bloons at a time.
HOT SHOT (-/2/-)
Easy: $425
Medium: $500
Hard: $540
Impoppable: $600
Unlock XP: 650
Upon upgrading a Monkey Buccaneer with the Hot Shot upgrade, Monkey Buccaneers will receive the ability to melt through Lead Bloons, however, will lose the ability to pop Purple Bloons with the fire grapes. Reason being? Fire grapes deal fire damage, which Purple Bloons are immune to.
Hot Shot fire grapes will deal 1 damage every 1.5 seconds for up to 3 seconds.
The Hot Shot upgrade plus the Crow’s Nest (-/-/2) upgrade is all players will need when trying to deal with Lead Camo Bloons.
Players can alternatively also use a Monkey Village with the Radar Scanner (-/2/-) upgrade in order to secure kills on Lead Camo Bloons.
Easy: $765
Medium: $900
Hard: $970
Impoppable: $1,080
Unlock XP: 2,700
Upon upgrading a Monkey Buccaneer with the Cannon Ship upgrade, Cannon Ships will explode up to 28 bloons per shot and each will fragment into 8 sharp fragments.
Easy: $3825
Medium: $4,500
Hard: $4,860
Impoppable: $5,400
Unlock XP: 13,000
Upon upgrading a Monkey Buccaneer with Monkey Pirates, players will have the ability to pull a MOAB-class bloon from the sky.
Not only are Monkey Pirates great for pulling MOAB-class bloons from the sky, but players will get a healthy chunk of damage out of them, especially if players are able to position the boat in a way that damages bloons on both sides.
It should be noted that players will receive the cash they would have received from the MOAB-class bloon and its children bloons.
Monkey Pirates can be paired up with an Alchemist’s Rubber to Gold (-/-/4)which will give players triple the amount of cash.
There is a 50-second cooldown on Monkey Pirates.
It should be noted that the Monkey Pirates upgrade does have the ability to take down DDTs without the need for camo detection.
Easy: $17,850
Medium: $21,000
Hard: $22,680
Impoppable: $25,200
Unlock XP: 35,000
Upon upgrading a Monkey Buccaneer into the Pirate Lord, players will be able to shoot 3 grappling hooks at a time when using the Pirate Lord activatable ability.
3 grappling hooks means that players will be able to pull down 3 MOAB-class bloons, however, the Pirate Lord activatable ability can also take down a ZOMG by using 2 hooks.
The only blimp players will be unable to take down with the Pirate Lord ability is a BAD.
Pirate Lord provides players with double the cash they would normally get from a taken down blimp and players will be able to use the ability every 30 seconds.
A Pirate Lord does really well when placed next to a Monkey Sub with Bloontonium Reactor (4/-/-) as it provides all water allies in range with a 15% cooldown on their activatable ability.
A (2/5/-) Pirate Lord tends to be stronger at attacking (due to its attack speed) than a (-/5/2) Pirate Lord, though it should be noted that the latter is beneficial when dealing with Lead Camo bloons.
Overall, players who choose to upgrade a Monkey Buccaneer using Path 3 are looking for 1 of 2 things.
To use Path 3 to provide the Monkey Buccaneer camo detection using Crow’s Nest (-/-/2) or to make a profit off the boats with Merchantman (-/-/3) and beyond.
If players hope to use Merchantman and beyond, players should cross paths with Path 2 as it will cause the ship to deal more damage than when cross pathed with Path 1.
LONG RANGE (-/-/1)
Easy: $155
Medium: $180
Hard: $195
Impoppable: $215
Unlock XP: 150
As one would suspect the Long Range upgrade provides a Monkey Buccaneer with longer range.
CROW’S NEST (-/-/2)
Easy: $340
Medium: $400
Hard: $430
Impoppable: $480
Unlock XP: 600
Upon upgrading a Monkey Buccaneer with Crow’s Nest, the Monkey Buccaneer will gain camo detection.
Easy: $1,955
Medium: $2,300
Hard: $2,485
Impoppable: $2,760
Unlock XP: 3,100
Upon upgrading a Monkey Buccaneer to become a Merchantman, the ship will begin gaining $200 each round.
Players can further increase the amount a Merchantman can make by getting Trade Agreements or Central Markets.
I have to admit that I don’t usually use Merchantmen, simply because I prefer to use Banana Farms, however, there are plenty of maps in BTD6 that do not have the floor space for Banana Farms, thus making Merchantmen ideal for use.
Easy: $4,675
Medium: $5,500
Hard: $5,940
Impoppable: $6,600
Unlock XP: 10,000
Upon upgrading a Monkey Buccaneer with the Favoured Trades upgrade, players will receive $500 per round.
Not only will players receive $500 per round, however, if a player decides to sell a tower that is in range of a Monkey Buccaneer that has Favoured Trades they will receive 10% more value from the sold Monkey.
Monkey Buccaneers with the Favoured Trades upgrade will also receive an increase in attack speed by double.
Easy: $19,550
Medium: $23,000
Hard: $24,840
Impoppable: $27,600
Unlock XP: 40,000
Upon upgrading a Monkey Buccaneer with Trade Empire, players will receive a total of $800 per round and allowing all other Merchantmen to gain $20 extra per round.
It should be noted that as powerful as this may seem, it must be used wisely as Trade Empire is a fairly weak upgrade to get otherwise.
The only other benefit it provides is providing all Path 3 Monkeys Buccaneers above Merchantman (-/-/3) with a measly 1 extra damage on attacks and 1 extra damage to Ceramic Bloons and MOAB-class bloons.
I can see why the upgrade is tempting though, as players have reported making an upwards of $51,600 per round when optimized with 20 Favoured Trades, 10 Central Markets, 1 Trade Empire and the Trade Agreement Monkey Knowledge.
The Monkey Ace is unfortunately is one of the less reliable Towers players can place as unless upgraded to a higher tier there is a big chance that darts and bombs will miss the bloons they are trying to damage.
Placement for the Monkey Ace will depend on which upgrade path players are hoping to upgrade to.
Path 1 Monkey Aces should be placed in the centre of the map.
Path 2 Monkey Aces should be placed on a part of the map that has the most tracks for bombs to fall onto.
Path 3 Monkey Aces don’t require a specific placement as they have auto targeting.
The Monkey Ace’s range depends on the flight path players select to use.
The Monkey Ace has a base pierce of 5 per dart, though players can raise this to 6 by using Monkey Knowledge.
The Ace Monkey has unknown base damage.
The Ace Monkey does not initially have camo detection, however, can be upgraded to have it by using Spy Plane (-/2/-).
The Ace Monkey has a slow attack speed and shoots 0.55 times per second.
Easy: $765
Medium: $900
Hard: $970
Impoppable: $1080
Path 1 is by far my favourite primary path to choose when upgrading a Monkey Ace, simply due to the amount of map coverage it provides players.
While players have the option to cross paths with either of the options, however, there are some maps where one is more ideal than the other.
While a (5/2/-) Monkey Ace has great map coverage and camo detection, a (5/-/2) Monkey Ace has more pierce and provides a central route for maps that contain an ideal central location.
It should be noted that while Monkey Aces can have camo detection and Exploding Pineapples (-/1/-) can destroy Lead Bloons, they are not reliable for players to use alone.
RAPID FIRE (1/-/-)
Easy: $550
Medium: $650
Hard: $700
Impoppable: $780
Unlock XP: 160
Upon upgrading a Monkey Ace with Rapid Fire, the Monkey Ace will gain an increase in attack speed by 25%.
It should be noted that if players upgrade a Monkey Ace with Spectre (4/-/-) or Flying Fortress (-/-/5) they will only receive a 33% attack speed buff.
Easy: $550
Medium: $650
Hard: $700
Impoppable: $780
Unlock XP: 750
Upon upgrading a Monkey Ace with Lots More Darts, the Monkey Ace will shoot 12 darts at a time.
Easy: $850
Medium: $1,000
Hard: $1,080
Impoppable: $1,200
Unlock XP: 2,700
Upon upgrading a Monkey Ace with the Fighter Plane upgrade the Monkey Ace will begin to shoot 2 missiles at MOAB-class bloons each dealing 18 damage to a maximum of 3 bloons.
Monkey Aces will launch an anti-MOAB missile every 4 seconds and will only appear when MOAB-class bloons are on screen.
Monkey Aces with the Fighter Plane upgrade are the equivalent of a Bomb Shooter with MOAB Mauler (-/3/-), though FIghter Planes are technically more powerful as the damage they can deal is global.
Easy: $2,550
Medium: $3,000
Hard: $3,240
Impoppable: $3,600
Unlock XP: 8,000
Upon upgrading a Monkey Ace with Operation: Dart Storm the Monkey Ace will begin shooting 16 darts at a time.
The Fighter Plane will also shoot darts and anti-MOAB missiles twice as fast, making it’s global coverage nothing to joke about. Operation: Dart Storm essentially provides players with massive wave clear, for both MOAB-class bloons and lesser bloons.
The FIghter Plane will also receive an explosion on the anti-MOAB missiles, increasing the pierce from 3 to 4.
Easy: $34,000
Medium: $40,000
Hard: $43,200
Impoppable: $48,000
Unlock XP: 35,000
Upon upgrading a Monkey Ace with Sky Shredder, the Monkey Ace will shoot 32 darts twice as fast as it previously did.
Each dart now has the capability of dealing 3 damage with 9 pierce and an additional 2 damage against Ceramic Bloons.
Anti-MOAB Missiles will now deal 150 damage per missile.
Best of all, Sky Shredder provides Monkey Aces with the ability to shred through all types of bloon including Lead Bloons and Black Bloons, though without a Monkey Village’s Radar Scanner (-/2/-) or the Monkey Ace’s Spy Plane (-/2/-) upgrade.
Late game strategy tends to favour placing a Sky Shredder near a Monkey Village and cross-path it with Sharper Darts (-/-/1) and Centered Path (-/-/2) as they can essentially deal more damage without the risk of missing out on Camo Bloons.
The option is yours and highly depends on a player’s flight path. If the map doesn’t ask for it, don’t use it.
While I don’t often use Path 2 Monkey Aces, simply due to the fact that they thrive on some maps more than others, a Path 2 Monkey Ace can deal a great deal of damage, especially due to its activatable ability.
Path 2 Monkey Aces will deploy more bombs than darts, making it essential to place them on an area where they can circle a variety of paths.
Due to the way that a Path 2 Monkey Ace functions the only cross pathing that makes sense is (2/4/-) as this will increase the number of bombs deployed, deploying every 1.02 seconds instead of every 1.7 seconds.
Path 2 Monkey Aces are mostly meant for shredding through Lead Camo bloons, so don’t be expecting some superior wave clearing.
Easy: $170
Medium: $200
Hard: $215
Impoppable: $240
Unlock XP: 120
Upon upgrading a Monkey Ace with Exploding Pineapple, the Monkey Ace will begin deploying pineapple bombs every 3 seconds, though many of these pineapples will not land on the track without Monkey Knowledge.
Upon being deployed, an Exploding Pineapple has 3 seconds until it explodes, dealing 1 damage with 40 pierce.
Alone the Exploding Pineapple upgrade is weak, however, just because the initial upgrade is weak, it doesn’t mean the whole path is.
SPY PLANE (-/2/-)
Easy: $295
Medium: $350
Hard: $380
Impoppable: $420
Unlock XP: 600
Upon upgrading a Monkey Ace with Spy Plane, the Monkey Ace will gain the ability to detect Camo Bloons.
BOMBER ACE (-/3/-)
Easy: $295
Medium: $350
Hard: $380
Impoppable: $420
Unlock XP: 2,500
Upon upgrading a Monkey Ace with Bomber Ace, the Monkey Ace will begin deploying heavy bomb attacks every time it crosses a track.
The Bomber Ace will deploy 4 bombs at a time that pop 3 layers of bloons, each bomb having a radius of 35 (similar to that of an unpowered Dart Monkey).
A Bomber Aces is extremely powerful and can shred through the majority of bloons, though Black and Zebra Bloons will be left unaffected.
Bomber Aces tend to do best with the Wingmonkey flight path, which requires the Wingmonkey Monkey Knowledge, though in general, positioning on the track is extremely important for Monkey Aces.
Bomber Aces do well when they can drop bombs near the beginning of the map (to hopefully destroy Lead Camo Bloons) and I personally try to make sure that the Bomber Ace has at least 3-4 points of the map where bombs can be deployed. Any less seems like a big waste.
Easy: $11,900
Medium: $14,000
Hard: $15,120
Impoppable: $16,800
Unlock XP: 15,000
Upon upgrading a Monkey Ace with the Ground Zero upgrade players will be able to deploy a new ability that deals 700 damage to all bloons on screen.
Bombs dropped on the track will also deal 10 damage per bomb now.
It should be noted that the Ground Zero ability can pop Black and Zebra bloons, however, the Monkey Ace will not be able to destroy Black or Zebra Bloons with its standard bombs stills.
TSAR BOMBA (-/5/-)
Easy: $29,750
Medium: $35,000
Hard: $37,800
Impoppable: $42,000
Unlock XP: 30,000
Upon upgrading a Monkey Ace with Tsar Bomba the Monkey Ace will be able to deal an explosion that causes 3000 damage and stuns all bloons for 8.2 seconds.
The only bloon that cannot be affected by the Tsar Bomba is the Big Airship of Doom (BADs).
Tsar Bomba is phenomenal when it comes to clearing dense clumps of bloons, including MOAB-class bloons, Brutal Floating Behemoths (BFBs) or Ceramic Bloons.
If players are experiencing a hoard of fortified bloons or tough bloons, it’s a good idea to have a Tsar Bomba Monkey Ace simply because of how easy it is to melt through all the bloons in one go.
It should be noted that it takes 1.5 seconds for the Tsar Bomba ability to activate.
Path 3 Monkey Aces are an interesting choice for players to focus on upgrading, simply due to the fact that they can deal homing damage to bloons, ensuring that players aren’t overtaken by hoards of bloons.
The only issue is, a powered-up Path 3 Monkey Ace receives different upgrades from cross pathing than the other forms of Monkey Aces, making the (1/-/4) the best cross path.
It should be noted that Rapid Fire (1/-/-) only provides players with 33% attack speed upon upgrading a Path 3 Monkey Ace to Spectre and Lots More Darts will add 25% more pierce to each dart instead of providing players with more darts.
Most players who upgrade to Spectre will only put one upgrade point into Path 1 as additional pierce seems fairly useless for Spectres.
A Path 3 Monkey Ace should always be placed near the end of a track in hopes of sorting out bloons in the frontline, though players will have to decide whether or not they use the “Centered Path” as it may not be the best option.
Easy: $425
Medium: $500
Hard: $540
Impoppable: $600
Unlock XP: 160
Upon upgrading a Monkey Ace with Sharper Darts, the Monkey Ace will begin shooting darts that can shred through a maximum of 8 bloons at a time.
Easy: $255
Medium: $300
Hard: $325
Impoppable: $360
Unlock XP: 600
Upon upgrading a Monkey Ace with Centered Path, the Monkey Ace will begin flying around the center of the map, even if the Monkey Ace’s landing pad is in the corner of the screen.
The use of Centered Path can either work in the favour of a player or can work directly against them, though this will simply depend on whether the center of the screen is ideal for planting a plane.
Easy: $1,870
Medium: $2,200
Hard: $2,375
Impoppable: $2,640
Unlock XP: 3,000
Upon upgrading a Monkey Ace with Neva-Miss Targeting, the Monkey Ace will now shoot darts that home in on any bloons that are on the map.
Neva-Miss Targeting will help ensure that no bloons leak from a player being devastated by hoards of bloons.
SPECTRE (-/-/4)
Easy: $20,400
Medium: $24,000
Hard: $25,920
Impoppable: $28,800
Unlock XP: 19,000
Upon upgrading a Monkey Ace with Spectre, Monkey Aces will rapidly shoot darts and bombs 15 times per second.
Darts will deal 2 damage and have 30 pierce, while bombs deal 3 damage and have 60 pierce.
The odd thing about the Spectre Monkey Ace is the fact that it will not be able to damage DDTs without the Monkey Village’s Monkey Intelligence Bureau (-/3/-) even if it already has a camo detection upgrade. Weird, eh?
Spectre Monkey Aces do the best when they are set onto the “close” targeting setting as it will ensure that darts and bombs aren’t wasted on chasing bloons that are too far to catch. The only issue with using the “close” targeting setting is the fact that it can lead to the leaking of bloons.
If you do choose to use a Spectre Monkey Ace, I would recommend pairing it with another tower with global range or simply a tower that can deal with quickly passing bloons.
Easy: $85,00
Medium: $100,000
Hard: $108,600
Impoppable: $120,000
Unlock XP: 45,000
Upon upgrading a Monkey Ace to become a Flying Fortress, Monkey Aces will shoot 3 streams of darts and bombs.
The Flying Fortress will also receive double the attack speed, though the most outstanding aspect of the Flying Fortress is that the streams of damage target first, last and closest bloons (each wave focusses on a kind).
Darts deal 4 damage per shot and bombs deal 5 damage.
Unlike Spectre, the Flying Fortress does benefit from the Spy Plane upgrade as it will allow the Flying Fortress to be able to damage DDTs.
The Heli Pilot provides a player with an ample amount of support allowing players to locate it wherever they please by either locking it in place or having it follow the player’s mouse or finger depending on the targeting option players choose to use.
Players also have the option of upgrading their Heli Pilot in hopes of obtaining a new targeting option called “Pursuit” which will essentially follow the first bloons, though not as useful on maps with multiple lanes.
The Heli Pilot does not require specific placement as it will always have global damage.
Even if the Heli Pilot is placed behind Line of Vision restrictions, players will be able to move the Heli Pilot itself anywhere on the map to deal damage to bloons.
Players will want to note that the Heli Pilot can be buffed with other Towers such as the Monkey Village or Alchemist and are encouraged to place them right by the tip of these Towers in hopes of maximizing the space right next to the track for other damaging Towers.
The Heli Pilot has a Medium Range.
The Heli Pilot has a base pierce of 3.
The Heli Pilot has a base damage of 1.
The Heli Pilot does not initially have camo detection, however, can gain it with it’s IFR (-/2/-) upgrade.
The Heli Pilot has a Medium-Fast attack speed.
Easy: $1,360
Medium: $1,600
Hard: $1,730
Impoppable: $
While Path 1 Heli Pilots are extremely powerful, especially with their ability to chase down bloons that are beginning to escape a map, Path 1 Heli Pilots are terrible choices for maps with multiple entrances.
Often players who leave a Heli Pilot on “Pursuit” will not be optimizing the Heli Pilot. In most cases, full-optimization is not required, however, as the Heli Pilot is one of the strongest towers when commanded properly, players may want to practice switching between modes.
QUAD DARTS (1/-/-)
Easy: $680
Medium: $800
Hard: $865
Impoppable: $960
Unlock XP: 200
Upon upgrading a Heli Pilot with Quad Darts, the Heli Pilot will begin shooting 4 darts per volley instead of 2.
PURSUIT (2/-/-)
Easy: $425
Medium: $500
Hard: $540
Impoppable: $600
Unlock XP: 650
Upon upgrading a Heli Pilot with Pursuit, the Heli Pilot will gain a targeting option that will allow the Heli Pilot to follow the first bloon.
The Pursuit upgrade allows players to focus on other towers and let the Heli Pilot do its own thing.
Easy: $1,485
Medium: $1,750
Hard: $1,890
Impoppable: $2,100
Unlock XP: 2,700
Upon upgrading a Heli Pilot with Razor Rotors, Heli Pilots will be able to pop bloons that make contact with their propellers.
Heli Pilots will also be able to shed through Lead Bloons and Frozen Bloons.
A Heli Pilot with Razor Rotors will be able to pierce through 10 bloons at a time.
Easy: $16,660
Medium: $19,600
Hard: $21,170
Impoppable: $23,520
Unlock XP: 20,000
Upon upgrading a Heli Pilot with Apache Dartship the Heli Pilot will gain 4 homing missiles that have infinite range.
These homing missiles/rockets deal 2 damage and 4 pierce every second.
The Heli Pilot will also gain a machine gun that shoots darts that deal 1 damage with 5 pierce and are fired ever 0.05 seconds.
Easy: $38,250
Medium: $45,000
Hard: $48,600
Impoppable: $54,000
Unlock XP: 55,000
Upon upgrading a Heli Pilot to Apache Prime, the Heli Pilot will shoot lasers and plasma instead of darts.
Essentially the darts will become lasers and the missiles are replaced by a plasma cannon.
Lasers have a total of 23 pierce with 6 damage and plasma has a total of 11 pierce with 5 damage.
While powerful, it should be noted that the Apache Prime will not be able to deal with all of the problems players will encounter on a map, so please don’t rely soley on this flying airship.
Although quick and mobile, Path 2 is the upgrade path players will want to take if they want a more support focussed tower.
Heli Pilots with Path 2 will provide players with cash and lives and will also gain the ability to transport the majority of towers across the map as needed.
While I can’t see too much use for a Path 2 Heli Pilot in the early game, especially when playing Beginner or Intermediate maps, they do come in handy for Hard and Intermediate levels.
Easy: $255
Medium: $300
Hard: $325
Impoppable: $360
Unlock XP: 150
Upon upgrading a Heli Pilot with Bigger Jets the Heli Pilot will begin travelling faster.
IFR (-/2/-)
Easy: $510
Medium: $600
Hard: $650
Impoppable: $720
Unlock XP: 650
Upon upgrading a Heli Pilot with IFR, the Heli Pilot will gain camo detection.
Easy: $2,550
Medium: $3,000
Hard: $3,240
Impoppable: $3,600
Unlock XP: 3,300
Upon upgrading a Heli Pilot with Downdraft, the Heli Pilot will begin blowing bloons backwards.
While a Downdraft Heli Pilot will not always blow bloons back, it is fairly reliable and works much like all other pushback in the game.
Easy: $2,550
Medium: $3,000
Hard: $3,240
Impoppable: $3,600
Unlock XP: 3,000
Upon upgrading a Heli Pilot to Support Chinook, the Heli Pilot will be able to pick up and move towers, though it will also be able to drop medical supplies or cash crates.
Players will gain access to both of these abilities and their unofficial names are “Supply Crate Drop” and “Reposition”.
The Supply Crate Drop ability allows players to receive between $1000 to $2000 or 50 to 75 lives upon activation.
Although there is a 60-second cooldown on this ability, players will also only be able to use this ability a maximum of 3 times per round.
If players wish to reposition a tower they can select the other ability which will initiate a menu that allows players to select which tower to move.
Although most towers are able to be moved, there are a few that are locked in place.
Players cannot move the following structures:
🙈 Sun Temples
🙈 The True Sun God
🙈 Aircraft Carriers
🙈 Temporary Towers
🙈 Monkey Aces
🙈 Heli Pilots
Easy: $25,500
Medium: $30,000
Hard: $32,400
Impoppable: $36,000
Unlock XP: 40,000
Upon upgrading a Heli Pilot with Special Poperations, a Heli Pilot will be able to give twice as much cash and lives per use of the ability.
The Special Poperations Heli Pilot can now drop $2,000 to $4,000 and 100 to 150 lives.
The Special Poperations monkey also comes with the ability to drop a temporary Marine monkey that shoots quickly like a Super Monkey.
Marine Monkeys can pop through 6 layers of bloons and have 30 pierce per shot, being able to pop Lead Bloons and Camo Bloons, though having a very short range.
Note: The Marine Monkey will be automatically placed on the land closest to the Special Poperations Chinook upon activating its ability. Marines last 30 seconds and have a 30-second cooldown.
The coolest thing about the Marine Monkey is that it can also receive buffs from surrounding turrets and is directly affected by Faster Firing (-/2/-) making this the ideal crosspath.
The Special Poperations Heli Pilot also gains an increase in movement speed, making it the fastest type of aircraft in BTD6.
Players can also gain access to Door Gunner ability with the right Monkey Knowledge, which will allow players to use transport towers while still damaging.
It’s unfortunate, but a Path 3 Heli Pilot is a truly weak tower for players to focus on upgrading when playing BTD6.
Path 3 Heli Pilots are extremely support-like, allowing for the tower to summon support upon it being needed, though not having a great deal of damage, even when upgraded to tier-5.
If players enjoy the playstyle of a Path 3 Heli Pilot and do choose to upgrade one to tier-4 or tier-5 I would strongly suggest that you focus on high damage dealing towers at the same time, especially with quick popping skills, lead melting (with camo detection) and ceramic busting.
While it can be tempting to use a (2/-/5) Heli Pilot due to the Pursuit upgrade allowing players to AFK from battle, it should be noted that a (-/2/5) Heli Pilot is more powerful and will help players secure more late-game damage, especially against Dark Dirigible Titans (DDTs) and smaller camo bloons.
(-/2/5) Heli Pilots will also travel much faster than (2/-/5) Heli Pilots, making them more useful for moving them around.
Easy: $210
Medium: $250
Hard: $270
Impoppable: $300
Unlock XP: 140
Upon upgrading a Monkey Ace with Faster Darts, the Monkey Ace will shoot faster darts.
Easy: $295
Medium: $350
Hard: $380
Impoppable: $420
Unlock XP: 550
MOAB SHOVE (-/-/3)
Easy: $4,250
Medium: $5,000
Hard: $5,400
Impoppable: $6,000
Unlock XP: 2,500
Upon upgrading a Heli Pilot with MOAB Shove, Heli Pilots will begin pushing back all MOAB-class bloons except for Big Airships of Doom (BADs).
It should be noted that a Heli Pilot will only be able to affect one MOAB-class bloon at a time, though single MOAB-class bloons get pushed back a substantial amount, making the MOAB Shove upgrade fairly worthwhile.
The following is the breakdown by MOAB-class bloon:
Regular MOABS-class bloons will get pushed back a substantial amount and Heli Pilots may be able to alternate between a few before allowing them to leak.
Brutal Floating Behemoths (BFBs) can be stalled by Heli Pilots with MOAB Shove and can often benefit from players locking the Heli Pilot in hopes of leaving the BFB there until everything else is dealt with.
Zeppelins of Mighty Gargantuanesses (ZOMGs) can only be slowed down by a Heli Pilot with MOAB Shove.
Dark Dirigible Titans (DDTs) cannot be shoved unless players have camo detection, which can be obtained by cross pathing Path 2 or with a Monkey Village. Upon gaining camo detection, MOAB Shove Heli Pilots will be able to slow down the DDT.
Big Airships of Doom (BADs) cannot be affected by MOAB Shove.
Easy: $8,500
Medium: $10,000
Hard: $10,800
Impoppable: $12,000
Unlock XP: 12,500
Upon upgrading a Heli Pilot with Comanche Defense, the Heli Pilot will be able to call down a number of mini Comanche Helicopters if bloons begin getting too far down the track.
If bloons reach 25% of the map, one mini-Comanche is summoned, at 50% two are summoned and 75% three are summoned.
Mini-Comanches can only be summoned for 15 seconds at a time and can be resummoned every 25 seconds, unless the cooldown is reset by bloons reaching their part of the map again.
I have to admit, the Comanche Defense upgrade is pretty weak in comparison to some of the other upgrades there are for towers. Reason being? It’s mostly useful when all three mini-Comanches are on the field, which is rare.
The biggest benefit to the Comanche Defense upgrade is the fact that players will not need Pursuit as they will benefit from the mini-Comaches taking staggered positions on the map.
Easy: $29,750
Medium: $35,000
Hard: $37,800
Impoppable: $42,000
Unlock XP: 50,000
Upon upgrading a Heli Pilot to Commanche Commander players will be able to permanently call down the three mini-Comanche helicopters.
All Comanches (including mini-Comanches) will gain 1 damage for their attacks, though it should be noted that all helicopters will now be spawned at all times.
The biggest downside to the Comanche Commander upgrade is the fact that mini-Comanches cannot receive buffs from other towers, such as Gwendolin or Alchemists, simply because they are considered a sub-tower (since the 12.0 upgrade).
The Mortar Monkey is an extremely strong Tower that players can use in order to shred through Lead Bloons.
Mortar Monkeys have the ability to deal AoE damage, however, they shoot fairly slowly in comparison to other Towers making their damage fairly irregular or inefficient in comparison to other Towers.
Players can use Mortar Monkeys to strip properties off of bloons and can speed up their attacks in hopes of making them more efficient.
The Mortar Monkey does not require specific placement as it has global range from from anywhere on the map.
The Mortar Monkey has an infinite base range.
The Mortar Monkey has a base pierce of 40.
The Mortar Monkey has unknown base damage.
The Mortar Monkey does not have camo detection upon being placed, however, can be upgraded with Signal Flare (-/-/3) to gain it.
The Mortar Monkey has moderate attack speed.
Easy: $640
Medium: $750
Hard: $810
Impoppable: $900
A Path 1 Mortar Monkey is a very powerful one, being able to shred through large amounts of low tier bloons and dealing with waves extremely effectively.
Other than being costly, the only disadvantages
Easy: $425
Medium: $500
Hard: $540
Impoppable: $600
Unlock XP: 180
Upon upgrading a Mortar Monkey with Bigger Blast the Mortar Monkey will gain an increase in blast radius, expanding from 30 to 45.
The Mortar Monkey will also gain 5 pierce, now being able to pierce 45 bloons instead of 40.
Easy: $555
Medium: $650
Hard: $700
Impoppable: $780
Unlock XP: 600
Upon upgrading a Mortar Monkey with Bloon Buster, the Mortar Monkey will be able to pop 2 layers of bloons instead.
Easy: $925
Medium: $1,100
Hard: $1,190
Impoppable: $1,320
Unlock XP: 2,500
Upon upgrading a Mortar Monkey with Shell Shock, Mortar Monkeys will now be able to cause an explosive attack that stuns bloons for 0.5 seconds.
If bloons are damaged near the center of the main explosion they will also pop a layer.
The explosive attack (which is a secondary attack) will pop up to 45 bloons, meaning that Mortar Monkeys can now deal damage to 45 bloons each with their main and second explosion.
Shell Shock is the cheapest way players can access stuns.
Stuns will become especially useful against Ceramic Bloons and superceramics.
THE BIG ONE (4/-/-)
Easy: $6,800
Medium: $8,000
Hard: $8,640
Impoppable: $9,600
Unlock XP: 15,000
Upon upgrading a Mortar Monkey with The Big One, said Mortar Monkey will deal damage to up to 85 bloons (45 from Shell Shock), shredding through 5 layers of bloons.
The Big One allows the Mortar Monkey to also destroy Black Bloons, making it exceptional at dealing damage.
Although players will get a great deal of popping power from Mortar Monkeys, especially for lesser bloons, Mortar Monkeys will not be able to shred through MOAB-class bloons as easily as other towers may.
Players on the Wiki recommend using a Wizard Monkey with Arcane Spike (4/-/-) or the hero Quincy to lessen the risk of MOAB-class bloons leaking.
Easy: $23,800
Medium: $28,000
Hard: $30,240
Impoppable: $33,600
Unlock XP: 36,000
Upon upgrading a Mortar Monkey with The Biggest One, Mortar Monkeys will begin shooting out large explosions that have a radius of 80.
Each explosion has the capability of destroying 200 bloons, tearing through an impressive 20 layers.
The Biggest One also provides Mortar Monkeys with 40 damage to Ceramic Bloons as well as MOAB-class bloons.
If Ceramic Bloons are in the outer region of the shockwave explosion, they will still receive 11 damage.
A Path 2 Mortar Monkey is a fairly particular build when it comes to BTD6, especially because there are many other alternatives that can be acquired for cheaper and may infact do more for you than the Mortar Monkey itself.
Path 2 Mortar Monkeys do the best when paired. upwith Striker Jones, who for me isn’t often a go-to.
Easy: $255
Medium: $300
Hard: $325
Impoppable: $360
Unlock XP: 150
Upon upgrading a Mortar Monkey with Faster Reload, the Mortar Monkey will receive an attack speed boost of 42%.
Easy: $425
Medium: $500
Hard: $540
Impoppable: $600
Unlock XP: 600
Upon upgrading a Mortar Monkey with Rapid Reload, the Mortar Monkey will begin firing twice as fast.
Easy: $765
Medium: $900
Hard: $970
Impoppable: $1080
Unlock XP: 2,300
Upon upgrading Mortar Monkeys with Heavy Shells, the Mortar Monkey will deal 1 extra damage to all Fortified bloons, 1 extra damage to Lead Bloons, including Dark Dirigible Titans (DDTs), 3 extra damage to Ceramic Bloons, 1 extra damage to MOAB-class bloons and 1 extra damage to bloons with the stun status effect.
Heavy Shells is a must buy if players are struggling with dealing with Black Bloons.
Easy: $4,675
Medium: $5,500
Hard: $5,940
Impoppable: $6,600
Unlock XP: 12,500
Upon upgrading a Mortar Monkey with Artillery Battery, the Mortar Monkey will shoot shells four times faster.
POP AND AWE (-/5/-)
Easy: $25,500
Medium: $30,000
Hard: $32,400
Impoppable: $36,000
Unlock XP: 32,000
Upon upgrading a Mortar Monkey with Pop and Awe, the Mortar Monkey will gain the ability to stun bloons and MOAB-class bloons, excluding Big Airships of Doom (BADs).
Mortar Monkeys will be able to damage almost once per second for about 8 seconds, stalling bloons for a short time.
Bloons will take 20 damage per second for the duration of the ability.
Mortar Monkeys will also cause a total of 10 extra damage to stunned bloons.
For players who are looking for some extra damage, especially to MOAB-class bloons, look no further than a Path 3 Mortar Monkey.
While Mortar Monkeys are fairly stationary, in the sense that they target one location until players select another, Path 3 Mortar Monkeys deal a sensational amount of damage to the bloons it damages, striking MOABs for up to 100 damage per second.
Players are strongly recommended to cross paths with Path 2 as this will provide players with a great deal of attack speed, which they would be trading for pierce and damage from Path 1.
While it may feel like both pierce and damage are better stats to receive than attack speed, this is not true for the Path 3 Mortar Monkey, particularly because of how much damage it already does to high-tier bloons.
Easy: $170
Medium: $200
Hard: $215
Impoppable: $240
Unlock XP: 140
Mortar Monkeys upgraded with Increased Accuracy will receive a decrease in its attack area, essentially improving the damage dealt to bloons in that select area.
While players may not see the use of Increased Accuracy at first, it should be noted that a Mortar Monkey will miss a good chunk of their shots without the upgrade, simply due to the fact that they will not always land directly on the track.
So while a target range that is almost twice as small as the original sounds scary, you’re in for a real treat when those shots actually deal damage to bloons.
Easy: $425
Medium: $500
Hard: $540
Impoppable: $600
Unlock XP: 650
Mortar Monkeys with the Burny Stuff upgrade will receive the ability to spill napalm on bloons, allowing bloons to be set on fire for 3 seconds.
Burning bloons will take one layer of damage every 1.5 seconds.
Players can increase the damage bloons take from Burny Stuff with the Extra Burny Stuff Monkey Knowledge, which causes bloons to take one layer of damage every second.
Easy: $595
Medium: $700
Hard: $755
Impoppable: $840
Unlock XP: 2,200
Easy: $9,350
Medium: $11,000
Hard: $11,800
Impoppable: $13,200
Unlock XP: 12,000
Mortar Monkeys with the Shattering Shells upgrade will remove all properties from bloons including Camo Bloons, Regrow Bloons, and Fortified Bloons though it should be noted that players will not be able to remove the Camo properties off of a Dark Dirigible Titan (DDT) without the use of the Paint Stripper Monkey Knowledge.
It should also be noted that players will not be able to remove the fortified properties off of Zeppelins of Mighty Gargantuaness (ZOMGs), Dark Dirigible TItans (DDTs) or Big Airships of Doom (BADs).
Easy: $38,250
Medium: $45,000
Hard: $48,600
Impoppable: $54,000
Unlock XP: 35,000
Mortar Monkeys with the Blooncineration upgrade will have the ability to deal 100 damage to all affected MOAB-class bloons.
Upgraded Mortar Monkeys will deal 5 damage to normal bloons for 3 seconds.
Mortar Monkeys with the Blooncineration upgrade will also gain access to a firewall that appears where the Mortar Monkey’s place of impact is, causing damage to all types of bloons, including Purple Bloons.
Blooncineration provides a Mortar Monkey with the ability to strip all bloon properties from bloons up to Brutal Floating Behemoths (BFBs) and Dark Dirigible Titans (DDTs), though still being unable to affect Zeppelins of Mighty Gargantuaness (ZOMGs) and Big Airships of Doom (BADs).
The Dartling Gunner is an amazing choice for players to place if they are looking for global damage and are on a map that does not have many Line of Sight obstructions.
Players will be able to either control the Dartling Gunner by moving their curser in order to shoot a straight line of darts damaging the first bloon it touches, though players also have the option to lock the Dartling Gunner into place if they do not want to micromanage the targeting location.
When it comes to placing a Dartling Gunner players will want to choose their location based on what they hope to achieve with the Dartling Gunner.
A Dartling Gunner placed at the entrance of a map will essentially be able to damage MOAB-class bloons bloons as soon as they enter the field, while Dartling Gunners placed near the end of a map are useful for catching bloons before they leak.
In all cases, a player should try to locate a high area to avoid all Line of Sight obstructions, however, I do not recommend placing the Dartling Gunner in the centre of a map as this may prove to be fatal and/or will require players to micromanage their Dartling Gunner more often.
It is ideal do place a Dartling Gunner where it has vision of a long path as this will ensure that the most bloons are affected, though Dartling Gunners placed where there are paths crossing over each other are also ideal, especially if players are planning on placing multiple types of Dartling Gunners.
Players can unlock the Dartling Gunner by popping 500,000 bloons.
The Dartling Gunner has an infinite range
The Dartling Gunner has a Base Pierce of 1
The Dartling Gunner has a Base Damage of 1
The Dartling Gun does not have Camo detection upon placing however can be upgraded to have Camo detection.
The Dartling Gun has Fast Attack speed shooting a dart every 0.167 seconds.
Easy: $850
Medium: $1,000
Hard: $1,080
Impoppable: $1,200
If players are looking for some massive DPS then they should look no further than Path 1 for a Dartling Gunner as upgrading using this path will ensure that a player can pop all types of bloons at a fast pace.
The only thing that a Path 1 Dartling Gunner lacks is it’s ability to pop Camo Bloons, which can easily be negated by cross pathing with Path 2.
Path 1 Dartling Gunners work great in tandem with Jungle Drums or Overclock due to their speed enhancing abilities.
The only other concern with a Path 1 Dartling Gunner is it’s inability to deal with MOAB-class bloons, though this can be easily remedied with support Towers.
Easy: $255
Medium: $300
Hard: $325
Impoppable: $360
Unlock XP: 150
Upon upgrading a Dartling Gunner with Focused Firing, the Dartling Gunner will gain more accuracy.
It is believed that the Dartling Gunner shoots within a 22.5° range, which shrinks down to about 4° with this upgrade, similar to a Mortar Monkey.
Upgrading with Focused Firing will ensure that players are able to pop bloons that are at risk of leaking as there is a chance that without Focused Firing players will still miss bloons even though they are targeting in the area of the bloons simply because of the deviation they provide.
Easy: $765
Medium: $900
Hard: $970
Impoppable: $1,080
Unlock XP: 600
Upon upgrading a Darling Gunner with Laser Shock the Darling Gunner will begin shooting projectiles that have an electric shock, essentially being able to damage 2 layers of bloons.
Bloons will initially lose 1 layer and the second layer will be removed after a 1 second delay.
Easy: $3,615
Medium: $4,250
Hard: $4,590
Impoppable: $5,100
Unlock XP: 2,600
Upon upgrading a Dartling Gunners with Laser Cannon the Dartling Gunners will gain an increase of 3 pierce, essentially providing the Dartling Gun with a total of 4 pierce.
Due to the fact that Laser Cannon Dartling Gunners shoot lasers, players will now be able to pop Frozen Bloons, but cannot pop Purple Bloons.
The Laser Canon will be able to pop two layers at a time and the Laser Shock will last 2 seconds instead of 1.
IT should be noted that the Laser Cannon, although powerful, will not be able to pierce through Lead Bloons.
Easy: $9,350
Medium: $11,000
Hard: $11,880
Impoppable: $13,200
Unlock XP: 12,500
Upon upgrading a Dartling Gunner with Plasma Accelerator, the Dartling Gunner will begin shooting plasma energy now being able to pop Lead Bloons.
The Plasma Accelerator Dartling Gunner will still not be able to pop Purple Bloons, however, will be able to deal 1 damage every 0.25 seconds with up to 50 pierce.
The Plasma Accelerator Dartling Gunner deals 2 damage against regular bloons, 10 damage against MOAB-class bloons and the Laser Shock effect will now last 5 seconds.
RAY OF DOOM (5/-/-)
Easy: $93,500
Medium: $95,000
Hard: $118,800
Impoppable: $132,000
Unlock XP: 75,000
Upon upgrading a Dartling Gunner with Ray of Doom the Dartling Gunner will begin shooting a solid beam.
The Ray of Doom has the ability to shread through all types of bloons and deals 5 damage to regular bloons and 25 damage to MOAB-class bloons every 0.25 seconds.
The Laser Shock status effect will now deal 15 damage every 0/1 seconds for a maximum of 5 seconds.
The most impressive thing about the Ray of Doom is the fact that it has 1,000 pierce.
Players can essentially use a single Ray of Doom to solo most content without the fear of the player experiencing lag.
If players are looking for some massive DPS, Path 1 is the best option, though it should be noted that it isn’t the strongest against DDTs and BADs.
If you’re looking for a way to deal with MOAB-class bloons, there’s nothing that’s more overwhelming than a Path 2 Dartling Gunner as they deal a shocking amount of damage to MOAB-class bloons in comparison to most other towers.
Path 2 Dartling Gunners struggle against regular bloons, however, this isn’t usually an issue as players should be able to play other support towers in order to counter balance this.
Players have a bit of a tough choice when selecting a cross path as Path 1 will provide players with more speed and Path 2 will provide them with more powerful.
In my opinion a (2/5/-) Dartling Gunner is more optimal due to the increased damage from attack speed, however the choice is yours.
I would always recommend pairing up a tier-5 Path 2 Dartling Gunner with something that provides you with more attack speed as this will ensure that you deal a devastating amount of damage to MOABs.
Easy: $215
Medium: $250
Hard: $270
Impoppable: $300
Unlock XP: 130
Upon upgrading a Dartling Gunner with Advanced Targeting the Dartling Gunner will receive the ability to detect Camo Bloons.
The Advanced Targeting upgrade is one of the cheapest and fastest ways to receive Camo detection in early game.
Players are recommended to avoid upgrading to this tier unless they are risk of being flooded with Camo Bloons as they receive no other benefits from this tier upgrade.
Easy: $810
Medium: $950
Hard: $1,025
Impoppable: $1,140
Unlock XP: 700
The Faster Barrel Spin upgrade provides the Dartling Gunner with a 33% attack speed boost.
Though cost effective and rapid firing, the Faster Spin Dartling Gunner does lack damage meaning that players will have to use multiple upgrades in order to make this effective.
Easy: $4,465
Medium: $5,250
Hard: $5,670
Impoppable: $6,300
Unlock XP: 2,700
Upon upgrading a Dartling Gunner with Hydra Rocket Pods the Dartling Gunner will now begin shooting missiles dealing 1 damage to bloons, though being able to pop up to 6 bloons per missile.
Each missile has a blast radius of 3 and creates 3 explosions, each having a small delay similar to Captain Churchill.
Oddly enough, Dartling Gunners with Hydra Rocket Pods will have the ability to pop all types of bloons, including Black Bloons.
Hydra Rocket Pods are exceptional for their AoE damage and are most useful for grouped bloons.
Easy: $4,080
Medium: $4,800
Hard: $5,185
Impoppable: $5,760
Unlock XP: 14,000
Upon upgrading a Dartling Gunner with Rocket Storm the Dartling Gunner gain an activatable ability that launches waves of missiles for 9 seconds, producing a minimum of 19 waves with 9 missiles each.
The purple missiles will each deal 6 damage to a maximum of 8 bloons and will split every 0.467 seconds.
Unfortunately the ability is fairly erratic, making it unreliable, though still powerful.
In reality, the Rocket Storm ability is a good cleanup option for bloons that spawn from MOAB-class bloons and will require players to target a location for the Rocket Storm ability to land.
The Rocket Storm ability can be upgraded with Overclock launching up to 32 waves of 9 rockets.
It should also be noted that the Rocket Storm ability does not have Line of Sight restrictions.
Easy: $51,000
Medium: $60,000
Hard: $64,800
Impoppable: $72,000
Unlock XP: 60,000
Upon upgrading a Dartling Gunner with M.A.D. the Dartling Gunner will deal more damage to MOAB-class bloons, though oddly enough it will lose some of its accuracy.
A Dartling Gunner with M.A.D. will be able to deal damage from both of its arms dealing 3 damage to regular bloons and 750 additional damage to MOAB-class bloons every 0.4 seconds, alternating between arms every 0.125 seconds.
The M.A.D. upgrade also improves the Rocket Storm Ability, providing the Dartling Gunner with 19 waves of missiles for 9 seconds which damage up to 16 bloons instead of 8.
The M.A.D. upgrade is impeccable when facing MOAB-class bloons, however, really suffers when against regular bloons.
If players are experiencing trouble dealing with groups of bloons they should look into getting a Path 3 Dartling Gunner as Path 3 will essentially provide players with a good amount of area of damage as well as fairly rapid attack speed.
In general, Path 3 Dartling Gunners are useful against most types of bloons though they do have difficulty dealing with Lead Bloons and Frozen Bloons as they shoot sharp projectiles.
In most cases players will want to pair up a Path 3 Dartling Gunner with Path 2 as this will raise the attack speed of the Dartling Gunner, essentially raising it’s total DPS.
Easy: $130
Medium: $150
Hard: $160
Impoppable: $180
Unlock XP: 110
Upon upgrading a Dartling Gunner with Faster Swivel the Dartling Gunner will gain the ability to swivel from side to side much faster, essentially making it so players have more control on the direction of their Dartling Gunner.
While arguably a weird upgrade, the Faster Swivel Dartling Gunner proves to be effective when playing a map where there are multiple entrances.
In most cases, players will not want to use this upgrade alone and will want to quickly upgrade with another path if not up to the next tier.
Easy: $1,020
Medium: $1,200
Hard: $1,295
Impoppable: $1,440
Unlock XP: 650
Upon upgrading a Dartling Gunner with Powerful Darts the Dartling Gunner will receive an attack speed boost of 50% also receiving a pierce bonus of 2, bringing the Dartling Gunner’s maximum pierce up to 3.
The Powerful Darts upgrade is great in the early game, however, can fall off if players do not upgrade it before they are against grouped bloons.
BUCKSHOT (-/-/3)
Easy: $3,320
Medium: $3,800
Hard: $4,105
Impoppable: $4,560
Unlock XP: 3,000
Upon upgrading a Dartling Gunner with Buckshot the Dartling Gunner will begin shooting a close pray of 6 buckshots that have a slight deviation, similar to that of the Druid’s Thorns.
Buckshots will pop a maximum of 4 bloons as well as dealing 4 damage to affected bloons, though players will notice a decrease in attack speed from 0.167 seconds to 1.7 seconds, which isn’t that big of an issue.
Projectiles from Dartling Gun’s Buckshot upgrade unfortunately also lose some range.
Buckshot Dartling Gunners deal very well with Alchemists due to their ability to deal damage to groups of bloons.
Buckshots will knockback non-MOAB class bloons by a small amount.
Easy: $10,200
Medium: $12,000
Hard: $12,960
Impoppable: $14,400
Unlock XP: 15,000
Upon upgrading a Dartling Gunner with Bloon Area Denial System the Dartling Gunner will be able to shoot 6 Buckshots instead of 4.
The Dartling Gunner will also receive 3 independent buckshot barrels that will each shoot 5 buckshots.
Each independent barrel will shoot every 0.425 seconds and will alternate between each of the barrels.
The upgrade provides players with essentially 4x bonus attack speed.
The Dartling Gunner will now have an option control each barrel independently with First, Last, Close and Strong targeting.
Dartling Gunners with the Bloon Area Denial System will be good at popping most types of bloons, though they are incapable of popping Lead Bloons.
Easy: $51,000
Medium: $60,000
Hard: $64,800
Impoppable: $72,000
Unlock XP: 55,000
Upon upgrading a Dartling Gunner with Bloon Exclusion Zone the Dartling Gunner will receive a 50% attack speed boost and will have 12 projectiles from buckshots with each buckshot dealing 8 damage instead of 4.
The Bloon Exclusion Zone Dartling Gunner is extremely useful for popping groups of bloons and works best with a Monkey Village with Monkey Ingelligence Bureau so it can pop all types of bloons.
Magic Monkeys cost a minimum of $360 on Easy and as high as $3000 on Impoppable
The Wizard Monkey is one of my favourite classes to play in Bloons TD 6 as it provides players with every type of damage that they will need in order to get through every map.
The one issue with the Wizard Lord is that many upgrades prevent it from damaging Purple Bloons, though this is easily remedied with the placement of towers such as the Dart Monkey which are cheap and do not not need that much upgrading in order to defend from these bloons.
The Wizard Monkey has some great range in the game and can even be upgraded to avoid Line of Sight obstructions, making it another great versatile Tower in the game.
Depending on what path players are planning to upgrade the Wizard Monkey with, the placement will differ.
Path 1 Wizard Monkeys should be placed in an area where there are lots of loops and plenty of track as they have the highest amount of range and will gain the ability to look through Line of Sight obstructions.
Path 2 and Path 3 Wizard Monkeys tend to be more powerful when placed at the start of a map as they both deal damage to Lead Bloons and the Path 3 Wizard Monkey requires sacrifices in order to activate, also being able to reveal camo bloons.
Wizard Monkeys have a “Short” attack range.
Wizard Monkeys have a base pierce of 2.
Wizard Monkeys have base damage of 1.
Wizard Monkeys do not have access to camo detection upon being placed, however, can gain camo detection by upgrading them using Path 3’s Monkey Sense (-/-/2).
Wizard Monkeys have medium attack speed.
Easy: $405
Medium: $450
Hard: $485
Impoppable: $540
Path 1 Wizard Monkeys are an extremely strong selection for players to choose as they are able to shred through all kinds of bloons, minus Purple Bloons, which must be destroyed with physical damage.
Although it takes a number of upgrades, a Path 1 Wizard Monkey will be able to shred through Lead Bloons without the need of the fire damage from Path 2, making 5/0/2 Wizard Monkey more powerful than a 5/2/0 Wizard Monkey.
If players cross path Path 1 with Path 3 they will receive an extra 5 pierce upon being fully upgraded, making the Archmage one of the best ways to destroy Dark Dirigible Titans (DDTs) and Ceramic Bloons.
Easy: $125
Medium: $150
Hard: $160
Impoppable: $180
Unlock XP: 110
Upon upgrading a Wizard Monkey with Guided Magic, the Wizard Monkey will be able to bypass all Line of Sight restrictions and will allow the magic projectile to live longer, in hopes of popping more bloons.
Guided Magic not only affects the main basic attack for a Wizard Monkey, but also affects the Wizard Monkey’s Wall of Fire (-/2/-) and Undead Bloons (-/-/4) if upgraded with either of those abilities.
It should be noted that while players may be tempted to use both Guided Magic and Intense Magic (-/-/1) in the early game, doing so may prove to be detrimental as they work a bit counter-intuitively.
Easy: $510
Medium: $600
Hard: $650
Impoppable: $720
Unlock XP: 600
Wizard Monkeys with the Arcane Blast upgrade will gain an increase in projectile size and will gain the ability to pop through two layers of bloons instead of 1.
Easy: $1,105
Medium: $1,300
Hard: $1,405
Impoppable: $1,560
Unlock XP: 2,300
Wizard Monkeys with the Arcane Master upgrade will be able to shoot twice as fast and will also receive a boost in range, equaling to “20”.
An Arcane Master-Wizard Monkey will now deal an additional 4 pierce and now deals 3 damage to bloons instead of 2.
The Arcane Master is a fairly inexpensive tower and upgrade that will help players clear hoards of bloons, especially when paired up with camo detection.
When paired up with Intense Magic (-/-/1) Arcane Mastery allows players to pierce through 11 bloons.
Easy: $9,265
Medium: $10,900
Hard: $11,770
Impoppable: $13,080
Unlock XP: 11,000
Wizard Monkeys with the Arcane Spike upgrade will be able to deal 16 damage per shot to MOAB-class bloons.
Wizard Monkeys will also be able to pop 5 layers of bloons, also gaining the ability to shred through Lead Bloons.
As players will be able to shred through Lead Bloons, players will not need to cross paths with Path 2.
Wizard Monkeys with the Arcane Spike upgrade will also be able to attack twice as fast as they previously did.
ARCHMAGE (5/-/-)
Easy: $27,200
Medium: $32,000
Hard: $34,560
Impoppable: $38,400
Unlock XP: 35,000
Wizard Monkeys who have been upgraded with Archmage will gain the ability to shoot even faster at double the attack speed of its previous upgrade.
The Archmage will be able to deal 10 pierce per hit (4 more than previously) and can now deal 24 damage per shot towards MOAB-class bloons.
The Archmage will also be able to deal 7 damage to all other bloon types.
For players who are looking for some help melting through Lead Bloons, especially Camo Lead Bloons, look no further than a Path 2 Wizard Monkey.
Wizard Monkeys who are powered up with Path 2 can deal a great deal of fire damage, becoming only stronger when paired up with Path 3 (for camo detection).
It should be noted that Dargon’s Breath will not be able to pass through walls, even if players have the Guided Magic upgrade. Since Path 1 and Path 2 don’t interact with each other very much, players are recommended to use a (-/5/2) Wizard Monkey instead of a (2/5/-) Wizard Monkey.
FIREBALL (-/1/-)
Easy: $255
Medium: $300
Hard: $325
Impoppable: $360
Unlock XP: 130
A Wizard Monkey with the Fireball upgrade will gain the ability to create a small explosion that pops all bloons caught in it.
It should be noted that similar to Bomb Shooters, Wizard Monkeys with Fireball will not be able to destroy Black Bloons, Zebra Bloons or Purple Bloons. Though this is true, it should be noted that a Fireball can destroy Purple Bloons is a nearby bloon is affected by the explosion.
Speaking of Purple Bloons, unfortunately, Purple Bloons will completely absorb the damage from a Fireball, effectively dealing no damage to any of the surrounding bloons.
WALL OF FIRE (-/2/-)
Easy: $765
Medium: $900
Hard: $970
Impoppable: $1,080
Unlock XP: 700
Upon upgrading a Wizard Monkey with Wall of Fire, the Wizard Monkey will begin placing a Wall of Fire onto the nearby track for 4.5 seconds, destroying up to 15 bloons or 20 bloons if paired with Intense Magic (-/-/3).
Walls of Fire can be put up every 5.5 seconds, though if the Wizard Monkey has the Dragon’s Breath upgrade they will be able to place a Wall of Fire every 4.5 seconds.
The reality is that the Wall of Fire isn’t a very strong upgrade, often proving useless for players as the placement of the Wall of Fire is completely random, making it extremely important to place the Wizard Monkey somewhere strategic.
I refuse to place a Wizard Monkey with Wall of Fire in a place where it could technically place the Wall of Fire earlier or later in the track than necessary. Basically, avoid placing a Wall of Fire-Wizard Monkey if there’s a chance that bloons will leak because of a misfired Wall of Fire.
A Wizard Monkey with Wall of Fire can effectively be placed near the end of a track to prevent leaking bloons, though in most cases, a Wizard Monkey with Wall of Fire should be used as a support tower that focusses on shredding Lead Camo Bloons and Ceramic Bloons.
Unfortunately, Walls of Fire will become extinguished if a Purple Bloon touches it, making it less useful for players to place a Wizard Monkey with Wall of Fire at the beginning of a map.
Easy: $2,550
Medium: $3,000
Hard: $3,240
Impoppable: $3,600
Unlock XP: 2,600
Wizard Monkeys with the Dragon’s Breath upgrade will begin to shoot out an endless stream of flames equaling to 1 shot every 0.1 seconds, also igniting affected bloons for 3 seconds, damaging them every 1.5 seconds.
Dragon’s Breath’s Fireball will deal 3 damage now.
The Dragon’s Breath upgrade also comes with a slight increase in range.
Easy: $3,400
Medium: $4,000
Hard: $4,320
Impoppable: $4,800
Unlock XP: 13,000
Wizard Monkeys with the Summon Phoenix upgrade will be able to activate an ability that summoned a phoenix that continuously shoots flames at bloons that are closest to it.
Phoenix Flames will deal 3 damage every 0.1 seconds, ignoring all Line of Sight barriers and lasting a maximum of 20 seconds.
Summon Phoenix can be used every 60-seconds.
Easy: $45,900
Medium: $54,000
Hard: $58,320
Impoppable: $64,800
Unlock XP: 35,000
Upon upgrading a Wizard Monkey with the Wizard Lord Phoenix upgrade, the Wizard Monkey will permanently have the Summon Phoenix upgrade active.
Wizard Monkeys with the Wizard Lord Phoenix upgrade will also have a total of 50 pierce, versus it’s measly 4 pierce.
Although the Wizard Lord Phoenix will permanently have a Phoenix summoned, players will still be able to activate a new ability that transforms the Wizard Monkey into an even more powerful Phoenix that deals increase damage and pierce.
If used, the Wizard Lord Phoenix ability will allow players to destroy all types. ofbloons, including Purple Bloons, shooting out 8 fireballs at a time.
It should be noted that Fireballs now deal 9 damage while the Dragon’s Breath deals 2 damage.
If players are looking for a great support tower or a tower that helps deal with Dark Dirigable TItans (DDTs) they do not need to look much further than a Path 3 Wizard Monkey.
Path 3 Wizard Monkeys re-animate bloons in hopes of damaging other bloons and provide players with the ability to reveal camo bloons, essentially stripping bloons of their camo properties.
As useful as a Path 3 Wizard Monkey can be, it should be noted that this is primarily a support tower and should only be cross pathed with Path 1 as it will benefit greatly from the attack range and line of sight.
Players can usually get away with a (1/-/5) Wizard Monkey, though a (2/-/5) Wizard Monkey will deal more damage.
Easy: $255
Medium: $300
Hard: $325
Impoppable: $360
Unlock XP: 140
Wizard Monkeys that have been upgraded with Intense Magic will be given the ability to pierce 7 bloons at a time as well as the ability to melt through frozen bloons.
Bolts will also gain projectile speed, allowing players to shred through bloons faster.
Intense Magic will provide Wall of Fire (-/2/-) with 5 pierce and Dragon’s Breath (-/3/-) with 2 pierce.
Easy: $255
Medium: $300
Hard: $325
Impoppable: $360
Unlock XP: 500
Upon upgrading a Wizard Monkey with Monkey Sense, Wizard Monkeys will gain the ability to detect Camo Bloons.
SHIMMER (-/-/3)
Easy: $1,530
Medium: $1,800
Hard: $2,160
Impoppable: $2,160
Unlock XP: 2,200
Upon upgrading a Wizard Monkey with Shimmer, the Wizard Monkey will begin producing large blasts every 2 seconds that reveal Camo Bloons permanently.
Shimmer has the chance to reveal 200 Camo Bloons, but deals no damage to bloons.
It should be noted that while Shimmer may be useful to decamo bloons, it is fairly expensive and not the most reliable.
Shimmer is the most common method players will use when it comes to dealing with Camo Bloons, especially when it comes to decamoing Dark Dirigible Titans (DDTs).
Easy: $2,975
Medium: $3,500
Hard: $3,780
Impoppable: $4,200
Unlock XP: 10,000
Upon upgrading a Wizard Monkey with the Necromancer: Unpopped Army upgrade, the Wizard Monkey will cause all bloons popped by any tower nearby said Wizard Monkey to re-animate and travel towards the entrance, dealing damage to every bloon they touch.
Undead Bloons will be able to damage Purple Bloons as well as Lead Bloons, which Wizard Monkeys are not usually able to do.
Undead Bloons last for 10 seconds and can affect between 2 to 11 other bloons, dealing 2 damage to each affected bloon.
Necromancers have a hidden storage, allowing them to collect up to 500 bloons for a maximum of 2 rounds. For each 100 bloons, the Necromancer will spawn bloons 10% faster up to a maximum of 50%.
The issue with the Necromancer-Wizard Monkey is the fact that it is not strong on its own and requires the assistance of other towers in order to properly slice through bloons.
For the most part a Necromancer is a support tower and can be used as effective “anti-stall” towers (towers that destroy bloons immediately) for later rounds.
Easy: $20,400
Medium: $24,000
Hard: $25,920
Impoppable: $28,800
Unlock XP: 30,000
Upon upgrading a Wizard Monkey with Prince of Darkness, the Wizard Monkey will be able to summon undead MOAB-class bloons as well as BFBs.
The Prince of Darkness can also hold up to 2000 bloons instead of 500 and Undead Bloons that are summoned will also deal 3 damage and will gain a 50% increase in lifespan.
The Prince of Darkness also receives an increase in attack speed, being able to attack 4x faster than its previous version.
As the Prince of Darkness carries over the benefits of Shimmer (-/-/3), players will be happy to know that Shimmer will also activate twice as fast, providing players with a much more reliable decamo.
Since the Prince of Darkness can now summon undead MOAB-class bloons, players will also rejoice in knowing that each undead MOAB can deal 40 damage per hit to a maximum of 20 bloons. Each Undead MOAB-class bloon will last for a maximum of 30 seconds.
It should be noted that Undead MOABs consume 20 units from the Prince of Darkness’ “graveyard” and can be summoned every 3 seconds.
Undead BFBs deal 100 damage per hit and can affect up to 50 bloons before reaching their pop limit, though it should be noted that Undead BFBs only last for 20 seconds and require at least 1450 stored bloons in the Prince of Darkness’ graveyard. Similarly, they can be summoned every 3 seconds.
Also similar to the Necromancer, the Prince of Darkness gains 20% attack speed for each 100 graveyard units up to a maximum of 100% when the Prince of Darkness reaches 500 graveyard units.
The Prince of Darkness is most effective against Dark Dirigible Titans (DDTs)
The Super Monkey is by far one of the most powerful Towers players can place in all of Bloons TD 6, though while powerful since it is very pricy, players will want to be cautious of when they place one as if placed too early before lower priced towers are placed an upgraded, player may experience bloon leakage.
The Super Monkey is a great mid-game tower that players can rely on to destroy all types of bloons, including MOAB-class bloons, especially if players are able to fuel the Super Monkey with it’s excessive need of money-fuel.
The Super Monkey does not have specific placement requirements, but instead should just be placed where it has the most vision over a track.
The Super Monkey has a Medium attack range.
The Super Monkey has a base pierce of 1.
The Super Monkey has a base damage of 1.
The Super Monkey does not have camo detection innately, however, can receive it when upgraded with Ultravision (-/-/2).
The Super Monkey has Hypersonic attack speed, attacking about 15 times per second.
Easy: $2,125
Medium: $2,500
Hard: $2,700
Impoppable: $3,000
While extremely costly, a Path 1 Super Monkey is one of the most powerful towers that can be placed in BTD6.
In most cases, players will want to cross path a Path 1 Super Monkey with Path 3 as this combination will provide the Super Monkey with camo detection as well as the ability to knock back bloons.
The only time I don’t use a (5/-/2) Super Monkey is when I have Etienne on my team, who essentially provides all towers with camo detection when he reaches level 10. The same can be said if players plan on placing a Monkey Village in hopes of providing camo detection, or more importantly Monkey Intelligence Bureau (-/2/-).
Players will often want to pair a Path 1 Super Monkey with an Alchemist Monkey that has been upgraded to (5/-/2) as the Alchemist Monkey will greatly buff the Super Monkey, causing it to deal almost 3x the damage.
Easy: $2,125
Medium: $2,500
Hard: $2,700
Impoppable: $3,000
Unlock XP: 500
Upon upgrading a Super Monkey with Laser Blasts, the Super Monkey will begin shooting laser projectiles that can pop two bloons at a time instead of one.
Super Monkeys with Laser Blasts will also be able to shred through frozen bloons, however, will lose the ability to pop Purple Bloons.
Easy: $3,825
Medium: $4,500
Hard: $4,860
Impoppable: $5,400
Unlock XP: 2,200
Upon upgrading a Super Monkey with Plasma Vision, the Super Monkey will gain the ability to shoot out plasma instead of lasers.
Although plasma is stronger than lasers, allowing the Super Monkey to shread through 3 bloons at once instead of 2, the Super Monkey will still not be able to shread through Purple Bloons.
Plasma Blast-Super Monkeys will, however, be able to shread through Lead Bloons, making them a lovely upgrade for players to rely on.
The Plasma Blasts upgrade will also provide the Super Monkey with 100% attack speed, making it a force to be reckoned with.
SUN AVATAR (-/-/3)
Easy: $18,700
Medium: $22,000
Hard: $23,825
Impoppable: $26,400
Unlock XP: 7,000
Upon upgrading a Super Monkey with the Sun Avatar upgrade, the Super Monkey will begin shooting 3 solar rays at a time, gaining an additional 3 pierce.
In total, the Sun Avatar-Super Monkey will be able to shred through 6 bloons at a time, dealing immaculate damage against all types of bloons, including MOAB-class bloons.
It’s important to note that the Sun Avatar will still be unable to shred through Purple Bloons without the help of a Monkey Village, though players can acquire the “Strike Down the False” Monkey Knowledge, which provides Sun Avatars with the ability to destroy Purple Bloons.
SUN TEMPLE (4/-/-)
Easy: $85,000
Medium: $100,000
Hard: $108,000
Impoppable: $120,000
Unlock XP: 50,000
Upon upgrading a Super Monkey with Sun Temple, the Super Monkey will be able to destroy 5 layers of bloons while simultaneously being able to shred through a maximum of 20 bloons at a time.
The Sun Temple upgrade also provides the Super Monkey with an additional 30% increase in attack range.
In order to acquire the Sun Temple, players must sacrifice other towers, essentially providing the Sun Temple with different perks based on how much money was spent on the towers sacrificed.
TIP: The Sun Temple can be placed on water if players have an Ice Monkey with Arctic Wind. Placing a Sun Temple on water will allow the Sun Temple to gain bonuses from upgrades such as Carrier Flagship (5/-/- from Monkey Bucacaneer) or Admiral Brickell’s Navil Tactics Ability.
A single sacrifice can be made per each category (Primary, Military, Magic and Support), though a Sun Temple will only require a maximum of 3 sacrifices.
The Sun Temple will always sacrifice the most expensive towers in its area, so getting to know how much is required for the upgrades you want is going to be essential, so you don’t waste resources.
It should be noted that while many perks look similar, some tiers provide a much larger boost than other. For the sake of this post, I have placed a star (⭐) next to new perks or previous perks that gain an added stat bonus. A monkey (🙊) will be placed next to perks that are from lower tiers that remain unchanged.
At the time of publishing this article, the Sun Temple does not lose any of the perks from lower tiers, making it unnecessary to worry about the fear of missing better perks.
The following are all of the possible upgrades players can acquire when upgrading a Sun Temple:
BETWEEN $301-1,000
⭐ An additional 5 pierce to the Sun Temple’s main attack
BETWEEN $1,001-2,000
🙊 An additional 5 pierce to the Sun Temple’s main attack
⭐ An additional 1 damage to the Sun Temple’s main attack
⭐ The Sun Temple gains 8 golden blades that deal 15 damage with 10 pierce every 2 seconds.
BETWEEN $2,001-4,000
🙊 An additional 5 pierce to the Sun Temple’s main attack
🙊 An additional 1 damage to the Sun Temple’s main attack
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 8 golden blades that deal 15 damage with 10 pierce every 2 seconds.
⭐ An additional 25% attack speed to the Sun Temple’s main attack
BETWEEN $4,001-7,500
🙊 An additional 5 pierce to the Sun Temple’s main attack
🙊 An additional 1 damage to the Sun Temple’s main attack
⭐ The Sun Temple gains 8 golden blades that deal 25 damage with 20 pierce every 1.5 seconds.
⭐ An additional 50% attack speed to the Sun Temple’s main attack
BETWEEN $7,501-10,000
🙊 An additional 5 pierce to the Sun Temple’s main attack
⭐ An additional 2 damage to the Sun Temple’s main attack
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 8 golden blades that deal 25 damage with 20 pierce every 1.5 seconds.
🙊 An additional 50% attack speed to the Sun Temple’s main attack
BETWEEN $10,001-15,000
🙊 An additional 5 pierce to the Sun Temple’s main attack
⭐ An additional 2 damage to the Sun Temple’s main attack
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 8 golden blades that deal 25 damage with 20 pierce every 1.5 seconds.
🙊 An additional 50% attack speed to the Sun Temple’s main attack
⭐ The Sun Temple gains a golden glaive attack which fires every 1.5 seconds. Glaives will bounce between the nearest bloons dealing 10 damage with a total of 50 pierce.
BETWEEN $15,001-25,000
⭐ An additional 15 pierce to the Sun Temple’s main attack
⭐ An additional 3 damage to the Sun Temple’s main attack
🙊An additional 75% attack speed to the Sun Temple’s main attack
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 8 golden blades that deal 25 damage with 20 pierce every 1.5 seconds.
🙊 The Sun Temple gains a golden glaive attack which fires every 1.5 seconds. Glaives will bounce between the nearest bloons dealing 10 damage with a total of 50 pierce.
BETWEEN $25,001-25,000
⭐ An additional 20 pierce to the Sun Temple’s main attack
⭐ An additional 4 damage to the Sun Temple’s main attack
🙊 An additional 75% attack speed to the Sun Temple’s main attack
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 8 golden blades that deal 25 damage with 20 pierce every 1.5 seconds.
⭐ The Sun Temple gains a golden glaive attack which fires every 0.8 seconds. Glaives will bounce between the nearest bloons dealing 20 damage with a total of 50 pierce.
$50.000 OR ABOVE
🙊 An additional 20 pierce to the Sun Temple’s main attack
⭐ An additional 5 damage to the Sun Temple’s main attack
⭐An additional 100% attack speed to the Sun Temple’s main attack
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 8 golden blades that deal 25 damage with 20 pierce every 1.5 seconds.
⭐ The Sun Temple gains a golden glaive attack which fires every 0.5 seconds. Glaives will bounce between the nearest bloons dealing 30 damage with a total of 50 pierce.
BETWEEN $301-1,000
⭐ The Sun Temple gains a 25% increase in projectile size
⭐ The Sun Temple gains 25% projectile speed
BETWEEN $1,001-2,000
🙊 The Sun Temple gains a 25% increase in projectile size
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 25% projectile speed
⭐ All of the Sun Temple’s attacks gain 5 pierce
BETWEEN $2,001-4000
🙊 The Sun Temple gains a 25% increase in projectile size
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 25% projectile speed
🙊 All of the Sun Temple’s attacks gain 5 pierce
⭐ The Sun Temple gains access to a golden missile that has infinite range and fires every 3 seconds. The golden missile can deal a maximum of 75 damage to up to 50 bloons.
BETWEEN $4,001-7,500
🙊 The Sun Temple gains a 25% increase in projectile size
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 25% projectile speed
🙊 All of the Sun Temple’s attacks gain 5 pierce
🙊 The Sun Temple gains access to a golden missile that has infinite range and fires every 3 seconds. The golden missile can deal a maximum of 75 damage to up to 50 bloons.
⭐ The Sun Temple gains access to a golden Spectre that shoots both darts and bombs every 0.15 seconds. The Spectre’s darts deal 10 damage and have 10 pierce, while the bombs deal 6 damage and have 30 pierce.
BETWEEN $7,501-10,000
🙊 The Sun Temple gains a 25% increase in projectile size
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 25% projectile speed
⭐ All of the Sun Temple’s attacks gain 10 pierce
⭐ The Sun Temple gains access to a golden missile that has infinite range and fires every 1.5 seconds. The golden missile can deal a maximum of 75 damage to up to 50 bloons.
🙊 The Sun Temple gains access to a golden Spectre that shoots both darts and bombs every 0.15 seconds. The Spectre’s darts deal 10 damage and have 10 pierce, while the bombs deal 6 damage and have 30 pierce.
BETWEEN $10,001-15,000
⭐ The Sun Temple gains a 50% increase in projectile size
⭐ The Sun Temple gains 50% projectile speed
🙊 All of the Sun Temple’s attacks gain 10 pierce
🙊 The Sun Temple gains access to a golden missile that has infinite range and fires every 1.5 seconds. The golden missile can deal a maximum of 75 damage to up to 50 bloons.
🙊 The Sun Temple gains access to a golden Spectre that shoots both darts and bombs every 0.15 seconds. The Spectre’s darts deal 10 damage and have 10 pierce, while the bombs deal 6 damage and have 30 pierce.
BETWEEN $15,001-25,000
🙊 The Sun Temple gains a 50% increase in projectile size
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 50% projectile speed
⭐ All of the Sun Temple’s attacks gain 15 pierce
⭐ The Sun Temple gains access to a golden missile that has infinite range and fires every 1 seconds. The golden missile can deal a maximum of 75 damage to up to 50 bloons.
🙊 The Sun Temple gains access to a golden Spectre that shoots both darts and bombs every 0.15 seconds. The Spectre’s darts deal 10 damage and have 10 pierce, while the bombs deal 6 damage and have 30 pierce.
BETWEEN $25,001-50,000
⭐ The Sun Temple gains a 75% increase in projectile size
⭐ The Sun Temple gains 75% projectile speed
🙊 All of the Sun Temple’s attacks gain 15 pierce
🙊 The Sun Temple gains access to a golden missile that has infinite range and fires every 1 seconds. The golden missile can deal a maximum of 75 damage to up to 50 bloons.
🙊 The Sun Temple gains access to a golden Spectre that shoots both darts and bombs every 0.15 seconds. The Spectre’s darts deal 10 damage and have 10 pierce, while the bombs deal 6 damage and have 30 pierce.
$50,000 OR ABOVE
🙊 The Sun Temple gains a 75% increase in projectile size
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 75% projectile speed
🙊 All of the Sun Temple’s attacks gain 15 pierce
🙊 The Sun Temple gains access to a golden missile that has infinite range and fires every 1 seconds. The golden missile can deal a maximum of 75 damage to up to 50 bloons.
⭐ The Sun Temple gains access to two golden Spectres that shoots both darts and bombs every 0.15 seconds. The Spectres’ darts deal 15 damage and have 10 pierce, while the bombs deal 10 damage and have 30 pierce.
It should be noted that a Sun Temple will not accept the sacrifice of a Magic Monkey below $1,000 and thus players should be cautious if they hope to gain a Magic Class upgrade.
BETWEEN $1,001-2,000
⭐ The Sun Temple gains 4 homing magic shots that are summoned every 4 seconds. Each magic shot will deal 20 damage and have 7 pierce.
BETWEEN $2,001-4,000
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 4 homing magic shots that are summoned every 4 seconds. Each magic shot will deal 20 damage and have 7 pierce.
⭐ The Sun Temple gains a 10% chance to distract bloons with its main attack.
BETWEEN $4,001-7,500
⭐ The Sun Temple gains 4 homing magic shots that are summoned every 4 seconds. Each magic shot will deal 30 damage and have 7 pierce.
🙊 The Sun Temple gains a 10% chance to distract bloons with its main attack.
BETWEEN $7,501-10,000
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 4 homing magic shots that are summoned every 4 seconds. Each magic shot will deal 30 damage and have 7 pierce.
🙊 The Sun Temple gains a 10% chance to distract bloons with its main attack.
⭐ The Sun Temple gains a forcefield attack which is activated every 5 seconds. The forcefield attack can knockback bloons, affecting up to 500 bloons at a time. It should be noted that the strongest bloon the forcefield can affect is a Ceramic Bloon.
BETWEEN $10,001-15,000
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 4 homing magic shots that are summoned every 4 seconds. Each magic shot will deal 30 damage and have 7 pierce.
⭐ The Sun Temple gains a 20% chance to distract bloons with its main attack.
🙊 The Sun Temple gains a forcefield attack which is activated every 5 seconds. The forcefield attack can knockback bloons, affecting up to 500 bloons at a time. It should be noted that the strongest bloon the forcefield can affect is a Ceramic Bloon.
BETWEEN $15,000-25,000
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 4 homing magic shots that are summoned every 4 seconds. Each magic shot will deal 30 damage and have 7 pierce.
🙊 The Sun Temple gains a 20% chance to distract bloons with its main attack.
⭐ The Sun Temple gains a forcefield attack which is activated every 5 seconds. The forcefield attack can knockback bloons, affecting up to 500 bloons at a time. It should be noted that the strongest bloon the forcefield can affect is a Ceramic Bloon and MOAB-class bloons.
BETWEEN $25,001-50,000
⭐ The Sun Temple gains 6 homing magic shots that are summoned every 2 seconds. Each magic shot will deal 35 damage and have 7 pierce.
🙊 The Sun Temple gains a 20% chance to distract bloons with its main attack.
🙊 The Sun Temple gains a forcefield attack which is activated every 5 seconds. The forcefield attack can knockback bloons, affecting up to 500 bloons at a time. It should be noted that the strongest bloon the forcefield can affect is a Ceramic Bloon and MOAB-class bloons.
$50,000 OR ABOVE
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 6 homing magic shots that are summoned every 2 seconds. Each magic shot will deal 35 damage and have 7 pierce.
🙊 The Sun Temple gains a 20% chance to distract bloons with its main attack.
🙊 The Sun Temple gains a forcefield attack which is activated every 5 seconds. The forcefield attack can knockback bloons, affecting up to 500 bloons at a time. It should be noted that the strongest bloon the forcefield can affect is a Ceramic Bloon and MOAB-class bloons.
⭐ The Sun Temple can now spawn mini Sun Avatar every 30 seconds that deals 4 damage per shot. Mini Sun Avatars do not technically have a footprint, meaning that players can still place other towers near or on top of the summoned mini Sun Avatars. It should also be noted that mini Sun Avatars have a lifespan of 65 seconds, meaning that players can acquire up to 3 mini Sun Avatars at most, with the help of a speed buff.
BETWEEN $301-$1,000
⭐ The Sun Temple gains 5 range
BETWEEN $1,001-2,000
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 5 range
⭐ The Sun Temple provides a 10% discount to all nearby towers and their upgrades.
BETWEEN $2,001-4,000
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 5 range
🙊 The Sun Temple provides a 10% discount to all nearby towers and their upgrades.
⭐ The Sun Temple provides a 10% attack speed bonus to all towers within its range
⭐ The Sun Temple provides $500 at the end of each round
BETWEEN $4,001-7,500
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 5 range
🙊 The Sun Temple provides a 10% discount to all nearby towers and their upgrades.
🙊 The Sun Temple provides a 10% attack speed bonus to all towers within its range
🙊 The Sun Temple provides $500 at the end of each round
⭐ The Sun Temple provides 50% more cash from bloons popped within its range
BETWEEN $7,501-10,000
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 5 range
🙊 The Sun Temple provides a 10% discount to all nearby towers and their upgrades.
🙊 The Sun Temple provides a 10% attack speed bonus to all towers within its range
⭐ The Sun Temple provides $1,500 at the end of each round
🙊 The Sun Temple provides 50% more cash from bloons popped within its range
⭐ The Sun Temple provides 3 pierce to all towers within its range
⭐ The Sun Temple provides 20% range to all towers in its range
BETWEEN $10,001-15,000
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 5 range
🙊 The Sun Temple provides a 10% discount to all nearby towers and their upgrades.
🙊 The Sun Temple provides a 10% attack speed bonus to all towers within its range
⭐ The Sun Temple provides $3,000 at the end of each round
🙊 The Sun Temple provides 50% more cash from bloons popped within its range
🙊 The Sun Temple provides 3 pierce to all towers within its range
🙊 The Sun Temple provides 20% range to all towers in its range
BETWEEN $15,001-25,000
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 5 range
⭐ The Sun Temple provides a 20% discount to all nearby towers and their upgrades.
🙊 The Sun Temple provides a 10% attack speed bonus to all towers within its range
🙊 The Sun Temple provides $3,000 at the end of each round
🙊 The Sun Temple provides 50% more cash from bloons popped within its range
🙊 The Sun Temple provides 3 pierce to all towers within its range
🙊 The Sun Temple provides 20% range to all towers in its range
⭐ The Sun Temple provides 1 damage to all towers in its range
BETWEEN $25,001-50,000
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 5 range
🙊 The Sun Temple provides a 20% discount to all nearby towers and their upgrades.
⭐ The Sun Temple provides a 20% attack speed bonus to all towers within its range
⭐ The Sun Temple provides $5,000 at the end of each round
🙊 The Sun Temple provides 50% more cash from bloons popped within its range
🙊 The Sun Temple provides 3 pierce to all towers within its range
🙊 The Sun Temple provides 20% range to all towers in its range
🙊 The Sun Temple provides 1 damage to all towers in its range
$50,000 AND ABOVE
🙊 The Sun Temple gains 5 range
🙊 The Sun Temple provides a 20% discount to all nearby towers and their upgrades.
🙊 The Sun Temple provides a 20% attack speed bonus to all towers within its range
🙊 The Sun Temple provides $5,000 at the end of each round
🙊 The Sun Temple provides 50% more cash from bloons popped within its range
🙊 The Sun Temple provides 3 pierce to all towers within its range
🙊 The Sun Temple provides 20% range to all towers in its range
⭐ The Sun Temple provides 2 damage to all towers in its range
NOTE: The Sun Temple DOES NOT provide money each round when playing C.H.I.M.P.S. making sacrificing a Support Tower less desirable.
TRUE SUN GOD (5/-/-)
Easy: $425,000
Medium: $500,000
Hard: $540,000
Impoppable: $600,000
Unlock XP: 150,000
Upon upgrading a Super Monkey with the True Sun God upgrade the Super Monkey will be able to shred through 15 layers of bloons per hit.
The True Sun God requires additional sacrifices in order to summon, though players will be happy to know that the benefits the True Sun God receives are even better than the previous benefits provided to the previous Sun Temple upgrade.
There is a hidden upgrade for players using Monkey Knowledge which allows players to summon the Avatar of the Vengeful Monkey, which is even stronger than the True Sun God, though players will have to follow step by step instructions in order to summon one. The instructions to summon the Avatar of the Vengeful Monkey can be found here.
If a fully upgrade Sun Temple is upgraded to the True Sun God it will receive the following benefits:
⭐ The True Sun God receives 40 pierce to its main attack
🙊 The True Sun God receives 100% attack speed to its main attack
🙊 The True Sun God 5 damage to its main attack
⭐ The True Sun God receives 16 golden blades that damage every 1.5 seconds, dealing 25 damage with 20 pierce
⭐ The True Sun God receives a golden glaive attack that bounces between the nearest bloons, dealing 30 damage and 50 pierce every 0.5 seconds.
⭐ The True Sun God receives 100% larger projectile size, which is its maximum
⭐ The True Sun God receives 100% projectile speed, which is its maximum
⭐ The True Sun God receives 30 pierce to all its attacks
⭐ The True Sun God gains two golden missiles that have an infinite range, dealing 75 damage to a maximum of 50 bloons every second. The second missile has an increased projectile speed.
⭐ The True Sun God gains 4 golden Spectres that shoot darts that deal 15 damage and 10 pierce and bombs that deal 10 damage with 30 pierce every 0.15 seconds. Each Spectre has a different flight path, including Circle, Centered Path, Figure-Infinite and Figure-Eight, essentially providing players with all the possible flight paths.
⭐ The True Sun God gains 12 homing magic shots that deal 35 damage and 7 pierce every 2 seconds.
⭐ The True Sun God gainsa 40% chance to distract bloons with its main attack.
🙊 The Sun Temple gains a forcefield attack which is activated every 5 seconds. The forcefield attack can knockback bloons, affecting up to 500 bloons at a time. It should be noted that the strongest bloon the forcefield can affect is a Ceramic Bloon and MOAB-class bloons.
⭐ The Sun Temple can now spawn mini Sun Avatar every 15 seconds that deals 4 damage per shot. Mini Sun Avatars do not technically have a footprint, meaning that players can still place other towers near or on top of the summoned mini Sun Avatars. It should also be noted that mini Sun Avatars have a lifespan of 65 seconds, meaning that players can acquire up to 6 mini Sun Avatars at most, with the help of a speed buff.
⭐ The Sun Temple gains 10 range
⭐ The Sun Temple provides a 40% discount to all nearby towers and their upgrades.
⭐ The Sun Temple provides a 40% attack speed bonus to all towers within its range
⭐ The Sun Temple provides $10,000 at the end of each round
⭐ The Sun Temple provides 100% more cash from bloons popped within its range
⭐ The Sun Temple provides 6 pierce to all towers within its range
⭐ The Sun Temple provides 40% range to all towers in its range
⭐ The Sun Temple provides 4 damage to all towers in its range
For folks who aren’t expecting to receive a healthy chunk of money, especially if they do not have access to Banana Farms or other sources of income they may want to focus on a Path 2 Super Monkey.
Path 2 primarily focusses on providing players with extra range for their Super Monkey, though Path 2 also increases the damage output from the Super Monkey significantly due to the fact that it provides the Super Monkey with two arms, being one of the only towers that can deal damage in multiple directions.
Players are recommended to cross path a Path 2 Super Monkey with a Path 1 Super Monkey as upgrading a Super Monkey with (2/5/0) will allow the Super Monkey to deal over double the damage. The only downfall to a (2/5/0) is that it lacks camo detection, which can easily be granted by placing the Super Monkey by a Monkey Village or Etienne post level 10.
Easy: $850
Medium: $1,000
Hard: $1,080
Impoppable: $1,200
Unlock XP: 300
Upon upgrading a Super Monkey with Super Range, the Super Monkey will gain a 20% increase in attack range, extending from 50 units to 60.
EPIC RANGE (-/2/-)
Easy: $1,190
Medium: $1,400
Hard: $1,510
Impoppable: $1,680
Upon upgrading a Super Monkey with Epic Range, the Super Monkey will gain even more range, though player will be happy to note that in BTD6 the Epic Range upgrade will also provide the Super Monkey with 25% attack speed.
Unlock XP: 1,300
Easy: $7,650
Medium: $9,000
Hard: $9,720
Impoppable: $10,800
Unlock XP: 6,000
Upon upon upgrading a Super Monkey with the Robo Monkey, the Super Monkey will gain a 4 pierce and gain the ability to shoot in multiple directions at the same time.
As the Robo Monkey upgrade provides a Super Monkey with two-directional arms, players will be able to select different targeting options for each arm.
Easy: $18,700
Medium: $22,000
Hard: $23,760
Impoppable: $26,400
Unlock XP: 35,000
Upon upgrading a Super Monkey with Tech Terror the Super Monkey will gain 25% attack speed, 2 pierce and will begin shooting plasma.
As the Tech Terror now shoots plasma it will no longer be able to shred through Purple Bloons.
The Tech Terror also has access to a new ability that deals 1000 damage to all bloons within its range. The ability can effect Camo Bloons even if players don’t supply the Super Monkey with camo detection using the Ultravision (-/-/2) upgrade, Monkey Village or Etienne.
Easy: $76,500
Medium: $90,000
Hard: $97,200
Impoppable: $108,000
Unlock XP: 85,000
Upon upgrading a Super Monkey with the Anti-Bloon upgrade the Super Monkey will gain extra damage for it’s Annihilation ability, now dealing 3,500 damage to all bloons in its range.
Players will be very happy to note that The Anti-Bloon’s ability range is now 100 and it’s base range is increased to 82.
Not only will the Anti-Bloon gain an increase in damage for its activatable ability, but it will also gain 4 damage, 5 pierce as well as 10 range .
Shockingly, The Anti-Bloon Super Monkey is capable of destroying Purple Bloons, becoming an extremely viable tower to place on any map.
Although not as powerful as a Path 1 Super Monkey, a Path 3 Super Monkey does deal extremely effective damage against MOAB-class bloons and is especially effective for destroying Dark Dirigible Titans (DDTs).
Though perfect for destroying MOAB-class bloons, a Path 3 Super Monkey struggles to shred through hoards of bloons and players will have to either rely on other towers to mitigate damage or players will want to focus on upgrading a Path 1 Super Monkey.
It shouldn’t be shocking that a Path 3 Super Monkey cross paths well with Path 1 as Plasma Blasts (2/-/-) pairs extremely well with the Dark Champion, providing the Super Monkey with double the power.
Easy: $2,550
Medium: $3,000
Hard: $3,240
Impoppable: $3,600
Unlock XP: 550
Upon upgrading a Super Monkey with Knockback the Super Monkey will be able to push back all bloons except for Lead Bloons and Ceramic Bloons by 25%.
While the Super Monkey is unable to push Lead Bloons and Ceramic Bloons back, the Super Monkey does gain the ability to slow down Lead Bloons and Ceramic Bloons by 60%.
Similarly Super Monkeys with the Knockback upgrade will be able to slow down MOAB-class bloons, excluding Big Airships of Doom (BADs) by 30%.
Easy: $1,020
Medium: $1,200
Hard: $1,295
Impoppable: $1,440
Unlock XP: 2,000
Upo upgrading a Super Monkey with Ultravision the Super Monkey will gain access to camo detection and will also gain a 6% increase in range.
Easy: $4,675
Medium: $5,500
Hard: $5,940
Impoppable: $6,600
Unlock XP: 6,500
Upon upgrading a Super Monkey with the Dark Knight upgrade, the Super Monkey will gain 2 damage towards MOAB-class bloons and 4 extra pierce.
The Super Monkey will also gain the ability to knockback Lead Bloons and Ceramic Bloons.
As an added benefit, the Dark Knight will also gain an activatable ability that allows players to relocate it every 20 seconds, though only within it’s current range.
Easy: $51,000
Medium: $60,000
Hard: $64,800
Impoppable: $72,000
Unlock XP: 47,500
Upon upgrading a Super Monkey with the Dark Champion upgrade the Super Monkey will begin damaging twice as fast, shooting once every 0.03 seconds.
The Dark Champion upgrade also provides the Super Monkey with 1 extra damage, 1 extra MOAB-class specific damage, 2 pierce and the ability to pop all bloon types.
Unlike the Dark Knight, the Dark Champion can activate Darkshift and teleport anywhere on the map.
Easy: $204,000
Medium: $240,000
Hard: $259,200
Impoppable: $288,000
Unlock XP: 100,000
Upon upgrading a Super Monkey with the Legend of the Night upgrade the Super Monkey will gain a passive ability that summons a black hole at the end of the track which activates as soon as the first leaked bloon tries to cross it.
As soon as a bloon attempts to cross the black hole, all bloons that begin leaking will not cost any lives for a maximum of 7.5 seconds. This also includes MOAB-class bloons, including Big Airships of Doom (BADs).
While it may sound like the Legend of the Night is over powered, especially as it prevents players from immediately losing a round, it should be noted that the black hole can only be activated every 2 minutes.
The Legend of the Night upgrade will also provide the Super Monkey with 4 extra range, 15 pierce and 3 damage.
The final stats for the Legend of the Night come up to 22 pierce, 5 base damage and 8 damage towards MOAB-class bloons.
The Ninja Monkey is one of the stronger choices for bloon destruction, especially if players are struggling to take care of Camo bloons.
While Ninja Monkeys are powerful, they are not always considered essential, though they can be upgraded to shred through Lead Bloons and damage MOAB-class bloons extremely well.
Players can also empower their Ninja Monkeys by placing a hoard of Path 2 Ninja Monkeys in order to raise all of their attack speeds.
The placement of a Ninja Monkey will depend on which upgrade path players are hoping to use.
Path 1 and Path 2 Ninja Monkeys need to be placed somewhere where a player has good amount of vision without any Line of Strike obstructions.
Path 3 Ninja Monkeys are most useful when placed near the entrance of a map as they will primarily be used to damage MOAB-class bloons.
If possible, players should find a location where a Path 3 Ninja Monkey has two spots to throw bombs onto the MOAB-class bloon in order to increase the amount of damage they deal.
The Ninja Monkey has a Medium attack range.
The Ninja Monkey has a base pierce of 2.
The Ninja Monkey has a base damage of 1.
The Ninja Monkey has access to camo detection upon placing the tower.
The Ninja Monkey has a Medium attack speed, damaging bloons every 0.7 seconds.
Easy: $425
Medium: $500
Hard: $540
Impoppable: $600
While Path 1 Ninja Monkeys do not have access to exploding through Lead Bloons, they do excel at damaging hoards of bloons as all the upgrades are focussed on throwing more shurikens at once.
Due to the high amount of pierce and the amount of damage Path 1 Ninja Monkeys have, players should think about cross pathing a Path 1 Ninja Monkey with Path 3 as Seeking Shurikens (-/-/1) will ensure that the maximum amount of bloons are targetted, otherwise the Ninja Monkey may miss out on damage simply due to Shurikens missing.
Players could focus on cross pathing Path 1 Monkeys with Path 2 if they want to gain access to Distraction (-/1/-) which effectively allows for more DPS, though I would recommend cross pathing Path 2 with another path, which we’ll cover later.
Easy: $255
Medium: $300
Hard: $325
Impoppable: $360
Unlock XP: 150
Upon upgrading a Ninja Monkey with Ninja Discipline, the Ninja Monkey will gain a 66.7% attack speed allowing the Ninja Monkey to throw a shuriken at every 0.42 seconds.
Easy: $295
Medium: $350
Hard: $380
Impoppable: $420
Unlock XP: 550
Upon upgrading Ninja Monkey with Sharp Shurikens, the Ninja Monkey will be able to damage 4 bloons per Shuriken.
Easy: $720
Medium: $850
Hard: $920
Impoppable: $1,020
Unlock XP: 2,000
Upon upgrading a Ninja Monkey with Double Shot the Ninja Monkey will be able to throw 2 shurikens at once, allowing the Ninja Monkey to damage a total of 8 bloons per shuriken.
Easy: $2,335
Medium: $2,750
Hard: $2,970
Impoppable: $3,300
Unlock XP: 16,000
Upon upgrading a Ninja Monkey with Bloonjitsu the Ninja Monkey will be able to throw 5 shuriens at once, effectively being able to damage a maximum of 35 bloons at once.
Easy: $29,750
Medium: $35,000
Hard: $37,800
Impoppable: $42,000
Unlock XP: 50,000
Upon upgrading a Ninja Monkey with Grandmaster Ninja, the Ninja Monkey will be able to shoot faster, equaling to about 1 shot every 0.217 seconds.
The Ninja Monkey will also gain more range and will be able to pop 2 bloons per shuriken.
Speaking of being able to damage more bloons per shuriken, the Grandmaster Ninja upgrade will also provide Ninja Monkey with the ability to throw 8 shurikens.
Path 2 Ninja Monkeys are quite frankly the most support-like towers you can get for the tower, essentially providing all nearby Ninja Monkeys with a vital speed and pierce buff.
Path 2 Monkeys can be cross pathed with either paths, though realistically players may want to focus on just upgrading their Ninja Monkeys with Shinobi Tactics (-/3/-) as realistically the pierce and speed buff is all that players will want to focus on.
Path 2 Ninja Monkeys are perfect when pairing up with a Path 1 Grandmaster Ninja (5/-/-) or multiple Bloonjitsu Ninjas (4/-/-), though players can also try to empower Path 3 Ninja Monkeys in hopes of stunning MOAB-class bloons more frequently.
Easy: $292
Medium: $350
Hard: $380
Impoppable: $420
Unlock XP: 200
Upon upgrading a Ninja Monkey with Distraction the Ninja Monkey will gain a 15% chance to knockback bloons.
Easy: $425
Medium: $500
Hard: $540
Impoppable: $600
Unlock XP: 600
Upon upgrading a Ninja Monkey with Counter-Espionage the Ninja Monkey will have the ability to remove the camo properties from damage bloons.
Counter-Espionage is one of the cheapest ways players can gain camo stripping and with the help of a Monkey Village with Monkey Intelligence Bureau (-/3/-) a Ninja Monkey with Counter-Espionage can be a great way to strip Dark Dirigible Titans (DDTs) from their camo properties, making them a lot easier to handle overall.
Easy: $765
Medium: $900
Hard: $970
Impoppable: $1,080
Unlock XP: 2,000
Upon upgrading a Ninja Monkey with Shinobi Tactics, the Ninja Monkey will be able to empower all Ninja Monkeys around it by providing them by an attack speed boost of 8.7%, which can be multiplied up to 20 times.
The Shinobi Tactics upgrade will also provide nearby Ninja Monkeys with an 8% increase in pierce which can be stacked up to 20 times as well. The difference between the increase in pierce is that it is only an additive increase, which will still provide nearby Ninja Monkeys with a good amount of pierce.
It should be noted that the buffs provided by the Shinobi Tactics will not give partial bonuses and instead will be rounded up or down.
The following are the buffs tables provided on the Bloons Fandom.
Number of Shinobi Ninjas | Attack Speed Increase |
2 | 18% |
5 | 52% |
10 | 130% |
15 | 249% |
20 | 430% |
Number of Shinobi Ninjas | Pierce Bonus |
2 | 16% |
5 | 40% |
10 | 80% |
15 | 120% |
20 | 160% |
Easy: $4,250
Medium: $5,000
Hard: $5,400
Impoppable: $6,000
Unlock XP: 14,000
Upon upgrading a Ninja Monkey with Bloon Sabotage, the Ninja Monkey will gain the ability to slow down all bloons by 50%, though it should be noted that Big Airships of Doom (BADs) will be left unaffected.
The Bloon Sabotage ability lasts for 15 seconds and has a cooldown of 60 seconds.
It should also be noted that children bloons from MOAB-class bloons will remain unaffected by Bloon Sabotage, though the effects of Bloon Sabotage can carry forward between rounds if the duration has not been fully run through.
Bloon Sabotage is especially useful when dealing with Dark Dirigible Titans (DDTs) as it will allow towers to damage bloons for a longer amount of time.
Easy: $18,700
Medium: $22,000
Hard: $23,760
Impoppable: $26,400
Unlock XP: 35,000
Upon upgrading a Ninja Monkey with Grand Saboteur the Ninja Monkey will cause all MOAB-class bloons to spawn in with only 75% of their maximum health.
Not only will MOAB-class bloons spawn in with less health, but Grand Saboteur will provide Ninja Monkeys with a longer duration for its activatable ability, allowing the Ninja Monkey to slow down bloons by 50% for 30 seconds.
Path 3 Ninja Monkeys are best for dealing with MOAB-class bloons and will not be very useful as a support tower or for shredding through hoards of bloons.
The main advantages of a Path 3 Ninja Monkey is shredding through the top layer of most MOAB-class bloons.
Players are recommended to cross path a Path 3 Ninja Monkey with Path 1 simply because of the damage buff it provides, though players could technically cross path with Path 2… though I very strongly recommend against that.
I highly recommend placing the Master Bomber amongst a hoard of Shinobi Ninja Monkeys. That sweet, sweet attack speed will make your life much better.
Easy: $210
Medium: $250
Hard: $270
Impoppable: $300
Unlock XP: 140
Upon upgrading a Ninja Monkey with Seeking Shuriken, the Ninja Monkey will begin throwing shurikens that will home and bounce between bloons.
Homing attacks will be able to damage bloons that are not technically in the Ninja Monkey’s range, though it should be noted that there must be at least one bloon within the Ninja Monkey’s range for the Ninja Monkey to throw the initial shuriken.
Seeking Shuriken ensures that a Ninja Monkey’s shurikens deal the most damage they can before they expire and without there is a chance that a Ninja Monkey’s shurikens will deal less damage simply due to the placement of the tower.
CALTROPS (-/-/2)
Easy: $340
Medium: $400
Hard: $430
Impoppable: $480
Unlock XP: 500
Upon upgrading a Ninja Monkey with Caltrops the Ninja Monkey will begin throwing caltrops onto the ground every 4.4 seconds.
The Caltrops upgrade is fairly similar to placing a Spike Factory as each caltrop will have the ability to shred through 6 bloons before being consumed.
Also similar to a Spike Factory, Caltrops are not indefinite and have a timed lifespan, disappearing after about a minute and at the end of every round.
It should be noted that Caltrops can be affected by another tower, meaning that players will still benefit from placing an Alchemist, Monkey Village or similar supports near the Ninja Monkey.
Easy: $2,335
Medium: $2,750
Hard: $2,970
Impoppable: $3,300
Unlock XP: 2,500
Upon upgrading a Ninja Monkey with Flash Bomb, the Ninja Monkey will begin throwing Flash Bombs that can stun bloons for up to 60 seconds, dealing 1 damage to all affected bloons.
It should be noted that unlike other explosives, Flash Bombs can still deal damage to Black Bloons.
Easy: $3,825
Medium: $4,500
Hard: $4,860
Impoppable: $5,400
Unlock XP: 15,500
Upon upgrading a Ninja Monkey with Sticky Bomb, the Ninja Monkey will be able to throw bombs that will stick onto MOAB-class bloons, effectively exploding and dealing 400 damage after 3 seconds.
It should be noted that Sticky Bombs can be removed if a MOAB-class bloon receives another status effect, such as being set on fire, being glued, or being affected by an unstable concoction.
That being said, it should also be noted that players may miss out on the damage from Sticky Bombs if there is not enough time for the Sticky Bomb to detonate on the MOAB-class bloon. This is most notable for Dark Dirigible Titans (DDTs) which travel faster than the majority of MOAB-class bloons.
It is strongly recommended that players place a Ninja Monkey with the Sticky Bomb upgrade close to the beginning of a map as this will ensure that MOAB-class bloons are damaged as much as possible.
Even placing a Sticky Bomb Ninja Monkey midway through a track is fairly illogical.
Easy: $34,000
Medium: $40,000
Hard: $43,200
Impoppable: $48,000
Unlock XP: 37,500
Upon upgrading a Ninja Monkey with the Master Bomber upgrade, the Ninja Monkey will become a much stronger variant, throwing a sticky bomb onto MOAB-class bloons every 2 seconds instead of every 5.
Not only does the Master Bomber deal faster damage, bombs will also deal 1000 damage to MOAB-class bloons.
Master Bombers can also stun affected MOAB-class bloons for a maximum of 1 second using sticky bombs and the flash bombs will deal 5 damage and stun MOAB-class bloons for 0.25 seconds.
Regular bloons will be stunned for a maximum of 1 second.
Master Bombers are a great way to shred through the first layer of Dark Dirigible Titans (DDTs) and can even destroy the first layer of Big Airships of Doom (BADs) in the lower levels.
The nice thing about the Master Bomber is that it has infinite attack range, making it a solid source of destroying MOAB-class bloons, though players should still focus on placing the Master Bomber in a good location as the animation for projectiles will effect its speed.
The Alchemist is by far one of the most powerful support Towers players can place in all of Bloons TD 6 as it will provide all Towers nearby with damage and range boosts.
The Alchemist can also provide players with an ample amount of monetary support and the ability to transform weaker Towers into laser dealing Towers.
If players are needing extra support, players can also allow the Alchemist to damage MOAB-class bloons and shrink bloons into Red Bloons.
In most cases a player will want to place the Alchemist closest to a clump of Towers.
Alchemists don’t always need to be placed next to a track as the Alchemist’s major benefits affect Towers and not bloons themselves.
The Alchemist has a range “Medium” attack range of “45”
The Alchemist has a base pierce of 15
The Alchemist has a base damage of 1
The Alchemist does not have camo detection
The Alchemist has a slow attack speed
Easy: $470
Medium: $550
Hard: $595
Impoppable: $660
If players are hoping to empower other towers, especially stronger towers such as Ninja Monkeys, Super Monkeys, Tack Shooter or essentially any tower that the player has access to.
It is important to note that while a Path 1 Alchemist is great at boosting other towers, it does not deal very much damage itself, though players will still want to cross path with Path 2 as it will provide the Alchemist with more than if the Alchemist was to be crosspathed with Path 3.
For example a (4/2/0) Alchemist will have a longer duration on its potions and will provide the affected monkey with a longer duration.
The main reason players would want to cross path with Path 3 would be in hopes of providing more towers with the bonus from the Alchemist, though again, this may not be the best option.
Easy: $210
Medium: $250
Hard: $270
Impoppable: $300
Unlock XP: 140
Upon upgrading an Alchemist with Larger Potions, the Alchemist will be able to pierce through 20 bloons instead of 15.
Easy: $295
Medium: $350
Hard: $380
Impoppable: $420
Unlock XP: 550
Upon upgrading an Alchemist with Acidic Mixture Dip the Alchemist will begin throwing potions every 10 seconds to boost the popping power of other nearby towers.
Not only will the Acidic Mixture Dip provide additional popping power to affected towers, but the towers will also gain the ability to pop Lead Bloons, allow them to deal 1 extra damage to Ceramic Bloons as well as 1 extra damage to MOAB-class bloons for the next 10 shots.
It should be noted that the Acidic Mixture Dip upgrade does not provide affected towers with the ability to shred through Frozen Bloons.
It should also be noted that the Alchemist can throw multiple Acidic Mixture Dips onto a single tower, essentially allowing the affected tower to store up extra shots that do not expire until used.
Notably, Caltrops (-/-/2) that are dropped by an upgrade Ninja Monkey will continue to hold the Acidic Mixture Dip properties until they are consumed, even if the Ninja Monkey no longer has the properties.
Easy: $1,060
Medium: $1,250
Hard: $1,350
Impoppable: $1,500
Unlock XP: 2,500
Upon upgrading an Alchemist with Berserker Brew, the Alchemist will begin throwing potions every 8 seconds that provides a nearby monkey with 1 extra damage, 2 extra pierce, a 10% range increase, as well as a 11.1% increase in attack speed.
Unlike the Acidic Mixture Drip (2/-/-) the Berserker Brew will last 5 seconds or 25 attacks.
It should be noted that the Berserker Brew is thrown at the tower closest to the Alchemist and the Alchemist will still be able to throw an Acidic Mixture Dip potion.
Easy: $2,125
Medium: $2,500
Hard: $2,700
Impoppable: $3,000
Unlock XP: 10,000
Upon upgrading an Alchemist with the Stronger Stimulant upgrade, Alchemists will be able to throw potions that boost towers with 3 pierce, 17.6% faster attack speed and 15% more range.
It should be noted that the Stronger Stimulant provides 1 extra damage to affected towers, which is similar to the Berserker Brew.
A great bonus to the Stronger Stimulant is the fact that it provides towers with 12 seconds of empowerment or 50 attacks with bonuses.
Easy: $51,000
Medium: $60,000
Hard: $64,800
Impoppable: $72,000
Unlock XP: 30,000
Upon upgrading an Alchemist with Permanent Brew, the Alchemist will begin throwing potions that last indefinitely.
The main difference between Permanent Brew and other previous upgrades is the fact that the Stronger Stimulant provides buffs separately from each other, providing affected towers with buffs like 1 extra damage, 3 extra pierce, 17.6% extra attack speed and 15% range.
Alchemists with Permanent Brew can also empower towers to deal 1 extra damage to Ceramic Bloons and MOAB-class bloons and continue to provide towers with the ability to shred through Lead Bloons.
Permanent Brew is very expensive and is commonly unobtainable in C.H.I.M.P.S. mode, however, players in other game modes can easily rely on these monkeys.
Players are recommended to pair an Alchemist with a Support Chinook as the Support Chinook will be able to transport the Alchemist anywhere on the map, effectively allowing players to select what towers they want to empower.
If players are in need of a stable way to shred through Fortified Bloons or need support when dealing with MOAB-class bloons they do not need to look any further than a Path 2 Alechmist.
Path 2 Alchemists can easily remove Fortified properties and will also be able cause MOAB-class bloons to explode, dealing extra damage to all bloons near them.
Upon upgrading an Alchemist the full way, the Alchemist will be able to boost a maximum of 5 monkey-based towers, causing them to shoot lasers that deal more damage than they would without the upgrade.
Path 2 Alchemists should be cross pathed with Path 3, simply due to the attack speed speed that Path 3 provides the Alchemist.
Players will not benefit as much from Path 1, simply because Path 1 has less useful upgrades when matched up with Path 2.
Easy: $210
Medium: $250
Hard: $270
Impoppable: $300
Unlock XP: 140
Upon upgrading an Alchemist with Stronger Acid, the Alchemist will begin throwing potions that deal increased damage over time.
Stronger Acid will pop bloons every 1.5 seconds and will last for 4.5 seconds, essentially allowing the Alchemist to deal damage 3 times.
Easy: $405
Medium: $475
Hard: $515
Impoppable: $570
Unlock XP: 500
Upon upgrading an Alchemist with Perishing Potions, the Alchemist will be able to remove the Fortified property from any Lead and Ceramic Bloons.
Alchemists will also be able to deal 5 damage per hit towards MOAB-class bloons and 20 damage towards any Fortified MOAB-class bloons.
As a passive, Alchemists with the Perishing Potions upgrades will increase the potency of Berserker Brew and Stronger Stimulant, increasing the duration of the potions by 1 second or increasing the amount of shots a tower can take by 10.
Perishing Potions will also allow Alchemist Monkeys to throw brews every 4 seconds instead of every 5.
Easy: $2,550
Medium: $3,000
Hard: $3,240
Impoppable: $3,600
Unlock XP: 2,500
Upon upgrading an Alchemist with Unstable Concoction, the Alchemist will be able to throw potions that cause affect MOAB-class bloons to explode once they are popped.
Explosions will cause damage corelated to the maximum health of the MOAB-class bloon, equalling to 10% of the maximum health when damaging other MOAB-class bloons and 1% of the maximum health when damaging regular bloons.
Easy: $3,825
Medium: $4,500
Hard: $4,860
Impoppable: $5,400
Unlock XP: 10,000
Upon upgrading an Alchemist with Transforming Tonic, the Alchemist will gain the ability to transform into a monster for 20 seconds, gaining the ability to shoot lasers from its eyes.
Alchemist Monkeys will be able to shoot 33.3 times per seconds, dealing 2 damage to a maximum of 4 bloons at a time.
Similar to other towers with lasers or magical related damage, Alchemists with the Transforming Tonic will not be able to shred through Purple Bloons, though they will be able to damage all other types of bloons as long as they are not camouflaged.
It needs to be noted that while the Alchemist is usually not affected by Line of Sight obstacles, once the Alchemist is transformed it can be blocked by obstacles, making placement important.
Easy: $38,250
Medium: $45,000
Hard: $48,600
Impoppable: $54,000
Unlock XP: 28,000
Upon upgrading an Alchemist with Total Transformation the Alchemist will be able to provide up to 5 other towers with the ability to become viscious attck monsters.
Transformations will last a maximum of 20 seconds and have a 40 second cooldown.
It should be noted that only monkey towers can be affected by the Total Transformation ability, meaning that Tack Shooters, Bomb Shooters, Monkey Subs, Monkey Buccaneers, Monkey Aces, Heli Pilots, Mortar Monkeys, Spike Factories, Banana Farms and Monkey Villages will not be affected by the ability.
It should also be noted that all transformed towers will be unable to destroy Purple Bloons, even if the tower had the ability to destroy Purple Bloons before the transformation.
If players are looking for a great way to make money, they can look no further than a Path 3 Alchemist as Path 3 Alchemists have the ability to coat bloons with gold, causing them to pop for 3x their worth.
Path 3 Alchemists can be cross pathed with Path 1 or Path 2, though Path 1 makes more sense as it will coat more bloons.
ACID POOL (-/-/1)
Easy: $510
Medium: $600
Hard: $650
Impoppable: $720
Unlock XP: 145
Upon upgrading an Alchemist with Acid Pool, the Alchemist will begin throwing potions onto the ground, creating short-lived pools that damage bloons that cross it.
Acid Pools have the ability to soak up to 5 bloons and will last 7 seconds at a time.
Similar to having a potion thrown on them, an Acid Pool will cause affected bloons to shred 3 layers over 4 seconds.
Easy: $425
Medium: $500
Hard: $540
Impoppable: $600
Unlock XP: 700
Upon upgrading an Achemist with Faster Throwing, the Alchemist will begin throwing potions and acid 25% faster.
It should be noted that Faster Throwing will affect all of the Alchemist’s potions, including Acidic Mixture Dip, Acid Pools, Berserker Brew and Stronger Stiumulant.
LEAD TO GOLD (-/-/3)
Easy: $850
Medium: $1,000
Hard: $1,080
Impoppable: $1,200
Unlock XP: 2,000
Upon upgrading an Alchemist with the Lead to Gold upgrade, Alchemists will begin to transform Lead Bloons into $50, providing players with a healthy chunk of money, especially in the early game.
There are some catches to the Lead to Gold upgrade, and I would strongly recommend that players set an Alchemist with the Lead to Gold upgrade to focus on “Strong” bloons instead of “First” or any of the other targetting options. Reason being? You want to make sure that the Alchemist focusses on targetting Lead Bloons instead of lesser bloons.
The other catch to Alchemists with the Lead to Gold upgrade is that players only have a limited amount of Lead Bloons to turn into money, meaning that players will want to make sure that they get this upgrade before round 28 in a normal game mode or round 10 in the Alternate Bloons game mode.
Lead to Gold is now stronger against Lead & DDTs dealing +9 damage to them specifically.
Easy: $2,335
Medium: $2,750
Hard: $2,970
Impoppable: $3,300
Unlock XP: 8,500
Upon upgrading an Alchemist with Rubber to Gold, the Alchemist will begin throwing potions that can turn bloons and MOAB-class bloons (except for Big Airships of Doom (BADs)) into golden bloons that pop for $2 extra.
If players instantly kill a MOAB-class bloon with an ability such as Monkey Pirates, Pirate Lord of the XXXL trap, players will receive triple the income from the ability.
Rubber to Gold can be activated every 5 seconds and hits up to 15 bloons. The effects will last for 5 seconds and soaks through the full bloons, making it important for players to place other towers near the Alchemist to ensure that players receive as much money as they can from the upgrade
It should be noted that Acid Pool cannot coat bloons with gold, though Acid Pools will still provide players with $50 if they shred through Lead Bloons.
Easy: $34,000
Medium: $40,000
Hard: $43,200
Impoppable: $48,000
Unlock XP: 24,000
Upon upgrading an Alchemist with Bloon Master Alchemist, the Alchemist will be able to throw new insta-shrinking potion every 10 seconds.
Insta-shrinking potions have an infinite range and will target the strongest bloons on the field, other than Big Airships of Doom (BADs).
Upon being thrown, the insta-shrink potion will hit up to 200 regular bloons, 10 MOAB-class Bloons, 4 Brutal Floating Behemoths (BFBs), or 2 Zeppelins of Mighty Gargantuanesses (ZOMGs) or even 4 Dark Dirigible Titans (DDTs) if Alchemists have camo detection.
Affected bloons will be transformed into Red Bloons.
It should be noted that a Bloon Master Alchemist will cause players to miss out on a lot of money, simply because it transforms the majority of bloons into Red Bloons, but this shouldn’t be a problem in the late-game, especially if players are relying on Banana Farms and other sources of income.
The Druid is one of my favourite Monkeys players can place in all of Bloons TD 6, though I will say that the Druid requires a number of other Towers to help support it to deal all of the damage it can potentially do.
Druids have some of the widest AoE damage with Path 1 as it will shoot lightning bolts, though all of the Druid’s upgrades are useful for different purposes.
Placement of the Druid will depend on what path players are hoping to upgrade to.
Path 1 Druids can be placed in a central position or closer to the back of the track due to it’s AoE and ability to blow back bloons.
Path 2 Druids need to be placed near Banana Farms and due to the way that the Path 2 Druid attacks, the area it is placed on the map is not important.
Path 3 Druids should be placed closer to the start of a map as they will need to pop as many bloons as they can in order to speed up the damage of the Druid.
The Druid has a Small attack range
The Druid has a base pierce of 1
The Druid has the base damage of 1
The Druid does not have Camo detection unless upgraded with Superstorm (5/-/-) or Spirit of the Forest (-/5/-).
The Druid has a Medium attack speed
Easy: $360
Medium: $425
Hard: $460
Impoppable: $510
If players are dealing with hoards of bloons and are able to place Obyn Greenfoot, they can easily place a Path 1 Druid.
Path 1 Druids have a shocking amount of range, simply due to the fact that the lightning bolts they summon have a large attack range (as long as there are bloons in the initial attack range), however, the upgrades do not provide players with a whole lot of damage.
Path 1 Druids can also be compared to other knockback towers, allowing players to focus on placing stronger towers that shred through all stronger bloons.
Path 1 Druids should definitely be looked at as strong support towers.
Easy: $210
Medium: $250
Hard: $270
Impoppable: $300
Unlock XP: 150
Upon upgrading a Druid with Hard Thorns, the Druid will be able to pop through 2 bloons for each thorn it throws.
The best part of the Hard Thorns upgrade is the fact that it can pop through Frozen Bloons.
Easy: $850
Medium: $1,000
Hard: $1,080
Impoppable: $1,200
Unlock XP: 750
Upon upgrading a Druid with Heart of Thunder, the druid will begin shooting out bolts of lightning every 2.3 seconds, dealing damage to one bloon layer.
Heart of Thunder has a fairly impressive pierce, coming in hot at 31 and provides the Druid with the ability to shred through Lead Bloons.
It should be noted that while the Heart of Thunder attack cannot shred through Purple Bloons, as it is considered magic damage, the Druid’s main attack thorns will still damage Purple Bloons.
Heart of Thunder is quite an impressive upgrade, especially when it comes to dealing with hoards of bloons.
Heart of Thunder has the capability of summoning lightning bolts across the majority of the map, making upgrades like Druidic Reach (-/-/1) great for a cross path, in hopes of extending the range of the attacks even further.
Easy: $1,700
Medium: $2,000
Hard: $2,160
Impoppable: $2,400
Unlock XP: 2,500
Upon upgrading a Druid with Druid of the storm, the Druid will begin shooting out gusts of wind that can blow a maximum of 30 bloons back every 2.5 seconds.
The one downfall, which isn’t the biggest hinderance, is the fact that Druid of the Storm removes all frozen or glue properties.
While Druid of the Storm doesn’t deal with MOAB-class bloons, it does help players deal with lower tier bloons easily, allowing other towers focus on the stronger bloons.
Easy: $4,675
Medium: $5,500
Hard: $5,940
Impoppable: $6,600
Unlock XP: 12,000
Upon upgrading a Druid with Ball Lightning, the druid will begin shooting electric balls that will summon additional lightning bolts.
Druids can summon Ball Lightning every 6 seconds, spawning in subsequent lightning bolts every 0.35 seconds and dealing 2 damage to a maximum of 30 bloons per bolt.
Easy: $76,500
Medium: $90,000
Hard: $97,200
Impoppable: $108,000
Unlock XP: 35,000
Upon upgrading a Druid with Superstorm, the Druid will begin summoning super-tornadoes that will blow away bloons and deal 12 damage to a maximum of 200 bloons.
Superstorm is the only ability Druids have that can deal with MOAB-class bloons, dealing damage to a maximum of 40 MOAB-class bloons, 10 Brutal Floating Behemoths (BFBs) or 4 Zepplin of Mighty Gargantuannesses (ZOMGs).
Druids will also gain camo detection, dealing damage to a maximum of 20 Dark Dirigble Titans (DDTs) at a time.
The Superstorm will also upgrade previous upgrades, causing Heart of Thunder to deal 3 damage and Ball Lightning to deal 5 damage.
Unfortunately, Superstorm isn’t the most impressive upgrade as it is quite expensive and doesn’t always prove to be useful in the longer one.
At first I thought that Path 2 Druids were useless, simply because of the lack of explanation, but I’m happy to report that Path 2 Druids are an extremely powerful support tower that have a substantial amount of range and damage, especially once fully upgraded.
Path 2 Druids are great at dealing damage against Ceramic Bloons and when fully upgraded they will deal consistent damage to bloons over time, making sure that no bloons leak.
While expensive, a Path 2 Druid will provide players with a substantial amount of cash with its activatable ability, providing even more if players place the Druid next to Banana Farms.
When upgrading a Path 2 Druid it’s best to cross paths with Path 3 as Path 3 will provide the Druid with more attack range, essentially allowing the Druid to be able to collect more money if there are a plethora of Banana Farms nearby.
Players can also cross paths with Path 1, though realistically, it’s not really going to help you very much, since the Path 2 Druid already deals high amounts of damage with its vines.
Easy: $210
Medium: $250
Hard: $270
Impoppable: $300
Unlock XP: 140
Upon upgrading a Druid with Thorn Swarm, the Druid will begin throwing 8 thorns.
HEART OF OAK (-/2/-)
Easy: $805
Medium: $950
Hard: $1,025
Impoppable: $1,140
Unlock XP: 2,000
Upon upgrading a Druid with Heart of Oak, the Druid will be able to strip the Regrowth property off of any bloons it damages.
It should be noted that Heart of Oak will strip the Regrowth property off of bloons even if it cannot actually damage them, meaning Heart of Oak can convert Regrow Lead Bloons into regular Lead Bloons.
It should also be noted that Heart of Oak will not strip the Regrowth property off of camo bloons as the Druid does not have camo detection inherently.
Easy: $805
Medium: $950
Hard: $1,025
Impoppable: $1,140
Unlock XP: 2,000
Upon upgrading a Druid with Druid of the Jungle the druid will begin to summon vines that appear on the ground, grabbing a single bloon and popping it until it is completely destroyed.
There can only be one vine at a time, though the Druid will be able to pop Lead Bloons and Purple Bloons with ease.
It should be noted that vines will always prioritize the strongest bloons, minus MOAB-class bloons, so players can still use other targeting options such as “First” or “Last” without the fear of wasting a vine on low-tiered bloons.
The best use for the Druid of the Jungle upgrade is to shred through Ceramic Bloons as it will quickly destroy them without the fear of them reaching the end of the map.
It should also be noted that vines cannot be effected by attack speed.
Easy: $4,250
Medium: $5,000
Hard: $5,400
Impoppable: $6,000
Unlock XP: 11,000
Upon upgrading a Druid with Jungle’s Bounty, the Druid will gain an activatable ability that provides players with $200, which can be activated after an initial cooldown of 40 seconds.
Jungle’s Bounty can be empowered by placing Banana Farms near the Druid, providing players with an extra $100 per Banana Farm.
Shockingly, the Jungle’s Bounty ability is one of the fastest ways to darm money, provided players place enough Banana Farms near the Druids.
It is strongly recommended that players cross path with Path 3 as Druid Reach (-/-/3) will provide the Druid with a significant amount of attack range.
Easy: $42,500
Medium: $50,000
Hard: $54,000
Impoppable: $60,000
Unlock XP: 40,000
Upon upgrading a Druid with the Spirit of the Forest upgrade, the Druid will begin summoning vines across the track that can completely engulf the track.
Vines will deal 2 damage to regular bloons, 10 damage to Ceramic Bloons and 6 damage to MOAB-class bloons every 0.5 seconds.
Vines can deal damage to Camo Bloons, however, will be unable to deal damage to Camo Bloons.
Not only will the Spirit of the Forest deal damage, but it will also provide players with $1,000 every round.
The Spirit of the Forest upgrade will also empower the Jungle’s Bounty (-/4/-) upgrade, allowing players to receive 25 lives per activation.
The best part of the Spirit of the Forest upgrade is that all vines will remain on the track and cannot be “consumed”, allowing players to rely on these powerful towers for support.
It should be noted that if the Spirit of the Forest Druid is sold, all vines will disappear from the map.
If players want consistent and rapid damage, they need to look no further than a Path 3 Druid as Path 3 Druids will increase in attack speed as they damage bloons, making them one of the most powerful towers in BTD6, especially when placed close to the beginning of a track.
Path 3 Druids are one of my favourite towers to place when completing racing events as players will be in control of releasing bloons, essentially making it inevitable that Druids keep their attack speed as high as possible without the risk of the Druids losing their attack speed buffs.
While Path 3 Druids are capable of empowering themselves, they are also capable of empowering Druids around them, essentially granting a maximum of 175% attack speed, only lacking in camo detection, which can easily be countered by placing Obyn Greenfoot nearby.
It is strongly recommended that players place an Alchemist next to Path 3 Druids as upgrades like Permanent Brew (4/-/-) will significantly increase the attack damage and Lead Bloon shredding capabilities.
Players can also pair the Avatar of Wrath with a Monkey Village that has the Monkey Intelligence Bureau (-/3/-) upgrade as this will allow the Avatar of Wrath to shred through any kind of bloon.
I highly recommend pairing a Path 3 Druid with Path 2 as Hard Thorns (-/1/-) will significantly increase the damage they deal.
Players can be tempted to upgrade a Path 3 Druid with Path 1’s Heart of Thunder (2/-/-) as Heart of Thunder provides a great amount of attack range, however, doing so will significantly cap the tower’s attack as Heart of Thunder only provides the tower with 1 damage to each bloon.
Easy: $85
Medium: $100
Hard: $110
Impoppable: $120
Unlock XP: 120
Upon upgrading a Druid with Druid Reach, the Druid will gain a 29% increase in attack range, bringing the Druid’s attack range to 45.
Easy: $255
Medium: $300
Hard: $325
Impoppable: $360
Unlock XP: 550
Upon upgrading a Druid with Heart of Vengeance, the Druid will gain a 10% boost in attack speed.
Heart of Vengeance will also provide Druids with a bonus 1% attack speed for every life that is lost, up to a maximum of 100%, meaning that players will have to lose a maximum of 90 lives before they receive 100% attack speed (as the Druid already gains 10% attack speed).
If players receive lives back the Druid will lose its attack speed, meaning that players will want to straddle having low health if they want to make the most of the Heart of Vengeance upgrade.
Easy: $510
Medium: $600
Hard: $650
Impoppable: $720
Unlock XP: 1,700
Upon upgrading a Druid with Druid of Wrath, the Druid will continuously gain 0.5% attack speed for every unit of damage it deals up to a maximum of 100%.
If the Druid remains inactive and does not deal any damage to bloons for 2 seconds it will lose its attack speed, having to start again.
It should be noted that a Druid of Wrath can deal damage 4x as fast as its base tower when at maximum speed, being one of the best upgrades players can purchase when placing Druids.
Players are recommended to stack an Alchemist with Berseker Brew (3/-/-), a Monkey Village with Jungle Drums (2/-/-), Obyn Greenfoot (who also provides Druids of Wrath with 20% attack speed by default once at level 18, or even Gwendolin who will help Druids shred through Lead Bloons.
Druids of Wrath is by far one of the strongest upgrades in all of BTD6 and is by far the best upgrade for Druids in general.
Players can also rely on Druids of Wrath when taking part of the races as it should not be difficult to keep your attack speed up.
POPLUST (-/-/4)
Easy: $2,125
Medium: $2,500
Hard: $2,700
Impoppable: $3,000
Unlock XP: 14,000
Upon upgrading a Druid with Poplust, the Druid will provide Druids in its radius with a 15% attack speed and pierce buff, stacking up to 5 times in total, the maximum being 75% increased attack speed and pierce.
Stacked with both Heart of Vengeance and Druid of the Wrath, Poplust Druids can deal damage 7x fasted than the base Druid tower.
Players will need a minimum of 6 Druids with Poplust in order to gain all the benefits from the upgrade.
Easy: $38,250
Medium: $45,000
Hard: $48,600
Impoppable: $54,000
Unlock XP: 33,000
Upon upgrading a Druid with Avatar of Wrath, the Druid will begin to shoot twice as fast, will gain a a small increase in attack range and will also deal more damage based on how many bloons are on screen.
The Avatar of Wrath has 4 stages which provide different colours of attacks.
As a base, the Avatar of Wrath will deal 4 damage per every bolt, increasing its damage by 1 for every 3000 Red Bloon Equivalents (RBE) up to a maximum of 30 damage.
Wrath Stage 1 is immediately accessible.
Wrath Stage 2 requires 9000 RBE
Wrath Stage 3 requires 30,000 RBE
Wrath Stage 4 requires 54,000 RBE
Support Monkeys cost a minimum of $380 on Easy and as high as $1500 on Impoppable
Banana Farms are one of the most important Towers players can place in Bloons TD 6 as they are the primary source of income in the game and will help fully fund the more expensive Towers.
Banana Farms can be upgraded into very different types that can either empower and become empowered by other Towers like the Monkey Buccaneer.
Banana Farms can be empowered with Heroes like Benjamin in order to collect even more money.
A Banana Farm doesn’t have a specific requirement for placement, however, I would recommend placing multiple Banana Farms close together to make it easier to collect the Bananas they drop.
Clumping Banana Farms will also make it easier to use Towers like the Druid to gain more of a profit.
The Banana Farm has a Medium Range
The Banana Farm does not have any base piece
The Banana Farm does not have any base damage
The Banana Farm does not have camo detection
The Banana Farm does not have attack speed
Easy: $1,060
Medium: $1,250
Hard: $1,350
Impoppable: $1,500
Path 1 Banana Farms stick to the classic method in which players receive extra money per round, requiring players to hover over or click on bananas that they drop.
Path 1 is a fairly expensive upgrade path, and while the path does provide players with a great deal of cash, it’s going to take a while before players can actually get their hands on that cash.
In the long run, Path 1 Banana Farms are in the middle when it comes to giving players money and often require other types of Banana Farms to fuel their insatiable upgrade funds.
Players will always want to cross path a Path 1 Banana Farm with Path 2 as Path 2 provides an increase in value to all bananas and crates that a Path 1 Banana Farm drops.
Players will just need to remember to hover over bananas and crates every time they spawn as they will miss out on a great deal of profit as bananas will disappear if left on the ground for too long.
Easy: $425
Medium: $500
Hard: $540
Impoppable: $600
Unlock XP: 200
Upon upgrading a Banana Farm with Increased Production, the Banana Farm will produce 6 bananas produce instead of 4, providing players with an $40 increase in profit.
An Increased Productions Banana Farm provides players with a total of $120 per round.
Easy: $510
Medium: $600
Hard: $650
Impoppable: $720
Unlock XP: 750
Upon upgrading a Banana Farm with Greater Production, the Banana Farm will produce 8 bananas per round, providing players with an $80 increase in profit.
A Greater Production Banana Farm provides players with a total of $160 per round.
Easy: $2,550
Medium: $3,000
Hard: $3,240
Impoppable: $3,600
Unlock XP: 3,000
Upon upgrading a Banana Farm with the Banana Plantation upgrade, the Banana Farm will produce 16 bananas per round, providing players with a $160 increase in profit.
A Banana Plantation provides players with a total of $320 per round.
If players are just trying to make some quick cash, I would recommend against placing a number of Banana Plantations and instead should focus on lower tier Banana Farms, as the Banana Plantation upgrade is significantly more expensive and does not provide players with enough pay off unless upgraded to the next tier.
Easy: $16,150
Medium: $19,000
Hard: $20,520
Impoppable: $22,800
Unlock XP: 20,000
Upon upgrading a Banana Farm with the Banana Research Facility upgrade, the Banana Farm will produce 5 crates that are worth $300 each.
A Banana Research Facility provides players with a total of $1500 per round.
As Banana Research Facilities are quite pricey, players will want to make sure that they obtain this upgrade between round 50-55, as putting it off for too long will cause the Banana Research Facility to not be worth the investment.
If players are able to obtain Banana Research Facilities before round 50, they should take the opportunity, as they are one of the better methods of getting money.
Easy: $85,000
Medium: $100,000
Hard: $108,000
Impoppable: $120,000
Unlock XP: 50,000
Upon upgrading a Banana Farm with the Banana Central upgrade, the Banana Farm will produce 5 crates that are worth $1,200 each.
The Banana Central upgrade will also provide Banana research Facilities with a 25% boost in value, allowing them to drop crates that are worth $375.
Similar to the Banana Research Facility upgrade, players will want to make sure that they upgrade a Banana Farm with the Banana Central upgrade as soon as possible, as players with rapidly benefit from the 25% boost to Banana Research Facilities and simply put, who’s going to say no to a minimum of $6,000 per round.
Path 2 Banana Farms are by far the most efficient way to gain cash, especially if players pair them up with Benjamin.
Unlike Path 1 Banana Farms, Path 2 Banana Farms store money and provide players with interest each round, which is increased by Benjamin by an extra 5% at Level 5 and 12% at level 9.
Path 2 Banana Farms will provide players access to loans when upgraded to the IMF Loan (-/4/-) tier, essentially being able to access $10,000 upon activating, but having to pay it back slowly.
While Path 1 Banana Farms are able to generate more of an income per round on the surface, if players are smart and are willing to put in the time to deposit and withdraw funds, they will make much more money from Path 2 Banana Farms.
As for a cross path for Path 2 Banana Farm, I strongly recommend using Path 1 as this will provide players with a faster income.
While it might be tempting to cross path a Path 2 Banana Farm with Path 3, as the Path 3 upgrades will allow players to see when a Monkey Bank is full, it will come with a huge cut in income.
With a close eye on Monkey Banks and a bit of practice, you’re not going to regret the income that flows from a (2/5/-) Banana Farm.
Easy: $255
Medium: $300
Hard: $325
Impoppable: $360
Unlock XP: 200
Upon upgrading a Banana Farm with Long Life Bananas, the Banana Farm will produce bananas that last for 30 seconds.
In my opinion, the Long Life Bananas upgrade is the most useless upgrade players can purchase when playing BTD6 and should only be purchased if players are planning to immediately upgrade to a higher tier upgrade.
Easy: $680
Medium: $800
Hard: $865
Impoppable: $960
Unlock XP: 1,000
Upon upgrading a Banana Farm with the Valuable Bananas upgrade, the Banana Farm will increase the value of all bananas and crates that are dropped by the Banana Farm by 25%.
While it can be tempting to buy the Valuable Bananas upgrade early in the game, it’s best to wait until you get a Banana Research Facility (4/-/-) first, as the Banana Research Facility is the first upgrade that really provides players with a significant boost of income.
The only time players will want to rush to get the Valuable Bananas upgrade is if players are hoping to convert it into a Monkey Bank. In that case, get to upgrading bish, you’re going to love that influx of money!
Easy: $2,970
Medium: $3,500
Hard: $3,780
Impoppable: $4,200
Unlock XP: 3,500
Upon upgrading a Banana Farm with the Monkey Bank upgrade, the Banana Farm will become a bank that no longer drops bananas but instead generates money throughout the round that is placed into a “bank account.”
Monkey Banks generate $230 per round, though if players cross path a Monkey Bank with Path 1, players will be able to receive $270 with Increased Production (1/-/-) and $310 with Greater Production (2/-/-).
Players can store a maximum of $7,000 in their Monkey Bank or $9,500 if they purchase the Bigger Banks Monkey Knowledge, which will come in handy as players also gain a 15% increase in interest at the end of each round, essentially meaning that players will make $265 per round.
Players can increase the amount of money they make from interest by purchasing the Bank Deposits Monkey Knowledge, which allows players to deposit some of the extra money they have on hand in hopes of increasing their income.
Players should aim to place their first Monkey Bank by round 20, though players can also wait until round 30.
IMF LOAN (-/4/-)
Easy: $6,375
Medium: $7,500
Hard: $8,100
Impoppable: $9,000
Unlock XP: 20,000
Upon upgrading a Banana Farm with the IMF Loan upgrade, the Monkey Bank will gain an increase in capacity, being able to hold a maximum of $10,000 or $12,500 with the Bigger Banks Monkey Knowledge.
IMF Loan also provides players with an activatable ability that will provide them with $10,000, though players will have to pay off the loan over time, surrendering half of their income until it is fully paid off.
Players can offset the loan by purchasing the Backdoor Deals Monkey Knowledge, which will cause players to only have to pay 40% of their income instead.
While players will not be able to reactivate the IMF Loan ability until they pay off the loan from the bank they initially activated it from, they will be able to activate the ability from another IMF Loan Banana Farm, allowing their debt to increase, while also paying off some of their other debt.
The IMF Loan ability has a 90 second cooldown.
Players can easily offset their debt by depositing money and withdrawing it over and over again if the IMF Loan ability is off cooldown, but still have debt.
Easy: $85,000
Medium: $100,000
Hard: $108,000
Impoppable: $120,000
Unlock XP: 50,000
Upon upgrading a Banana Farm with Monkey-Nomics, the Banana Farm will gain the ability to take out as much or as little money as a player wants.
A Monkey-Nomics Banana Farm keeps the IMF Loan ability, however, the ability works differently as players will not be required to pay back a loan.
Not only will players not have to pay back their loan, they will also be able to use the ability every 60 seconds instead of every 90, though it must be noted that the Monkey-Nomics ability can only be activated twice per round unless the Banana Farm is sold and rebought.
Truthfully, this upgrade isn’t the most efficient, simply because of how expensive it is. It is strongly recommended that players avoid using it unless they are planning on continuing to play well through a Freeplay round.
If there’s ever a path I would tell players to stay away from its going to be a Path 3 Banana Farm, simply because it does not provide players with a great deal of income.
The only reason players would want to upgrade their Banana Farms using Path 3 is to avoid having to collect bananas that fall from them.
I mean, the only other reason players may want to use a Path 3 Banana Farm is when they have a hoard of Monkey Buccaneers that have also been upgraded using Path 3, though realistically Path 3 Monkey Buccaneers are essentially the weakest of their kind as well.
The only other benefit to upgrading Banana Farms using Path 3 is their reasonably low costs for upgrades, but realistically, I believe in you!! You should us another path!!!
EZ COLLECT (-/-/1)
Easy: $210
Medium: $250
Hard: $270
Impoppable: $300
Unlock XP: 200
Upon upgrading a Banana Farm with EZ Collect, bananas and crates dropped by the Banana Farm will receive a larger hit box.
As Path 2 Banana Farms that have been upgraded to Monkey Banks (-/3/-) and beyond will no longer drop bananas, the EZ Collect upgrade will instead cause the the bank to glow upon reaching full capacity.
While EZ Collect makes things a lot easier for players to collect bananas, especially for mobile players who have difficulty targeting dropped bananas, players will want to avoid using EZ Collect if they hope to receive the most out of their banana farms.
Easy: $170
Medium: $200
Hard: $215
Impoppable: $240
Unlock XP: 950
Upon upgrading a Banana Farm with Banana Salvage, the Banana Farm will automatically collect bananas after they expire, but for only half the value.
Banana Salvage is great for those players who aren’t good at remembering to collect bananas that drop from Banana Farms and for players who would prefer that their Monkey Banks are auto collected.
While I can understand why Banana Salvage is appealing to players, especially those who have multiple Monkey Banks, it does come at a fairly large cost when used as a cross path.
Easy: $2,465
Medium: $2,900
Hard: $3,130
Impoppable: $3,480
Unlock XP: 3,200
Upon upgrading a Banana Farm with the Marketplace upgrade, the Banana Farm will automatically collect all the bananas it generates, generating 16 bananas worth $20 each.
Marketplaces provide players with a total of $320 a round and are one of the easiest ways for players to collect handsfree income.
At this stage, Marketplaces provide the same amount of income as a Banana Plantation (3/-/-), though it costs less.
Easy: $12,750
Medium: $15,000
Hard: $16,200
Impoppable: $18,000
Unlock XP: 20,000
Upon upgrading a Banana Farm with the Central Market upgrade, players will receive $70 per banana instead of $20.
With the increase of income, players will get a minimum of $1120 per round, which can additionally be increased for every Monkey Buccaneer that has been upgraded to be a Merchantman (-/-/3), providing players with an additional 10% for each banana bunch.
Players can essentially place a total of 10 Merchantmen to boost the Central Marketplace’s income by 100%
Easy: $51,000
Medium: $60,000
Hard: $64,800
Impoppable: $72,000
Unlock XP: 50,000
Upon upgrading a Banana Farm with Monkey Wall Street, the Banana Farm will retain the income it provides from the previous upgrade, Central Market, though players will receive an additional $4,000 at the end of each round.
It should be noted that players cannot increase the amount of money they receive from this upgrade by “choosing the right cross path” as the Banana Farm will always provide $4,000 no matter what.
The Spike Factory is one of the best Towers to place when players are looking for more support when bloons are beginning to risk leaking.
Spike Factories can also be used to simply thin out bloons before they risk leaking or can shred through Lead Bloons or even MOAB-class bloons.
The placement of a Spike Factory will depend on what upgrade path players are hoping to upgrade with.
If Path 1, players should place the Tower early-to-mid.
If Path 2, the location is less important.
If Path 3, the location should be right at the end of a track.
The Spike Factory has a Small attack range
The Spike Factory has a base pierce of 1 per each spike, though it does throw out a total of 5 spikers per stack
The Spike Factory has a base damage of 1
The Spike Factory has camo detection
The Spike Factory has a slow attack speed
Easy: $850
Medium: $1,000
Hard: $1,080
Impoppable: $1,200
If players are looking for some support dealing with stronger bloons, especially MOAB-class bloons and Ceramic Bloons, then a Path 1 Spike Factory is what you need.
Path 1 Spike Factories can help shred through Lead Bloons and Frozen Bloons and also deal increased damage to Ceramic Bloons and MOAB-class bloons.
As players will receive a decrease in attack speed when they upgrade a Path 1 Spike Factory to tier-5, they will want to cross paths with Path 2, as this will increase the tower’s overall attack speed.
By far the best upgrade is (5/2/-), at least for this Path option.
If players hope to use a Path 1 Spike Factory, they should place it in the middle or closer to the end of the track, as this will ensure that the Spike Factory has enough time to spawn spikes.
Easy: $595
Medium: $700
Hard: $755
Impoppable: $840
Unlock XP: 170
Upon upgrading Spike Factory with Bigger Stacks, the Spike Factory will begin producing 10 spikes instead of 5.
It should be noted that Bigger Stacks will affect all upgrades in Path 1, though it does not affect Spiked Balls (3/-/-) and beyond.
While this isn’t an issue, as Spiked Balls is a powerful upgrade, players should still take note of it so they are not surprised.
Easy: $680
Medium: $800
Hard: $865
Impoppable: $960
Unlock XP: 600
Upon upgrading a Spike Factory with White Hot Spikes, the Spike Factory will gain the ability to pop both Frozen Bloons and Lead Bloons.
Easy: $1,870
Medium: $2,000
Hard: $2,375
Impoppable: $2,640
Unlock XP: 2,400
Upon upgrading a Spike Factory with the Spiked Balls upgrade, Spike Factories will begin summoning Spiked Balls that are capable of popping a maximum of 16 bloons, each taking 2 damage instead of 1.
Spiked Balls will also deal 1 extra damage to Fortified Bloons (include Fortified MOAB-class bloons) and 3 extra damage to Ceramics
Spiked Balls are most notable when dealing with Ceramic Bloons, though players can also look towards the increased damage to MOAB-class bloons.
It is recommended that Spiked Balls-Spike Factories are supported by Ice Monkeys or towers with stunning capabilities. Reason being? You’re going to want as many Spiked Balls on the map before bloons begin getting shred by them.
Easy: $10,200
Medium: $12,000
Hard: $12,900
Impoppable: $14,000
Unlock XP: 15,000
Upon upgrading a Spike Factory with Spiked Mines, the Spike Factory will begin spawning Spiked Balls that explode after destroying 16 bloons.
Explosions caused damage to 10 layers of bloons, while spikes will only pop 2 layers.
Spiked Mines will also cause affected bloons to burn as if covered with napalm, causing them to take further damage every 2 seconds for a maximum of 6 seconds.
Easy: $148,750
Medium: $175,000
Hard: $189,000
Impoppable: $210,000
Unlock XP: 32,500
Upon upgrading a Spike Factory with Super Mines, the Spike Factory will lose a significant portion of its attack speed, though each spike will now deal 10 damage, dealing a maximum of 160 damage per per ball.
Upon dealing 160 damage, the Super Mines will explode dealing 1,000 damage to up to 60 bloons, being able to destroy a single MOAB-class bloon in one go.
It should be noted that even though Super Mines will be able to destroy a MOAB-class bloon, it will not destroy the children of the bloon, requiring the assistance of other towers.
If players want to deal with MOAB-class bloons quickly and effectively, there’s nothing better than a Path 2 Spike Factory, especially if players are able to upgrade the Spike Factory to tier-5.
Path 2 Spike Factories don’t fair very well against regular bloons or Ceramic Bloons as they will only take a maximum of 3 damage, while MOAB-class bloons will take a maximum of 7.
When it comes to choosing a cross path for Path 2, players should always use Path 1 as it will essentially double the popping power.
Seriously, don’t look away from a (2/5/-) Spike Factory as it will swamp the entire map with spikes, destroying MOAB-class bloons of all types and securing a competion of the map.
Easy: $595
Medium: $700
Hard: $755
Impoppable: $840
Unlock XP: 180
Upon upgrading a Spike Factory with Faster Production, the Spike Factory will begin spawning spikes 50% faster.
Easy: $765
Medium: $900
Hard: $970
Impoppable: $1,080
Unlock XP: 650
Upon upgrading a Spike Factory with Even Faster Production, the Spike Factory will gain another 50% faster increase, technically making the Spike Factory produce spikes about 2.2x the speed of a non-upgraded Spike Factory.
Easy: $2,125
Medium: $2,500
Hard: $2,700
Impoppable: $3,000
Unlock XP: 2,500
Upon upgrading a Spike Factory with MOAB SHREDR, the Spike Factory will deal an extra 4 damage towards MOAB-class bloons per spike.
Without a Bigger Stacks upgrade, one stack of MOAB SHREDR spikes will deal 25 damage to MOAB-class bloons.
Easy: $4,250
Medium: $5,000
Hard: $5,400
Impoppable: $6,000
Unlock XP: 11,000
Upon upgrading a Spike Factory with Spike Storm, Spike Factories will gain an ability that spawns 200 piles of spikes across the track.
Spikes will deal 5 damage to MOAB-class bloons and the ability has a 40 second cooldown, though spikes will only last 20 seconds before the spikes start dissapearing.
Spike Storm is essential if players need support shreding through Dark Dirigible Titans (DDTs) as well as other MOAB-class bloons such as Zepplins of Mighty Gargantuaness (ZOMGs).
Easy: $34,000
Medium: $40,000
Hard: $43,200
Impoppable: $48,000
Unlock XP: 35,000
Upon upgrading a Spike Factory with Carpet of Spike, the Spike Factory will be able to automatically use the Spike Storm ability every 20 seconds, lasting just over 20 seconds.
Spikes from the Spike Factory will now deal 7 damage towards MOAB-class bloons, making it one of the most effective ways of dealing with MOAB-class bloons.
Spikes will still only deal 3 damage towards all regular bloons.
By far, my favourite upgrade path players can select for a Spike Factory is Path 3 as it provides players with a tremendous amount of support, though only for single-lane maps.
Path 3 Spike Factories will esure that spikes that are deployed have a longer lifespan, ensuring that players will actually be able to make use of the spikes, unlike many of the upgrades above.
The only things that Path 3 Spike Factories lack is their ability to shred through Lead Bloons and Frozen Bloons without the help of other towers, such as the Alchemist or Monkey Village, though this should not be enough to deter a player from using a Path 3 Spike Factory as their main purpose is to support.
I would always recommend a cross path with Path 2 as the faster speed upgrades will produce around 875 spikes every 6 seconds at tier-5, while a Path 1 cross path will produce around 700 spikes every 6.6 seconds, though Path 1 allows for both frozen and lead popping.
The choice is yours, but in my eyes, there’s no question.
LONG REACH (-/-/1)
Easy: $125
Medium: $150
Hard: $160
Impoppable: $180
Unlock XP: 120
Upon upgrading a Spike Factory with Long Reach, the Spike Favtory will gain an increase in attack range.
Easy: $340
Medium: $400
Hard: $430
Impoppable: $480
Unlock XP: 550
Upon upgrading a Spike Factory with Smart Spikes, the Spike Factory will gain 4x the production speed for 2.5 seconds at the start of each round.
Spike Factories will also be able to change it’s target priority based on what it assumes is going to be more helpful for the player, essentially helping the Spike Factory ensure that all bloons are dealt with.
Easy: $1,190
Medium: $1,400
Hard: $1,510
Impoppable: $1,680
Unlock XP: 2,100
Upon upgrading a Spike Factory with Long Life Spikes, the spikes dropped by the Spike Factory will last a maximum of 2 rounds or for 140 seconds.
The Long Life Spikes upgrade is perfect for single path maps, especially if players place the Spike Factory by the end of the map as Spikes will ensure that no bloons leak.
Easy: $2,975
Medium: $3,500
Hard: $3,780
Impoppable: $4,200
Unlock XP: 9,000
Upon upgrading a Spike Factory with Deadly Spikes the Spike Factory will be able to pop through two layers instead of one.
Unfortunately, Deadly Spikes isn’t the strongest upgrade players can get with a Spike Factory, so many players recommend that you avoid using it.
Players should essentially only upgrade to Deadly Spikes if they hope to upgrade a Path 3 Spike Factory to tier-5.
Easy: $22,500
Medium: $30,000
Hard: $32,400
Impoppable: $36,000
Unlock XP: 29,500
Upon upgrading a Spike Factory with Perma-Spike, the Spike Factory will begin deploying spikes at a slower rate than previously, dropping spikes every 6 seconds instead of every 2.2 seconds.
Perma-Spikes can pop a maximum of 50 bloons and will deal damage to 10 layers of bloons, dealing a maximum of 500 damage in total.
While players may be shocked to hear, they should note that Perma-Spikes are not actually permanent and only have a 3 round lifespan or 300 second lifespan, depending on which comes first.
Perma-Spike Spike Factories are undeniably the best when placed at the end of a single-lane map as they will ensure that no bloons leak.
Players should be cautious when using a Perma-Spike Spike Factory in tandem with Ice Monkeys, simply due to the fact that the Spike Factory will require a cross path with Path 1 in order to obtain White Hot Spikes (2/-/-) or with the assistance of a Monkey Village that has Monkey Intelligence Bureau (-/3/-).
The same can be said about dealing with Lead Bloons, though players can also deal with Lead Bloons by placing an Alchemist with Acidic Mixture Dip (2/-/-) though for some reason Acidic Mixture Dip will not provide frozen-popping.
The Monkey Village is by far the most important support Tower players can place in Bloons TD 6 as it can increase the damage of Primary Monkeys as well as provide visibility to all types of bloons in order to empower all Towers.
Monkey Villages can also provide players with free a Dart Monkey every round as well as cheaper upgrades, making it one of the most powerful support Towers in the game.
The placement of a Monkey Village is important as it should always be placed in the centre of as many damage dealing Towers they can get.
The more Towers, the higher the damage.
The Monkey Village has a Medium range
The Monkey Village has no base pierce
The Monkey Village has no base damage
The Monkey Village does not initially have camo detection, however, can supply camo detection to all towers in the area with (-/3/-) and will be able to attack with camo detection with (5/-/-).
The Monkey Village has a very slow attack speed when upgraded to (5/-/-)
Easy: $1,020
Medium: $1,200
Hard: $1,295
Impoppable: $1,440
While inexpensive and undeniably powerful, a Path 1 Monkey Village doesn’t see a whole lot of use when it comes to placing one, specifically because it really only buffs Primary Monkeys.
While players can come up with stragegies that only require Primary Monkeys, players will want to diversify their tower types as it will ensure that they deal as much damage as they can while gaining different forms of support along the way.
If players are willing to stick with only using Primary Monkeys (Dart Monkeys, Boomerang Monkeys, Bombt Shooters, Tack Shooters, Ice Monkeys and Glue Gunners) then it would be silly not to use a Path 1 Monkey Village, as it provides Primary Monkeys with a great deal of pierce, attack speed, range and ability cooldown.
As a cross path, I would strongly recommend using Path 2 as this will provide camo detection to all towers in the nearby range, though players can also pair it up with Path 3 to receive an extra amount of discount (as Path 1 provides Primary Monkeys with both tier-1 and tier-2 upgrades with free upgrades, upon being fully upgraded.)
Path 1 Monkey Villages are especially helpful when paired up with Bomb Shooters, Tack Shooters and Glue Gunners, especially as it will provide them all with a great deal of attack speed and pierce, which all lack regularly.
Easy: $340
Medium: $400
Hard: $430
Impoppable: $480
Unlock XP: 160
Upon upgrading a Monkey Village with Bigger Radius, the Monkey Village will increase its “influence radius” allowing it to affect more towers in its radius.
Easy: $1,275
Medium: $1,500
Hard: $1,620
Impoppable: $1,800
Unlock XP: 1,000
Upon upgrading a Monkey Village with Jungle Drums, the Monkey Village will increase the attack speed of all towers in its radius by 17.6%.
Easy: $680
Medium: $800
Hard: $865
Impoppable: $960
Unlock XP: 2,000
Upon upgrading a Monkey Village with Primary Training all Primary Monkeys (Dart Monkeys, Boomerang Monkeys, Bombt Shooters, Tack Shooters, Ice Monkeys and Glue Gunners) will receive a buff that consists of a bonus pierce, 10% range and 15% projectile speed.
Easy: $2,125
Medium: $2,500
Hard: $2,700
Impoppable: $3,000
Unlock XP: 12,000
Upon upgrading a Monkey Village with Primary Mentoring all Primary Monkeys (Dart Monkeys, Boomerang Monkeys, Bombt Shooters, Tack Shooters, Ice Monkeys and Glue Gunners) will be able to get their tier-1 upgrades for free.
Primary Monkeys will also receive 5 extra range and will gain a 10% cooldown reduction for ther activatable abilities.
Primary Mentoring is most useful when powering up Bomb Shooters as they have some of the most expensive tier-1 upgrades, though it will also be helpful for spamming MOAB Assassin (-/4/-).
Easy: $21,250
Medium: $25,000
Hard: $27,000
Impoppable: $30,000
Unlock XP: 32,000
Upon upgrading a Monkey Village with Primary Expertise the Monkey Village will allow all Primary Monkeys (Dart Monkeys, Boomerang Monkeys, Bombt Shooters, Tack Shooters, Ice Monkeys and Glue Gunners) to receive both tier-1 and tier-2 upgrades for free.
Primary Expertise Monkey Villages increase all Primary Monkey’s pierce by an extra 3 instead of 1.
Primary Expertise is also the only upgrade that allows the Monkey Village to receive an attack that deals damage to 10 layers of bloons and can pierce through either 100 regular bloons or 10 MOAB-class bloons.
The new attack will also be able to deal 200 damage to Ceramics and MOAB-class bloons, making it a shockingly strong upgrade, especially for a path that isn’t used that often.
This new attack can detect Camo Bloons, however, the Path 1 Monkey Village will not provide camo detection for any other towers in its radius, unlike Path 2.
Although quite expensive, a Path 2 Monkey Village is my top choice for the tower, essentially providing all towers with undeniable power.
Path 2 Monkey Villages provide towers with camo detection with its tier-2 upgrade, and provide towers with access to pop all forms of bloon types with its tier-3 upgrades.
Players can choose to stop upgrading a Monkey Village upon reaching tier-3 as all upgrades beyond that are not as powerful and cost too much for most situations, though further upgrades will increase pierce and attack speed upon activating their abilities.
I would strongly recommend placing a Path 2 Monkey Village on all maps you play, unless using Etienne who will essentially provide all towers with camo detection when levelled up far enough.
Easy: $210
Medium: $250
Hard: $270
Impoppable: $300
Unlock XP: 150
Upon upgrading a Monkey Village with Grow Blocker, the Monkey Village will stop all Regrow Bloons from regenerating while in the radius of the Monkey Village.
Regrow Bloons will continue to be affected by Grow Blocker for 3 seconds after exiting the radius of the Monkey Village.
It should be noted that Grow Blocker will also affect camo bloons, even if the Monkey Village does not have camo detection.
Easy: $1,700
Medium: $2,000
Hard: $2,160
Impoppable: $2,400
Unlock XP: 2,500
Upon upgrading a Monkey Village with Radar Scanner, the Monkey Village will provide all towers in its radius to detect Camo Bloons.
Radar Scanner is a must buy for me and quite frankly I buy it in every map, simply because it ensures that players will be able to deal with all forms of Camo Bloons.
I love pairing up Radar Scanner with Bomb Shooters and Sniper Monkeys, especially so I can deal with Dark Dirigible Titans (DDTs) in later rounds.
Radar Scanner will also make it so many of the camo detection abilities are useless to upgrade to, allowing players to focus on more damage instead of defensive stats.
Easy: $6,375
Medium: $7,500
Hard: $8,100
Impoppable: $9,000
Unlock XP: 3,500
Upon upgrading a Monkey Village with Monkey Intelligence Bureau all towers within its radius will be able to pop any bloons, even if they were previously unable to, including Lead Bloons, Zebra Bloons, Frozen Bloons, Thermal Bloons and Purple Bloons.
The only type of damage Monkey Intelligence Bureau does not provide towers is assistance dealing with MOAB-class bloons, though Monkey Intelligence Bureau will still provide assistance dealing with Dark Dirigible Titans (DDTs) especially when used with Boomerang Monkeys and Bomb Shooters.
It is recommended that players use a Grandmaster Ninja (5/-/-), Avatar of Wrath (-/-/5) or Perma Charge (-/5/-) as those are the strongest towers when dealing with heavy MOAB-class bloons.
CALL TO ARMS (-/4/-)
Easy: $17,000
Medium: $20,000
Hard: $21,600
Impoppable: $24,000
Unlock XP: 20,000
Upon upgrading a Monkey Village with Call to Arms it will gain an activatible ability that buffs all towers in its radius.
Towers will receive a 50% attack speed boost as well as a 50% pierce boost for 12 seconds and players will be able to activate the ability every 60 seconds.
While not the most powerful upgrade, thus not a requirement to upgrade to, Call to Arms can be useful for tough rounds where players need an extra push in order to prevent bloons from leaking.
Easy: $34,000
Medium: $40,000
Hard: $43,200
Impoppable: $48,000
Unlock XP: 30,000
Upon upgrading a Monkey Village with Homeland Defense, the Monkey Village will receive an activatible ability that buffs all towers on screen.
Homeland Defense, unlike Call to Arms, provides all towers with 100% attack speed, though it still only increases towers’ pierce by 50%.
Homeland Defense lasts 20 seconds and has a cooldown of 60, making it the better choice for upgrades, though is not a requirement unless players are in late-game Freeplay.
For players looking for some extra savings, they can look no further than a Path 3 Monkey Village as not only will get a maximum of 25% off of their upgrades to tier-3, they will also receive a free Dart Monkey each round.
When you though things couldn’t get any better, players will also be happy to note that they will receive extra money from popping bloons and if they are able to sacrifice Banana Farms in the area, they will receive more income from the Monkey Village without the need of taking up so much space from placing hoards of Banana Farms.
Towers that generate activated income will also receive bonuses from this tower, though read below for the exceptions.
Oh, and don’t forget, players will also receive more money when they resell towers, making it more sustainable to keep switching strategies midway through a game.
Path 3 Monkey Villages are great for Freeplay and can be made stronger when cross pathing with Path 1 as this will increase the radius of affected towers.
If players are hoping to cross path with Path 2, I would strongly recommend using a second Monkey Village, as Path 2 has no purpose otherwise.
Easy: $125
Medium: $500
Hard: $540
Impoppable: $600
Unlock XP: 250
Upon upgrading a Monkey Village with Monkey Business, all towers in its radius will receive a 10% discount for their tier-3 and lower upgrades.
Monkeys in range of the Monkey Village will also receive a 10% increase in their resell value.
It should be noted that players cannot stack the benefits of Monkey Business with other Monkey Villages with the upgrade.
Easy: $425
Medium: $500
Hard: $540
Impoppable: $600
Unlock XP: 750
Upon upgrading a Monkey Village with Monkey Commerce, all towers in range will receive a 15% discount towards their tier-3 and lower upgrades, instead of 10%.
Not only will Monkey Commerce Monkey Villages provide they upgrade, but players can also stack a maximum of 3 Monkey Commerce Monkey Villages in hopes of providing all Monkeys in radius with a maximum of 25% off of their tier-3 upgrades, as players are only able to stack the benefits of Monkey Commerce and not Monkey Business.
Monkey Commerce Monkey Villages are most useful when playing on the C.H.I.M.P.S. game mode, as players will not be able to generate money and instead must rely on discounts in order to place all the towers that they require.
It is strongly recommended that players place expensive towers near a Monkey Commerce Monkey Village, such as a Super Monkey.
Easy: $8,500
Medium: $10,000
Hard: $10,800
Impoppable: $12,000
Unlock XP: 3,000
Upon upgrading a Monkey Village with the Monkey Town upgrade, all towers in range will earn 50% more cash from popping bloons while also receiving the benefits of the previous tiers.
It should be noted that the Monkey Town upgrade can affect the income that is generated from certain towers’ abilities, including Obyn’s Wall of Trees, Monkey Pirates’ MOAB Take Down, Bloon Traps as well as XXXL Traps.
It should also be noted that a Monkey Town will not help generate more income if players are playing on C.H.I.M.P.S. mode.
Easy: $2,550
Medium: $3,000
Hard: $3,240
Impoppable: $3,600
Unlock XP: 15,500
Upon upgrading a Monkey Village with the Monkey City upgrade, the Monkey Village will gain 10 range and will provide a 10% increase to all income producers, being Sniper Monkeys with Supply Drop (-/4/-) or Elite Sniper (-/5/-), Monkey Buccaneers with Merchantman (-/-/3), Favored Trades (-/-/4) or Trade Empire (-/-/5), Heli Pilots with Support Chinook (-/4/-) or Special Poperations (-/5/-), Super Monkeys with Sun Temple (4/-/-) or The True Sun God (5/-/-) Druids with Jungle Bounty (-/4/-) and Spirit of the Forest (-/5/-), Banana Farms excluding their activatable abilities, Engineer Monkeys with Bloon Trap (-/-/4) or XXXL Trap (-/-/5) and Benjamin’s end of round income.
Note that towers have to be in range in order to receive this income boost and that Alchemists and Benjamin’s Syphon Funding will not be affected by the Monkey City upgrade.
Players will rejoice in knowing that they will also receive a free Dart Monkey each round, which can be placed and sold for some extra cash if players do not need it.
Easy: $5,000 per nearby Banana Farm
Medium: $5,000 per nearby Banana Farm
Hard: $5,000 per nearby Banana Farm
Impoppable: $5,000 per nearby Banana Farm
*Note: A visual bug will cause this upgrade to show different prices, though with further digging you will learn that it all costs the same, no matter what difficulty.
Unlock XP: 28,000
Upon upgrading a Monkey Village with Monkeyopolis, the Monkey Village will absorb all non-tier-5 Banana Farms within its radius, instead creating its own income generation that is superior to the Banana Farms.
The Monkeyopolis Monkey Village will generate a $300 crate for every $2000 spent on Banana Farms per round.
As the Monkeyopolis Monkey Village cannot drop more than 10 crates, crates will increase in value if players are to receive income beyond $3000.
The Monkeyopolis upgrade essentially provides players with more income than Banana Farms without the need to take up a whole lot of space to support said income.
The Engineer Monkey is quite a powerful support Tower to place in most situations while playing Bloons TD 6 as it will provide players with the ability to either spawn in a number of support Sentries, a Tower that reveals Camo bloons and empowers other Towers to deal more damage with the amount of attack increase they receive or as an income generator by using traps.
The Engineer Monkey is not always considered essential, though if upgraded early, they are quite the asset to players.
The Engineer Monkey has no specific requirement for placement, though I would strongly recommend placing a Path 2 or Path 3 Engineer Monkey near the front of a track as this will make their abilities affect the most bloons with their passives.
The Engineer Monkey has a Medium attack range
The Engineer Monkey has a base pierce of 3
The Engineer Monkey has a base damage of 1
The Engineer Monkey does not have camo detection, however, can gain it with Cleansing Foam (-/3/-)
The Engineer Monkey has fast attack speed
Easy: $380
Medium: $450
Hard: $485
Impoppable: $540
If you are looking for a tower that does it all, look no further than a Path 1 Engineer Monkey, though be warned as powerful as Engineer Monkeys are, they are not able to carry without the support of other towers.
Path 1 Engineer Monkeys deploy Sentry Guns that will destroy almost all types of bloons, excluding Camo Bloons without the use of another tower that enables them to gain camo detection.
Sentry Guns deploy fairly regularly, allowing players to gain some decent track coverage in hopes of ensuring that no bloons leak.
Unfortunately when it comes to synergy between paths, there isn’t a great option as Path 1 Engineer Monkeys don’t really benefit from other paths.
Players could use Path 2 for its extra range, which isn’t usually useful, or can use Path 3 to get a little bit of extra pierce.
A (5/-/1) Engineer Monkey is usually recommended over a (5/1/-) Engineer Monkey.
SENTRY GUN (1/-/-)
Easy: $425
Medium: $500
Hard: $540
Impoppable: $600
Unlock XP: 160
Upon upgrading an Engineer Monkey with Sentry Gun, the Monkey Engineer will be able to summon turrets that shoot nails.
Each Sentry Gun will be able to pop 2 bloons and there can be a maximum of 3 Sentry Guns at a time without any other buffs as Sentry Guns are created every 10 seconds and last a maximum of 25 seconds (or 30 with the Lifespan Monkey Knowledge).
It should be noted that Sentry Guns have no footprint, allowing players to placeo ther towers on top of them.
Easy: $340
Medium: $400
Hard: $430
Impoppable: $480
Unlock XP: 550
Upon upgrading an Engineer Monkey with Faster Engineering, it will produce Sentry Guns every 6 seconds allowing a maximum of. 4-6 Sentry Guns.
Easy: $445
Medium: $525
Hard: $565
Impoppable: $660
Unlock XP: 1,850
Upon upgrading an Engineer Monkey with Sprockets, Sentry Guns will begin attacking 67% faster.
Easy: $2,380
Medium: $2,800
Hard: $3,025
Impoppable: $4,200
Unlock XP: 9,500
Upon upgrading an Engineer Monkey with Sentry Expert, Engineer Monkeys will be able to spawn in sentries that specialize in popping specific bloon types.
Sentry Guns can now attack using Crushing, Boom, Cold and Energy, though there is no way to control which Sentry Gun spawns.
If there are no bloons with special properties, the Sentry Expert will cycle through Crushing, Boom, Cold and Energy, though if a bloon is detected in its radius that needs special treatment, the Sentry Expert will change its rotation to match the player’s needs.
Crushing Sentries are red and shoot a spiked ball that deals 2 damage to Ceramic Bloons and are able to bounce off of obstacles, similar to a Dart Monkey’s Spike-O-Pult (3/-/-). They have 28 pierce, 1 damage and attack every second. Crushing Sentries cannot destroy Lead Bloons.
Energy Sentries are yellow and shoot laser beams, similar to a Super Monkey’s Laser Vision (2/-/-). Energy Sentries can destroy Frozen Bloons, but cannot pop Lead Bloons or Purple Bloons. Energy Sentries have 4 pierce, 2 damage and attack 1.75 times per second.
Cold Sentries are blue and shoot snowballs that freeze bloons for 1.5 seconds, also applying Permafrost to bloons in a 10 blast radius. Cold Sentries have 19 pierce, 1 damage and attack 0.67 times per second. Cold Sentries cannot destroy White Bloons, Zebra Bloons or Lead Bloons.
Bomb Sentries are black and pop bloons in an 18 blast radius. Boom Sentries have 38 pierce, 2 damage and attack 0.77 times per second. While Boom Sentries can destroy Lead Bloons and Frozen Bloons, they cannot destroy Black Bloons or Zebra Bloons.
Easy: $27,200
Medium: $32,000
Hard: $34,560
Impoppable: $38,400
Unlock XP: 30,000
Upon upgrading an Engineer Monkey with Sentry Paragon, the Engineer Monkey will begin deploying purple Sentry Guns that shoot plasma 15 times per second, dealing 2 damage per shot with 5 pierce.
After a Sentry Paragon deactivates it will wait 2 seconds before exploding, dealing 85 damage with 50 pierce, though players can also sell a Sentry Paragon early in order for it to explode.
Paragon Sentries are able to destroy Frozen Bloons and Lead Bloons, though they are unable to destroy Camo Bloons or Purple Bloons unless they are supported by other towers that provide them with such capabilities.
By far the most powerful upgrade path players can choose for an Engineer Monkey is Path 2, as it can both reveal camo bloons and provide towers with attack speed, range or income buffs.
Path 2 Engineer Monkeys may be expensive, but I promise you that they are well worth the investment, especially if players are playing in the C.H.I.M.P.S. game mode.
There isn’t really much else to tell you about Path 2 Engineer Monkeys, other than there is no real reason to cross path them, though players usually recommend a (-/5/2) Engineer Monkey over a (2/5/-) Engineer Monkey as it is pretty easy to Overclock a Sentry Gun by mistake if players are not careful.
Easy: $465
Medium: $550
Hard: $595
Impoppable: $720
Unlock XP: 170
Upon upgrading an Engineer Monkey with Larger Service Area, the Engineer Monkey will gain a 20 unit increase in range, essentially making the Engineer Monkey’s range 60 instead of 40.
If the Engineer Monkey has been upgraded to have Sentry Guns, the Sentry Guns will also gain a range increase of 4 units.
Easy: $170
Medium: $200
Hard: $215
Impoppable: $240
Unlock XP: 500
Upon upgrading an Engineer Monkey with Deconstruction, the Engineer Monkey will deal an extra 1 damage towards Fortified Bloons and MOAB-class bloons.
MOAB-class bloons with the fortified property will take 2 extra damage.
It should be noted that Deconstruction only affects an Engineer Monkey’s nailgun and not its Sentry Guns.
Easy: $680
Medium: $800
Hard: $865
Impoppable: $960
Unlock XP: 200
Upon upgrading an Engineer Monkey with Cleansing Foam, the Engineer Monkey will begin producing foam blobs on the track every 2 seconds.
Affected bloons will have their camo properties removed as well as their regrow properties, which is most notable when removing the camo properties off of Dark Dirigible Titans (DDTs)
It should also be noted that Lead Bloons can be affected and damaged by Cleansing Foam, though no other bloon types will be “damaged.”
Cleansing Foam lasts for 8.5 seconds before it disappears and can affect a maximum of 10 bloons.
Easy: $11,475
Medium: $13,500
Hard: $14,580
Impoppable: $16,200
Unlock XP: 14,000
Upon upgrading an Engineer Monkey with Overclock, the Engineer Monkey will receive an ability that allows players to select a tower to empower for a maximum 60 seconds, providing it with 66% attack speed.
Towers that cost between $15,000-$40,000 will receive the 66% attack speed buff for 45 seconds.
Towers that cost over $40,000 will receive the 66% attack speed buff for 30 seconds.
As Monkey Villages do not attack, they instead receive a 25% range boost, allowing them to affect more towers in their area for 60 seconds, regardless of their worth.
Banana Farms, including Monkey Banks and Marketplaces will receive a 66% boost in income for the round.
Shockingly Overclock’s cooldown is shorter than the length that it lasts, coming in at only 45 seconds.
It is strongly recommended that players always use an Overclock Engineer Monkey, especially when playing on the C.H.I.M.P.S. game mode.
As one would assume, it is recommended that players use the Overclock ability on the highest DPS towers, such as a Super Monkey, though players should also focus on using it on Banana Farms as the increase in profits can definitely help you by providing you with the income to buy and upgrade better towers.
Heroes, for example, are always a great option as they receive a 133% uptime.
It should be noted that Overclock cannot effect the Monkeyopolis income.
The Overclock Monkey itself has 15 pierce and 750 projectile speed.
Easy: $102,000
Medium: $120,000
Hard: $129,600
Impoppable: $144,000
Unlock XP: 35,000
Upon upgrading an Engineer Monkey with Ultraboost, the Engineer Monkey will be able to permanently provide a tower with a 6.67% attack boost when using the Overclock ability.
The most awesome part of this is the fact that the attack speed boost can stack up to 10 times, essentially providing them with the chance to gain a permanent 66% attack speed boost.
It should be noted that Ultraboost and the effects of Overcharge cannot stack, meaning that towers can only receive a maximum of 66% bonus attack speed.
As is with Overclock, Monkey Villages will gain a 2.5% range buff, reaching a permanent 25% if used 10 times.
Banana Farms will similarly get a 6.67% income boost, up to a maximum of 66%.
The ability can be used every 35 seconds.
It should be noted that Ultraboost cannot effect the Monkeyopolis income.
The Ultraboost Monkey itself has 30 pierce and 750 projectile speed.
Although I have to admit that I don’t use Path 3 Engineer Monkeys often, or if ever, they are quite powerful and are good sources for income generation.
Path 3 Engineer Monkeys come with the traits that other Engineer Monkeys don’t, including being able to “stun” bloons and destroy and collect all types of bloons if upgraded enough.
Path 3 Engineer Monkeys are the most support-like upgrades players can get for this class and realistically cannot fend for themselves in any situations.
When it comes to choosing a cross path, players are strongly recommended to use Path 2 as this will increase their range as well as provide them with a bit of extra support when dealing with MOAB-class bloons.
Should you use a Path 3 Engineer Monkey? I won’t stop you, but make sure that it is surrounded by a bunch of powerful towers. You won’t regret that!
Easy: $380
Medium: $450
Hard: $485
Impoppable: $540
Unlock XP: 150
Upon upgrading an Engineer Monkey with Oversize Nails, the Engineer Monkey will receive 5 pierce on its main nailgun attack, bringing it up to 8 pierce.
Not only will Engineer Monkeys receive bonus pierce, but it will also gain the ability to pop Frozen Bloons.
It should be noted that Oversize Nails will increase the pierce of Sentry Guns by 1 and they will gain the ability to pop Frozen Bloons without upgrading further.
PIN (-/-/2)
Easy: $185
Medium: $220
Hard: $235
Impoppable: $240
Unlock XP: 500
Upon upgrading an Engineer Monkey with Pin, the Engineer Monkey will be able to pin down all non-MOAB-cllass bloons for 1 seconds, acting very similar to a stun.
Pin will only effect one layer of bloons, but if the Engineer Monkey attacks the same bloon it will replace the Pin effect.
It should be noted that Lead Bloons and Ceramic Bloons cannot be affected by the Pin upgrade, even when placed next to a tower that gives the Engineer Monkey “vision.”
DOUBLE GUN (-/-/3)
Easy: $425
Medium: $500
Hard: $540
Impoppable: $600
Unlock XP: 1,800
Upon upgrading an Engineer Monkey with Double Gun, the Engineer Monkey will begin attacking with two nailguns, essentially providing the Engineer Monkey with double the attack speed.
Double Gun is especially useful for players at it will raise the amount of Pins the Engineer Monkey places in bloons.
BLOON TRAP (-/-/4)
Easy: $2,975
Medium: $3,500
Hard: $3,780
Impoppable: $4,200
Unlock XP: 11,000
Upon upgrading an Engineer Monkey with Bloon Trap, the Engineer Monkey will receive a trap that is placed closest to the Engineer Monkey and can collect a maximum of 500 Red Bloon equivalents before de-spawning.
Upon being filled, the player will be able to collect the Bloon Trap, providing players with some extra cash.
If players do not collect the Bloon Trap manually they will receive half the cash after 15 seconds of the Bloon Trap being filled.
It should be noted that the Bloon Trap cannot affect MOAB-class bloons or Camo Bloons, though if the Engineer Monkey receives camo detection from a Monkey Village, it will begin capturing them.
Engineer Monkeys will receive 1 Bloon Trap per round, though if one is already on the field, the Engineer Monkey will store a new one for a later round.
As a side note, Monkey Farmers are able to collect Bloon Traps.
XXXL Trap (-/-/5)
Easy: $51,000
Medium: $60,000
Hard: $64,800
Impoppable: $72,000
Unlock XP: 40,000
Upon upgrading an Engineer Monkey with XXXL Trap, the Engineer Monkey will receive an XXXL Trap that replaces the Bloon Trap.
XXXL Traps can collect a maximum of 10,000 Red Bloon equivalents and gain the capability to deal with MOAB-class Bloons up to the Zeplelin of Mighty Gargantuaness (ZOMGs), though if provided with camo detection, XXXL Traps can affect Dark Dirigible Titans (DDTs).
Unlike Bloon Traps, Engineer Monkeys have access to an unlimited amount of XXXL Traps, allowing them to replace one repeatedly on the maps.
Wow insane effort put in! Thank you, I now have a better understanding on which towers to put down and when.
Thanks for the compliment. I’m glad to have helped 😀