It can be quite alarming when you’re walking around your Don’t Starve world and come across a giant Spider Queen.
Spiders themselves can be quite a challenging mob to overcome, especially if you’re a newer player who always gets swarmed by these creepy crawlers.
While players will often choose to avoid the Spider Queen instead of killing her, the Spider Queen can actually be fairly game changing and useful for players, especially if they are playing Webber. We will cover more of this later, but a helpful hint is that the Spider Queen is actually very useful when trying to deal with seasonal giants such as the Deerclops.
But let’s get started and dive into everything you need to know about the Spider Queen, taking her down and the uses may have to use her in their Don’t Starve and Don’t Starve Together worlds.
As is with many mobs in Don’t Starve and Don’t Starve Together the Spider Queen has a bit of variance between the games and DLC, though honestly not that significant.
1,250 HP in single-player Don’t Starve (DS, RoG, SW & HAM)
2,500 HP in Don’t Starve Together
80 damage to all players and mobs
Every 3 seconds
-400 Sanity per minute
The Spider Queen will regularly spawn in Spiders and Spider Warriors in Don’t Starve, Reign of Giants, Hamlet, and Don’t Starve Together. In Shipwrecked the Spider Queen will spawn in Venomous Spider Warriors.
The Spider Queen will spawn regular Spiders every 20 seconds and if she gets attacked by a player or a player is simply nearby the Spider Queen a third of the Spiders she spawns will be Spider Warriors.
It should be noted that in Don’t Starve Together the Spider Queen will summon Spiders every 10 seconds instead, essentially summoning Spiders twice as fast.
The Spider Queen can have a total of 16 Spiders following her at a time.
Spider Queens are spawned when Spider Dens overgrow beyond their tier-3 stage.
If players wish to avoid having Spider Queens spawn, they should regularly check their Spider Dens and destroy them when they are either tier-2 or tier-3, which can be identified by the amount of bulbs the Spider Den has (tier-2 having 2 bulbs and tier-3 having 3.)
Players can download a mod like Show Me (Origin) as these will display a timer when Spider Dens are going to go up a tier or are going to transform into a Spider Queen.
Upon spawning, the Spider Queen will place a tier-1 Spider Den unless there are already 4 or more Spider Dens in the area around the Spider Queen.
It should be noted that the Spider Den that is placed by the Spider Queen will quickly turn into a tier-2 Spider Den in about 60 seconds.
Spider Queens will only spawn if there is a player or mob nearby and thus it would be recommended that players do not AFK near Spider Dens, especially if they are tier-3 and close to becoming overgrown.
As the Spider Queen can be a bit tricky to take down, especially because she has the ability to spawn other Spiders in hopes of support, players will want to her kiting behaviours early on.
Players will be happy to note that while the Spider Queen attacks reasonably quickly, she moves ever so slowly, meaning that players will have a good amount of time to run away from the Spider Queen while she prepares to give players a good smackdown.
While running away from the Spider Queen it’s a good idea to kill all Spiders and Spider Warriors as they will do the most damage to you, especially the Spider Warriors who have the ability to jump onto players to secure damage.
If players are nervous about dealing with Spiders, have a few regular Traps (6 Cut Grass and 2 Twigs) laid out as Traps will snare Spiders, essentially leaving them as a non-threat to players.
I would recommend having at least 5 traps on hand as you will not know whether or not you’ll have the opportunity to pick them up and place them again, as players will want to get as many strikes onto the Spider Queen as possible before she begins summoning more Spiders.
One of the biggest concerns when it comes to the Spider Queen is Sanity management as the majority of clothing items aren’t going to help keep you sane due to her Insanity modifier being ridiculously high at -400 Sanity per minute. Players will essentially lose 100% of their Sanity within 30 seconds, though players will only lose Sanity when they are standing too close to the Spider Queen.
To avoid summoning Shadow Creatures have some Jerky, Taffy or Cooked Green Caps, since all provide a decently high yield of Sanity.
The only characters who will avoid all Sanity loss from the Spider Queen are Webber and Walter, making them the best options when killing this sadistic queen.
Players can also choose to fight in Woodie’s Werebeaver form as he does not experience any Sanity drain in this form and deals higher amounts of damage.
In regards to attacking, I would recommend taking one or two swings at the Spider Queen before kiting, though this will highly depend on how many Spiders she currently has summoned and whether players are placed near a path or have the Walking Cane. Players can get about 3 shots in before having to back up on a good day.
It’s always a good idea to have some allies on your side, especially if you’re trying to take the Spider Queen down by yourself.
Players can train some Pigs to help them battle the Spider Queen and while Pigs have reasonably low stats when it comes to health, they will make it up by being the scared little creatures they are, ultimately kiting the Spiders and the Spider Queen herself.
Even if Pigs don’t deal as much damage as players hoped, Pigs will keep the Spiders and Spider Queen occupied, allowing players to do the majority of the damage, securing a takedown reasonably quickly.
If players do not have access to their own Pig Houses or do not have enough food to keep feeding the Pigs, they should take the Spider Queen to the Pig Village which is often located beside the almighty Pig King.
Players can also use Bees to kill the Spider Queen, although it will be a lot slower for them to do.
It’s suggested that players lead the Spider Queen to Killer Bee Hives as Killer Bees will immediately aggro the Spider Queen, essentially dealing low amounts of damage, but swarming together to secure a takedown.
Oddly enough, even though the Bees have even less health than Pigs, their kiting behaviour keeps them alive for the most part.
Similar to Pigs, even if players use the Bees to keep the Spider Queen distracted, it makes a huge difference, allowing players to lock down on the Spider Queen and take down her health rapidly.
If players don’t know whether the Bees or Pigs are in their world, but have located a Beefalo herd, they can also use these friendly giants to aide in battle.
Beefalo aren’t the best option when it comes to killing the Spider Queen as they will ignore the Spider Queen unless they are in heat. There is, however, a small chance that Spiders will get a Beefalo angry, causing the rest of the swarm to begin attacking, but chances are pretty slim.
It should also be noted that because Beefalo do not kite, they will die in battle with the Spider Queen, often resulting in the loss of at least 3 Beefalo.
Players should be warned that they must wear a Beefalo Hat (8 Beefalo Wool and 1 Beefalo Horn) around Beefalo that are in heat, or they will risk being murdered to death by them.
If players are feeling reasonably gutsy or are playing Wurt or Wagstaff, who can locate Tentacles, they can lead the Spider Queen into the Swamp.
Alternatively, players using Wickerbottom or Maxwell will be able to summon Tentacles using the book “On Tentacles” which is truthfully the safer option.
The main issue with using Tentacles is the fact that players will often get hit by these slimy creatures, especially if they are not careful where they step.
Players will also need at least 3-5 Tentacles in order to properly secure the takedown of the Spider Queen, though they will get the reward of having plenty of Tentacle Spikes, which are one of my favourite weapons, because of how high their damage is and how easy it is to obtain them in the early game.
If players choose to use Tentacles and are good at kiting, they will also have a fairly easy time dealing with the Spiders the Spider Queen spawns, as the Spiders will immediately aggro the Tentacles.
Similar to Pigs, Merms will do the job, though they are more scarce in the Don’t Starve world.
Merms will be able to deal a reasonable amount of damage to the Spider Queen, though there is the other issue of spawning into a world that does not actually have very many Mermhouses in them.
Though the scarcity of Merms can be an issue, players can continue to lead the Spider Queen through the Swamp, essentially allowing the Tentacles to do the work that the Merms weren’t able to complete.
While players can use any weapon to take down the Spider Queen some are more useful than others,
Blow Darts, for instance, will deal the most damage, allowing players to shoot 13 Blow Darts at the Spider Queen to secure a takedown in single-player Don’t Starve, though requiring a very expensive 25 Blow Darts in Don’t Starve Together.
Players will need 2 Cut Reeds, 1 Hound’s Tooth and 1 Azure Feather for each Blow Dart that they craft, making this very useful weapon one of the most expensive and overkill ways of killing the Spider Queen.
Similarly, players can use an Ice Staff (1 Spear and 1 Blue Gem), which needs to be used 4 times to freeze the Spider Queen and then place 5 Gunpowder (1 Rotten Egg, 1 Charcoal and 1 Nitre) in single-player Don’t Starve or 12 Gunpowder in Don’t Starve Together below her.
Upon igniting the Gunpowder the Spider Queen will take 200 damage per Gunpowder, though will still require a few extra hits in order to die.
If players use more Gunpowder they risk all of the Spider Queen’s loot turning to Ashes and Cooked Monster Meat.
All-in-all, players should be fine using a Tentacle Spike or a Ham Bat (2 Sticks, 2 Meat and 1 Pig Skin) to take down the Spider Queen.
Spears (2 Sticks, 1 Flint and 1 Rope) deal a reasonable amount of damage, though early-mid game players will always have access to better resources.
If players are really in a pinch and can’t deal with the frustration of the Spider Queen they can get to crafting some real traps, though I warn you this is a fairly expensive wa of dealing with her.
Players should look into crafting Tooth Traps (1 Log, 1 Rope and 1 Hound’s Toth) as they deal deal 60 damage, though I do warn that they will often trigger on regular Spiders instead of on the Spider Queen herself.
If you do choose to partake in this method of killing the Spider Queen, try to kill the Spiders before luring the Spider Queen towards the traps.
When it comes to fighting the Spider Queen, players will not actually need the most protective armour and can often battle her without armour, simply because of how slow she moves.
If players want to be protected they should build themselves a Log Suit (8 Logs and 2 Rope), though players can also craft themselves a Football Helmet (1 Pig Skin and 1 Rope) which will provide them with a lot more protection
Players may be surprised to note that the Spider Queen is a bit of a night owl, remaining active during all night phases, even though her other Spider counterparts will take the opportunity to get a bit of shut eye.
It’s especially odd as some of the big baddies of The Constant take snoozes at night, though the only way to get the Spider Queen to sleep is by blasting her with 4 Sleep Darts (2 Cut Reeds, 1 Stinger and 1 Jet Feather).
Though the Spider Queen being nocturnal may seem like a problem, it actually works to a player’s benefit, allowing players to easily lead her away from the Spiders she spawns and being able to walk her through the night to the area they wish to kill her in.
Just make sure you have a few torches on hand, because nothing is worse than dying to Charlie because you didn’t have a proper light source when the sun goes down.
The Spider Queen provides players with a substantial amount of resources, providing players with:
4 Monster Meat
4 Silk
1 Spider Den
1 Spiderhat
All resources should be fairly straight forward to players, though newer players may be surprised to see the Spiderhat.
Spiderhats are a Hat Item only dropped by the Spider Queen or obtained by chance from Klaus’ Loot Stash in Don’t Together.
When worn, the Spiderhat will cause a maximum of 10 nearby Spiders, except those spawned from a Spider Queen, to follow a player and fight for them.
The Spiderhat is extremely useful for Cave exploration as there are many Spider in the underworld and can be extremely useful for players hoping to battle another Spider Queen in the future, especially if they are not Webber.
Spiderhats are especially great as players can smack Spider Dens and cause all Spiders that come out to follow them, essentially making it extremely easy to farm future Spider Dens for Silk.
It should be noted that Webber does not gain any benefits from the Spiderhat and will actually take damage from Spiders if he attacks a Spider Den with the Spiderhat equipped.
It should be noted that the Spiderhat has a durability of 2 minutes and will cause players to lose 2 Sanity per minute. Players will also receive a 20% water resistance, making it somewhat useful to wear in the rain.
Also note that players wearing a Spiderhat will cause Pigs, Bunnymen and Smallish Tallbirds to attack them as they will now see the player as a “Monster” similar to Wurt or Wortox.
It is strongly recommended that players use the Spiderhat to cause Spiders to fight other Spiders, essentially making it quick and easy to collect Silk and Spider Glands.
If players wish to conserve the durability of a Spiderhat, they can wear the Spiderhat to cause some Spiders to become followers, lead them to non-follower Spiders and wait until they start attacking.
Upon starting a war between the Spiders, move back and take off the Spiderhat as befriended Spiders will continue attacking other Spiders until everyone is dead.
If you choose to do this, make sure you’re collecting loot quickly as Spiders will eat Monster Meat.
If players wish to ignore the Spider Queen and not kill her, they will be happy to note that the Spider Queen will plant herself into the ground and become a tier-1 Spider Den after about 1.5 in game days.
The Spider Queen will only remain active beyond 1.5 in game days if she cannot find a suitable location that is not already near 4 active Spider Dens.
As Webber is a Spider other Spiders, including the Spider Queen will remain neutral towards him unless engaged with by being attacked.
In my opinion, the best perk of having a Spider Queen is to use her high damage to destroy seasonal giants such as the Deerclops.
As players get closer to the end of Winter, they should begin seeking out tier-2 or tier-3 Spider Dens.
Players should travel with some extra Silk if they are Webber as they can feed the Spider Den some Silk to quickly bring it to the next tier.
If players are unable to summon the Spider Queen before the seasonal giant appears and die as a result they can continually haunt a tier-3 Spider Den for a 10% chance to spawn the Spider Queen.
Spider Queens have the capability of taking down the Moose/Goose, Bearger and Deerclops all on her own, making these big baddies a breeze to deal with.
Similar as mentioned before in regards to traps, players can choose to play Wormwood in hopes of setting up Bramble Traps (1 Living Log and 1 Stinger) which deal 40 damage.
Wormwood’s traps may deal less damage than a regular Tooth Trap, but the reality is that Bramble Traps are so much cheaper to craft than regular traps.
Alternatively, players can select Winona, who is a personal favourite when dealing with mobs that are new to me.
Winona has access to a number of contraptions that are specific to her, and placing about two of her Catapults should be able to provide players with enough damage to take down the Spider Queen with indefinite ease.
Haven’t tried Winona? Get onto it! She’s massively overpowered and awesome!
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