Zeus is an impactful damage focussed god who is actually a great option to choose when players need a support in damage.
Zeus is a great god to choose when players are struggling to burst grouped enemies down, as many of his Boons provide players with extra AoE damage.
In most cases Zeus will offer Boons that bounce lightning damage between enemies, though there are some pretty okay Boons that will summon a floor AoE that damages all mobs standing in it’s area.
While players won’t see Zeus immediately as he only appears for players after their first escape, he will become a staple for many players in most of their escapes beyond this.
Zeus comes with his own Status Curse, being Jolted which will essentially cause enemies to damage themselves when they attack for the first time after receiving this Status Curse. It should be noted that Jolted will have to be placed again after it is consumed if players would like to deal the most damage they can, though some Boons will change the way that Jolted works.
Note: Watch me play Hades and similar games on Twitch! Always happy to answer questions there!
Zeus, being one of the many Olympian gods will have the ability to gain Affinity with a player.
Players can gain affinity by trading in Nectar to him and upon providing the first gift, he will provide a player with his Keepsake the Thunder Signet.
At first players will want to hold off on providing Zeus too much Nectar as he will not provide players with any further rewards and players are recommended to farm for Companions, though when a player has enough Artifacts to waste, they can do so, being able to max him out at 7 Hearts.
Zeus is a bit of an egomaniac who requires players to collect all information on what the other gods think of him, including Hades. Due to this, players will take a good amount of time to get Zeus’ affinity up, as they will have to talk to all the gods many times before they even talk about Zeus.
I would strongly recommend against focussing on Zeus’ affinity at first and instead passively grind it, as this will always take some time.
Zeus’ Tier 1 Boons do not require players to have any other Boons and always have the ability to show up regardless of how many Boons a player has access to.
Players should be cautious of taking too many Tier 1 Boons, especially if they are on the hunt for Legendary Boons, so making yourself aware of which Boons you will need to get the Tier 2 Boons you want is going to be very important, otherwise players may lock themselves out of the Boons they require.
Lightning Strike is one of the easiest ways to deal damage to multiple enemies and while the base stats from Lightning Strike don’t deal a whole lot of damage, players will see a massive amount of damage when enemies are clumped up together as Lightning Strike’s Chain-lightning can bounce between 4 enemies at a time.
Players will need enemies to be fairly close to each other as Chain-lightning’s distance is only 520, which is admittedly a medium range.
It should be noted that the more enemies Chain-lightning hits the more the damage gets reduced. The first mob will take full damage and while the latter enemies take less damage it will still be good enough to help burst them down.
The amount of damage Chain-lightning deals depends on the rarity of the Boon, being:
The Common Lightning Strike will deal 10 Lightning Damage to the first mob and a bit less to each of the subsequent mobs.
The Rare Lightning Strike will deal 12.5 Lightning Damage to the first mob and a bit less to each of the subsequent mobs.
The Epic Lightning Strike will deal 15 Lightning Damage to the first mob and a bit less to each of the subsequent mobs.
The Heroic Lightning Strike will deal 20 Lightning Damage to the first mob and a bit less to each of the subsequent mobs.
Thunder Flourish is going to deal more damage than most of the other forms of lightning damage, however, unlike Lightning Strike, Thunder Flourish will deal damage in a circle area of the field, meaning that players are going to want to make sure that as many mobs are in the area as possible to make the most out of the damage buff you receive.
It should be noted that Thunder Flourish has a 0.2 second cooldown, meaning that even if players want to spam this Boon, they will still want to bounce back into their rotation to deal the most damage.
Players will only be able to trigger Bolt at maximum 5 times per second for each enemy.
Players will damage enemies in a 200 radius, meaning that enemies will have to be relatively close to the player in order to deal damage.
The lightning bolt will deal different amounts of damage depending on the rarity of the Boon, being:
The Common Thunder Flourish will deal 30 Lightning Damage.
The Rare Thunder Flourish will deal 38 Lightning Damage.
The Epic Thunder Flourish will deal 45 Lightning Damage.
The Heroic Thunder Flourish will deal 60 Lightning Damage.
Electric Shot can be a very powerful Boon to have, especially if players are struggling to push out a good amount of damage using their Cast.
I personally find Electric Shot to be very helpful for players, especially if they want to deal area damage with their Cast.
Electric Shot will not only damage the enemy that is initially hit by the Cast but will bounce to a maximum of 5 enemies as long as they are in a 720 radius of the initially struck mob.
Players must note that the first enemy they hit with Electric Shot will not have the Cast lodged in them, meaning that players are going to want to be wary if they want to lodge the Cast in Hades instead of one of his ADDs in the final battle.
Players should also note that they will not be able to combine Electric Shot with the Aspect of Beowulf.
The different rarities of Electric Shot will deal more Cast damage, being:
The Common Electric Shot will deal 60 Cast damage.
The Rare Electric Shot will deal 70 Cast damage.
The Epic Electric Shot will deal 81 Cast damage.
The Heroic Electric Shot will deal 90 Cast damage.
Thunder Flare is the alternative to Electric Shot for the Aspect of Beowulf.
In my opinion Thunder Flare isn’t as good as Electric Shot, though players may find a good amount of damage while using it as it will still deal a good amount of Cast damage, but will also deal AoE damage to nearby enemies.
The different rarities of Thunder Flare will deal more Cast Damage, being:
The Common Thunder Flare deals 60 Cast Damage.
The Rare Thunder Flare deals 72 Cast Damage.
The Epic Thunder Flare deals 84 Cast Damage.
The Heroic Thunder Flare deals 96 Cast Damage.
Thunder Dash is a bit and miss Boon and one that I actually don’t like at all as it often misses enemies.
Essentially, Thunder Dash acts as a no brainer form of damage dealing a thunder strike nearby anytime a player dashes, though admittedly there are going to be plenty of times that a player doesn’t strike a single enemy with the lightning strike.
The Thunder Dash will strike enemies in a 500 range and has a damage radius of 200, meaning that a good amount of enemies can be hit as long as they are in the radius.
The different rarities of Thunder Dash will increase the damage from the lightning, being:
The Common Thunder Dash deals 10 Lightning Damage.
The Rare Thunder Dash deals 15 Lightning Damage.
The Epic Thunder Dash deals 20 Lightning Damage.
The Heroic Thunder Dash deals 25 Lightning Damage.
Zeus’ Aid is admittedly a very strong God Call, however I’ll admit I’m really not a fan of the mechanics.
Essentially players will be able to deal AoE damage to mobs around them for 1.5 seconds, dealing a good amount of damage, but will not gain any other attributes.
As most people know, my favourite God Call is from Artemis, however Zeus is more focussed on dealing with Trash mobs.
If players are happy with the mechanics of Zeus’ Aid, I’d say go for it, though if player are looking for high AoE damage and want some extra defense I would strongly recommend looking into using Ares instead.
As is with all God Calls, players can either use it early or wait until their God Gauge is full to use it. If players wait they will have a 9 second duration on their God Call, being good enough to take a boss down a health state.
The different rarities of Zeus’ Aid will make it deal more damage, being:
The Common Zeus’ Aid will deal 50 Lightning Damage per strike.
The Rare Zeus’ Aid will deal 55 Lightning Damage per strike.
The Epic Zeus’ Aid will deal 60 Lightning Damage per strike.
The Heroic Zeus’ Aid will deal 65 Lightning Damage per strike.
Heaven’s Vengeance is a Boon I literally never take as I’m really not a fan of Boons that require players to get hit in order to deal damage.
With Heaven’s Vengeance players will deal revenge damage in a 120 radius every time they take damage.
Revenge Damage actually deals quite a bit, so it is, in fact, a good Boon; however, I still try to avoid as much damage as possible making it fit in the “not my play style” kind of Boon.
The different rarities of Heaven’s Vengeance will provide players with more revenge damage, being:
The Common Heaven’s Vengeance deals 80 Revenge Damage.
The Rare Heaven’s Vengeance has a 1.3-1.5x multiplier on the Revenge Damage.
The Epic Heaven’s Vengeance has a 1.8-2.0x multiplier on the Revenge Damage.
The Heroic Heaven’s Vengeance has a 2.3-2.5x multiplier on the Revenge Damage.
Lightning Reflexes is a veryyy big miss for me as the chances of it actually triggering is so infrequent in my opinion.
Essentially with Lightning Reflexes players will have to Dash right before getting hit in order to deal some extra Lightning Damage.
Admittedly, the Lightning Damage is so minimal that I would simply avoid it based on that.
If players don’t have another viable option, then I’d say go for Lightning Reflexes because it can still add a bit of damage to your roster and dash as often as you can, unless you’re using a Weapon that deals less damage straight after you Dash like the Heart-Seeking Bow.
It’s going to be important to use all other forms of damage instead of relying on Lightning Reflexes.
The different rarities of Lightning Reflexes will increase the Lightning Damage, though admittedly not by much, being:
The Common Lightning Reflexes will deal 20 Lightning Damage.
The Rare Lightning Reflexes will deal 30 Lightning Damage.
The Epic Lightning Reflexes will deal 40 Lightning Damage.
The Heroic Lightning Reflexes will deal 50 Lightning Damage.
Tier 2 Boons Zeus Boons will require players to unlock at least one other Boon in order to acquire. Many of these Boons require any of the Tier 1 Boons though some will require a specific Boon in order to obtain.
The following is all the information you need to know about the Tier 2 Zeus Boons.
Storm Lightning is such a great Boon for players who are relying on their chain lightning to deal AoE damage.
Essentially players will need Lightning Strike or Electric Shot in order to get Storm Lightning and the different rarities will add more bounces before the Chain Lightning expires.
It should be noted that Electric Shot will increase by 3, 6 or 9 bounces unlike Lightning Strike.
The Common Storm Lightning will cause 2 additional Lightning bounces.
The Rare Storm Lightning will cause 4 additional Lightning bounces.
The Epic Storm Lightning will cause 6 additional Lightning bounces.
The Heroic Storm Lightning will cause 8 additional Lightning bounces.
High Voltage is interesting, though in my opinion, often unnecessary for players as all it will do is increase the size of your lightning bolts.
If players are unhappy with the AoE size of their Lightning Damage, they can use this to damage more enemies, however, if players don’t really care I recommend choosing a different Boon.
High Voltage only appears for players who have Thunder Flourish, Thunder Dash, or Zeus’ Aid and the different rarities will increase a players damage radius by:
The Common High Voltage will increase the damage radius by 60%
The Rare High Voltage will increase the damage radius by 72%
The Epic High Voltage will increase the damage radius by 84%
The Heroic High Voltage will increase the damage radius by 96%
I’m shockingly a pretty big fan of Double Strike as it provides a chance for Lightning Bolts to strike twice.
If players are dealing a good amount of damage with their Lightning Damage, I highly encourage players to get Double Strike, especially if players are able to rapidly deal Lightning Damage.
While the percentage chance of striking twice isn’t the highest, with rapid attacks this shouldn’t be an issue.
Players will need one of the following Boons to get Double Strike: Thunder Flourish, Thunder Dash, or Zeus’ Aid.
Players will gain the following Double Strike chance:
The Common Double Strike provides a 25% Double Strike chance.
The Rare Double Strike provides a 30% Double Strike chance.
The Epic Double Strike provides a 35% Double Strike chance.
The Heroic Double Strike provides a 40% Double Strike chance.
Static Discharge is extremely useful as it will make sure that mobs affected by Lightning will also become Jolted, essentially dealing more damage over time.
I really like Static Discharge because it helps deal a lot more damage.
Players will need one of the following Boons to unlock Static Discharge: Lightning Strike, Thunder Flourish, Electric Shot, Thunder Dash, Zeus’ Aid, Heaven’s Vengeance, or Lightning Reflexes.
As you can see there are multiple Boons that can be affected by Static Discharge, making it extremely versatile and greatly increasing the chances of enemies taking a good deal of damage.
The different rarities of Static Discharge will increase the damage caused by Jolted, being:
The Common Static Discharge deals 60 Jolt Damage.
The Rare Static Discharge has a 1.3-1.5x Jolt Damage modifier.
The Epic Static Discharge has a 1.8-2.0x Jolt Damage modifier.
The Heroic Static Discharge has a 2.3-2.5x Jolt Damage modifier.
The Clouded Judgement Boon is one that I typically avoid as useful as it can be
With Clouded Judgment, players will have to take damage in order for them to charge up their God Gauge faster.
If you haven’t gathered by now, I’m really not a fan of Boons that require you to take damage, even if they provide decent utility.
Clouded Judgement needs a God Call such as Aphrodite’s Aid, Ares’ Aid, Artemis’ Aid, Athena’s Aid, Demeter’s Aid, Dionysus’ Aid, Poseidon’s Aid, or Zeus’ Aid.
The rarities of Clouded Judgment will provide the following increase in God Gauge when players are damaged:
The Common Clouded Judgement will increase the Wrath Gain by 10%.
The Rare Clouded Judgement will increase the Wrath Gain by 12%.
The Epic Clouded Judgement will increase the Wrath Gain by 14%.
The Heroic Clouded Judgement will increase the Wrath Gain by 16%.
Billowing Strength can be useful for players to deal some extra damage immediately after they use their God Call for 15 seconds.
I honestly really like Billowing Strength, though it depends what other Boons I have.
At the end of the day, damage increase is damage increase and if players are regularly using their God Call to damage trash mobs, they will often see a significant damage increase.
Billowing Strength is really not as useful when a God Call is fully charged up, though it can help pad a tiny bit.
Players will need one of the God Calls to unlock Billowing Strength, being Aphrodite’s Aid, Ares’ Aid, Artemis’ Aid, Athena’s Aid, Demeter’s Aid, Dionysus’ Aid, Poseidon’s Aid, or Zeus’ Aid.
The different tiers of Billowing Strength will increase the amount of damage players can deal for 15 seconds after their God Call, it should be noted that a full gauge works the same as a smaller gauge.
With the Common Billowing Strength players will gain 20% bonus damage whenever they use their God Call.
With the Rare Billowing Strength players will gain 22% bonus damage whenever they use their God Call.
With the Epic Billowing Strength players will gain 24% bonus damage whenever they use their God Call.
With the Heroic Billowing Strength players will gain 30% bonus damage whenever they use their God Call.
Zeus only has one Tier 3 Boon which is meant to deal more damage when players use their Lightning Burst.
Shockingly players will not need very many Boons in order to unlock Zeus’ tier 3 Boon, being Splitting Bolt and they will require Storm Lightning, High Voltage, or Double Strike.
Splitting Bolts will essentially make lightning bolts damage with an additional burst dealing 40 Lightning Damage.
The additional burst that appears is slow moving moving at 500 speed and will bounce 5 times within a 520 range.
As I’ve already written a Duo Boons guide, I’m not going to go too deep into this.
Essentially players will want to obtain either Demeter, Poseidon, Dionysus, Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis or Ares Boons in order to acquire a Duo Boon, though I strongly recommend selecting only one or two of these god’s Boons in order to raise your chances of gaining access to a Duo Boon.
I personally like the synergy between Zeus and Aphrodite as this will make it so your God Call auto charges and the synergy between Zeus and Demeter because it makes the Jolted status last longer.
Zeus has some pretty good Duo Boons, so I strongly recommend reading up on his Duo Boons so you can make a good decision.
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