Warly is one of the characters who doesn’t really pique my interest whether it be for the Shipwrecked DLC or Don’t Starve Together. Warly is the ninth character that can be unlocked using experience in single-player Don’t Starve and is free to play in Don’t Starve Together.
Similar to many other characters in the Don’t Starve realm, The Constant, players will have a slightly different experience when playing Warly in single-player versus Don’t Starve Together.
The following guide will take you through everything you need to know when playing Warly, including all of the recipes that are exclusive to Warly.
Hunger: 250
Sanity: 200
Health: 150
Since Warly’s whole character is based around food, it’s not shocking to discover that Warly gets a bit hungrier from foods than the default character. In single-player Don’t Starve, Warly has a 1.33x Hunger Modifier.
Although having a Hunger Modifier can be a bit scary for newer players, Warly’s Hunger Modifier is nowhere near as complicated as Wolfgang’s Health Modifiers. Overall, players shouldn’t notice too much of a difficulty when playing Warly.
As a combative perk to Warly’s Hunger drain, players will receive 33% more Hunger, Sanity and Health from any Crock Pot Meals.
Since Warly gains extra stats from cooked Crock Pot Meals, players have a disadvantage when eating raw foods or “single-ingredient” foods.
Warly will only gain 90% (+10% on the negative side effects) of the stats from Cooked Foods (Fire), 80% (+20% on the negative side effects) from dried foods and 70% (+30% on the negative side effects) from raw ingredients.
Every time Warly eats the same meal in a row he will receive fewer stats. The first penalty players will receive when eating the same food twice is 10% then 20%, 35%, 50% and from then on 70%.
Warly will forget a meal after 1.75 days, meaning that players can easily rotate between Meaty Stew and Meatballs as necessary, though other foods can be rotated in.
Players are able to craft a Chef’s Pouch out of 1 Cloth and 1 Rope (3 Cut Grass) which provides players with 8 inventory slots.
Warly’s Chef’s Pouch reduces all Food Item’s spoilage by 50%, but will not decrease the spoilage time of Hail, Ice or Ice Cubes. Warly players will not be able to freeze Thermal Stones in Warly’s Chef pouch either, making Ice Boxes still necessary for said resources.
Warly’s Chef Pouch acts similarly to a backpack and will require players to use an armour slot to store items inside.
Players will spawn into The Constant with a Portable Crock Pot while playing single-player Don’t Starve.
The Portable Crock Pot can cook all the foods that a regular Crock Pot can with the added bonus of making four exclusive recipes. The Portable Crock Pot will give players access to the following recipes:
Hunger: 150
Sanity: 15
Health: 60
Recipe: 1.5x Fruit, 1 Butter, 1 Honey
Hunger: 37.5
Sanity: 10
Health: 3
Recipe: 2 Monster Meat (or Monster Food), 1 Egg, 0.5 Vegetable
Must Not Contain: Twigs
Hunger: 37.5
Sanity: 15
Health: 20
Recipe: 2 Mussel, 2 Vegetable
Hunger: 37.5
Sanity: 15
Health: 20
Recipe: 2 Sweet Potato, 2 Eggs
Warly’s exclusive recipes aren’t the most useful or overpowered when playing Don’t Starve, though I would set up a few farms for Sweet Potatoes or focus on Mussel farming. Having extra ways to heal yourself is always a great perk to have when playing Don’t Starve.
Portable Crock Pots must be placed on the floor in order to cook any food, just like a regular Crock Pot. Warly can pick up the Portable Crock Pot when it is not in use at no cost, unlike a regular Crock Pot.
In single-player Don’t Starve, Warly players do not have the option to craft extra Portable Crock Pots. Players should always pick up their Crock Pot after using it unless players choose to leave it at their base.
Warly players go through a lot of changes between Don’t Starve and Don’t Starve Together. In my opinion, Warly has some of the most drastic changes in gameplay in comparison to other characters who cross through both games.
The first difference players will notice when playing Warly in DST is that he spawns in with 2 Potatoes and 1 Garlic. Players can use the Potatoes and Garlic to make Creamy Potato Pureé or Fancy Spiralled Tubers.
DST players have an easier time when it comes to the Hunger Modifier that they receive. Players only have a 1.2x Hunger Modifier being slightly less than the 1.33x Hunger Modifer in single-player DS.
Warly does not gain any bonus Hunger, Sanity or Health from Crock Pot dishes and will not be able to eat any food that is not cooked in a Crock Pot.
Warly will also remember a meal for 2 days and will experience the same penalties from eating repeated food as in Shipwrecked (10% then 20%, 35%, 50% and from then on 70%.)
Warly’s Chef Pouch has gone through a number of changes in DST making it a lot less powerful than its single-player counterpart.
Warly’s Chef Pouch now requires 4 Twigs, 4 Cut Grass and 2 Nitre to craft and can only store 6 items instead of 8. Warly’s Chef Pouch also only reduces food’s spoilage rate by 25% instead of 50%, making it less noteworthy than an Ice Box.
In my opinion, Warly’s Chef Pouch isn’t really worth all of the hassle unless you’re hoarding lots of food for the rest of your team. Having multiple Chef’s Pouches is a possible strategy, however, ineffective in my opinion.
Players can craft multiple Portable Crock Pots while playing DST. Players can access the crafting recipe for the Portable Crock Pot in the Food Tab and it will set players back 6 Twigs, 6 Charcoal and 2 Gold Nuggets.
Another difference between the mechanics of Warly’s Portable Crock Pot in single-player DS versus DST is that the Portable Crock Pot makes food 20-25% faster in DST.
Warly players in DST have a much larger selection of exclusive foods to pick from when using a Portable Crock Pot. Unlike Warly’s exclusive foods in single-player, some of Warly’s exclusive foods in DST also provide Warly or his teammates with special effects.
While Warly still has access to the recipes he crafts in single player the following are the new recipes in DST:
Hunger: 37.5
Sanity: 10
Health: 3
Recipe: 1 Glowberry (or 2 Lesser Glowberries), 1 Fruit, 1 Filler
Must Not Contain: Meats or Twigs
Special Effect: Makes the player glow for 2 days, acting similarly to WX-78’s System Overload.
When to Use: Since the Glow Berry Mousse is so inexpensive to cook, I would recommend leaving some of these bad boys into an Ice Box for your team. Glow Berry Mousse isn’t necessary when playing DST, but it can come in extra handy for players who don’t have the resources for a Fire Pit, Campfire, or most commonly a Torch.
Glow Berry Mousse is not very useful for the stats it provides so multiple pieces should not be fed in succession.
Hunger: 25
Sanity: 5
Health: 1
Recipe: 2 Nightmare Fuel, 1 Potato and 1 Onion
Special Effect: Swaps Sanity and Health Values
When to Use: The Grim Galette has plenty of use when playing Don’t Starve Together and can be especially useful with Maxwell players. Since Maxwell is a character who has low health and quick Sanity regen, Maxwell players can quickly heal themselves in tough situations with little fear of staying Insane.
Players can also use the Grim Gale in hopes of staying safe on the Lunar Island.
Hunger: 25
Sanity: 10
Health: -3
Recipe: 1 Dragon Fruit, 1 Pepper and 2 Fillers
Must Not Contain: Meats, Twigs or Eggs
Special Effect: Increases body temperature by 30 degrees for 5 minutes.
When to Use: For the trade-off of 3 Health, having 30 degrees of body heat can be game-changing, especially when you’re spending time collecting resources during your second Winter.
Hot Dragon Chili Salads can also come in useful when players are trying to take part in the hunts or during long Hound waves.
Note: Make sure not to eat Hot Dragon Chili Salad in the Summer in fear of Overheating.
Hunger: 25
Sanity: 10
Health: 3
Recipe: 2 Asparagus and 2 Ice
Special Effect: Decreases body temperature by 40 degrees for 5 minutes.
When to Use: Summer can be a drag when players aren’t prepared, but Warly can help by providing players with Asparagazpacho which is basically the exact opposite of the Hot Dragon Chili Salad.
Note: Similar to the Hot Dragon Chili, players will want to avoid eating an Asparagazpacho in Winter in fear of freezing to death.
Hunger: 37.5
Sanity: -10
Health: 20
Recipe: 2 Frog Legs, 1 Fish, 1 Filler
Must Not Contain: Twigs
Special Effect: Provides wetness immunity for 5 minutes
When to Use: Do I smell my favourite recipe for Spring? Warly’s Fish Cordon Bleu may come at a cost of Sanity, but when you think about the amount of Sanity players lose when staying wet for a few days in Spring. Frog Legs are going to be plentiful especially with the Frog Rain mechanic which has a chance of happening each Spring.
Players can craft Mermhouses as a sustainable way of farming Fish.
Hunger: 150
Sanity: 5
Health: 32
Recipe: 2 Bone Shards, 1 Onion, 1 Filler
Must Not Contain: Twigs or Ice
When to Use: While I wouldn’t seek out making Bone Bouillons, they can come in very handy when players need a high amount of Hunger and Health. It sounds like great food for Wolfgang after a long day of resource collecting!
Bone Shards are used in a few resources, but overall using them as food isn’t a bad option, especially if you are playing with friends who are constantly dying. Players can also choose to repeatedly die to farm the Bone Shards from Skeletons in the early-game.
Hunger: 112.5
Sanity: 33
Health: 60
Recipe: 1 Onion, 1 Tomato, 1 Fish, 1 Filler
Must Not Contain: Twigs
When to Use: Moqueca is a perfect food to keep in the Ice Box at all times, especially if you’re about to hit a Seasonal Giant. There aren’t very many foods that give a high amount of Health, let alone 60 Health. Use Warly’s Moqueca as a quick way to heal up when in a tough battle.
Hunger: 62.5
Sanity: -20
Health: -20
Recipe: 2 Monster Meat (Or Monster Food), 2 Fillers
Must Not Contain: Twigs
When to Use: Monster Tartare works extremely well when players are teamed up with Wormwood or Webber as Wormwood will not lose Health from eating it and Webber will not lose Health or Sanity.
Monster Tartare is one way to spend your Monster Meat, but in my opinion, it is a waste of Monster Meat. Instead, I would recommend using Monster Meat for Werepigs or for Gold Nuggets from the Pig King.
Hunger: 37.5
Sanity: 15
Health: 20
Recipe: 2 Potatoes, 1 Egg, 1 Filler
Must Not Contain: Meats or Twigs
When to Use: Never? Maybe for Sanity, but realistically the Puffed Potato Soufflé feels pretty useless in comparison to Warly’s other foods.
Hunger: 37.5
Sanity: 10
Health: 3
Recipe: 1 Volt Goat Horn, 2 Sweetener (Honey or Honeycomb), 1 Filler
Must Not Contain: Meats
Special Effect: Applies electrical damage to players’ attacks for 5 minutes.
When to Use: A little hidden secret when it comes to damaging mobs in Don’t Starve is that mobs take extra damage from electric damage when they are in the rain. Have a player chow down on a Volt Goat Chaud-Froid while it’s raining and get to smacking!
Paired up with the Fish Cordon Bleu, you’ll be unstoppable for Spring!
The Portable Grinding Mill is a Warly exclusive crafting station that requires 4 Twigs, 2 Electrical Doodads, and 2 Gold Nuggets. Similar to the Portable Crock Pot, Warly players will be able to move his Portable Grinding Mill and no other characters will be able to use them.
While near the Portable Grinding Mill, Warly players will be able to craft the following Seasonings:
Requires: 3 Garlic
Produces: 2 Garlic Powder
What it does: Absorbs 33% of incoming damage for 4 minutes when combined with a Crock Pot dish.
When to use: Use Garlic Powder if you are the player who is currently tanking.
Requires: 3 Honey
Produces: 2 Honey Crystals
What it does: Doubles mining, chopping and hammering effectiveness when combined with a Crock Pot dish.
When to use: Honey Crystals, in my experience, aren’t really worth using. Players can use them to decrease the amount of time it takes to collect resources, though Honey is much more useful for healing.
For those of you wondering if Maxwell’s Shadow Puppets are even more powerful with Honey Crystals, the answer is no, unfortunately.
Note: Feeding yourself a spice multiple times will not stack the effects, however, it will reset the cooldown period.
Requires: 3 Peppers
Amount Produced: 2 Chili Flakes
What it does: Increases damage outputted by 20% for half a day when combined with a Crock Pot dish. It will also increase a players body temperature to 40 for 15 seconds.
When to use: By far my favourite spice you can use in DST is the Chili Flakes. Chili Flakes can be used by any character when battling Seasonal Giants and truthfully Chilli Flakes are the best way players can use Peppers.
Players will want to avoid eating Chili Flakes during Summer as they will be at risk of overheating.
Requires: 3 Salt Crystals
Amount Produced: 2 Seasoning Salt
What it does: Increases the Health value of the Crock Pot dishes by 25%.
When to use: Okay, I lied, Seasoning Salt is my absolute favourite spice you can use in DST as it can make some foods extremely powerful. Use Seasoning Salt on high health foods like Pierogies or Dragon Pies.
Honestly, the most useless object Warly has to carry around is the Portable Seasoning Station, requiring 6 Twigs, 3 Cut Stone (9 Stones) and 2 Gold Nuggets.
Players must use the Portable Seasoning station to combine Crock Pot Dishes with Seasonings… whyyyyyy doooo weee neeeed thiiiissss? I guess it’s just a way to make Warly players a bit more costly to “balance” out the game.
When playing Warly, I strongly recommend that players prototype themselves both Improved Farms and Birdcages as many of Warly’s recipes require specific vegetables to cook them.
Birdcages can be used to get specific seeds and can also be useful in getting Eggs for some of Warly’s special recipes.
Warly’s dietary rotation is highly going to depend on what resources and players have been able to gather and whether or not they have access to farms or a Birdcage.
The best contenders for food include Meatballs and Meaty Stews, or in DST with Fresh Fruit Crepes, Moqueca, and Bone Bouillon in addition.
Realistically players can stick to two foods since a full belly keeps him full for about 2.5 days.
It sucks when certain characters get stuck in METAs, but for Warly it makes sense that he would be in charge of all things food. Warly can cook food at double the speed, including Berries and Mushrooms over a Fire Pit or Campfire. Funny enough, Warly players can even use Willow’s Lighter to cook with.
Warly should be in charge of making and spicing foods, although I would recommend using an Insulated Pack instead of using his Chef Pouch. Players could alternatively use Snow Chester as he does not require an armour slot.
Ever forget where something is on the map? Well, a great way to mark what you need is to lay down a Trap or in the case of Warly, use a Portable Crock Pot.
Warly is an awesome character to pair with any character in Don’t Starve Together as he acts as a portable buff machine who can do nothing wrong, other than eat too much food.
If you’re trying to think tactics when playing DST players may want to team up with Wormwood when playing Warly. Since Wormwood can plant seeds from anywhere at any time, Warly can rely solely on Wormwood’s plants before building Improved Farms or Birdcages. Realistically, players may never have to build either if they can get eggs from something other than a Birdcage.
Wickerbottom is also a great match-up with Warly, but then again when isn’t Wickerbottom great? Grow unlimited crops, use them for all the Crock Pot meals you can come up with and enjoy your life, mama!
Pairing Warly up with Wolfgang can help make Wolfgang a killing machine, especially if you’re constantly feeding him Garlic Powder or Chili Flakes.
If any of Warly’s teammates are low on health, pop on some extra Seasoning Salt to get that Health up, which comes handy with Wolfgang and Wigfrid who should usually be out in battle.
I’ve recently become a Wurt player and Warly is extremely powerful when it comes to making foods for her, as her stats are already boosted from foods like Dragon Pies.
If players have a friend who loves to play Wendy, they will appreciate you dearly if you give them foods that will bring her attack stats up to default. Oh and I guess also Wes. Give Warly to Wes.
Maxwell and Woodie are both interesting pair-ups with Warly because Warly’s spices can help them mine and gather resources faster, making the task a bit less daunting.
Warly does not have a favourite food.
Warly is shockingly powerful when playing both single-player Don’t Starve and Don’t Starve Together. I wouldn’t recommend Warly for newer players, especially if they don’t have a handle on foods in general since many of Warly’s foods are better in the late-game.
All-in-all, I think that Warly provides great support when playing Don’t Starve Together and think that he’s one of the better additions onto a DST server.
Nice guide, I think Warly (DST) is the most fun character in all of Don’t Starve and so I am a Warly main. Really adds a new perspective to the game.
I’m so glad you enjoy Warly that much. He definitely does provide a whole different side to playing Don’t Starve! I wish more people played him on public servers :’)