Using items and resources can be stressful, especially if there isn’t a conventional way to grind that resource out. Though food is not extremely rare in PewDiePie’s Pixelings, the right type of food can be a bit hard to come by.
It’s a good idea to make yourself familiar with your Pixelings’ favourite foods, as grinding out the right food will make levelling your Pixelings up shockingly easy.
Food comes in 5 different colour categories, and each type of food will be tied to a particular level in the main storyline.
The following are the basics you need to know about food, as well as how, who, and when to spend food on.
At the moment, the only way to get food is to grind out the extra rewards in main storyline quests.
There are currently only two tiers of food; however, the amount of food you receive per level will depend on the difficulty tier you are playing on.
Pixelings can be fed by clicking the image of their favourite food, which is found next to the Pixeling’s level.
Food is used as an easy way to level up your Pixelings to higher levels.
Each food will provide at minimum 500 experience to the selected Pixeling, but take note; every Pixeling has a favourite food. If you feed the Pixeling it’s favourite food, it will receive double the experience, bringing the boost up to 1000 experience per feeding at a minimum.
As mentioned, food is colour coded into five colours, meaning that you’re going to need some foods more than others.
Higher tiered food will give you a minimum of 2000 XP. If a Pixeling is fed it’s favourite higher-tiered food it will receive 4000 XP, making higher-tiered food much more appealing.
Though higher-tiered food provides more experience, some maps will give you a higher yield of lower-tiered food that will inevitably give you more XP overall.
Chances are, if you’re completing higher-tiered content, you’re going to be getting better rewards, so you’re not going to have to overthink this. The most important thing is that you only feed Pixelings their favourite foods.
I would personally only use food on Pixelings that you got recently or Pixelings you don’t use in your party regularly.
Due to the fact that it takes a while to grind out your player level, especially if you do not have access to many levels that give boosted experience, you’re probably going to max out your party’s Pixelings without the need of food.
Food isn’t going to be something you rely on, as your Pixelings can receive XP from almost anything, but food can come in handy when you want to try out random Pixelings.
I use food most commonly when I receive several duplicates of the same Pixeling, and since I’ve progressed to the furthest point released in the game, I have way too much food sitting in my inventory.
Luckily, the developers finally added an alert that will tell you if you are going to overfeed your Pixeling food, but I would still be careful just in case.
If you’re still confused about who the best Pixelings are in the game, I recommend checking out the best Mythic Pixelings or Rare Pixelings. You can also check out my breakdown of every Ranged Pixeling, Melee Pixeling and Troll Pixeling.

The only time I would use food on party members is if they are two levels below my player level.
I would just be wary of doing this at very low levels, especially with favourite food since you don’t actually have to cap out your experience bar.
What do I mean by this? Well, if your Pixeling says it’s level 6 and you’re level 6, you don’t have to level up its experience anymore until it’s at level 7.
The only other time I would break this rule is in late game where it is required to have 4000 or more experience to level up your Pixelings.
In times like this, though, you will probably receive a better Pixeling shortly.
Since coins seem to be a fairly expendable, it’s always a good idea to rank up your Pixelings as far as you can.
Ranking up your Pixelings will raise there power level and let you know whether or not they are worth powering or levelling up.
Why is this important?
Well, it can be difficult to get duplicates of certain Pixelings, so sometimes lower-level Pixelings are more powerful than higher power ones.
That being said, even though Pewds is a common level Pixeling, he’s still on every one of my team builds because I had enough duplicates to make him the strongest ranged Pixeling.
If you have extra food because you’ve been grinding like a beast and have no other pixelings to waste your food on, don’t worry about spending your food on the lower level pixelings.
Sometimes it comes in handy, especially when you’re just starting out, but always make sure to have a couple of pieces of food on the side in case you need it.
I usually keep one piece of each food, unless there’s a Pixeling I really care about powering up.
Otherwise, I let everything build up because you never know when you’re going to get a better Pixeling that you really want to use.
No matter what way you end up using your food, as long as you make sure to feed each Pixeling its favourite food, you should be good.
So far, it seems like PewDiePie’s Pixelings is an easily grindable game with very little paywalls.
You can quickly get foods daily, and it’s going to be reasonably easy to get all of the foods you want even with Instant Wins as you level up.
So, I’m curious. Are you finding it difficult to get food? What’s the food you have the most and least of? Let me know it in the comments below!
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