Trying to figure out which Pixelings you want to put on your team can be a tough choice, mainly when you are limited to one Mythic Pixeling and two Rare Pixelings.
Rare Pixelings can reach the same Power Rank as Mythic Pixelings, being 490. Although Rare Pixelings can reach the same Power Rank as Mythic Pixelings, Rare Pixelings are still considered weaker as they only have one passive ability, versus two.
Rare Pixelings can be Ranked up to Rank 8, making them significantly more straightforward to farm than Uncommon or Common Pixelings.
Rare Pixelings will appear as extra rewards for some main story quests when playing hard level content.
The following are my thoughts on the current Rare Pixelings and the ones you should select on your team.
Sponsy is by far the most versatile Rare Pixeling currently in PewDiePie’s Pixelings. Although Sponsy doesn’t have the biggest pool of health, it’s charge ability, Heal Lowest, and passive ability, Frenzy, pair up nicely to help give Sponsy a bit of extra sustain.
Although Sponsy is considered a Support, I tend to use it as a Tank, placing Sponsy directly in the forward position for Pixelings to attack. Putting Sponsy in the forward position guarantees that it will be attacked by any Melee Pixelings, raising the chances of Frenzy proccing.
There are two main strategies for using Sponsy. As mentioned, you can use Sponsy as the main tank, allowing it to absorb the majority of the damage from other Pixelings and swapping it out whenever it is low on health. The other method is to allow Sponsy to sit in the back placement, only rotating it in to absorb damage every few turns. The latter approach will push Sponsy into a support role, which in most cases, will cause your tank to be unstoppable.
I’m not the biggest fan of using Sponsy as full-on support, though, especially when against high dealing Pixelings. Having two Melee Pixelings on the field at once can be risky since it often means that your Pixelings will deal less damage.
If you’re looking for a real Tank Pixeling to place on your team, look no further and put Jennifer on your team.
Jennifer is by far the best tank in all of PewDiePie’s Pixelings, coming in with the most health and a relatively strong passive heal. The main issue with Jennifer’s charge ability Heal Self is that it takes four turns to charge, making it a bit difficult to proc in comparison to Sponsy’s 3-turn Heal Lowest, which also has the chance to proc earlier dependant on if Frenzy procs.
By far, the most exciting thing about Jennifer is that she is not affected by Poison, Stun or Drain. Being that Jennifer cannot be affected by Poison, Stun or Drain, Jennifer is most potent against Pixelings such as Ozzy, Edgar, Slippy, Guppy and is extremely helpful against the Corrupted Doggy.
Although I don’t always use Jennifer, I can’t deny the fact that she’s always on my team just in case. I still prefer using Sponsy as the tank, because it’s a higher Rank than my Jennifer and all-in-all. I find Sponsy to be more useful than Jennifer.
Although Ozzy isn’t high up on my list, Ozzy is still by far one of the most useful Pixelings in PewDiePie’s Pixelings.
Ozzy’s charge attack Drain has an extremely short charge, making Ozzy feel like a great substitute or alternative to Falcon, who is arguably the best uncommon Ranged Pixeling.
Ozzy makes mechanics, such as the summoning of Barrys in the battle against the Barrel King, seem like nothing. Ozzy can delay the summoning of extra Barry Pixelings in the Final Showdown, effectively allowing the player to nuke down the Barrel King without the fear of being damaged.
The main reason Ozzy is in the middle of all of the other Rare Pixelings is that its ability Drain doesn’t seem much use otherwise. In many cases, a damage focussed Pixeling should be used as it will ensure that enemy Pixelings are burst down.
In cases where mechanics are problems I strongly recommend bringing Ozzy onto your team, just be careful to make sure that Ozzy’s drain can effect enemy Pixelings. There’s nothing worse than bringing your Pixeling to beat the Corrupted Doggy, only to realize that Ozzy is the biggest mistake a player can make when trying to beat the Floatopia boss.
Ozzy’s passive isn’t the most useful; however, if you want to make the best use of it, you will need to make sure that Ozzy is one of your first Pixelings killed. Upon death, Ozzy will explode, inflicting the Pixeling, who last hit it with poison.
Pixelings that are not affected by Ozzy’s drain are likely not to be affected by Ozzy’s poison, so don’t get your hopes up and be smart about when to let it die.
Ozzy is also one of the only ways you can have a “draw” in a battle as the explosion that takes place upon death is considered to be part of the same move.
Although Shannon is one of the most dope Pixelings in the game, the fact that she is a Melee Pixeling throws a wrench into how useful she is.
Shannon can deal a very high amount of damage, but if you’re against an opponent that likes to swap their Pixelings around like nobody’s business, Shannon is probably not the best choice.
The thing that really makes Shannon shine is her Passive Ability Cannibalize, which is triggered whenever Shannon last hits an enemy Pixeling. If Shannon is successful in killing the enemy Pixeling, she will receive half of her maximum health back.
Cannibalize can be especially trolly in PVP settings; however, again, Cannibalize will take some time to master and will need fairly specific circumstances to be effective.
Shannon is most effective against low-health Pixelings. Still, because of the “meta” or most common appearance of Pixelings, the only opportunity you will see this is when Shannon is against a horde of Ranged or Troll Pixelings.
I’m curious, how many of you see uses for Shannon? I primarily use her for main story content.
Eh. I haven’t even powered up Tad to it’s highest potential because there’s really no use for it. While I love the idea of getting 25% strength, I would prefer to use Lulu as my primarily Ranged Pixeling.
I can see Tad being used if you get lots of duplicates of it, but it’s abilities as a whole aren’t really impressive.
While Shrouded will grant you 33% less damage from other Ranged Pixelings, Shrouded leaves you extremely vulnerable to Troll Pixelings, which I find to be much more aggressive than Ranged.
Unfortunately, Tad just seems like another Pixeling that is cool in theory but gets outranked by other Pixelings quickly. I will say, it is nice that his ability only takes three turns to charge, but really… why not just use the spell Strengthen which you could probably get off a few times before Tad even charges once.
At the end of the day, the Rare Pixeling that you should always have on your team will be Sponsy. It is by far the most versatile and, dare I say, necessary Pixelings on your team.
Since you there is a limit on the amount of Rare Pixelings you can take on your team, allow the Rare Pixelings you choose to fill in the gaps. If you have a team of high damage dealing Pixelings, take Sponsy and/or Jennifer. If you need a way to prevent enemies from using their abilities on you, use Ozzy.
I’m curious, which Rare Pixelings do you use? Do you agree with my top list? Let me know in the comments below!
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