Melee Pixelings are one of my least favourite Pixelings in PewDiePie’s Pixelings, mostly because Melee Pixelings are unable to attack any other Pixelings than the Pixeling in the forward position.
When playing in a PVP setting, the only Pixeling, a Melee Pixeling, can attack is the center Pixeling. Since Melee Pixelings only have the option of attacking one Pixeling, it makes them less optimal than using a Troll Pixeling like Stephano, as Stephano is a Pixeling who also acts as a Tank.
In certain situations, a team of Melee Pixelings is much more powerful than a team of Troll and Ranged Pixelings. When? Well, when the other team is predominantly Troll or Ranged Pixelings.
Melee Pixelings often have a healthy amount of HP, but don’t usually do as much damage as a Ranged Pixeling unless the Melee Pixeling is an Assassin. Not only do Melee Pixelings often have more HP than other Pixelings they also come with some decent passive abilities that reduce damage.
I strongly recommend bringing between 2 to 3 Melee Pixelings to every battle.
Melee Pixelings will be your primary source of tanking, especially if you don’t bring Stephano into battle and chances are you are going to need to rotate your Melee Tank at least one in battle.
Common Pixelings can be upgraded to a Power Rank of 443.
The maximum level a Common Pixeling can be is Level 50, and the maximum rank a Common Pixeling can be is Rank 12.
Common Pixelings do not have Passive Abilities.
World of Origin: Arena
Sub-Category: Tank
Max Health: 2518
Max Base Damage: 237
Charge Ability: Bubble Shield Self // Grants itself a 1-hit shield
Turns to Charge: 3
When To Use: Gato is going to be the first tank you ever use and probably the first tank you’re ever going to replace.
While Bubble Shields can be useful, Gato is hugely inferior to Stephano, and honestly, you shouldn’t focus too hard on upgrading or ranking up this little guy.
The main reason Gato is inferior to other Pixelings is simply that Bubble Shield takes too long to activate, and higher Tier Melee Pixelings have much better charge abilities/passive abilities.
Sub-Category: Support
Max Health: 2169 Health
Max Base Damage: 307
Charge Ability: Heal Random // Gives Health to a Random Ally // Max 574
Turns to Charge: 3
When to Use: Maya is by far one of my favourite beginner Pixelings, especially if you’re having issues with surviving in the early game.
I’ll be honest, she falls off fairly quickly, especially if you get early access to Sponsy. Although I won’t dive too deep into why Sponsy is better just yet, I will say that having a Pixeling heal a random Pixeling gets frustrating reasonably quickly.
You’re going to want to try to limit the amount of RNG your Pixelings take part in, especially in late-game content as RNG can make or break your team’s sustain.
I would focus on upgrading Maya early on but allow her to fall off as soon as you have a replacement.
Sub-Category: Saboteur
Max Health: 1665
Max Base Damage: 377
Charge Ability: Stun // Inflicts Stun
Turns to Charge: 3
When to Use: Berg, in my opinion, is fairly useless.
While stuns can be fairly robust, especially in PVP, I would recommend using the spell over taking Berg into your battles.
Berg is an extremely squishy Melee Pixeling, making it not very beneficial to have on your team. Not only is Berg Squishy, but it’s charge ability, stun, actually takes much longer to trigger than merely waiting for the Mana to use the spell Stun.
Not only does stun take longer to trigger, but because Berg is a Melee Pixeling, the stun will only trigger on the forward/center Pixeling making the effect very limited.

Sub-Category: Tank
Max Health: 2169
Max Base Damage: 279
Charge Ability: Heavy Attack // Deals Heavy Damage // Maximum 784
Turns to Charge: 4
When to Use: First off, can someone please explain to me how Barry classifies as a tank? Barry has a good amount of health, but because it’s charge ability is Heavy Attack, it doesn’t really make sense to use him as a tank.
Barry does a good amount of damage, especially when he gets off Heavy Attack, which does about 2.8x the amount of damaging your basic attacks do. However, because of Pixelings like Ozzy, who use Drain often in PVP, you won’t be able to get Heavy Attack off.
I would strongly recommend subbing Barry out for a real tank as soon as you can.
Sub-Category: Support
Max Health: 2169
Max Base Damage: 279
Charge Ability: Strengthen Back // Increases Attack by 25% for the Pixeling(s) in the Back Position(s) up to a Max of 100%
Turns to Charge: 4
When to Use: Shockingly, I found a lot of use for Bob, especially in the early game, although again, it is a Pixeling that tends to fall off in the late game.
Similar to many other Pixelings, it just seems like Bob takes too long to charge its ability fully, and the spell Strengthen is probably a better choice if you want to boost the attack damage of your other Pixelings.
Being that Bob cannot heal itself or other Pixelings, it does not provide any means of sustenance, meaning that you will have to take in abilities like Rejuvenating Spring or Healing Touch.
Bob is best in the center field because it allows him to empower the Pixelings in the back placement, which are usually Ranged Pixelings or Trolls. Because Bob’s base damage isn’t very high, having Strengthen Back trigger on Bob is relatively useless, so try to avoid placing it in the back positions, unless it is about to be killed and you’re waiting for some mana.
Sub-Category: Tank
Max Health: 2826
Max Base Damage: 209
Charge Ability: Heal Self // Heals about 34% of Max Health
Turns to Charge: 4
When to Use: Molly is quite a durable Tank Pixeling, it’s just a shame that I haven’t gotten enough duplicates of Molly to Rank it up.
Molly takes a bit longer to charge than some other Melee-Tank Pixelings; however, Molly does get health back once Heal Self triggers. I would strongly recommend using Molly until you get Jennifer, who has a great passive and more HP.
As soon as you have a good Jennifer, be ready to bench this beaut, because that’s when it becomes incredibly useless.

Uncommon Pixelings can be upgraded to a Power Rank of 443.
The maximum level a Common Pixeling can be is Level 50, and the maximum rank a Common Pixeling can be is Rank 10.
Uncommon Pixelings do not have Passive Abilities.
Sub-Category: Tank
Max Health: 2658
Max Base Damage: 223
Charge Ability: Heal Self // Heals about 15% of Max Health // Maximum 392 Health
Turns to Charge: 2
When to Use: Tuski is excellent because of how often it heals itself. Pair Tuski up with Lola or Sponsy, and you’ve got a pretty unstoppable team.
Tuski has the shortest charge for Melee-Tank Pixelings, who heal themselves, so use this to your advantage. If you are against an enemy that doesn’t deal burst damage, such another Melee Pixeling, Tuski is one of the most useful Pixelings.
Tuski is essential when it comes to defeating main bosses like the Barrel King, especially in the early game, though I would recommend gearing away from Tuski if you have a Rare Melee-Tank Pixeling to swap it out with.
Sub-Category: Tank
Max Health: 3022
Max Base Damage: 195
Charge Ability: Heal Self // Heals about 23% of Max Health // Maximum 686 Health
Turns to Charge: 3
When to Use: Floss is relatively similar to Tuski, though it takes an extra turn before Floss can heal in comparison to Tuski.
Truthfully, you can alternate between Tuski or Floss since Floss’ pool of health balances out its long charge time.
I personally still prefer Tuski over Floss, merely because Tuski does a bit more damage than Floss. Now, heavy damage isn’t always the most crucial part of playing the game as sometimes sustain is much more critical.
In short, pick between Tuski or Floss based on how powered up they are.
Rare Pixelings can be upgraded to a Power Rank of 490.
The maximum level a Rare Pixeling can be is Level 50, and the maximum rank a Rare can be is Rank 8.
Rare Pixelings have one passive ability.
Sub-Category: Tank
Max Health: 3561
Max Base Damage: 200
Charge Ability: Gives Health to Self (about 30%)
Turns to Charge: 4
Passive Ability: Immune to Poison, Stun and Drain
When to Use: I have to admit, at first, I thought Jennifer was going to be terrible, but I quickly learned that she is one of the best tanks in PewDiePie’s Pixelings.
Not only can Jennifer heal about 30% of her max health with her charge ability, but Jennifer is also immune to the majority of Satotague spells/abilities making her especially durable against the Corrupted Doggy.
Jennifer has the highest amount of health, making her sustain ridiculously powerful, and she should always be your go-to for a Melee-Tank.
A team without Jennifer doesn’t really make sense unless you are trying to substitute her for a Pixeling who deals more damage or has an ability that you really need.
Sub-Category: Assassin
Max Health: 1680
Max Base Damage: 462
Charge Ability: Heavy Attack // Deals Heavy Damage (Almost 3x) // Max 1285
Turns to Charge: 4
Passive Ability: Cannibalize // Heals itself for 50% of max Health when defeating an enemy
When to Use: As much as I love the concept of Shannon, if she doesn’t last hit a few enemy Pixelings, consider her useless.
Shannon needs some practice, especially if you are playing PVP as many opponents will quickly swap out their low health Pixelings to keep Shannon away from healing herself.
As powerful as Shannon can be, dealing a maximum of 1285 damage with her Heavy Attack, she’s relatively low on my “favourite list.”
In my opinion, Marzia is the stronger version of her, and your two Rare spots should be used on either Sponsy, Ozzy or Jennifer.
I do hope, however, to find a level that really needs Shannon because, as a concept, she’s dope AF.
Sub-Category: Support
Max Health: 1958
Max Base Damage: 385
Charge Ability: Heal Lowest // Gives Health to the ally with the lowest Health // Maximum 555
Turns to Charge: 3
Passive Ability: Frenzy // Has 50% chance to gain 1 Charge point every time it receives damage
When to Use: Sponsy. Is. God. Do I have to say anything else?
Sponsy has the most ridiculous sustain out of all of the Pixelings in the game because it has the chance to Frenzy whenever it is attacked.
I take Sponsy into all of my progression content because you can easily switch it into various placements to make sure that its charge ability lands.
Sponsy can not only heal itself but can heal low-health Pixelings that do a lot of damage. In short, Sponsy is the Pixeling who has the most “ships” in the game.
Take Sponsy into battle; you won’t regret it!

Mythic Pixelings can be upgraded to a Power Rank of 490.
The maximum level a Mythic Pixeling can be is Level 50, and the maximum rank a Rare can be is Rank 5.
Mythic Pixelings have two passive abilities.
Sub-Category: Assasin
Max Health: 1588
Max Base Damage: 493
Charge Ability: Heavy Attack // Deals Heavy Damage (About 1.5x) // Maximum 740
Turns to Charge: 2
Passive Ability #1: Shrouded // Receives 33% less damage from Ranged Pixelings
Passive Ability #2: Bloodlust // Gains 50% attack after defeating an enemy (Max 100%)
When to Use: Marzia is often referred to as one of the worst Pixelings in the game, but I don’t agree with this statement.
Similar to Shannon, Marzia takes time to understand and plan properly, but once you get the hang of her, she will do some hefty damage to enemy Pixelings.
I’m not a massive fan of Shrouded because in higher-level content, it seems like there are more Troll Pixelings than Ranged Pixelings, so Marzia often gets benched.
Although Shrouded feels fairly useless, Bloodlust is god-tier, providing you with 50% more attack damage after an enemy is defeated.
Bloodlust works really well with damage-dealing spells such as Inferno, Scorching Blast and Flaming Bolt. Allow yourself to get the center enemy Pixeling to low-health with a damage-dealing spell and then wipe it out immediately with Marzia.
Be careful when lowering an enemy Pixeling with a damage-dealing spell as it is easy to “one-shot” or kill the Pixeling with another ally making this method less ideal.
At the end of the day, the Melee Pixelings that I find the most useful are Sponsy, Jennifer, and Marzia.
Since sustain is one of the most important aspects of progression content, you’re going to want to make sure you either focus on a Rare tier tank or multiple tank Pixelings.
It is also important to be wary of when you use Marzia as you are only able to use one Mythic Pixeling on your team. Though she is powerful, I would recommend alternating between your Mythic Pixelings dependant on what the situation is.
So I’m curious, who are your favourite Melee Pixelings? How many Melee Pixelings do you usually take onto your team? Let me know in the comments below!
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