It can be hard to decide what spells you should take into different battles, especially when you’re against a different set of Pixelings every time in PVP.
Spells can be game-changers, especially when you are doing progression content.
Thing is, it seems like all of the spells can be used in PewDiePie’s Pixelings and it’s going to have to depend on what kind of battle you’re in and what level your pixelings are.
The following is a list of all of the spells I have unlocked, what they do and what you can use them for.
I will be updating this list as new content unlocks and as I complete content.
What it Does: Deals damage to target enemy
Mana Cost: 3
When to Use Flaming Bolt: Flaming Bolt is a very good ability/spell to use when you first start playing PewDiePie’s Pixelings.
Flaming Bolt doesn’t do a whole lot of damage in comparison to some of the other spells, but it does come in handy if you need to snipe an enemy Pixeling.
Flaming Bolt is extra handy with Pixelings like Marzia, Lulu or Gusto who do heavy damage but have difficulty getting in the last hit.
The benefit of using Flaming Bolt is how cheap the spell is in comparison to other damage-dealing spells.
Because Flaming Bolt doesn’t cost much mana you can spam it on players with Pixelings who can shield themselves. This can come in really handy, especially against enemies with Energize.
What it Does: Deals damage to a random enemy
Mana Cost: 4
When to Use Lightning: Truthfully, this is my least favourite spell/ability in PewDiePie’s Pixelings.
I don’t like the fact that you can’t control which Pixeling the attack is going to land on, which makes it pretty frustrating if you’re against someone who is “switch-in, switch-out” happy.
Lightning is good if you are trying to do a lot of damage to anyone on the field, in essence when you are up against a bunch of Ranged Pixelings or Troll Pixelings.
I would also use Lightning when you are against an enemy Pixeling who shields multiple allies such as Rudy.
What it Does: Deals double the damage of Flaming Bolt to target enemy
Mana Cost: 5
When to Use Scorching Blast: Scorching Blast is my bread and butter spell/ability that I take in most battles, unless enemies can’t be damaged by spells.
Scorching Blast does a good amount of damage, often allowing me to kill enemies that are at half or a third of their health.
This comes in especially handy when you want to snipe an enemy Pixeling, such as in the Battle Against the Barrel King.
I also love to use Scorching Blast when I’m passively playing the game and grinding out the lower-level content to get extra items such as food.
You can kill the enemy Pixelings quite easily simply by using Scorching Blast, especially if you out level them by a bit.
What it Does: Deals more damage than Lightning, however, it is not quite double.
Mana Cost: 6
When To Use Thunder Strike: Similar to Lightning, I’m not a huge fan of Thunder Strike.
Thunder Strike should be used with the intention of dealing heavy damage, while Lightning should be focussed on mostly getting rid of shields.
Thunder Strike does a healthy amount of damage, and should always be used as an offensive spell.

What it Does: Deals massive damage (almost double Scorching Blast)
Mana Cost: 7
When to Use Inferno: Inferno is great for reducing enemy Pixelings down to half health, although I wouldn’t necessarily use it for last-hitting.
Inferno simply takes too much mana for it to be useful for last-hitting, making its use to be more focussed towards lowering enemy Pixeling’s health to the point where your Pixeling can last-hit it.
Pixelings that would benefit from this are Marzia and Shannon who both get boosts for last-hitting an enemy Pixeling.
What it Does: Heals a small amount of health to Pixeling
Mana Cost: 4
When To Use Healing Touch: Never.
Healing Touch is only useful at the beginning of the game, but quickly gets replaced by Rejuvenating Spring.
Even Rejuvenating Spring quickly loses its appeal, making it one of my lesser-used spells.
What it Does: Heals a medium amount of health to Pixeling
Mana Cost: 6
When to use Rejuvenating Spring: I use Rejuvenating Spring if I have a Pixeling that is carrying the team.
I’m talking about your first Rare Pixeling or even your first Mythic Pixeling, Using Rejuvenating Spring on your most powerful Pixeling will help you sustain your damage throughout the battle.
I don’t take Rejuvenating Spring into any PVP, however, I do use it fairly frequently for progression content.
The main reason I do this is that I want to see mechanics, even if I lose a battle.
I often do content that out levels me because I enjoy doing content that way, so Rejuvenating Spring or Bubble Shield tends to be useful.
Rejuvenating Spring is especially powerful against tanks who do low damage against your Pixelings.
What it Does: Gives 1 Charge to Target Ally
Mana Cost: 3
Energize is remarkably powerful when used on certain Pixelings. The main Pixeling you will want to use Energize on is Ozzy.
Ozzy has a drain on its kit, which can be useful against bosses such as the Barrel King, especially in Medium Difficulty.
Energize can also be immensely useful when using Pixelings like Falcon, who’s damage is exceptionally high for quite a bit of the game.
I’ve been playing with Marzia a lot because I’ve gotten a few duplicates in chests making her my strongest Mythic Pixeling.
Energize is pretty powerful on her, especially because it helps her last hit enemy Pixelings, causing her Passive Ability to trigger.
Energize is the most powerful on Pixelings who’s abilities only need two charges.

What it Does: Grants 25% Attack to target Ally (Maximum 100%)
Mana Cost: 3
When to Use Strengthen: I don’t use Strengthen too often, but it’s a very powerful spell.
Strengthen should be used to enhance an already powerful Pixeling.
Although I don’t have Lulu, I think it’s a perfect example of a Pixeling that would benefit from using Strengthen, especially when using the AOE charge attack.
I also used to use this ability regularly on Falcon, but I’ve since stopped just because I was more curious about other tactics.
What it Does: Grants a 1-hit shield to target ally
Mana Cost: 5
When to Use Bubble Shield: By far this is the spell that sees the most use in PewDiePie’s Pixelings, though with the addition of newer Pixelings like Lulu, it begins dropping off.
The Bubble Shield is much stronger than any of the healing spells as it can save your butt during double and triple damage rounds.
As my partner says, if you can get damaged more than you heal, take a shield.
I used to always take Bubble Shield into PVP, though now it’s pretty much useless because everyone suddenly has a Lulu. *sigh*
What it Does: Stun target enemy
Mana Cost: 5
When to Use Stun: Stun can be especially useful when you are trying to put off an enemy for a few turns.
Stuns are mostly useful if you hit an enemy Pixeling early in their charge. If you hit an enemy Pixeling with Stun early it will cause them to not attack for a maximum of two turns.
Being that Stun has a chance to disable an enemy Pixeling for two turns, it is arguably one of the most powerful spells in PewDiePie’s Pixelings.
Though truthfully in PVP all that the opponent has to do is swap out their Pixeling and sometimes it actually works in their favour.
So, Stun for me is more of a PvE kind of spell.

What it Does: Removes 2 Charges from Target Enemy
Mana Cost: 5
When to Use Drain: Drain can come in useful if you don’t have Ozzy on your team or if you don’t like how little damage Ozzy has.
I personally never take drain, because Ozzy is a permanent teammate, but I guess you can take it if you want to combat a Shannon, Barry, or Lulu.
Any Pixeling that has a very strong charge ability that you want to roll back, use this bad boy on it and you’re going to be good.
What it Does: Deals Little Damage to Enemy and poisons the enemy (10% of the enemy’s max health per round)
Mana Cost: 5
When to Use Poison Sting: I’ve actually never used Poison Sting, however, I don’t see it being useful against anything other than main story content.
Anyone who is playing in PVP with you will swap out their Pixelings who are afflicted with Poison Sting, though I guess it would be really great if the enemy doesn’t have any Pixelings to swap out with.
All in all, I see a use for this ability, but I’m not super invested in it and haven’t seen a full-time use for it.
What it Does: Mass Strengthen will grant 25% attack damage to all allies. Similar to other Strengthen related spells, a Pixeling can only be boosted to a maximum of 100% attack damage.
Mana Cost: 7
When to Use Mass Strengthen: Mass Strengthen is an extremely powerful spell that does 3 times the amount of buffing for just over 2 times the cost.
If you are a fan of using Strengthen, I strongly recommend putting Mass Strengthen onto your kit, because the only downfall to using Mass Strengthen is the high mana cost.
Never use Mass Strengthen if your team is predominantly Tank Pixelings. Boosting Tank Pixeling’s damage never benefits you, especially
By far my favourite spells to take on a regular occasion are Bubble Shield and Scorching Blast.
They are both immensely powerful and can get you out of very sticky situations.
So, I’m curious, what are your favourite spells? How do you decide which to use? Let me know in the comments below!
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