When it comes to V Rising there are some mechanics a player will typically avoid because they are not aware of them or simply think that they are not worth utilizing.
This is honestly how I felt about Prisoners during our first playthrough of V Rising on YouTube, though by the time I began streaming V Rising on Twitch, I was made very aware of how important Prisoners actually are to gameplay.
Prisoners can be quite daunting to locate and players will want to be more intentional about which mobs they turn into Prisoners as you will really need to focus on the Blood Quality of a mob you turn into a Prison. Now, while Blood Quality does matter for Servants, I would say that it is much less impactful as players can essentially access all the different Hunts simply by providing the Servant with better gear.
When it comes to Prisoners, players are going to want to do their very best to only capture mobs with 100% blood quality, though as these mobs are very rare, players may want to simply imprison mobs with 80%+ blood quality until they are able to obtain Prisoners with better blood quality.
The following guide will take you through everything you need to know about Prisoners including what you can do with them, which mobs you should focus on making Prisoners as well as tips and tricks to keep in mind.
To begin, players will have to gain the recipe for a Prison which is gotten from Vincent the Frostbiter who is a level 40 V Blood. This puts Prisoners into the midgame, which makes sense as before then players are going to want to make sure that they are farming resources and not focussing on the side elements of the game.
Once players gain the recipe for the Prison which Requires 12 Iron Ingot, players are going to want to make sure that they have multiple Prisons. I would recommend between 5-10 Prisons depending on where you are in the game and how many Iron Ingots you have.
I will cover more on why you will want this shortly.
In order to encapture an NPC into a Prison players are going to need the Dominating Presence Vampire Power which is also used for getting Servants.
Players will need to reduce the health of the mob they want to Encapture and then will need to lead them to their base. Similar to Servants, players are going to need to make sure that they lead NPCs they would like to encapture safely to their base as these NPCs can die and will be at a very low health state.
I would strongly recommend that players try to obtain Prisoners at night as this will ensure that you do not die while running around, though players will be happy to know that their NPCs will not die in sunlight.
NPCs can be brought through Caves, but cannot be teleported using Waygates, so get to know the Cave Systems well and if possible try to set up a base near a Cave System to make this feat a lot more bearable.
There is no shame having multiple bases and having your Prisoners hang out in a base that’s just them with no crafting machines. As players will have access to a minimum of 2 Castle Hearts per player in the Clan. I typically have Prisons in the north of the World as it’s much easier to find Pure Bloods up there.
In my opinion, the only NPCs worth making Prisoners are Pure Bloods, though as they can be difficult to find players may want to get some decent blood quality Prisoners early and then convert them to Servants when needed.
Although players can get every single type of blood in the game as Prisoners my recommendations are to focus on the following:
Warrior or Rogue for damage
Worker to simply get more resources (the blood quality doesn’t matter as much)
Scholar for Spell Power (while useful, not as impactful as the Melee Blood unless you’re a support or need a lot of Healing)
One of the best things about Prisoners is that players can always change them into Servants, so if you’re all done with a Prisoner because you found one with better blood, just convert them.
The best thing about keeping a stockpile of Prisoners is that you can send them on Hunts that may get them killed as it will take less time and if successful you will get more rewards for sending them on repeated Hunts.
I don’t think it’s much of a secret, but I don’t like the “real-time” mechanic of Hunts as it ultimately forces players into purchasing a dedicated server.
Players are going to find it a bit difficult to find Pure Bloods (or 100% blood quality NPCs) as they are pretty rare to find, though players should be able to have a better time locating them in the harder late-game areas.
I strongly recommend that players get the Blood Hunter skill from killing Tristian the Vampire Hunter as this will allow players to toggle the visibility of Blood Quality for the trade-off of not seeing the NPCs health.
Prisoners are most useful for collecting Vials of Blood. Essentially, players can use empty vials to drain whatever quality and type of blood the Prisoner has. The best thing about these Vials is that players can keep them on their person to top up their blood at any point.
Not only that but Prisoners can be indefinitely kept up so after the Prisoner is captured players will always have access to its type of blood as long as they keep them low on Misery and high on Health.
Players can locate the prompt to drain blood by heading to the Prison that the Prisoner is in and click the prompt to drain blood. Note that you will only be able to drain blood if you have an empty glass vial in your inventory.
Players can also drain Blood Essence from their Prisoners, but I’ll be honest, I don’t think that this is a great use of your Prisoners. Admittedly, I spend a good amount of time killing enemies while playing the game and don’t stay logged off the server for long enough for all the Blood Essence to drain from my Castle Heart. I can see this being useful for players who are in tough circumstances or PVP servers, but I think it can typically be avoided.
Misery is a mechanic that builds up any time a player drains blood from a Prisoner. Essentially when a player has high amounts of Misery it will drain more Health from the Prisoner. Players need to be careful with this as they can mistakenly kill a Prisoner by taking too much health from them, so try to make sure you reduce the Misery of a Prisoner as often as you can.
Players can do this with Fish.
There are a few ways a player can Heal a Prisoner. Again, players can do this with Fish or they can simply use Rats to Heal. Fish will both be able to give Misery back and Heal while Rats are simply used for Healing.
I will typically use Rats most of the time unless a Prisoner’s Misery is too high.
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