FFXIV is a massive game that provides players with endless hours of gameplay, allowing players to pick and choose different side tasks that they can complete in order to level up their Jobs or simply enjoy more story elements of the game.
As a player, I find myself aimlessly adventuring around the world trying to figure out what I want to do next. Do I want to unlock old dungeons, do I want to farm Minions, do I want to farm Mounts, do I have any Beast Tribes that I’ve left uncompleted or do I simply have Jobs I still have to gather experience for my side Jobs to ensure that they are at the level I need them to be?
As there are many elements that players can take part in and tasks players can complete, it can be hard to decide what you think is worth it and what you want to complete and what you want to pass on.
Luckily for players, not everything is a daily task and while weekly tasks can feel a bit daunting or too much for a player to complete, the reality is that many Weekly Logs or tasks are going to be extremely easy to do and will provide you with the most resource or experience for the time spent on them. I have to say as I dive further and further into FFXIV the more I realize how easy some tasks can be completed if you know the strategy that other players use in order to complete them efficiently.
The Wondrous Tails, provided by Khloe was a task that I constantly refused to complete as I didn’t realize that there was actually an efficient method of completing it that will allow players to complete the whole Wondrous Tails in 10-20 minutes.
Note: If you have any questions about FFXIV that you want me to cover feel free to leave them in a comment below, you can also ask me while I am streaming on Twitch, YouTube or in our community discord.
The Wondrous Tails is essentially a weekly log that players can complete for random rewards, including half a level of experience on whatever Job the player turns the Wondrous Tails in with.
The Wondrous Tails can feel like a hassle due to the fact that it will require players to complete old content that can be accessed in the Duty Finder.
The reality is that as annoying as Khloe’s Wondrous Tails is, it is by far one of the best ways to slowly increase side Jobs, especially those that are a high level already. For example, I’ve been using the Wondrous Tails to level up side Jobs from level 70-80 so I can complete level 80-90 FATES on them as I’m currently hunting for Bicolour Gemstones to get the new Endwalker Mount.
While players can use the Wondrous Tails on lower Jobs to help speed up their levelling, I would still recommend you avoid this as it is very easy to level up a low level job and even if you complete your dailies, it can be hard or slow to level up a high-level Job. Now, if there is a Job you’re trying to speed level in order to get it to a place where you can complete higher-end content, this can also be a good opportunity to complete the Wondrous Tails.
There are some specific mechanics that the Wondrous Tails has and I will cover them in the Rewards section to make things more clear. The most important, to me, is the experience as the rest is a bit RNG focused,
Wondrous Tails are unfortunately gatekept until players hit level 60 with a Disciple of War or Magic, but moving forward any Job of any level will be able to turn it in, though again not advised.
Once players hit Level 60 they will have to head to Idyllshire to the quest giver Unctuous Adventurer (X:7.0, Y:5.9).
The quest players must complete is called Keeping Up with Aliapohs which will ultimately allow players to return to Khloe every week to pick up a new Wondrous Tail.
Wondrous Tails can be completed weekly and cannot be drawn out over more than one week. While players can turn in an old completed Wondrous Tail, as soon as the week ends, players will not be able to continue ticking Duties from the list.
If players have an old Wondrous Tails in their inventory they will have to turn it into Khloe in order to get a new one.
Khloe is located in Idyllshire (X:5.7, Y:6.1) and players will be able to pick up a new Wondrous Tails every Tuesday at 1:00AM PDT.
Upon this, players can open their Inventory and head to the Key Items tab (the last tab) to see what Duties they must complete. It should be noted that all players receive different tasks they must complete and while players may receive one or two of the same Duties to complete, in many cases players will still have to make a conscious decision to focus on the tasks that are provided to them specifically.
When players open up their Wondrous Tails they will notice a 4×4 grid (or 16 Duties) they can take part in. Essentially every time a player completes a Duty that is on the list, the player must head back to the Wondrous Tails to check it off.
Whenever a player checks off a Duty on their Wondrous Tails list players will receive a single Seal that will be placed at random on the right-hand side of the Wondrous Tails. Players will need 9 of these in order to complete their Wondrous Tails. I will cover exactly what they do in the rewards section of this post, but at minimum, all you need to know is you will need to know is that you need 9 Seals to turn in the Wondrous Tails and their position doesn’t matter unless you want specific rewards.
While there are 16 Duties players can complete in order to get the 9 some are easier than others and many players will want to run the same one over and over again for speed. I will cover how this is possible and my strategy in the Second Chance section.
Players will only be able to hand the Wondrous Tails back to Khloe after they have obtained 9 Seals or the week that the Wondrous Tails was picked up has elapsed. I would strongly recommend not allowing the second to happen as even if you do not receive the best rewards from your Seals, the amount of experience you lose is overly substantial.
Note: Players will not be able to hand in the Wondrous Tails with a Limited Job.
While the Wondrous Tails provides players with half a level of experience, players will also want to be aware of the line mechanic in place.
Essentially, players will need to get three lines of 4 Seals. These lines can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal.
Admittedly, most of the time players will not be able to acquire 3 lines, however, aiming for two regularly is nothing to be sad about.
There is no way to guarantee that a player gets more than a single line, however, players can raise their chances by using Second Chance which I will cover shortly.
Now, of course getting 3 lines will give you the biggest rewards, though this is what a player will get for each line or no lines. It should be noted, while players are offered 3 different rewards, players can only select one from each category they have qualified for:
1 Allagan Platinum Piece
500 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics
A Treasure Map
1 MGP Gold Card
1 Khloe’s Bronze Certificate of Commendation
50 Allagan Tomestones (weekly capped type)
2 MGP Platinum Card
1 Khloe’s Silver Certificate of Commendation
500 Allagan Tomestones (uncapped type)
20 MGP Platinum Card
3 Khloe’s Silver Certificate of Commendation
1 Khloe’s Gold Certificate of Commendation
The Second Chance mechanic pertains to two different options a player can choose to activate in order to get more Seals or secure at least two lines with Seals. These two mechanics are called Retry and Shuffle.
As soon as players unlock the Wondrous Tails they will begin collecting Second Chance points, whether or not they have an updated Wondrous Tails journal.
Players can hold a maximum of 9 Second Chance points before they cannot collect any more, meaning that players who are trying to maximize on these points will want to Shuffle their Seals to raise the chances of getting Lines.
Players will receive a Second Chance point every time that they complete a duty where a member of the party is new to the duty. While you wouldn’t think that this is that frequent, nothing could be further from the truth, especially if you are avid to the roulettes.
If players were simply focusing on their roulettes alone, they would have at least 8 chances to receive a Second Chance point.
The following are the two mechanics and required points for Second Chance:
Retry essentially allows players to recomplete a completed duty by setting it as “incomplete.” As a trade-off, any time the player uses retry, a previously uncomplete duty will become complete.
Retry costs 1 point.
Shuffle allows players to randomly change the position from all the Seals on the board and is only available when players have between 3 to 7 Seals.
While I would recommend that players do not Shuffle until they have 7 Seals, if players have Second Chance points to waste, they can do this early so they don’t cap.
If players want to be optimal, they will want to hold their Seals at 7 with the final two duties completed (but not redeemed) for as long as they can to continue Shuffling throughout the week.
If players are hoping to get 3 Lines this is one of the only ways to do it as getting 3 Lines without Shuffles is extremely rare.
While the Wondrous Tails are a bit random with what Duties a player must complete to finish it, there are some consistencies that allow a player to understand what they are going to have to take part in for the week.
While specific Duties are shuffled around, the type Duties are not, allowing players to strategize how they want to go about their weekly plans.
The following is how the Wondrous Tails is currently formatted:
Each week players will be given a choice between 4 types of Dungeons. These Dungeons are commonly part of roulettes the player can complete, though players can also simply queue to take part in them if they are not lucky with the RNG.
The following are the level categories to complete:
Dungeons (Lv. 1-49)
Dungeons (Lv. 50)
Dungeons (Lv. 51-59)
Dungeons (Lv. 60)
Dungeons (Lv. 61-69)
Dungeons (Lv. 70)
Dungeons (Lv. 71-79)
Dungeons (Lv. 80)
Dungeons (Lv. 81-89)
Dungeons (Lv. 90)
Players will have the option of participating in three random Extreme Trials. By far, these are the simplest tasks players can complete and I will cover why when I cover how I personally complete the Wondrous Tails.
The Howling Eye (Extreme)
The Navel (Extreme)
The Bowl of Embers (Extreme)
Thornmarch (Extreme)
The Whorleater (Extreme)
The Striking Tree (Extreme)
Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme)
Urth’s Fount
Honestly, Alliance Raids are something I do on a daily basis as it provides you with a good amount of experience in the roulette and it provides a player with a way to test out Jobs they are less comfortable with while having less stress.
Since players are in a 24-person group in Alliance Raids, it kind of doesn’t matter if you suck or are newer to the Job you’re currently playing. While this isn’t me saying that you can just AFK in an alliance raid or not focus on dealing damage or healing, what I am saying is that you get more passes than you would in 4 or 8-person content.
Labyrinth of the Ancients, Syrcus Tower, or The World of Darkness
The Void Ark, The Weeping City of Mhach, or Dun Scaith
The Royal City of Rabanastre, The Ridorana Lighthouse, or The Orbonne Monastery
The Copied Factory, The Puppets’ Bunker, or The Tower at Paradigm’s Breach
I have to say, I don’t actually participate in regular Raid Roulettes as they can sometimes feel like a drag if players don’t know what is happening or are too lazy to do mechanics, but it is still a fairly fast run if you have a decent team.
The following are the Regular Raids that are in the Wondrous Tails:
Alexander: Gordias, The Fist, Cuff, Arm, or Burden of the Father
Alexander: Midas, The Fist, Cuff, Arm, or Burden of the Son
Alexander: The Creator, the Eyes, Breath, Heart or Soul of the Creator
Omega: Deltascape, V1.0, V2.0, V3.0 or V4.0
Omega: Sigmascape, V1.0, V2.0, V3.0 or V4.0
Omega: Alphascape, V1.0, V2.0, V3.0 or V4.0
Eden’s Gate: Resurrection, Inundation, Descent, or Sepulture
Eden’s Verse: Fulmination, Furor, Iconoclasm, or Refulgence
The Binding Coil of Bahamut, Turn 1, 2, 4, or 5
The Second Coil of Bahamut, Turn 1, 2, 3, or 4
The Final Coil of Bahamut, Turn 1, 2, 3, or 4
The Minstrel’s Ballad: Ultima’s Bane
The Limitless Blue (Extreme)
Thok ast Thok (Extreme)
The Minstrel’s Ballad: Thordan’s Reign
The Minstrel’s Ballad: Nidhogg’s Rage
Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme)
Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme)
Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme)
Emanation (Extreme)
The Pool of Tribute (Extreme)
The Minstrel’s Ballad: Shinryu’s Domain
The Jade Stoa (Extreme)
The Minstrel’s Ballad: Tsukuyomi’s Pain
The Great Hunt (Extreme)
Hells’ Kier (Extreme)
The Wreath of Snakes (Extreme)
The Minstrel’s Ballad: Hades’s Elegy
Cinder Drift (Extreme)
Memoria Misera (Extreme)
The Seat of Sacrifice (Extreme)
Castrum Marinum (Extreme)
The Cloud Deck (Extreme)
Aquapolis/Uznair/Lyhe Ghiah*
Palace of the Dead/Heaven-on-High*
PvP: Frontlines/Danshig Naadam*, Astragalos/Hidden Gorge*, or The Feast
When it comes to Wondrous Tails I try to utilize my retries over anything else. While yes, I must admit that the Shuffle mechanic is super useful, especially for players who are trying to get three lines, the reality is that I am too lazy to try for three lines each week.
Essentially, I will always look through all of the duties offered to me and make a plan of which one(s) I’ll farm, choosing one or two that have Mounts, Minions or Triple Triad cards I don’t already have.
I will almost always complete the Duties given to me unsynced so that I don’t have to queue for them and so they only take me about 2 minutes maximum to complete.
I, personally, complete my Wondrous Tails near the end of the week so that I can make sure if I’m going to retry I don’t waste any.
Now, this isn’t going to be everyone’s method of completing Wondrous Tails, but as someone who mostly uses the Wondrous Tails as a way to farm experience, I would only use Shuffle if I’m midway through a week and don’t really need my retries to ensure that I finish my Wondrous Tails for the week.
If I’m doing a lot of content with new players, thus capping out on my second chances, I may rush completions before the middle of the week to try to get 3 lines, though I must say, I typically get 2 lines maximum when I’m trying enough.
At the end of the day, I think that the best use of your time is trying to kill two birds with one stone. So if there are Mounts, Minions or Triple Triad Cards you still want (or even old gear that you want to use as Glams.) It can be hard to find time to collect all of these, so making use of Chloe is a perfect opportunity, at least it is for me.
Unfortunately, it seems like players can get Duties they have not yet unlocked. Thank you Melodic for sharing that knowledge with me.
While the Wondrous Tails isn’t an absolute essential for players to complete, I truly believe it is one of the best ways to get yourself some experience, especially when you don’t have the extra time on your hands to grind.
Admittedly, with any game, it’s always nice to be able to get passive experience or experience for minimal effort and truly the Wondrous Tails is one of the shortest tasks that players will have to complete in order to gain half a level of experience on any Job, no matter what their level.
I think the fact that the Wondrous Tails provides half a level of experience no matter the job is truly the biggest benefit to Wondrous Tails and it would be terrible if there was a set amount of experience.
But I’m curious, how many of you actually try to get three lines every week on your Wondrous Tails? Do you mostly use the Wondrous Tails for experience as I do, or do you typically avoid it altogether?
Let me know in the comments below!
Can the Wondrous Tails include duties that wasn’t unlocked yet?
I truthfully don’t know! I haven’t been in that situation before, but I’ll let you know if I get an answer and would be very appreciative if you share if you find out before me! Will respond to this message again when/if I find out.
Hello–I can attest that it does. I’ve not unlocked The Copied Factory, but it’s in my book today. T_T
Oof, that sucks to hear! Thank you for the information, will update now!