I’ll be honest, I’m often told that I am an odd FFXIV player as I am more interested in a lot of the side aspects of the game rather than the more popular aspects, such as progression raids.
In my friends group I’m known as the individual who completed all of the Beast Tribes and farmed multiple Eureka weapons because I’m a sucker for achievements and glamours.
I will say, in my expeditions of levelling up all of my jobs to their maximum levels, I have found one of the best and easiest ways, at least for me, is by completing Beast Tribes. Though Beast Tribes are great for levelling up your side jobs, there are a variety of other perks that players will gain by completing their Beast Tribe quests, making these kinds of quests a lot more worth it than a player would imagine when first accessing the Beast Tribes.
Note: If you have any questions about FFXIV that you want me to cover feel free to leave them in a comment below, you can also ask me while I am streaming on Twitch, YouTube or in our community discord.
Essentially Beast Tribes are daily quests that require a player to complete particular tasks in order to reap rewards.
For every expansion there are between 3-4 different Beast Tribes available per location, though admittedly not all of the Beast Tribes are released immediately.
Whenever a player completes a Beast Tribe they were receive more reputation with that particular Beast Tribe unlocking new items and rewards alongside the regular rewards of Gil, Experience, Tomestones and Ventures.
I will cover more about these rewards below and discuss the unique rewards players will receive when they have reached the different tiers of reputation with each of the Beast Tribes.
Although each Beast Tribe has a different quest line that players will have to complete before being able to actually move forward with completing tasks for the Beast Tribe, a player’s first interaction with a Beast Tribe can commence once players have reached level 41 of their Main Scenario Quests.
The first Beast Tribes to unlock are from A Realm Reborn, being the Amalj’aa, Sylph, Kobold, Sahagin and Ixali Beast Tribes. Each of these Beast Tribes will have a different way to unlock them and as mentioned I will write specific posts for each expansion pack as to unlock said Beast Tribes and what rewards they each provide players.
In most cases all the Beast Tribes from expansion packs will require players to complete the main scenario up to a certain point so players can unlock an area and essentially gain access to the location that the Beast Tribe is in. After players have unlocked the area, players will have to diverge their attention and begin locating the quest that essentially unlocks the Beast Tribe and their missions.
Every day players will only have 12 chances to complete Beast Tribe missions, meaning that players will have to be picky and choosy as to which Beast Tribes they complete that day.
Each Beast Tribe has 3 missions that can be completed per day, meaning that players can essentially complete missions with 4 different Beast Tribes to make the most of their daily commissions.
There are three categories of Beast Tribes that players can complete, ones that players can complete by using Disciples of Magic or Disciples of War, ones that players can complete by using Disciples of Hand and finally ones that can be completed using Disciples of Land.
Each Beast Tribe faction has a total of 10 quests, though only 3 are randomly selected a day for each of the Beast Tribes meaning that players can select their Beast Tribe quests based on which missions they prefer over others; though the reality is that all the missions are fairly quick and a player will not need to make any “difficult decisions.”
The only time I would question accepting a Beast Tribe quest is if you are a lower level player who doesn’t have friends to play with and the quest requires you to complete a specific FATE. Depending on your job level or what job you’re playing, these FATEs may be difficult to complete, leading you to have to rely on a Chocobo Companion or ultimately just choose to avoid these quests. I will cover which quests these are so you don’t have to accept them if you do not feel ready or you can alternatively complete these FATEs outside of the quest in order to save up the item to simply turn them in later on.
As many other quests, Beast Tribes require players to turn them in with the job they began the quest with, so make sure you that you begin quests with the job that you want to level up as choosing that wrong will simply require players to cancel their missions and restart. That’s the nice thing about Beast Tribes, the fact that a player can cancel their Beast Tribe quests to get back one of their tokens to complete the Beast Tribe that day.
Players may need to do this every so often, especially if they are not meticulously calculating how much experience is left before a class levels to the maximum level for that Beast Tribe as essentially each Beast Tribe will grant a large experience boost up to a maximum level before it provides players with only 10,000 XP, which in reality is nothing.
Players will want to ensure that they complete a single type of Beast Tribe before they move on to the next simply because this will be the best way to ensure that you do not waste Gil by teleporting too much and you will be able to ensure that you do not waste any juicy experience by double downing too hard on a specific job.
For completing Beast Tribes players will receive a variety of rewards, though the initial reward will simply be Reputation and Experience for completing a Beast Tribe task.
As players level up a Beast Tribe’s reputation they will gain access to a Merchant who will be able to provide the player with a variety of purchases including Ventures for your Retainers, Minions, Mounts, Dyes and other sorts of rewards.
As each Beast Tribe Merchant has a different set of rewards, I will be covering each on their own page shortly so players can make an educated decision on how they would like to spend their time selecting which Beast Tribes to advance faster.
No matter what server you are on, daily reset happens at the same time Globally, meaning similar to the Duty Roulette reset, these happen at Midnight in Japan Time.
A short list of daily resets for those of you who are not in Japan are:
10 AM EDT (November to March) 11 AM EDT (March to October)
7 AM PDT (November to March) or 8 AM PDT (March to October)
It’s probably easy to note that some of the above times have different hours because of daylight savings, so if you’re ever curious I would strongly suggest looking at a time zone calculator, but the reality is that unlike other video games which rely on a 20-22 hour cool down, Beast Tribes don’t, essentially meaning that you will not have to remember the reset timer unless you have missed a day and want to complete 24 quests within your day.
As mentioned, there is really no benefit to completing a Beast Tribe with a job that has out ranked/out levelled that specific Beast Tribe as the experience reward is severely nerfed, making it important for players to only complete Beast Tribe quests that are within their level range.
Players can alternatively quickly finish Beast Tribe quests on a higher levelled character simply to burst through the Beast Tribe so they can collect all the Reputation Rewards and currency that they need to get the purchasable items from the Merchant, though as a mid-maxer, I don’t find this as appealing.
The following are the levels you will want to complete the Beast Tribes at:
A Realm Reborn Beast Tribes, which include the Amalj’aa Beast Tribe, the Sylph Beast Tribe, the Kobold Beast Tribe, the Sahagin Beast Tribe and Ixali Beast Tribe should be completed with characters with jobs that are level 40-50.
Heavensward Beast Tribes, which include the Moogle Beast Tribe, the Gnath Beast Tribe and Vanu Vanu Beast Tribe should be completed with characters with jobs that are level 50-60.
Stormblood Beast Tribes, which include the Namazu Beast Tribe, the Anata Beast Tribe, and the Kojin Beast Tribe Tribe should be completed with characters with jobs that are level 60-70.
Shadowbringers Beast Tribes, which include the Dwarf Beast Tribe, the Qitari Beast Tribe, and the Pixie Beast Tribe should be completed with characters with jobs that are level 70-00.
Allied Beast Tribe Quests are a form of quests that are unlocked when players have completed all of the main Quests from the Beast Tribes that are from the expansion in question.
Players will essentially have to ensure that their reputation is completed for each of the 3-5 Beast Tribes and then will unlock a quest line that lists the Beast Tribes as “Allied.”
While making your Beast Tribes Allied is not essential, it will provide players with Achievements, Emotes, Cosmetics and/or Dances.
True completionists will want to ensure that they complete these and in reality may want to ensure that they rotate between the beast tribes or complete a tier of Beast Tribe at a time to get these rewards as fast as possible, but since there is no time limit the choice is yours on how you would like to advance.
While the Beast Tribes are not considered an essential part of playing FFXIV, they are truly one of the best ways of getting yourself some cool rewards, especially Minions an Mounts.
Beast Tribes take very little time and in my experience have been one of the best ways to level up jobs, especially Crafters and Gatherers.
Due to the fact that Beast Tribes take very little time, I recommend doing all 12 of your commissions daily, though players can take breaks as they need or will be able to accept quests the day before in order to “store them” and complete all 24 the day after.
But, I’m curious, what’s your favourite Beast Tribe? Do you like Beast Tribes or do you find them useless? Also, what’s your favourite reward you’ve received from a Beast Tribe?
Let me know in the comments below!
I enjoy beast tribe quests, most of my guild think they’re useless, though. I just love watching the cutscenes and seeing how the tribes evolve. Especially the Vanu and the Vath.
Right! I’m so glad you also enjoy them 😀