Grounded is quite a fantastic game, coming with a great variety of resources and creatures that a player can discover and defeat. While every world in Grounded is essentially the same, players can interact with the game in any way that they please, selecting different difficulty modes or even creating world with custom rules or settings.
Though players can make sure that their adventures are significantly easier by selecting the Easy game option, there are a few creatures out there that will still prove to be difficult or problematic to deal with, simply because of the way that they function and what damage they can potentially deal to the player. One of the creatures that regularly gives players a problem is the Bombardier Beetle, which is one of the more hostile bugs that can be found in the Grounded world.
Bombardier Beetles don’t really keep to themselves. They will typically gather in groups of 2 or 3 and are spread around the garden, requiring players to often do a scan for them if they are trying to farm up their juicy parts. While there are patches in the world where Bombardier Beetles typically hang out, they are known to travel around, straying from their spawn point.
At first, I have to admit, my husband and I had some difficulty dealing with Bombardier Beetles due to their highly aggressive nature, but by the mid-game, farming them became a dream and even I, who typically dies to everything in video games, really enjoyed farming these buggers.
The following guide will take you through everything you need to know about a Bombardier Beetle, including how to effectively kill them with little to no damage taken from them. The guide will also cover why they are going to be one of the most important Bugs for a player to regularly farm as well as their specific locations on the map (as long as they don’t venture too far.)
Note: If you want to watch me play games like Grounded on Twitch head on over here! I’m always happy to answer your questions there as well!
As mentioned, the Bombardier Beetles are one of the few Bugs that are located almost in every area of the Garden. There are, however, some locations that are better for farming Bombardier Beetles as they are where the Bombardier Beetles congregate together, however, I would strongly recommend trying to find one of the locations where one is hanging out at first so you get the hang of the fight.
Often when players are in a group of Bombardier Beetles, they will aggro them all, resulting in all of them spewing out rapid attacks on you and leading to your ultimate death. Even when you get a hang of killing one, players will be at risk of dying as these Beetles have a long ranged attack that can deal some heavy damage to the player. I will cover more on this shortly and the way that I recommend players avoid taking this damage.
The main locations for the Bombardier Beetles is as follows:
1 Bombardier Beetle is located at he Spade Gulch
1 Bombardier Beetle is located at the tipped paint can in the Dry Grasslands
1 Bombardier Beetle is located at the Leaning Shovel
2 Bombardier Beetles are located by the Frankenline
2 Bombardier Beetles are located under a rock, just south of the Jabby Cola
2 Bombardier Beetles are located in the eastern portion of the Flower Bed, just behind the log fence
3 Bombardier Beetles are located by the power plug near the Hedge, being the ones that players will want to farm regularly as long as they are nearby
As Grounded has pushed an update that lets you scan the area for bugs by selecting the parts that they drop, I will not be posting a map, though as all of the main Bombardier locations are tied to a Landmark, players shouldn’t have much difficulty locating them.
Bombardier Beetles often patrol an area, moving back and forth until they see something that may be a threat. While Bombardier Beetles do not attack other Bugs and are neutral to them, if a Bombardier Beetle is attacked it will begin fighting. Due to this functionality, players could (though not advised) lead another bug towards the Bombardier Beetle in order to force it to fight, an example would be leading a Ladybug to the Bombardier Beetle and kiting the Ladybug so it ultimately hits the Bombardier Beetle once, causing a battle between them.
Admittedly, while this is possible, it will often result in death and players would ultimately find more success learning how to fight Bombardier Beetles themselves.
Bombardier Beetles will always attack a player as soon as they see it. Players will both hear an audio prompt that lets them know that they have been sighted as well as a visual representation of this as the Bombardier Beetle’s eyes will glow as they hunch down into an “attack position.”
The Bombardier Beetle will charge the player, similar to a Ladybug and if players do not want to deal with the Bombardier Beetle they can simply walk slowly behind it to not draw attention to them. Players should try to do this behind an object, like a Rock, if possible as this will greatly reduce the chance of suspicion.
The Bombardier Beetle has a few attacks, they consist of the following:
Boiling Acid, which is often triggered by a player being “too far away” from the Bombardier Beetle. The Beetle will stick its butt in the air when it is ready to use this attack and upon the Boiling Acid landing it will leave an AoE on the ground that players will need to run out of or avoid. Essentially, in regards to Boiling Acid, a player will only take consistent damage if they are standing in the Boiling Acid.
If players are close to a Bombardier Beetle, they will witness it use a bite attack, which can be deflected with a Sword/Shield or can be avoided by kiting. This is strongly recommended as Bombardier Beetles will sometimes spray Boiling Acid immediately after biting a player, ultimately dealing a huge amount of damage.
The Bombardier Beetle, much like all other mobs, has a set amount of Weaknesses and Resistances, though I will say it’s not much.
If players want to deal the most damage possible, they will want to use the Fresh Elemental effect by upgrading their Weapons in the Smithing Station. I personally would recommend against this as Bombardier Beetles aren’t the toughest mobs to deal with, so if you’re not struggling with other mobs that are weak to Fresh Elemental Damage, it kind of feels like a waste to upgrade this way.
That being said, I would recommend that players use a Weapon that deals Chopping Damage as Bombardier Beetles also take more damage from these. These Weapons include the following:
Bone Dagger
Insect Axe
Pebblet Axe
Pebblet Dagger
Spider Fang Dagger
Termite Axe
Admittedly, most of these Weapons are fairly weak, but the weakness that the Bombardier Beetle takes from these kind of balances it out.
As for things that the Bombardier Beetle is resistant to, this is Generic Damage and Smashing Damage. Players shouldn’t worry too much about the Bombardier Beetle being stronger against Generic Damage, as it will still take a substantial amount of damage from Generic Attacks, however, a player should never use Smashing Damage.
Smashing Damage is caused by the following Weapons/Tools:
Black Ox Hammer
Insect Hammer
Pebblet Hammer
Players should always have at least Tier-1 Armour when they try to attack a Bombardier Beetles. I, personally, needed at least Tier-2 before I could regularly farm them. Players will absolutely need Tier-2 Weapons to defeat Bombardier Beetles, though my Weapon of choice is always the Crow Crossbow. Having one upgraded really helps as well as you can kill a Bombardier Beetle in only a few shots while running away, meaning that your Armour doesn’t really matter (though you should always wear Armour while exploring.)
Bombardier Beetles drop some of the better loot in the game as they are used to make the Oven, Jerky Rack, Antlion Wide Brim, Insect Hammer and Insect Axe. Players will also need to farm Bombardier Beetles in order to fight the Hedge Broodmother on repeat.
Bombardier Beetles are slightly annoying to farm as players tend to need a lot of it, but the amount is never guaranteed, players have a chance to get the following:
0-1 Boiling Gland
1-3 Bombardier Parts
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