Having and using the right trinkets while playing Bloons Adventure Time TD can really make a difference when it comes to completing content.
Getting the right trinkets can be frustrating, especially if you do not have the Thought Cannon Wand, which is considered to be the best weapon in Bloons Adventure Time TD because of how easy it makes farming Epic Wish Orbs.
If you are lucky and get the Thought Cannon Wand early, make sure that you give it to the Flame Princess as she has the highest chance of dealing damage to enemy MOABs.
Now, Epic trinkets are not going to be the only kind of trinkets you want to farm, as there are some lower-tier trinkets that prove to be beneficial.
Some early game trinkets give you significant damage boost or can help provide you with a steady flow of income, similar to the best allies in Bloons Adventure Time TD.
The following is a list of the most useful trinkets you can use in Bloons Adventure Time Tower Defense, what they do, when to use them and whether or not they stack.
Note: As of a few days ago there is a new tier of trinkets called Legendary Trinkets. These trinkets are only accessible with Legendary Orbs or by purchasing them and will not be included on this list.
It’s a good idea to be aware of the different trinkets that are only available to certain characters in Bloons Adventure Time TD, especially because of these trinkets unlock abilities that would otherwise be inaccessible to the player.
I personally use all of the Character Specific Trinkets because of some them end up being much more powerful than a regular Epic or Legendary Trinket.
Many of these Trinkets are part of the Rare category and thus will be accessible fairly early in the game.
To avoid having to go back and grind I would recommend opening up every Rare Wish Orb you get in the early game, although you can purchase many of these trinkets from the in-game currency shop.
The following are the best character-specific trinkets, however, if you want to collect all of the trinkets I recommend checking out this list.
The Medallion of Brogends should only be equipped to Finn and unlocks his hidden ability Slicer.
The Medallion of Brogends also provides Finn with 10% Speed, which isn’t very impressive at first, but stacks amazingly as you continue to build speed on Finn.
Slicer provides Finn with +1 Damage and is relatively cheap especially because of the damage increase Finn gets at higher levels.
The Fire Crown is best when equipped on the Flame Princess as it unlocks her ability, Royal Fury. Royal Fury allows the Flame Princess and nearby allies to attack faster.
If you build the Flame Princess with a lot of attack speed you can rely on her to deal an exceptional amount of damage without placing any other characters down.
Not only does the Fire Crown unlock Royal Fury, but it also provides the character that has it equipped +2 pierce and +4 range.
The Dark Temple Idol is the most important Epic Trinket in the game as it is the only way you can summon the Sun God which is the most powerful ability in the game.
A few days ago Ninja Kiwi buffed the Sun God, so be expecting some extremely heavy damage.
The Supermonkey may be the most expensive character in the game, but you can pair monkey making characters up like Captain Cassie and the Supermonkey to unlock the secret ability, Treasure Hunter.
The Dark Temple Idol currently causes the Sun God to get +100% range, +5 damage and fire 2 lasers instead of 1.
Given to Sai, the Dagger of Chilled Glass gives frozen popping and +1 damage to any frozen bloons. Paired up with the Ice King, Sai becomes extra powerful.
The Dagger of Chilled Glass also provides the wearer with a 10% attack speed.
The Stone of Ancient Knowledge has one job and one job only. It gives Max one extra dart per attack right from the beginning of the game.
Having one extra dart becomes extremely powerful especially as Max gains more attack speed, damage and pierce with other trinkets.

Although Bloons Adventure Time Tower Defense has a variety of trinkets you can choose from to equip to your characters, chances are you’re going to have some repeats along the way.
Thing is, not all trinkets are going to stack and one of the most annoying parts of this game is… they don’t tell you which ones don’t really stack.
By far the best trinket in the whole game is Baker’s Shard and should be placed on every single one of your characters.
Baker’s Shard provides the equipped character with 50% attack speed so it wouldn’t make any sense if you don’t equip it to all of your characters.
Although the Demon Heart is best when used on Marceline, it provides any equipped character +2 damage.
The Demon Heart Provides Marceline with an extra +2 Damage.
I would put the Demon Heart on all characters that can equip it as it proves to give a decent amount of extra damage
The Banana Replicator is by far one of the strongest trinkets to help you farm some extra cash.
The Banana Replicator doubles any money that is received from popping any bloons, and it seems to stack with other trinkets that provide extra money for popping bloons.
I would make sure that all of your characters have the Banana Replicator equipped on them.
Providing characters with 15% +1% per star speed, +1 Per Star Pierce and +3 Damage to all shield bloons
I find the Glasses of Nerdicon to be especially helpful for their camo detection.
I often play Bloons Adventure Time TD passively, especially if I’m trying to grind out events and bloon beacon maps and there’s nothing worse than wiping out to some camo bloons you could have easily killed if you paid attention.
I know that that’s such a specific complaint, but having camo detection, in general, is never a bad thing, especially if the character you equip the Glasses of Nerdicon doesn’t usually get camo detection, like Finn.
Glasses of Nerdicon will also give the equipped character +9 range, which also never hurt anyone!
The Soul Stone is an interesting trinket that proves to be much more valuable on some characters in comparison to others.
If you do not have any better trinkets I definitely recommend putting this trinket on all of your characters, especially because there’s no harm to getting 10% off of all upgrades costs on the character who has it equipped.
Although not as helpful, the Soul Stone also unlocks the lowest cost upgrade which usually doesn’t actually cost much.
I’m not a fan of trinkets that only work on a specific type of character, but I understand why you need them for the purpose of balance.
Vorpal Hand is only useable on Melee characters and provides them with the ability to pop lead bloons and do an extra life +5 damage to ceramics and fortified bloons.
Truthfully I don’t consider Vorpal Hand to be a great trinket, but if you have it might as well use it.
Not many people give a poop about the Candy Dive Suit and the Jetpack, but I find them both extremely helpful because they allow you to place your characters literally anywhere on the map.
I personally have the Jetpack on both of my Cassies to make sure that I can use them in every map and I try to place my characters in water whenever I can so I can get some extra damage if I place the Water Nymph.
If you do not have the Thought Cannon Wand I recommend picking yourself up a pair of Treasure Chest Keys.
Although nowhere near as effective as the Thought Cannon Wand, the Treasure Chest Keys will drop rewards such as Wish Orbs, Gems, and Coins.

The following are the trinkets that you will only need one to get the full benefit from their passives.
The Future Crystal can be equipped to any character as its effect does not require the character to be in the range of the MOABs that are affected.
The Future Crystal reduces all MOABs to 80% + 2% per star level of the character.
The Future Crystal only reduces BADs to 95%, making it less useful and overpowered.
You will only need one Googoomamameter because it is a trinket that does not stack.
The Googoomamameter causes bloons to take +3 damage when they are in the area of the equipped character.
The Googoomamameter can be equipped on any character, though I would recommend putting it onto the Ice King. Other options can include Sam, Supermonkey, or Princess Bubblegum as they also tend to have a good range.
Similar to the Googoomamameter the Cryojet should be placed on the character who has the most range as it slows MOABs that are in the are of damage.
I also have the Cryojet on the Ice King though again it can be equipped to characters like Sam, Supermonkey or Princess Bubblegum.
I got the Crystal Mergence of Destruction very early on making MOABs extremely easy to deal with, especially when placed on the Supermonkey.
It is important to note that while the Crystal Mergence of Destruction destroys MOABs when they have less than 10% health left it does not kill the bloons that spawn inside of it.
I initially thought that the Crystal Gem Apple was more powerful than it was, but that doesn’t take it off of my top list of trinkets.
The Crystal Gem Apple has a 30% chance crystalize/stun MOABs on hit. Crystalised MOABs will not be able to move until they have taken 400 damage.
You might think that the Crystal Gem Apple sounds overpowered, however, everything balances out because a bloon can only be Crystalized once.
Johnny,,Wife & I are confused which of Musical Jakes circles applies to allies & which to enemies.
*my thnking is the musical one is for Allies & the larger ranger is for enemies..
It seems waay too OP if that big range is for buffs since his buffs are epic.
~She plays on Tablet & me on PC.
~Dud ethe thought Canon is crazy as im opening like 18-20 wishorbs a game.
Sometimes Legendary & purple too..
~Soooo much is disappointing in this game
~Like Hunnson Abadeer,,,
~Finns Dad Martin
~Moe <<how is he even a legendary.
~Ghost Princess
~Jake<<And he is hands down the most powerful character in AT.
~Billy! <<Again the Land of OOO'S Hero and he's average to slightly above at best.
~LumpySpacePrincess. Kinda lame for everyones favorite character.
I like her but she shoulda been a main character not ally.
~Magic Betty !! Hands Down the biggest/most disappointing Letdown.
I was sooo stoked when I finally got Betty(I don't spend NO Real$)
Man I don't even know what she does. I don't even equip her anymore.
~missing characters & trinkets etc
~The Snow Golem
~King of Wizard City
~Breakfast Princess
~PartyPat~ Another fan fav4sure
~DON JON! <Dude was awesome lol
~The Shesisty Toronto
~Rap Bear
~Tanya Billy's X-girlfriend
~The Cosmic Owl
~Donnie- The Obnoxegeon Ogre lol
~The RoughHouse King
~The Dream Warrior
~Fear Feaster
~Any of the candy versions of the characters
~The Nightosphere captain of Guard
~Nightosphere Rowboat demon guy
~The Litch
~These are just off top p' my head..
Im sure there;s a lot more.
~Sine characters who aren't good enough considering how epic they ar ein the show.
~Wilberry,,Ghost,,,Bmo,,Jake,,Martin,,Betty,,Slime Princess,,LSP,,Hunson Abadeer 4sure
Oh yeah,,Cinamon bum! <Dude turned into a awesome hero,,
~Atleast they got PartyGod,,Lady Ranicorn,,Flame Lil Manicorn,,
Maybe The Psychic ELephant I dunno. He;s pretty good when you have him near Marceline w/ Hambo.
1/2 price ;D
~Hit me up Salib,,,I wanna her yo opinons and i'll do a emqail back n forth etc..