I’ll have to admit that I think I underuse my allies when playing Bloons Adventure Time TD.
At this point, the characters I use in my loadout are all around level 7, although Marceline and Finn are level 8. This makes my characters pretty powerful, just based on the powerups you get from levelling your characters.
I also have almost all of the most optimal weapons on my characters so there isn’t much need for using allies.
I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but… I can pretty much obliterate any impoppable up to 3 skulls without allies and 4 skulls with.
I have, however, started getting more into the ally game, especially because a lot of the most recent Martian Games have been “ally only” maps.
The following is a list of the allies I like the most in Bloons Adventure Time TD.
I’ll be updating the list as I discover more allies and as I figure out different opportunities to use them.
Who doesn’t love making some extra money while playing a tower defence game?
I will say, Bloons Adventure Time TD has a good amount of sources of income. I often max out all of my characters and a good chunk of my allies by the end of the game.
Now, I do have to admit that the majority of my income doesn’t come from allies, but having them at the beginning of each round gets me well on my way to upgrading Princess Bubblegum’s Royal Decree and Captain Cassie’s secret hidden power Treasure Hunter.
Who can equipt: C4 Charlie, Captain Cassie, Commander Cassie, Juggernaut Max, Max, Sai, Sam, Supermonkey
What he does: COBRA is a low DPS cash-cow kind of an ally.
Every few seconds COBRA will make a phone call to either get a package filled with coins (between 50-100) or a life-pack with one or two lives.
Truthfully, the life-packs are fairly useless, unless you are playing the Martian Games or need some extra help in lower level content.
Cobra can really save you, especially in the first few rounds of a Martian Game. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve allowed myself to lose about 100 lives in the first few rounds of the Martian Games so I can grind out a bit of extra cash.
This is especially true for Martian Games where only allies are allowed to be used.
Many allies have low DPS and will allow flooding of bloons. For this reason, you’re going to want allies such as COBRA or anyone who gives back some lives.
Cobra is also great because of his upgrade Monkey Stim which reduces everyone’s activatable cooldowns who have been placed.
When I place: right at the beginning of each game
Who can equipt: C4 Charlie, Commander Cassie, Juggernaut Max, Max, Sai, Supermonkey
What he does: Initially Dr. Monkey is not anything special as all he does is remove camo and regrow, but he does have other upgrades that make him more powerful.
Upgrades include damage over time, slowing chemicals and finally golden paint that increases the amount of money dropped by bloons.
When I Place: Midway through the game if I feel like I need more money.
Honestly, Dr. Monkey isn’t very useful early on, especially because his upgrades are fairly expensive. This is what makes him a midgame game changer.
This is especially true once you have upgrades and trinkets on your characters as well that double your income or something similar.
Who can equipt: Dungeon Finn, Finn, Warrior Bubblegum
What she does: Shoko gets extra money for every bloon that she pops.
Her first upgrade, Sticky Fingers, makes each bloon popped worth $2.
Her second upgrade, Dagger Damage, does increase damage to bloons.
Her final upgrade, Thief Mastery, makes each bloon popped worth $4.
As you can see, Shoko can be really useful when it comes to getting money, especially if she is paired with Dr. Monkey.
When I place: I personally don’t use Shoko regularly, though I do add her to my team when I need some extra coin, especially in Martian Games.
Who can equipt: Dungeon Finn, Finn, Jake, Juggernaut Max, Max, Sai, Tuxedo Jake
What she does: BMO is a beginner/mid-tier cash cow.
According to Bloons Fandom:
BMO generate cash over time and takes 240 seconds to reach his max cash amount. Unupgraded BMO can hold up to $500 with rate $2.08/sec. The rate and max cash held increases when upgraded. The rate can also be increased by speed boosting effect from characters, trinkets and other allies.
BMO does a pretty good job getting money on his own without the assistance of Lemonhope, though I will say that using BMO for late-game content feels completely useless.
There are just so many ways in this game to get money for upgrades, especially late game.
So while BMO is op when you first get him, she quickly becomes useless, especially if you start getting more epic allies like COBRA.
Every team should have a few allies that are meant to buff your characters.
This is especially true when you are doing mid-game content or trying to progress further/into impoppable.
Buffs from allies can include things like attack speed, extra damage, or unlockable abilities.
Who can equipt: Dungeon Finn, Finn, Flame Princess, Jake, Princess Bubblegum, Tuxedo Jake, Warrior Bubblegum
What she does: Lemonhope increases the attack speed of a maximum of two characters, which makes them fairly overpowered.
Two of his upgrades, Pleasant Melody and Beautiful Melody boost one character’s attack speed.
Although Lemonhope’s boosts are unknown, it is believed that Beautiful Melody boosts a character’s attack speed to 100%.
Lemonhope has to be upgraded 3 times before she can boost two character’s stats. This upgrade is called Encore.
When I place: Midgame or shortly after I place a character I really want to boost the attack speed to, such as Supermonkey or the Flame Princess.
Lemonhope is a pretty game-changing ally, so if you ever see him in your daily shop, I recommend dropping the 300 Gems on him.
Characters I boost: Finn, Supermonkey, Max, Flame Princess, Commander Cassie, and Sam.
Who can equipt: Supermonkey
What they do: Honestly, I think the Super Fan’s upgrades are stupid and you really shouldn’t use the Super Fans if you aren’t thinking about upgrading the Supermonkey to become the Sun God.
I don’t think I’ve even used these little guys in allies only Martian Games.
When I place: As mentioned I only place the Super Fans when I am going to use Sun God.
I place them about once in a regular Impoppable game, and sometimes twice in a Martian Game.
Who can equipt: Captain Cassie, Commander Cassie, Finn, Jake, Tuxedo Jake
What she does: The water nymph is a really interesting ally that doesn’t serve much purpose unless the map you’re completing has a lot of water.
The Water Nymph has two upgrades Cheerleading (characters in the same body of water attack faster) and Power People (The Water Nymph does extra damage for each character in the same body of water as her).
To me, Cheerleading is much more useful, especially when you’re completing any underwater maps.
Attack Speed is a pretty exponential type of stat.
Between the number of trinkets that give you attack speed, Lemonhope and the Water Nymph, some characters such as Finn or the Supermonkey or Finn will become overly powerful.
With the upgrade Power People, the Water Nymph becomes fairly powerful, especially in underwater maps.
The Water Nymph already starts out with 1 Damage and 6 Pierce, so when you get a boost in underwater maps you can get your Water Nymph’s damage over 15 damage.
I personally have my Water Nymphs on both Commander Cassie and Jake in underwater dungeons to get some easy DPS for a fairly low cost.
To place and fully upgrade the Water Nymph it costs $1,790. With upgrades such as the Super Monkey’s Heroic Aura you can easily drop that price making them one of the best bargain Allies.
When I place: After I’ve placed my main characters down and want to spike my damage.
They are also useful when you are trying to farm money with Finn, the Flame Princess or another character.
Sometimes you just need a little bit of help getting some damage in, especially when you’ve upgraded all of your characters as far as they will go.
In cases like this, it may be best to place an ally that either has a large range or just has a good amount of damage or attack speed.
Who can equipt: C4 Charlie, Captain Cassie, Commander Cassie, Juggernaut Max, Max, Sai, Sam, Supermonkey
What he does: By far, Technological Terror is the most powerful ally in the game.
The issue with the Technological Terror is the fact that he is so expensive ($12,000). While it would be awesome to have multiples of him on your team, I personally don’t think that it’s manageable or necessary.
I pretty much only use him in 4 skulls or higher when playing Impoppable, though he comes in very handy in Martian Games if you can get enough money.
When I place: I place the Technological Terror when I really need an advantage.
I would max out my characters to full before placing this ally, just because characters are much more powerful than him.
That being said, I also just had the opportunity to place two Technological Terrors in a Martian Game and I loved the amount of damage I was dealing.
OP? Probably not, because his costs are so high it kind of balances out.
Who can place: Captain Cassie, Jake, Tuxedo Jake
What he does: Party God has a laser attack that does 9 damage to bloons.
Party God has three upgrades, although unlike many other allies they do not empower/do the same things.
The first upgrade is called Party Power which increases the size of Party God’s lasers. This in turn increases the pierce of the attack.
The second upgrade is Party Crashers is actually my favourite part of Party God.
Similar to allies such as Moe or simply similar to Warrior Princess Bubblegum, Party Crashers summons mini gods to help in the fight.
This is extremely powerful in “allies only” Martian Games.
The final upgrade is Off The Hook which is an activatable ability that shoots out lasers that rip through all bloons in the area.
Although the Party God is powerful, I wouldn’t say that he is nearly as powerful as the Technological Terror.
When I Place: Whenever I need extra DPS on my team or am in an “allies-only” Martian Game.
Who can place: Dungeon Finn, Finn, Jake
What he does: One of the biggest perks of this ally is the fact that it can float over water, land and lava.
I used to use this ally religiously when I first got it because it was one of the only effective ways I could destroy MOABs.
Similar to many other allies, the Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant is so useful up until a point then becomes useless unless you’re just in need of some extra DPS or are doing ally specific content.
The Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant has an activatable upgrade if placed next to both Jake and Finn called Ultimate Wish. This ability immediately destroys a MOAB-Class bloon and has a chance to drop a treasure (such as a Wish Orb).
You will not be able to select which MOAB is destroyed, though I assume it just destroys the MOAB which is furthest down the track.
This ally works really well with the Thought Cannon Wand as both have a chance to drop loot and there’s a chance they will both drop the loot.
When I place: Dependant on whether I’m going to use Ultimate Wish or not, I usually place the Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant closer to the end of my build.
If I am using Ultimate Wish I always place the Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant earlier in the game to ensure that I have enough space to place it close by.
The Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant is still powerful even without the Ultimate Wish upgrade and quite frankly I most commonly use this ally without that upgrade.
Who can place: Dungeon Finn, Finn, Jake, Juggernaut Max, Max, Tuxedo Jake
What he does: Tiny Manticore is an ally that can fly similar to Marceline.
I’m a huge fan of this concept as the Tiny Manticore will always be able to do damage no matter where the bloons are on the map.
The Tiny Manticore has a few different attacks including a boomerang and fire breathing. It’s highly recommended that you upgrade your Tiny Manticore to get the fire breathing as it is constant damage.
Tiny Manticore stacks well with allies such as the Flame King or anyone else who gives added fire damage.
Is this ally necessary for your build? No. It’s nice to have around though.
When I place: Although cheap, I still choose to place this ally closer to the end of the map.
Who can equipt: Flame Princess, Hunter Marceline, Ice King, Marceline, Sam, Supermonkey
What he does: The Wizard Lord has an impressive range on his abilities, especially if he is upgraded the whole way.
With 10 pierce, being even stronger than the Party God, the Wizard Lord sends out magic damage that hits a few bloons.
With every upgrade, the Wizard Lord’s spells increase in length and his attack speed increases.
When I place: The Wizard Lord is great for mid-game to late-game, especially when multiple MOABs are around.
His attacks will just keep going around in circles causing some intense damage, making him worth being on your team just in case.
Who can equipt: Dungeon Finn, Finn, Jake, Juggernaut Max, Max, Marceline, Princess Bubblegum, Sai, Warrior Bubblegum
What he does: Rattleballs is an extremely fast attacker.
He’s not so good for late game but is really good at catching bloons that may have been missed by slow attacking characters, especially when you first start playing the game.
Again, this is an ally who is great for the Martian Games, especially when you don’t have much cash.
Upgrades include damage, pierce and speed, making him a strong attacker all the way!
When I place: Rattleballs is an “oh, shit!” kind of ally.
If you’re ever worried about leaking bloons, place him at the end of your kill box to ensure that no bloons escape.
Who can place: Ice King, Flame Princess, Sam
What he does: I’ve talked a little bit about Abracadaniel already in a previous blog post.
Abracadaniel is an early-game overpowered beast that helps you get through hard and expert dungeons.
Abracadaniel transforms bloons into butterflies every so often, but when he is fully upgraded he can make MOABs disappear.
This comes in extremely handy when your characters are still between levels 1-5, though dependant on your trinkets you may not need Abracadaniel anymore.
Truthfully, Abracadaniel isn’t necessary for late-game because he isn’t that powerful.
I also do not use Abracadaniel in any Martian Games, so be ready to shelf him quite quickly.
When I place: When playing mid-level content near round 30.
There aren’t that many allies in the game that alter the shape of bloons, though the ones that do are pretty powerful.
Some of these status effects include slowing down bloons, freezing, burning, damage over time or even stunning bloons.
Dependant on what characters you choose, different allies may prove to be more powerful than others.
This is especially true for characters who have built-in upgrades that allow for extra damage when
Who can equipt: Ice King, Sam
What she does: Betty is a fairly powerful ally that has access to a range of mage spells that she shares with other characters/allies.
These magical abilities include:
Soul-Sucking (Hunson Abadeer)
Turning bloons into a butterfly (Abracadaniel)
Golden Bloons (King Ooo & Dr. Monkey)
Bloon Freezing (Ice King)
Flamebit (Flame Princess)
Stunning Bloons
Turning bloons into red bloons
Betty’s upgrades allow her to attack faster while her final upgrade Double Magi allows her to cast two spells at once.
When I place: I used Betty a lot when I was first trying to clear Impoppable.
I always place her before expensive allies because she’s powerful and mid-tier for cost..
Who can equipt: Hunter Marceline, Marceline
What he does: Hunson Abadeer sucks the souls out of bloons permanently slowing them.
The reason he is so powerful is that he can also suck the souls out of MOABs once he has his third upgrade, MOABs Terror.
When I place: Similar to many other magic-related allies, I place Hunson when MOABs start appearing.
Though Hunson is extremely useful, I no longer am using Marceline in my main party.
Who can equipt: Princess Bubblegum, Warrior Princess Bubblegum, Finn, Dungeon Finn, Max, Captain Cassie, Supermonkey, Ice King, Juggernaut Max, Commander Cassie
What he does: The only reason you’re going to want Gumbald on your team is for his last upgrade Extra Concentrated Juice.
Extra Concentrated Juice causes MOABs to become balloon animals, similar to Sam’s ability Polymorph.
When MOABs are turned into balloon animals they are completely stunned, making this one of the most powerful status effects in the game.
I personally have Gumbald on Princess Bubblegum so I can place a total of 3.
It’s always a good idea to place some of your favourite allies on Princess Bubblegum, Warrior Princess Bubblegum or Commander Cassie so you can get some boosts on them.
When I place: I place Gumbald as soon as I see the MOABs start coming out.
It doesn’t matter whether the MOABs are blue or larger. Get this guy out as soon as possible so that he’s ready by the time you absolutely need him.
nils says
I’m just curious as of why the tech terror sometimes does and sometimes doesn’t attack the black bullets
I just got to round 39 in the martian games using only tech terrors as my damage ( finn and some others in the start to pick out the small bloons with my techs in a roundabout at the end of the map)
and then when I did another round I lost on round 27, the black bullet just flying past my 3 tech terrors several times and they did nothing to it
Is this a bug?
Johnny Salib says
I haven’t played the Martian Games this week, but I know sometimes the Black Bullet is a Camo or Ghost Bullet. Is it perhaps a camo this week, making the Tech Terrors unable to attack?
nils says
It is always camo lead
and I fought it several times during the same event, most of the times they would attack while some times they wouldn’t
Steven Sippio says
Dude,,,i think you are Calling BMO & LemonHope a female on purpose to trigger a reaction from people..
Both are male(Fact!)
*But if you are unsure then you should watch AdventureTime for sure..
It’s one of the best cartoons ive ever seen.. ESP cause they talk like my generation(90’s/early2000’s)
**Beware the last episode is garbage that we almost let our daughter see..
Not only would it have been frightening to a little 11 year old but theres some scary stuff to like Monsters Golb(sp)
~~Im struggling with popping the DDT on Allies only battles..
My allies are Awesome but only Party God tried to attack the DDT.. But the DDT flew right through ALL my slow down allies like he was bugged..<he wasn't bugged,,i remember this happening to me in early game back in te day…
~~Here's what I had=
2 party Gods
3~Tiny Manticorn
1~ Flame King(His Fire bonus PWNS!)
2~ of my 4 Technological Terrors
1~ Billy
2~ Martin(Finns dad)
1~ Gumbald
2~ LSP
1~ Dr Monkey
1 Shogo
1 Maja(man she so awesome)
~~Characters I didn't have with me
~Slime Princess
~War Elephants(they suck without Fin & Jake anyways right?)
~Ghost Princess
****Funnny thing was ALL the player sin the room couldn't get past round 19 when that DDT showed up lol..
Maybe if anyone besides party Godd attacked it then I coulda done some damage.
And maybe if I spread oiut my partyGods.
~I dunno who else to use
Johnny Salib says
Oh my! Nah, I wasn’t aware of their gender, thanks for correcting me on that. I haven’t actually had the time to watch the show yet, but it’s on the list!
DDTs are so tricky, to be honest I’ve only had a decent time with 3-4 tech terrors with my 4 Cobras on the field. Even then, it depends on what bloons come out of the DDT when it explodes.
Steven Sippio says
Johnny,, i”ll do you a solid since you helped me a F-ton..
If you struggle finding Adventure Time episodes & seasons.
(there’s like 10 seasons BUT they go fast)
Each episode is like 12 mins long.
With a 1-2 minute intro you”ll eventually start skipping..
*The show is funny like I said because they talk like the 90’s with a lot of
“You,,,,Word,,Dude,,’Gesta-steppin’,,,Biddies,,Shorties and that almost ghetto but not ghetto 90’s slang…
So if you cant find it then i’ll share em with ya through whatever method works for ya.. Torrent,,email or whatevs…it’s like 27gigs because that last couple seasons dragged on…
~The best episodes are the standalones that aren’t part of any other story just 1 shots..i’d say 70% is 1 shots..tis a good thing..
~It might be as easy as me just seeding the torrent,
but I think a lot of people are still seeding..
~I forget which streaming service has AT..
I know it’s not Netflix as that’s the only one I have..
~~Bloons AT Allies Only Martian map~~ I got wrecked once the 1st DDT showed up.. UGH!
lIKE I SAID= only Party God attacked..
I didn’t have Shoko or Neptr up front to remove shields. I might not have had Adadeer but I think I did..But I don’t think he eats DDT;s..
I need to remove the camo & shields 1st and then let the others hit & hurt em..
Wife is struggling too…
She plays on tablet & I play on Steam..
Only difference is she watches videos when you reroll wishorbs where we pay Purple crystals….
Even if you don’t want my assist with AT cartoon I appreciate youre Bloons help M’dude….
Johnny Salib says
Thanks for the kind offer! I’m sure I’ll be able to find it somewhere, considering how popular of a show it seems to be!
I’m going to pick up the game again this week and I’ll see if there are any tips I can come up with. Maybe I’ll run me a fake “allies only” run during one of my beacon missions!
Patrick says
hi, I just want to tell you that the final episode is not horrible, that guy probably just said that because there is a gay kiss, and the couple was not forced, it was an incredibly good relationship development
Johnny Salib says
Thanks for the insight. Definitely not something that would turn me off 🙂 🏳️🌈