Whenever I start a new video game I quickly try to start learning all the aspects of it and begin theory crafting what the best methods of advancing would be.
As someone who became extremely obsessive about V-Rising I had a good idea what the Thrall system was going to be like on Conan Exiles, though admittedly I didn’t know how intricate it was going to be until my Twitch Community began explaining some of the things I needed to know about Thralls.
Now that I am much more comfortable with Conan Exiles and have been fiddling around with Thralls I’m happy to share everything I’ve learned thus far and of course, anything else I learn while I continue to play the game.
I have to admit, though the idea of having Thralls can feel like an uncomfortable feat for a number of people, the way that Conan Exiles goes about it makes it quite a bit more comical and quite frankly a bit more digestible than it could be.
So let’s get to chatting about Thralls, what they are and what kind of Thralls you are looking for!
Thralls are essentially allied NPCs in Conan Exiles that have been captured and made into Servants.
Thralls can be used as guards to protect the Allied base, as workers in the player’s crafting stations or as a teammate when going on an adventure.
Depending on what difficulty a player is playing on the usage of Thralls may or may not be needed, though I strongly recommend that all players use them as they can make game mechanics a lot smoother and easier. Quite frankly I can’t see why players wouldn’t want to use Thralls other than trying to “hard mode” Conan Exiles or simply because they are too impatient to actually get the Thrall system set up and working, but I hope to encourage you to take part in Thralls with this post and help ensure that you know the best ways to get Thralls to work for you in Conan Exiles.
I’m sure that by now everyone has completed their Journey to do with Thralls, but I’m going to cover the basics just in case someone doesn’t do their Journeys or for some reason if a person was unable to complete this quest line.
To begin players will need to unlock the skill Thrall-taker when they have reached level 10 with their character. Note, players will need to unlock this every time they start a new save file or join a new server as unlike Valheim characters do not transfer from server to server.
Now, if players are on a multiplayer server this will work a bit differently as if someone else unlocks the Thralls they should be able to actually interact with them and the tables that are necessary to convert and get them set up. I would still recommend that players get this knowledge for themselves as realistically you will want ways of converting Thralls in a variety of locations especially when a player begins making multiple bases and is still getting things set up for teleporting.
There are a few things you’re going to want to build now, being the Truncheon, Fiber Bindings and the Lesser Wheel of Pain, essentially the following is the process:
Locate any human (as long as it doesn’t have a skull above its name) and begin smacking them around with a Truncheon. You will notice that above their health bar there is a white line. This line is how much stamina the human has until it is rendered unconscious by the player, ensure that you knock the enemy out before it loses all of its health, there are a few ways to do this that I will cover.
Upon rendering the human unconscious will then be able to bind the human using Bindings and will be able to drag them to base. There are a few things you need to know about this, if you leave an enemy on the floor for too long they will get up and run away, so if you’re in a group of enemies make sure you tie that sucker up and run around with them. Now, players still have a chance to lose their catch when they are tied up, however, it is significantly less likely to happen when they are already tied up. The only time I’ve had this happen to me is if the area I’m trying to run the Thrall too far, which is why I recommend always having this knowledge learned just in case you need to build a Wheel of Pain or an extra Trucheon in a random location.
After a human is bound players must run to their closest Wheel of Pain and will need to interact with it in order to have them begin converting, though players should be aware that in order to make this happen they must feed the Thralls. Players can do this simply using Gruel which is made in any Campfire for reasonably inexpensive.
There are currently 18 different types of Thralls in Conan Exiles, each with a specific task they can complete. Players will need to note that they will be made aware what kind of Thrall they are capturing upon seeing them in the world, though their stats may differ when they have been captured. The following are all of the thralls and what they do:
Alchemists can be placed on Cauldrons and have orb recipes
Archers are guards that can either follow the player or can protect the base
Armourers can be placed on the Armorer’s Bench
Bearers are glorified resource holders
Blacksmiths can be placed on the Blacksmith Bench
Carpenters can be placed on the Carpenter’s Bench
Cooks can be placed at a Campfire, Bonfire or any Cooking Station and may provide additional recipes
Entertainers remove Corruption and provide Health Regeneration buffs
Fighters guard and can be used as Followers to help fight with players
Priest – Mitra can be placed at the Shrine of Mitra
Priest – Set can be placed at the Shrine of Set
Priest – Yog can be placed at the Shrine of Yog
Priest – Derketo can be placed at the Shrine of Derketo
Priest – Ymir can be placed at the Shrine of Ymir
Smelters can be placed at the Furnace
Tanners can be placed at the Tannery
Taskmasters can be placed at the Wheel of Pain or the Tortuter’s Worktable
Sorcerers can be placed at any magic/wizard workbench
Thralls that vary in levels have different benefits depending on what task that Thrall is assigned to. Essentially THralls that are assigned to a Workbench will ensure that your crafting goes faster if they are a higher level and may even unlock new recipes if it is a crafting style workbench.
This is not always guaranteed as in some cases only Named Thralls will provide you with special recipes, but all Thralls will make things happen faster.
Due to levels affecting the skill and utility of a Thrall I would strongly recommend that players utilize only the highest-level Thralls or at least aim to though these tend to take a bit longer to actually obtain than the lower-level Thralls.
When it comes to Combat Thralls players will be looking at having higher stats for the higher level Thralls including damage and HP. This greatly impacts the sustainability and utility of these Thralls. Not only that, but higher-level Thralls will come with better Weapons and Armour, though these tend to need to be replaced especially when a player unlocks new Knowledge for better gear.
There are 5-tiers of Thralls which provide you with the following:
Level 1 Thralls provide you with a 10% crafting speed.
Level 2 Thralls provide you with a 10% crafting speed and will lower your crafting costs by 25%.
Level 3 Thralls provide you with a 15%+ crafting speed and will lower your crafting costs by 25% and provide you with recipes based on their race.
Level 4 (or named) Thralls provide you with a 50% crafting speed as well as a crafting cost that’s reduced by 50% and will also provide you with bonus recipes.
Purge Thralls, these aren’t really that different from named Thralls, though they come with much better stats, but provide you with the same crafting bonuses as the Level 4 Thralls.
Level 4 Thralls are found all around the Exiles, though they are always in the same areas. Players are encouraged to look at the Interactive map in order to find these though it should be noted that these Thralls don’t always appear in these locations so you will have to visit and revisit them regularly if you’re trying to find a specific Thrall.
I won’t lie, I debated listing them all, but I feel like that’s going to be unhelpful as it tends to be better when a player can simply look at a map, but if you have any questions or want a list let me know!
In my opinion, the easiest way to get a Thrall is to purchase one at the Khitan Taskmaster which is located to the West of the first area. Thralls here will cost 50 Ancient Oboluses and provide you with Tier 4 Thralls which are the second-best Thralls, only being worse than Purge Thralls.
Other locations for these camps include:
In the desert…
…in front of Skulker’s End
…next to Westwall Prison in Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters
…between Raider’s Ridge and Thugra’s Stand
…south of The Den
…south of Ruins of al-Merayah
…west of Voyager’s Vigil
…north of Deathwhisper Ruins
In the jungle…
…northwest of Descent of Dagon
…in the south of Buccaneer Bay
In the north
…east of New Asagarth
…south of Path of the Penitent, east of the Volcano Obelisk
In Isle of Siptah
…Outside The Spit
…Behind Tillerman’s Watch
…Grave of the Leviathan
…North of Arno’s Prospect
…Between Harbor of the Drowned and Volary of Jhil
…Outside of Coldheart Ruins
…South of Leyshrine of the Birdmen
…West of Towerwatch Keep
…South of the Leyshrine of Goblinoid
…South of Heretic Haunt
…outside of Southwatch Keep
…Wreck of the Sea Girl
…North of Siptah’s Contemplation
…New Khemi Docks
Now, not every Thrall is going to be made equally and some are much better than others and truthfully I would stick to purchasing Combatant Thralls as they tend to be pretty substantial for early-game content and will help players cheese most enemies.
The following are the Thralls you can purchase by using Ancient Obolus:
Acastel Ninefingers (Builder Carpenter, Cimmerian/Forgotten Clan)
Darmok the Experimenter (Alchemist, Cimmerian/Forgotten Clan)
Gratt Stinkfinger (Tanner, Cimmerian/Forgotten Clan)
Jon the Tinkerer (Smelter, Nordheimer)
Njoror Battleborn (Scoutwright Armorer, Nordheimer)
Oyvind Tall-tree (Entertainer, Nordheimer)
Dalinsia Snowhunter (Fighter, Cimmerian/Forgotten Clan)
Janos (Fighter, Nordheimer)
Markos, Bane of Beasts (Archer, Cimmerian/Forgotten Clan)
Varpnir (Archer, Nordheimer)
To me, the most important Thrall to have is Dalinsia Snowhunter as she has the best stats out of all of these and quite frankly she is the best tank you can ask for at this tier. I would still trade these to get as many for your base as you can so you can remain guarded and protected from intruders or to help you with Purges.
In regards to Purges, you’re going to have to be a bit more careful to ensure that the new Thralls you want to capture do not get attacked by your old Thralls, so try to lead them away or ensure that you have a strong enough Truncheon to get them down faster.
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