One of the nicest things about playing a game like FFXXIV is that you are not bound to a single job and can try out all the jobs that are in the game. Though I started as a Thaumaturge (what ultimately becomes the Black Mage) I quickly had to put it down because overworld combat was simply too difficult for me due to my casts being interrupted all of the time.
During my first few years of playing FFXIV, I couldn’t settle on playing a specific Job. I knew that I wanted to play a ranged DPS for the most part, but otherwise, no Job stuck with me. I tried Archer/Bard, Archanist/Summoner and years into playing I ended up sticking to the Red Mage for an extended period.
Although a few years into playing I began dabbling into Healing and tanking, it wasn’t until this year that I ended up power levelling every job in the game and became extremely comfortable with rotating not only roles but (for the most part).
Now, it is not a requirement to play every single job in the game, let alone to have every job up to max level, but when it comes to Healing it is generally useful to have multiple healers under your belt and to at least see if you can learn to play both Barrier Healer and Pure Healer.
In my years of healing, I’ve unfortunately learned that I am an extremely bad Barrier Healer and will typically stick to Pure Healing, though I am trying to remedy this and trying to pick up the Sage I am realistically much more comfortable healing on the Astrologian and the White Mage.
Though many players who plan on being a Healer main will typically go for a White Mage, some will start as an Archanist simply because levelling one will provide you with both a DPS job and a Healer. Chances are likely you are one of these players though you may just be interested in healing and want to start off with one of the more straightforward healers.
The White Mage is generally referred to as the easiest Healer to play in FFXIV and this simply has to do with the fact that it has a lot of tools on its kit. Not only does it have very powerful healing capabilities, but it has a good number of ways to both conserve mana and replenish it.
Now this isn’t to say that White Mage is a brain-dead job to play or that players will not have to do much, but it is to say that when things go awry having a White Mage on your Team can make your chances of recovery significantly easier as long as the White Mage has sharp enough reflexes.
So let’s get to chatting how to become a White Mage and what quests you’re going to be on the lookout for.
Note: If you have any questions about FFXIV that you want me to cover feel free to leave them in a comment below, you can also ask me while I am streaming on Twitch or in our community discord.
To begin your journey as a White Mage you initially need to become a Conjurer. Although this mechanic was removed in the later expansions for FFXIV originally all Jobs began as Classes and at level 30 players were able to use Job Stones to specialize.
While a player can technically remain a Conjurer for their whole time playing FFXIV, this is strongly advised against as doing so will limit the number of skills you can use as well as the number of Weapons you can use.
It is not uncommon for players to vote dismiss players who remain a Conjurer beyond level 30 as this is typically a signal for trolling and while there are ways to ensure the safety of players while remaining a Conjurer the risks are much too high for players to trust strangers.
Although players can begin the game as a Conjurer by choosing it as their starting Class, for players who picked another Class they will simply need to accept the quest “Way of the Conjurer.”
To do so players must have unlocked Old Gridania as a location and depending on what the initial job you chose is, you may have started here or you may have to complete a chunk of the story before you can access the area.
Luckily for players, it shouldn’t take you too long to unlock Gridania or the other major cities as the quests appear around the level 15 main story quest. If you don’t mind several side quests in your journal I would strongly recommend picking up all of the class quests in the area so you don’t have to go back and pick them up.
The “Way of the Conjurer” quest is unlocked from Madelle in Old Gridania (X:6, Y:11) and can be accepted at any time as long as players have the area unlocked. There are no prerequisites to this quest.
This quest does have different objectives depending on whether you started the game as a Conjurer or not and will be a “kill mobs” quest if you started as a Conjurer a simple accept and turn-in quest if you accept it later.
There are a few steps a player must take before they become a White Mage in FFXIV. The main requirement is that players reach level 30 on the Conjurer. If you want to know the fastest ways to level in FFXIV I strongly recommend reading this post.
Players must also ensure they complete all the quests that are associated with the Conjurer. By default these will appear on the top left-hand corner of the screen directly under the main story quest whenever a player is on their Conjurer.
The quests include:
“My First Cane” which is a level 1 quest received from E-Sumi-Yan at Old Gridania (X:6.0, Y:10.6)
“Trial by Earth” which is a level 10 quest received from E-Sumi-Yan at Old Gridania (X:6.0, Y:10.6)
“Trial by Wind” which is a level 15 quest received from E-Sumi-Yan at Old Gridania (X:6.0, Y:10.6)
“Trial by Water” which is a level 20 quest received from E-Sumi-Yan at Old Gridania (X:6.0, Y:10.6)
“Sylphie’s Trials” which is a level 25 quest received from E-Sumi-Yan at Old Gridania (X:6.0, Y:10.6)
“In Nature’s Embrace” which is a level 30 quest received from E-Sumi-Yan at Old Gridania (X:6.0, Y:10.6)
Players will need to complete enough of the MSQ to cause these quests to become available, though again this shouldn’t take long as the quests unlock around the same level as their class quest counterparts.
While I generally recommend a player completes class and job quests as soon as they are unlocked, the ones that a player completes up to 30 aren’t completely necessary as all you will be getting from these are mediocre Gear which you can either pick up from a Vendor when needed or may already have better versions of from Vendors. If these quests provided you with skills or abilities I’d recommend otherwise.
The quest that unlocks when a player has met these requirements is called “Seer Folly” and can be found with E-Sumi-Yan at Old Gridania (X:6.0, Y:10.6).
Players will need to do the following:
- Seek out Raya-O-Senna in Everschade.
- Defeat the enraged creatures!
- Speak with Raya-O-Senna at Camp Tranquil.
Completing this quest will unlock the Ability Presence of Mind as well as the Soul of the White Mage. You can apply the Soul of the White Mage by entering your Character Page and clicking on the slot labelled Soul Crystal. This is located at the very bottom right of the Character Page.
I would strongly advise updating your Gearset after this as the Soul Crystal is considered a piece of Gear. If you fail to do so, the next time you utilize this Gear Set you will go back to being a Conjurer and will need to put on your Soul Crystal again.
As a side note, the Cojrurer and White Mage are not considered the same thing in the game, this means that each gets a unique hotbar, meaning players will have to move their skills and abilities around as soon as they place their Soul Stone on, but this is a major benefit as players can utilize dead-class hotbars to make Macros for things like changing jobs and other menu buttons.
But there you have it! That’s how you become a White Mage! Happy Healing!
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