When it comes to playing V Rising, it’s going to be really important to understand the differences between various weapons as having all weapons accessible to you will greatly improve the smoothness of gameplay.
At the moment there are a total of 7 Weapons, though not all of them are going to be useful at all times, requiring a player to rotate between them all based on what tasks they are trying to complete or what mobs they are up against.
Unlike many other games, all “Tools” are considered viable Weapons in V Rising and each gains active abilities that are useful in different circumstances.
At first, I thought that we were going to stick to only a few Tools/Weapons in our playthrough, though we quickly learned the impact it can make when you craft all of them while on a Twitch Stream.
The following guide will take you through everything you need to know about the Weapons and Tools in V Rising, including their stats, their passives, how to craft them and how to get their recipes.
As mentioned, there are 7 different types of Weapons in V Rising, they go as follows:
Swords, which deal 25% extra damage to vegetation.
Axes, which deal 25% extra damage to trees.
Maces, which deal 25% extra damage to ores or stones.
Spears, which deal 25% extra damage to Creatures.
Reapers, which deal 25% extra damage to the undead.
Slashes, which like swords deal 25% extra damage to vegetation.
Crossbows, which do not deal any extra damage, however, are the only ranged Weapons in the game.
There are 9 different tiers of Weapons, though players will have to unlock them in various ways. The interesting thing about the different tiers of Weapons is that you can unlock later tiers before unlocking previous tiers, meaning that players will have to take some extra time if they are completionists to go back and learn.
The following are the different tiers of Weapons available to players and how to unlock them:
All Bone Weapons are unlocked at the same time early in the quest progression. They are considered to be Level 3 Gear and will be relatively outclassed.
Players should be able to get through the tutorial phase with them.
Reinforced Bone Weapons, much like Bone Weapons are unlocked in the quest progression. Players should have access to these relatively quickly and I would strongly recommend getting them built as even though they are only Level 6, this will significantly decrease the amount of time it takes to take down an enemy.
Much like the Bone Weapons, players will unlock all of these at the same time and will need them in order to farm resources more easily.
Copper Weapons are the final tier of gear that are unlocked using the main quest progression. Copper Weapons are going to be essential for players to gather new resources as many resources, specifically ores are going to be unfarmable without the Copper tier.
Getting a Copper Mace first will be the most ideal, though if it’s possible for you to obtain all of them, you’re also going to shred through lower-tier mobs a lot easier.
Copper gear is Level 9.
Merciless Copper Weapons are going to be the first gate-kept Tools/Weapons and it will be random whether or not a player obtains them.
Essentially, Merciless Copper Weapons are not absolutely essential, but players will either need to randomly find books for each of the Weapons, or they can use Paper to randomly unlock one of them (or another item.)
This grind is not the worst, as it only takes 50 papers to unlock a random research product in the Research Table, but this is one of the tiers you can skip if you aren’t finding a great deal of paper.
Merciless Copper Weapons are level 12, so they do add a good boost to your damage and I would strongly suggest using whichever Weapon you unlock first, especially if you are trying to get the recipes for Iron Weapons.
Iron Weapons are going to be relatively easy to unlock, though depending on how well a player can kite and battle… this might need you to get a good amount of strong Gear or Weapons to complete.
Essentially players will have to defeat Quincey, one of the V Bloods and will be able to unlock all the Weapons associated with the Iron Weapons.
Honestly, I prefer this method to the research method, but I can understand players who struggle with bosses in V Rising as it can be pretty difficult.
Similar to the Copper Weapons, players are going to want the Mace first to be able to break down new resources, however, in this phase, it’s going to be okay to build your preferred Weapon first as you’re going to be in the thick of resource collecting.
Iron Weapons are Level 15 and will be the first tier to unlock new forms of Weapons.
The Merciless Iron Weapons are much like the Merciless Copper Weapons. They are going to be randomly found or randomly researched in the Study.
This tier is going to be pretty difficult to get everything in as it is simply such a huge drive, though players will be able to craft Scrolls using a Paper Press, though this is not absolutely necessary and I would recommend just trying to get Scrolls naturally as crafting Scrolls can really deplete you of Gem Dust.
I’ll be honest, the Merciless Iron Weapons is where I lost my mind since you need 75 Scrolls in order to research anything that doesn’t have a book, but they can be very useful for getting higher tier V Bloods downed.
Merciless Iron Weapons are Level 18 which will really be required when players are in the mid-to-late game.
I admittedly got Dark Silver Weapons long before I was able to unlock all of the Merciless Iron Weapons. Dark Silver Weapons will be hard to craft, so you may need to rely on Merciless Iron Weapons for a long while.
Dark Silver Weapons are obtained by defeating Octavian, though they require plenty of resources in order to actually craft, not to mention, it will take you a good amount of time to wait for these resources to be crafted.
Dark Silver Weapons can be used for the end-game, though there is only one other tier after this and they come in at a whopping Level 21.
I strongly recommend making whatever Weapon you like the most first, as no resources really need the Dark Silver Weapons to break down. It will simply be faster to farm.
Sanguin Weapons are by far the most annoying Weapons to get as players will need to turn in 100 Schematics at the Athenaeum to unlock them.
I personally only found a single book that had a recipe for a Weapon, but you may be luckier than I was.
These Weapons are the best in the game and are Level 24. Get ready for some SHREDDING.
Yes, absolutely you can! Though, this is not as exciting as you think it is as all of the Weapons that can be found are very low level, meaning that they are good for the early game but fall off very fast.
Though players will not be able to use these Weapons in the mid-to-late game, they are really great fodder to break down for resources in the Salvager.
Players will be able to pick up the following Weapons, even if they do not have them unlocked:
Bone Crossbow
Lumberjack Axe
Miner’s Mace
The recipe for the General’s Soul Reaper (which cannot be researched)
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