When it comes to playing any game, it’s always a good idea to check what cheats are available to you, even if you are not planning on using them.
Many games, including the ones that you would least suspect, such as Planet Coaster, have cheat codes. In Planet Coaster, players will be able to rename various employees in order to access hidden menus and options. Though, even if games don’t have Cheat Codes, many games have Sandbox Modes or console commands that players can access in order to be to simulate what an end-game may look like.
While my Time at Portia doesn’t have many aspects that are customizable for players, being that at most you can make your home look how you want it to, I don’t think anyone can deny how nice it would be to be able to access specific items that they need as a lot of the loot is based on RNG. Even with Commissions, players are at the mercy of RNG as most players will hope for Commissions that yield high amounts of Gol or are connected to specific characters that they hope to marry or proposition.
I have to say, I was doing pretty well in my playthrough of My Time at Portia, being able to progress fairly rapidly and get everything set up before the first Winter, but I started losing my mind when I realized that some Crafting Stations take FOREVER to craft resources, which is truly one of the most unappealing parts of any Farming Simulator game.
As soon as I reached the long crafting times, I started looking up cheats for My Time at Portia, since most people know (especially from watching me on Twitch) I am one of the least patient people ever.
I can’t say that I was struggling too much with my stats or having enough Gol, but the things I struggled with included:
Not enough to do, since there was only one Commission a player could accept daily
Crafting was just taking too long
There wasn’t enough combat for me
Relationships were unappealing to me simply because I didn’t enjoy the ways a player was to build their relationships slowly (Chatting/Playing/Dating)
While my complaints about the game are not going to be complaints as other players, I’m a firm believer that players should always have the option to customize their game to make it more appealing for them.
Not every game is going to feel perfect for players and I can’t personally say that I have found a game in a long while I haven’t wanted to mod or customize and I’m assuming that if you’re on this post, you’re in the same boat when it comes to My Time at Portia.
Now, I’m sorry to burst the bubble very early for My Time at Portia as sadly players will not be able to access any cheat codes in the base version of the game.
There is also no creative mode where players can access whatever items they want to test out and truthfully if players want to “cheat” they will have to learn to “code” or at least learn how to alter game files.
I have to say, even if you’re someone who is comfortable with changing game files or wants to learn how to change game files I would still advise against it as doing so may cause the game to break or crash due to incorrect values.
Though I would advise against changing game files manually I do recommend that players looking for cheats use mods for the game as this will still allow players to alter game files, though it will be easier to manage and will not require a player to constantly double-check their work.
While the number of mods available for players in My Time at Portia isn’t as many as those for other video games, many of the mods will be able to alter multiple aspects of the game, only requiring the player to download one or two mods.
I personally use about 4-5 mods regularly, though players will always have the option to turn the mods on or off as they please.
So while players will not have access to already built-in cheats or cheat engines, it is still possible to alter your gameplay to make it more accessible. Though, I’m curious, what was it you wished there were cheats for? What are you finding to be the most frustrating part of My Time at Portia and what would you prefer to have changed in the game?
Let me know in the comments below!
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