As I mentioned in my previous post about getting married and divorced in My Time at Portia, usually I’m not someone who tends to focus on the marriage aspects in games, especially when it comes to management games, but very quickly I was smitten by Arlo during my YouTube play through and knew that I was going to have to be sucked into building a connection and relationship with other characters in the game.
I don’t know what it is about Arlo in specific, but I do know that when I get the chance to play My Time at Sandrock on Twitch I surely hope that he is around so I can reunite him and Mia, though I truly don’t know if this is going to be a possibility as I’m certain new characters will be released in the next game.
The reality of playing My Time at Portia and marriage is that players are going to want to make their choices based on a variety of things such as:
How they vibe with the NPC
What benefits the NPC gives
How the NPC speaks to your character
What a player is currently struggling with
Though this is true, the other reality is that players can use Mods to allow them to marry every single character in the game, which is the route I took when I got to the very end game as I was curious about the extra lines that were added to the game and what the personalities of all the characters were.
Now, I was trying to figure out how I wanted to go about this guide, as admittedly some of the “better characters” that reap more rewards feel less fulfilling to marry, simply because their personalities are not as interesting, though this isn’t always the case as some are written better or more thoroughly than others. Again, decisions like that are going to depend on your personal preferences, what kind of flirting you prefer and whether you find certain characters attractive (both physically and emotionally) in comparison to others.
So, as I’m not going to know what kind of people you’re into or interested in, I thought I would cover all the characters based on what value they can provide to your workshop. Depending on what resources you lack or dislike farming, some may actually be much more helpful than you think and some actually become more of a hindrance than anything.
I will still be adding some sprinkles of personality into this post so you have an idea of what characters are somewhat like once you marry them, but as I have not actually married everyone at this point this guide will definitely be updated as that inevitably happens.
I will also be breaking up the sections into males and females so you can see the ranking I would give between them, just in case you have a preference of which to marry, though in My Time at Portia you will be able to marry anyone (as long as they are a candidate) even if you are the same gender.
Making a decision on who to marry is not a final choice as players are freely able to marry and divorce anyone they would like to multiple times, though a player’s choice to do this may set them back a good amount of time as they will have to regrind these relationships for several weeks/months to get back on track. I would strongly recommend that if you are thinking about getting divorced in the game that you ensure that your relationship is at maximum as this will lower the chances that the character you married will revert to a complete stranger, so you can speed up the number of relationship points you gain from them.
But enough talking, let’s get to ranking the romanceable candidates in My Time at Portia!
If players are looking for women to marry in My Time at Portia they will have 10 candidates to choose from, admittedly, many of the females’ perks are not as good as the males’ perks, though some are fairly equivalent.
In my opinion, a lot of the female choices are actually a lot less useful than the men, though I have to say many of their stories are more interesting than the men’s in my opinion.
At the end of the day, depending on where you are in your Workshop’s progress, perhaps some of these choices will be good for you, so I would still take the time to get to know what perks each character can provide you, especially if you’re not struggling with the same problems as I was.
Females players will not be able to romance include: Carol, Dana, Martha, Merlin, Sophie and Yeye.
Emily is a sweetheart, though is one of the tougher characters to actually marry. She’s bonded with Sophie, Antoine and Sonia and due to her constant need for help in the mid-story, players should rank her up fairly quickly.
The only issue with Emily is that when players become interested in courting her, Sophie will step in and will require a player to show their worth as Sophie is overly protective of Emily.
I will admit, this story was quite interesting for me, so I would recommend it, though I can’t say that I’m a mega-fan of Emily’s perks.
Marrying Emily will provide players with the following:
Receive help with domestic work and resource gathering.
Players will receive a 25% discount once a year at Emily’s Food Stall during Winter Solstice.
For me, this makes Emily a pretty… ehhhhhh…. character to marry as her usefulness comes very sparingly, though I have to admit that she’s very sweet and kind, so I’d recommend marrying her if you like her personality.
9. MEI
Weirdly, I would put Mei above Emily because I find her really sweet and cute.
While Mei is only tied to Erwa, players should be able to build a good amount of relationship points simply from completing her quests.
Mei has quests all throughout the story, though they come in hot in the mid-to-late game, really boosting the amount of relationship points players will collect.
Mei doesn’t really provide players with a whole lot when players marry her as she will simply provide gifts every few days.
As much as I really love Petra and she is one of the most interesting characters for me, I feel like the developers didn’t really provide her with much when it comes to marriage.
I guess the reality is that Petra is too busy for extra bonuses, being the main researcher in Portia, but it would be nice if she had something tied to Relics or Data Disks or something.
Petra is tied to Merlin, though while players may think they can romance Merlin due to her relationship being Hearts, she is actually somewhere on the Ace Spectrum.
Petra only provides players with gifts every few days, being one of the more useless perks, though I have to say she’s truly an interesting character and would be worth it just to date.
Lucy is truly a character I did not care about. Yes, she’s sweet, but realistically I didn’t find her interesting at all.
Although I feel that way about her, I’m sure there’s someone who vibed with Lucy, though her perks aren’t much different than other characters.
Lucy is tied to no other characters and I’ll be honest, I forget about her often… constantly walking up to her in my playthrough being like… “who is this!? Have I met you!?”
For marrying Lucy players will receive the following:
Receive help with domestic work and resource gathering.
A chance to receive gifts first thing in the morning.
Admittedly both of these benefits aren’t really great and I tend to find that helpers don’t function in the most efficient manner.
While Nora is an absolute sweetheart, I’m extremely uncomfortable with the church. To avoid spoilers, all I’m going to say is that Nora will turn it out for you and will stand up for what she believes in, even if the church doesn’t agree, so she really redeems herself for me.
Nora is only tied to Lee, so if you’re like me and are uncomfortable with the church, you may not actually get a whole lot of relationship points with her, but if you’re full-blown into the conspiracy, you may be the closest with her.
Unfortunately, Nora doesn’t come with a whole lot of perks when players marry her and will simply provide the typical boosts being:
Receive help with domestic work and resource gathering.
A chance to receive gifts first thing in the morning.
Admittedly both of these benefits aren’t really great and I tend to find that helpers don’t function in the most efficient manner.
Alice is an adorable florist who is fairly soft-spoken in the town of Portia. She runs her own flower shop close to the cafe, though admittedly she isn’t the main focus in the story. Players should get to know Alice a bit more in the mid-to-late game as she has her own storyline, though it doesn’t really tie into the rest of the town.
Alice’s closest companion is Jack, meaning that players may struggle a bit to get her relationship points up, though completing Commissions for her should do it for you in the long run. It’s unfortunate she’s not tied to a number of other characters as with the rank up of friends you’ll rank up the character you are hoping to wed.
When players marry Alice they will receive the following boosts:
Receive help with domestic work and resource gathering.
A chance to receive gifts first thing in the morning.
Admittedly both of these benefits aren’t really great and I tend to find that helpers don’t function in the most efficient manner, so I would avoid Alice unless you’re interested in her story.
Sonia only makes it this far up on the list above all the rest of the ladies who give the same perks because I absolutely adore her character.
Sonia doesn’t have the most substance in the game, though realistically most of the characters don’t, but I really love interactions with her and love just shooting the sh*t with her.
Sonia is tied to Emily, Django and Antoine and truthfully is one of the better characters to get close to, even if you’re not going to marry her.
She tends to chill very close to the Commerce Guild, so ranking her up is very easy in comparison to other characters.
When players marry Sonia they will receive the following boosts:
Receive help with domestic work and resource gathering.
A chance to receive gifts first thing in the morning.
Admittedly both of these benefits aren’t really great and I tend to find that helpers don’t function in the most efficient manner.
While Phyllis is a character I root for, she’s not a character I really got invested in.
Phyllis is the nurse with big dreams in Dr. Xu’s clinic and will be able to provide Acupuncture to her clients in order to help them change their passive stats. I’ll be honest, I’ve never used Acupuncture as I planned where I was going to put my skill points very early on, though this can be useful for players who have some extra Gols and really want to min-max their yields.
Phyllis is tied to Dr. Xu and while she has sprinkles of quests throughout the story, they’re not the most and players will still need to work their relationship up with her in other ways.
Depending on what kind of player you are, Phyllis might actually be your choice which is why I’ve placed her so high.
Phyllis provides players with the following:
A chance for gifts in the morning.
40% off of Acupunctures.
If you’re someone who is always unhappy with the skill that you have, she’s the girl for you as marrying her will save you A LOT!
Ginger is an absolute sweetheart and truthfully was my second choice to marry, simply because all I wanted to do was take care of her and try to expand her horizons of the world since she’s fairly trapped in her daily cycle due to her illness.
I’ll admit, marrying Ginger is a bit of a hit and miss for me because emotionally I don’t know if it feels like I’m taking advantage of her or not, especially since she has one of the biggest monetary benefits in the game.
Ginger is closest to Gale, Gust and Russo and often provides players with the biggest increments in the relationship when players complete a successful mission for her. Though this somewhat falls off, it seems like Ginger provides players with this massive boost as she cannot be a huge part of the Portia story, again due to her condition.
While Ginger will not be able to help around the Workshop, she will provide players with the following if they choose to marry her:
Players will receive an occasional 2,000 Gols from Gale due to Ginger receiving stipends.
Ginger will occasionally re-wallpaper the house.
Admittedly, it’s the 2,000 Gols that most people will be interested in, as this is not an amount that players can just scoff at. 2,000 Gols will help a player advance all of their tools and ensure that they can always purchase products from the market when needed. The reality is, this will not happen often enough for it to be overpowered, but it is quite a large cushion for players, especially those who cannot play the market successfully.
I honestly feel like Ginger is a top-tier NPC to marry, especially if players are interested in her personality and aren’t trying to simply take advantage of the 2,000 Gols.
1. SAM
Sam is by far my top choice of wives to marry as I feel she has the most tactical perks of all of the women in Portia.
Sam is a bad-ass and truly I really like her, though I’m a very combat-oriented kind of person.
In my opinion, Sam is one of the easiest characters to actually build a proper relationship with, though that might just be because I spend so much time with her colleagues Arlo and Remington.
I will say, Sam, is pretty niche as she will only provide players with a boost to the speed Commissions at the Civil Corps. Essentially, players will receive the items they order faster, being one of the biggest needs around the Workshop in the late game as it can be overwhelming to get enough products to support your Workshop.
Sam’s bonus, honestly, redeems the women for me. Though, still Ginger is really nice to marry for that cushion.
If players are looking for mento marry in My Time at Portia they will have 18 candidates to choose from and will have a lot more variance for the passives they yield.
Male characters players will not be able to romance include: Ack, Dawa, Gale, Higgins, Issac, Jack, Lee, Mars, McDonald, Presley, Russo and Toby
Not going to lie, the worst husband ever is Paulie. The absolute worst.
I dislike Paulie’s lines as they’re extremely hollow, very “toxic masculinity” and truthfully… he has no substance at all.
Similarly, Paulie provides you with literally nothing when you’re married. No help, no gifts. Nothing.
Paulie is connected with Mars.
17. TODY
Tody really feels like a character that the devs didn’t focus on. Not only are most of his lines not voiced, but his story doesn’t seem very intricate… so I tend to avoid him.
As most people know on my Twitch stream, to feel immersed in a game I typically need voice lines involved, so having Tody unvoided really made me uninterested. Since I know that this is a “me” problem I can’t rank him any lower than this as he provides more utility than Paulie, but realistically in my mind… I like Paulie more than I like Tody and would marry Paulie much faster than I would marry Paulie.
Tody is oddly not connected to any other characters, so it’s kinda useless to befriend him unless you’re literally trying to marry him.
Tody does provide players with a gift every few days.
I’ll be honest, I still mix up all the brothers and don’t really have any interest in them. To me, they’re just not interesting.
Liuwa is connected to Yeye, Dawa, Sanwa, Siwa, Wuwa, and Qiwa.
When married he provides players with a gift every so often.
15. QIWA
Same as above tbh…
Qiwa is connected to Yeye, Dawa, Sanwa, Siwa, Wuwa, and Liuwa.
When married he provides players with a gift every so often.
Same as above.
13. SIWA
Same as above.
Same as above.
Erwa is connected to Yeye, Dawa, Sanwa, Siwa, Wuwa, Liuwa, Qiwa and Mei.
When married he provides players with a gift every so often.
The only perk to Erwa for me is that he gets you closer with Mei.
11. WUWA
Same as above.
Wuwa is actually the brother who provides players with more than just a gift a day.
Players will also get some domestic help and will be able to get some help gathering resources.
Wuwa is still going to be connected to Erwa is connected to Yeye, Dawa, Sanwa, Siwa, Wuwa, Liuwa and Qiwa.
Aadit is unfortunately one of the more useless husbands to have, which actually surprised me because he works so closely to the Tree Farm.
Admittedly, Aadit never caught my eye for his personality or anything, so I have to rank him pretty low because he never made a big impression on me.
Aadit is connected to Dawa and when married he will sometimes provide players with gifts in the morning.
Aadit is fairly sweet, though very soft-spoken, there isn’t a whole lot about him that is exposed.
Antoine is a cutie and quite frankly one of the most flamboyant characters I have seen in a game like My Time At Portia.
Though players are able to marry Antoine with either of the sexes, I have to admit that it may seem a bit “beardy” as the character often nods to being interested in men, with his fascination with Dr. Xu.
Antoine is very sweet and is connected with Sonia, Emily and Presley, though shockingly he doesn’t have any unique perks.
I would have expected something about being able to take on multiple Commissions or being able to get a bit more rewards, but realistically he is one of the lower-tier typical characters.
If players marry Antoine they are simply looking forward to getting a gift every so often.
Django is another one of those characters that you would expect more from but realistically doesn’t provide the player with a whole lot. While Django himself is extremely useful, providing players with a great amount of food and also providing them recipes for a cost, he doesn’t really do anything as a husband.
Again, I expected more… like free recipes or a further discount at the cafe… but no.
Django only provides players with a gift every so often so… *throw up*
Players will develop a relationship with Sonia if they try to bond with Django.
Oaks is by far one of the hardest characters to actually marry as there are basically no tasks that a player will be able to complete in order to actually advance their relationship with him.
Players will simply need to interact with him regularly if they hope to marry him.
Oaks will help with the player’s relationship with Abu and Ack, making him quite interesting to bond with, though I’m not a huge fan of him overall.
Oaks, admittedly, is cute and sweet, but he will only provide players with the following:
Help with domestic work and resource gathering.
A chance at receiving gifts first thing in the morning.
6. DR. XU
Dr. Xu is extremely helpful as a person but less helpful as a husband.
While players will be completing a variety of tasks for Dr. Xu, essentially raising his relationship with the player pretty organically, I can’t say that he really brings much to the table once a player marries him.
Dr. Xu will help you get closer to Phyllis, though, in my opinion, Phyllis is the better spouse.
Dr. Xu will simply provide players with domestic help and resource gathering.
He will also provide players with a gift every so often.
Albert was one of the first characters I had enough relationship points with to actually date and marry, though I’m not 100% sure why. I guess it’s because you do a good amount of missions that are tied to A&G, though I have to say that Albert kind of rubbed me the wrong way.
As much as I’m someone who was planning on marrying every person in the town of Portia, the fact that Albert was constantly hedging his bets kind of turned me off.
You’re not really missing out on much if you don’t choose Albert to be your spouse, though you should note that he is close with Gust.
Albert will provide the player with a chance for a gift each morning as well as a chance to change the Wallpaper in the house.
Both of these aren’t the most interesting perks.
Remington is another character who has his own kind of reward when players marry him and to be honest, I actually like it though I wouldn’t use it.
Remington doesn’t really have anything appealing to me about his personality other than the fact that he wants to make sure that the town of Portia is safe, though this might be because we don’t really get many opportunities to actually go on adventures with him or get to know him outside of dating.
No joke, the only thing that I personally enjoy about my time spent with Remington is how glitchy he and his horse are as there are a lot of memey moments with the two of them.
Bonding with Remington will help with relationships with Arlo and Sam, though his passive perk is pretty good.
When married, players will be able to commission the Civil Corps for cheaper, though Sam and Arlo’s passive to me are much better.
My husband Arlo is one of my favourite perks to have, not only because I was completely smitten by him when I first saw him, but also because he really helps with my Workshop.
Arlo is quite distant at first, but he has a great story between the main character and him, being the major selling point for me.
Arlo is greatly intertwined with the main story as well, often being the lead of new areas and constantly offering to protect the main character in scary situations, though you are typically the one who will make sure missions go successfully.
Arlo is bonded with Sam, Remington and Ack and to be honest, the fact that he is connected with Ack makes him shockingly interesting as it will help you gain access to Ack much easier as there are hidden stories when players form enough of a bond with Ack.
The biggest perk about Arlo, in my opinion, is the fact that he will bring more loot back when commissioned at the Civil Crops.
While Sam’s speed reduction is great, you can essentially collect double the loot for half the cost with Arlo, so making the choice of saving funds or saving time is going to be up to you, I prefer cutting costs.
Arlo will also provide players with a gift every so often.
Mint is shockingly one of the best characters to marry in the game, which somewhat makes sense due to his high status and connections in the city as well as the fact that he arrives so late in the story,
Mint is somewhat closed off, though it is clear that he is much closer to the main character than he is with other characters in the game.
It’s going to be tough to romance Mint as he arrives so late in the game and will need quite a bit of personal work to properly romance since he’s not connected to that many quests that provide players with relationship points.
Mint is connected with Gale.
If players marry Mint they will receive the following:
1000-1,500 Gols every 10th of the season.
Help with domestic work and resource gathering.
Gifts every so often.
Gust is fairly standoffish and truthfully isn’t someone who I wanted to put any effort into at first. While Arlo is quite distant, Gust doesn’t even seem to be interested that you’re even speaking to him. Funny enough, Gust was the only character who turned me down when I asked him out, so… on brand.
I can’t say that players really get much deeper with Gust when they’re married to him as his personality doesn’t do a 180 or anything, but there are some sweet mornings in between.
Gust is connected with Albert, Gale and Ginger.
The nice thing about Gust is the fact that he provides players with a massive amount of bonuses including the following:
25% discount when consuming in the A&G Construction Store.
Around 1,000 Gols every so often, though this is increased to 3,000 Gols if players are expecting a baby.
Gust will also occasionally re-wallpaper the house.
Players will also get access to the adorable piggy QQ who will now live in the player’s workshop.
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