I’ve recently become addicted to playing Punball since receiving an ad on my Instagram a few weeks back. While my whole family thinks I have a problem *cough* maybe I do, I haven’t been able to put this game down as it flips the script on the classic Brickbreaker game and makes it much more enjoyable.
I do have to say, I was never really into Brickbreaker, though I can’t say if it was just because of the style of game or simply because there wasn’t enough differentiation in the game. I personally love being up against different types of mobs in Punball and that players will have access to different types of upgrades for their balls and also a variety of passives they can receive from different Armour, Pet and Weapon types, making coming up with strategies much more interesting as I’m someone who loves games where Gear Sets can completely change the way you play the game.
Although I’ve only been playing Punball for only a few weeks now, I’ve quickly gotten myself the second-highest Gear set and have gotten through 80% of this Season’s maps. It would be inappropriate if I didn’t say that I was addicted to the game as it’s really scratching an itch that I didn’t know I had. And, although I promised myself I wouldn’t pick up another game with Dailies, it seems the daily grind is becoming more and more prevalent in most F2P games.
I don’t seem to mind when it comes to Punball though as it’s a great game for me to destress with right before bed or while cooking or doing a task that doesn’t require my absolute full attention.
Most players will realize the game gets pretty hard to progress in if you do not have good enough upgrades, whether it’s in your Weapons, Armour and Pets or in the passive upgrades you can invest in when levelling up. While admittedly, the greater chunks of power you’re going to gain is through your skill tree, a good set of armour can really carry you through a good portion of the levels until you are able to properly level up your account for end-game content.
The unfortunate reality is that there is really no good way to get yourself powerful Weapons, Armour and Pets without having Gems as this is the true Gotcha mechanic in the game. While players can get lower-tier Weapons, Armour and Pets in hopes of getting Fusing them together to get upper-tier Gear, this is a very slow process and players will want to make sure they are maximizing their Gem use.
The following guide will take you through everything you need to know about how to grind Gems, how to use them efficiently and when you should simply save them.
There are luckily a number of ways to obtain Gems in Punball, though the number of Gems you will obtain will highly depend on the method as this will depend on what is available to the player when they log into the game.
Luckily for players, there is always an available way to get Gems though if players are lucky enough to start the game while an Event is active, they will have a lot less difficulty levelling up their Gearquickly as Events typically provide players with a hoard of resources that would take players weeks or months to obtain the same amount.
I quickly became aware of this as I joined the game during an Event that provided me with over 5,000 Gems and an S-tier Weapon, which really helped boost my progression. If I didn’t have this event, I don’t think I would have made it as far as I did into the game, as the dungeon that I am stuck on is very clearly due to my level and passives not being high enough.
For every Dungeon, a player tries to enter they will be provided with a chance to win a good amount of coins or 20 Gems. If players are doing a challenge Dungeon the rates for these rewards are Doubled simply because it takes double the Energy to enter these Dungeons. That being said it a dungeon consumes 15 Energy it will have the chance to provide you with 30 Gems, making it good to spend on whatever you can.
At first, I was ready to assume that players were mostly going to get Coins from the wheel spins, but I have gotten a good amount of Gems this way and quite frankly was able to buy a good amount of equipment this way.
I would strongly recommend always using your energy even if you’re not trying to defeat a dungeon. Even though this feels like a waste of resources, the reality is that you can potentially gain a few thousand Coins this way and may even rack yourself a few Gems. Trust me, even though my whole career is in video games, even I don’t have the time to spend my focus on Punball and quite frankly sometimes repeating the same Dungeon over and over again, knowing that you are unable to beat it based on the damage you deal can feel frustrating. So, might as well just try to save up some resources when you’re not in the space to actually play.
I would always make sure that you complete the Daily Dungeons with full concentration as they can reap very high rewards and wasting your chances of getting all the rewards can be detrimental due to the amount of grinding a player needs to do to upgrade themselves.
Dailies are probably the best way to ensure that you are consistently getting consistent amounts of Gems. Although they do not provide players with a whole lot of Gems, if players do not have a lot of time to grind out other aspects of the game, they can at least help cushion a player so within a month’s time they will have enough Gems to do 10 rolls on the machine of their choosing.
Now, as much as dailies are great and can provide you with a consistent way of getting Gems, if players are serious about playing Punball, they will need other methods of collecting Gems to get them through the game, though dailies are still going to be one of the only reliable ways to farm up Gems when you are stuck on a level.
Realistically not all dailies will provide you with Gems as some will only provide Coins, though players will want to ensure that they complete all of their dailies every day as the final tier provides you with a number of Gems.
The following are all the dailies a player can complete in Punball:
LOGIN – 1,100 Coins
START STAGE BATTLE – 3,300 Coins (this is only the main dungeons)
START DAILY CHALLENGE 1 TIME – 10 Gems (you do not need to win this, though it is recommended)
PURCHASE ONCE IN DAILY STORE – 1,650 Coins (players will have a chance to get at least 3 daily rewards a day, so you won’t have to spend money)
UPGRADE EQUIPMENT – This includes Weapons and Armour. If you do not have enough Coins to upgrade, just recycle your Gear and re-upgrade it as you will never lose any of your resources.
COMPLETE ALL DAILIES – 20 Gems (This will require players to complete all dailies, and shouldn’t be something that takes you too long as you do not really need to win anything and just start the various stages.
There are always free resources to collect in the shops that will simply require players to watch Ads. There are two shops available to players:
The Standard Shop (bottom left of the screen)
The Discount Pack Shop (on the right-hand side under your Dailies and Missions)
The Standard Shop will provide you with 20 Gems per day for watching an Ad.
The Discount Pack Shop will provide you with 20 Gems (among other rewards) daily, 30 Gems weekly (among other rewards) and 50 Gems monthly (among other rewards.)
Always make sure you accept all of these rewards even if you aren’t planning on playing that day. I would even collect all the extra energy as it will go past your limit, even if you are at cap as it will exceed your limit for when you want to use it. Still, my bigger suggestion is to waste energy just for a chance to get some extra Coins and/or Gems.
Levelling Up is one of the easiest ways to collect Gems in Punball and quite frankly you don’t even need to be good at the game to do it.
After players complete any level they will receive a good amount of experience, whether or not they actually win the level. It is true that you will get more rewards for getting further or completing a stage, but as I mentioned earlier with the wheel, there’s no shame in just launching levels without actually wanting to play them especially when you don’t have time.
For each level a player goes up, which is unlimited, players will receive around 100 Gems, being a fairly solid way to get Gems. The only issue with this method is how long it takes to level up as depending on how well you do in dungeons you will level up faster or slower.
In the same menu that players can see their daily tasks, players will be able to see their Main Missions, which are simply rewards that players will passively grind while completing tasks in Punball.
Some of these include spending a good portion of Coins, upgrading various pieces of Gear and Pets, completing Levels for the first time and many more. I would strongly recommend checking this section regularly to see if there’s something you can speed up on, typically being the rewards for spending Coins.
Honestly, any Coin Mission is pretty easy to complete as players can simply recycle their Gear and Pets and re-upgrade everything with no penalties. While this is time-consuming, it is possible to do at any level or with any amount of Coins, though the amount of Coins needed to get before getting the Gem rewards increases significantly.
I’m personally pretty strategic about my upgrades, recycling regularly to focus on upgrading my S-tier Gear due to the massive increase in stats they provide in comparison to the A-tier Gear, so it’s been pretty easy to get a good portion of the Coin based Gems.
The Daily Challenge can be quite a feat depending on what kind of Gear you have. Players will not have access to it in the early game as they will need to level up before they unlock it, though players will want to be tactful about which Daily Challenge they accept based on what the Daily Challenge they accept is.
Players will receive the most Loot from Nightmare mode, getting up to 3 Chests of Gems based on how far they go, though players will want to always take a look at the various modifiers as depending on the ones that are active, players may not want to attempt the hardest difficulty.
For example, I usually stick to Hard Mode given my Gear, but there are some days where I cannot complete the hard mode easily due to the modifiers and instead just do the Normal Mode.
The following are the rewards you gain from each difficulty:
Round 20 – 35 Gems
Round 30 – 35 Gems
Round 40 – 50 Gems
Round 20 – 50 Gems
Round 30 – 50 Gems
Round 40 – 55 Gems
Round 20 – 60 Gems
Round 30 – 65 Gems
Round 40 – 65 Gems
Events are probably the fastest way to collect Gems and as with most other games with events in them, they are not always guaranteed and will have a good amount of time in between the events. It seems multiple Events can run at the same time and some of them are targeted toward late-game players while others are very noob friendly.
Always take a look at what Events are active and take a look at what the requirements to get the resources you need are.
Of course, players can go ahead and simply buy Gems from the shop. Admittedly, I feel like the packs are really expensive, though if players want to spend a bit of money on the game, I would strongly recommend getting the pack that is directly under your Missions.
This pack (at least for me) is 12.99 and will provide you with 24,000 Gems, making it the most worth it purchase in the whole game.
I’m personally not the biggest fan of making purchases in F2P games, but that deal has been tickling my fancy for a while and can be claimed once and lasts indefinitely (ie. you can be well past level 50 and still have it offered to you.)
I strongly recommend that players only spend their Gems on Weapons that are S tier or higher. There is always at least one Weapon in the shop that is S-tier, though every so often one pops up that is SS.
Now, for Weapons where a drop can be SS, both the S-tier and the SS-tier have significantly lower drop rates, making them a bit less appealing, though if you are going to weigh two different Weapons, check their passives.
Players are going to have to have to drop a good amount of Gems into these Machines as every 50 rolls players will get an S-tier item (though this is not always the Weapon).
I would strongly advise folks to only do 10-time rolls instead of 1 time as it will cost 2,500 Gems if players do 10 single rolls and only 2,200 if players do 10 rolls at once.
Not only that, but I strongly recommend that players only do a roll on a Weapon if they can guarantee that they will be able to do 50 rolls within its time limit. This means 11,000 Gems, which is obtainable in around 1-2 weeks if players maximize on Events and Energy.
This will vary depending on what is available to players when they join the game.
I would never do rolls on Eggs or anything else as players should be able to get a free roll once a week.
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