Gil is one of the easiest currencies to farm in FFXIV and truthfully with Gil farming being as easy as it is, you would assume that MGP would be a bit easier to farm.
The thing is, MGP can be difficult to farm if you’re not doing the right things to get it.
While there are a number of ways that you can get MGP, including games at the Gold Saucer, Triple Triad Matches and various GATEs, some of them are going to give you a higher yield and some of them are going to be less fun than others.
The following are the most optimal ways of collecting MGP.
Note: If you have any questions about FFXIV that you want me to cover feel free to leave them in a comment below, you can also ask me while I am streaming on Twitch, YouTube or in our community discord.
By far one of the best ways to optimize your time playing FFXIV is by doing your weekly challenge logs.
Challenge Logs are split up by different categories including things like Beast Tribes, Retainers, Eureka and of course the Gold Saucer.
Now, the thing about the Gold Saucer challenge logs is that some of them give a much higher yield of MGP than others.
The Gold Saucer related challenge logs are as follows. I’ve marked the ones I complete weekly with two asterisks and the ones I complete when I have time with one astrisk:
**Complete 3 Mini-Games (1,000 MGP)
**Earn 100 MGP from Mini-Games (1,500 MGP)
*Participate in 5 GATEs (5,000 MGP)
*Successfully Complete 3 GATEs (8,000 MGP)
*Enter 3 Chocobo Races (5,000 MGP)
*Enter 20 Chocobo Races (8,000 MGP)
Win a Chocobo Race (5,000 MGP)
Win 10 Chocobo Races (8,000 MGP)
**Play Triple Triad 10 Times (5,000 MGP)
**Win 10 Triple Triad Matches (8,000 MGP)
Play 5 Triple Triad Matches in the Battlehall (2,500 MGP)
Win 3 Triple Triad Matches in the Battlehall (3,000 MGP)
Participate in an Open Tournament (3,000 MGP)
**Play Lord of Verminion 1 Times (5,000 MGP)
**Play Lord of Verminion 3 Times (10,000 MGP)
**Play Lord of Verminion 5 Times (12,000 MGP)
Participate in 2 Doman Mahjong Player Matches (5,000 MGP)
NOTE: The total amount of MGP you can get in a week from the weekly challenge logs is 95,000 MGP.
If you do the bare minimum and lose at everything you can get around 55,000 MGP.
As you can see, the majority of the challenges I choose to complete are ones that don’t require me to be playing the game with other players or need to be playing the game at a particular time.
I personally do a lot of my MGP challenge logs while watching Netflix on a second monitor or while getting some work done.
I’ll cover the most optimal ways to complete these challenge logs in the sections that are dedicated to their topic.
The Jumbo Cactpot is something that you absolutely never want to miss out on.
It’s the most brainless way of getting a good amount of MGP a week.
You can purchase a maximum of 3 tickets a week for 100 MGP (increases by 50 per ticket) and tickets will be drawn every Saturday at 2 P.M. Earth Time.
The lowest yield for the Jumbo Cactpot is 1,000 MGP, however, the rewards scale based on the number of tickets bought.
That being said, even if there aren’t a whole lot of tickets purchased that week it’s still a good idea to buy tickets just for a steady passive income of MGP.
SIDE NOTE: my partner won the Jackpot one week… you can all rage quit.
The Fashion Report was a part of the Gold Saucer I was completely unaware of for months of playing the game.
At first, when my partner told me about it I was intimidated by the name and thought that I would have to spend a whole lot of Gil in exchange for getting MGP, however, this is the furthest thing from true.
The Fashion Report has you looking for glamours that fit into different categories like “Do Rats Fly” which is referring to the “Sky Rat” glamour set, or “‘Fringe’ Benefits” which refers to glamours with Fringes.
Most Fashion Reports will only require you to dye pairs of clothing or to purchase vendor glamours for an easy 80 points, which gives you the highest reward.
There’s a lovely player on Reddit who goes by the name Kaiyoko who posts guides to it weekly. They’re super, super awesome! Thank you Kaiyoko for doing that <3
The only reason you will want a score of 100 on your Fashion Report is if you want the title “Fashion Leader” which you will only receive once.
So, might as well save yourself some time and some Gil and just settle on getting 80’s every week. (As I did in high school…)
If you are nervous that you didn’t get everything right, don’t worry! You can get judged four times by the Masked Rose and you will receive the rewards you missed out on!
The MGP award for the Fashion Report is 60,000 MGP, but that can be boosted with the Gold Saucer VIP Card (which I’ll talk about below) or an FC Gold Saucer MPG Boost.
If you want a regular notification for Fashion Report please feel free to join our Discord where we post the best easy options as well as other helpful tips to the game.
The Mini Cactpot costs 10 MGP to participate in and will provide you with a 3 x 3 square with one number revealed.
You will be given the opportunity to reveal three other numbers to help you make the choice of which line you will scratch.
You will then be given a reward based on the sum of all the numbers in the row that you have selected.
While rewards are not guaranteed, the Mini Cactpot is an extremely low-risk game that can give you quite a high yield.
Rewards are as low as 36 MGP and as high as 10,000.
I usually get rewards between 360-3,600 on a daily basis without using a solver.
That being said, there are a few solvers out there and some of them are handier than others.
The following is my favourite Mini Cactpot Solver.
You can participate in the Mini Cactpot 3 times per day.
I know a lot of you are shocked that I’m even putting this one on the list, but let me make my point.
The actual game, Lord of Verminion isn’t the greatest, especially for folks who don’t want to invest in learning a mini-game that people don’t really play.
Thing is, even if you don’t want to take time to invest in learning the game, you can grind Stage 2: Hatching a Plan in under 2 minutes to get your weekly challenge logs done.
So, what does that mean? In under 10-Minutes, you will be able to get a minimum of 27,000 MGP per week from your challenge logs.
If your FC has a boost on the MGP you can also receive a 10% boost to this.
As a bonus you can complete your Lord of Verminion Challenge log with any Lord of Verminion Tournaments that are taking place which will give you a massive bonus to MGP. Don’t worry, you don’t need to play against real players, just open your Duty Finder and select “Master Tournament” which is against bots. This mode is incredibly easy and even without a high ranking, you will get yourself a good amount of MGP.
NOTE: I would never grind MGP from Lord of Verminion as it will require you to complete new quests or play against other players… gross… MMO who?
GATEs are the equivalent to Mario Party mini-games in Final Fantasy.
GATEs take place every 20 minutes in the Gold Saucer and usually take a few minutes to complete.
GATEs include:
Cliffhanger // 3000 MGP
Air Force One // 4000 MGP
Leap of Faith // 4000 MGP
Any Way the Wind Blows // 7500 MGP
The Slice is Right // 5000 MGP
I personally don’t care what GATEs I participate in and usually wait for them as I’m working on my computer.
I usually complete as many as I can, but as mentioned I don’t really go out of my way to do GATEs, though it is a fairly worthwhile way of making some good MGP.
While the highest rewards for GATEs is quite high, some of the GATEs require much higher skill than others.
Late to the Party Finder has a great in-depth guide that talks about all of the GATEs and what the skill level required for each are.
I wouldn’t say that I’m the best Triple Triad player, but I do complete my weekly challenge logs for Triple Triad every week.
If you complete just the solo Triple Triad Matches you will get a minimum of 13,000 MGP, but if you participate in tournaments you bring that up to 18,500 MGP.
I personally only do the solo Triple Triad Matches and try to do them on NPCs I’ve never defeated before to get more cards.
You don’t have to do this and can easily grind out Jonas of the Tree Spades in the Gold Saucer for the weekly challenge logs.
Some players have been known to make a good amount of MGP by playing Triple Triad Matches religiously. Truthfully, as fun of a game as it is, I don’t think I’ll ever be playing it competitively anytime soon.
Admittedly, if you want to get two things done at once and are decently skilled at Triple Triad you can use the Duty Finder to go to the Battle Hall. As soon as I had about 250 Cards I found battling these NPCs relatively easy and have been securing myself 4 Challenge Logs instead of 2 a week.
It doesn’t matter if there is a Tournament or not that week, simply fighting NPCs in the Battle Hall each week can land you a few extra thousand MGP.
To access the Battle Hall simply go to Duty Finder, click Gold Saucer and it will be the first option.
One of my favourite things about FFXIV is the fact that there is so much side content that you can participate in while you wait for the queue to pop.
Other tasks can include gathering, crafting, doing FATEs, or just jumping around in your FC as my whole family does.
Now, there are only two mini-games that I find worth it in the whole Gold Saucer and they can be found in Minion Square. These games are Out on a Limb and The Finer Miner, though I personally prefer Out on a Limb.
I’d say 80% of the time I can get 400 MGP from Out on a Limb, although I don’t know how good I am I really am at the game because all I have to compare myself to is my n00b sister.
Surprisingly Chocobo races are a lot of fun, but they are very laggy on some servers.
I used to have an amazing Chocobo, though I stupidly retired him so I could try to get a breed a better one, but his baby was a POS,
Truthfully, I don’t play many races these days now that I have a crappy Chocobo, but I can’t deny that I was making stacks on stacks for coming in first and always being able to complete my challenge log.
I’d say, give it a shot at least once. If you don’t like it, move on, if you do… welcome to your new crack!
The Gold Saucer VIP card is a consumable that gives players a 2-hour buff that increases the amount of MGP you receive from the different tournaments (including games against NPCs), Chocobo races, Mini Games, GATES, Mini Cactpot and Jumbo Cactpot.
The one thing the Gold Saucer VIP Card does not include is the Challenge Log.
Gold Saucer VIP Cards can be received from squadron missions and you can get a total of 10 a week from doing level 50 quests.
Although Squadrons can be very annoying to do, the 15% boost you get from the VIP cards is extremely substantial even if you just use it on the Fashion Report which will give you 69,000 MGP instead of 60,000.
That being said, I would not be precious about your Gold Saucer VIP Cards if you are doing your Squadron Missions weekly. As you get 10 a week for successfully completing a level 50 you will have more than enough to use on every task you complete in the Gold Saucer. I’m personally currently sitting on 58 in my inventory and I use one every single time I am in the Gold Saucer or playing Triple Triad even if it’s for 5 minutes.
If players are in for a bit of RNG and dungeon or trials grinding, players can pick up their Wondrous Tails from Khloe Aliapoh in Idyllshire (x 5.7, y 6.1).
Wondrous Tails can be unlocked at level 60 and will provide players with a series of randomized Dungeon or Trials that they must complete in order to collect seals in what I like to call a “tic-tac-toe” fashion.
Each Wondrous Tails book has 16 objectives and will be reset every Tuesday at 1 AM (PDT) though players will only need to collect 9 seals in order to complete their journal.
Players will want to align 4 seals by having them place diagonally, horizontally or vertically.
I personally find the Wondrous Tails frustrating as there is no way to actually guarantee good results with seal placements, though players do have the option to “Shuffle” the position of all of their seals when they have between 3-7 seals, though this will cost them 2 points for each shuffle.
Players will want to Shuffle their seals when they collect 7 in order to ensure that they have at least one or two rows completed, if not have a good enough seal placement for the potential of completing two or three rows.
Points can be collected when players complete an objective with a party member who is new to the objective, while this may seem like a frustrating way to collect points, it is fairly easy to collect “Second Chance points” especially if players use the Duty Finder to find the Trials or Dungeons they need to complete.
Players can actively grind Second Chance points even when they do not have active Wondrous Tails.
In most cases players should be able to complete at least one line of seals without difficulty.
The following are the MGP rewards players can complete for completing lines of Wondrous Tails:
1 MGP Gold Card equal to 30,000 MGP
2 MGP Platinum Card equal to 100,000 MGP
20 MGP Platinum Card equal to 1,000,000 MGP
At the end of the day, if you want to do the absolute bare minimum to grind MGP, I would at least do the Jumbo Cactpot, Fashion Report and the Verminion Challenge Log.
Those three alone can leave you with a healthy amount of MGP weekly.
When you’re ready to step into the MGP grind, make sure that they align with your weekly challenge logs because that will give you a nice little boost to your MGP as well.
So I’m curious, what are some of your favourite ways of getting MGP? What are you hoping to spend it on? Let me know in the comments below!
Ariel says
Thank you so much!!
Johnny Salib says
No worries 😀
James says
I like to do the wondrous tales book from Khloe in Idyllshire. All you have to do is the top row (which you can do unsynched and walk right through) for a pretty easy 30k mgp. Also helps you get other items and tombstones along the way. If you want to invest more time, you can get 50k mgp by completing other rows in the book.
Jonathan Berman says
Question. If I have one row done and shuffle, can I lose that one row or does it get locked in?
Johnny Salib says
It can sadly reshuffle.
Fernando says
Thanks man, you saved me! Stared farming today to get Regalia until October’s 18!