When it comes to playing any video game something out of the norm, such as a Blood Moon can easily freak out a person, especially when players have played games like Zelda: Breath of the Wild where a Blood Moon means the respawning of all mobs in the world and ultimately can lead to a player’s death.
My first Blood Moon made me panic as I thought that hell was about to break loose and luckily I got to experience it before my first Blood Moon in my public play through as I could see myself wasting this amazing time frame if I didn’t have the time to pause and really see what was happening.
Blood Moons are quite an exciting moment for all players in V Rising and while players will receive multiple Blood Moons during their play-throughs, they are relatively rare, meaning that players will want to make the most out of them whenever they happen.
The following guide will take you through everything you need to know about the Blood Moon and what you should probably focus on doing while one is active.
Note: If you want to watch me play games like V Rising live please head over to my Twitch channel. I’m happy to answer any questions there, even if I’m not playing the game!
The Blood Moon is another element of the Day/Night Cycle, though unlike the Day/Night Cycle it is not something that appears often.
Unfortunately, there isn’t a set time that the Blood Moon occurs, unlike games like DST which have a Full Moon cycle that is based on the time that is spent in the game.
The only thing that is consistent about the Blood Moon is the hours that it takes place, beginning at 6 PM and ending at 9 AM, providing players with some stat boosts during this time.
Admittedly, the Blood Moon occurs during the time that the Moon is already out, so if a player was hoping for a day of full darkness, this isn’t something that is in the game.
Although players will not have any immunity during this phase, players will get a 20% buff on their Blood Type no matter what their blood quality is, a 10% Movement Speed Buff and a bonus 20% to all damage modifiers from your blood modifiers.
Unfortunately, there is no actual amount of time that’s concrete for a Blood Moon to happen, or at least it doesn’t seem like it.
Currently, I have two different save files I’m playing on, so I’m going to see if there’s a Window that the Blood Moon appears in, but amongst the two files, I haven’t noticed any consistency.
Blood Moons are the best for killing tough baddies such as the V Bloods. Players can either use the Blood Moon to clear V Bloods for the first time or to rush multiple V Bloods for reclears to gather resources quickly.
The nice thing about killing V Bloods after obtaining their rewards the first time is the number of resources you can collect from them.
I will write a longer guide for what resources each V Blood drops, but at the end of the day, just focussing on killing V Blood during Blood Moons is really what you should be focussing on.
You could technically use Worker Blood to collect many resources during a Blood Moon, though this is typically not worth it unless you have 100% Blood already. This is especially true due to the stacked bonus players get from damage modifiers during a Blood Moon.
If you’re a newer player and still have lots of V Blood to get, I strongly suggest you focus on these as it will greatly help you progress the game. Without killing V Bloods you will get locked in both your levels due to the inability to craft better Gear and will be wasting time due to the fact that Crafting Stations need a good amount of time to actually produce items, taking a number of seconds to a few minutes for players to get even a few resources.
Honestly, I would always stockpile your Crafting Stations with things to make as you can get into some really sticky situations if you don’t have all of your resources crafted in advance.
Luckily, a lot of the resources that require Crafting Stations can be obtained in chests or from killing V Bloods, so also helps encourage players to complete these on a Blood Moon.
So while a player can do anything they want during a Blood Moon, I strongly recommend pushing content during this part. Unfortunately, players will never know if a Blood Moon is near as it is a completely random Event, but as soon as Night hits, run out of your Castle and get to do your tasks!
It’s always going to be a good idea to have the best Blood Type you can get before the Blood Moon because you don’t want to waste any time hunting mobs for blood when it’s active. Just get to attacking!
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