So you’ve come to the very end of BroTown and you’re faced against your first real big boss.
If you’re anything like me, you might have been scared because the earlier boss battles in PewDiePie’s Pixelings weren’t necessarily the easiest.
There’s a surprising amount of skill and speed that’s involved when playing PewDiePie’s Pixelings, especially if you get stuck in a level for too long and begin entering the double and triple damage phases.
Playing this game is about shuffling around your Pixelings in time for them to land attacks against the enemy before the enemy has time to land an attack on you.
So be ready to expect something similar when it comes to the Barrel King.
The following guide will take you through everything you need to know about the Barrel King when trying to complete The Final Showdown on Easy, Medium and Hard Difficulty. This guide will also cover all of the mechanics, the Pixelings which you should take into battle, and the rewards you receive for defeating each stage of the Barrel King.
The Barrel King is a simple boss with straight forward mechanics, however, he and his ally Barry Pixelings pack quite some damage.
The Barrel King is vulnerable and alone for the first four turns in the round, making him susceptible to Pixelings with Drain or another status effect. If no Pixeling uses Drain on the Barrel King before his first charge move he will summon two allies to fight by his side.
Barrys are decently tanky and if they are left to use their charge move, they will deal a great amount of damage to your ally Pixelings. Burst down the Barry Pixelings as quickly as you can, ignoring the Barrel King on turns where you are not trying to Drain him.
Note that the Barrel King gains two charges every time he attacks, so if you choose to use Drain on the Barrel King you will have to do so every turn.
The Barrel King has access to a variety of spells, the three spells you should be concerned about are Scorching Blast (Easy), Lightning (Medium), and Inferno (Hard). By the time you get to each difficulty, you should have already seen the spell he uses. These spells can be countered with charge abilities that heal or spells like Bubble Shield, Healing Touch, or Rejuvinating Spring. Although you can use these spells, I would recommend not playing as defensively with the Barrel King and making sure that he’s dead by his second charged ability. If you’re unclear of which spells to use and when to use them, I recommend checking out this guide.
In all three difficulties, the Barrel King has two passive abilities known as Spell Immunity and Berserk. Spell Immunity makes the Barrel King immune to ALL player cast spells while Berserk causes the Barrel King to deal 50% more damage when he is below 33% health. Berserk mixed with double or triple damage will be extremely deadly, making speed and damage the utmost important factors to winning this battle.
The Barrel King has a variety of charge abilities that range in charge times.
The Barrel King’s first charge ability summons two allies, Barry Pixelings, and takes two turns to charge. The Barrel King’s charge bar will then double in size.
The Barrel King’s second charge ability cast will heal the Barrel King (Easy) or will provide an alternate buff like Strengthen All (Hard).
The Barrel King’s third charge ability will do massive AoE damage that will also stun your Pixelings. During this phase, it can be very helpful to have extra Pixelings on hold, though I would advise you to try to avoid this phase if you can by using a Pixeling that has the ability Drain.
I recommend bringing in Bubble Shield and Healing Touch into easy difficulty. At this point in the game, the spells that you choose aren’t going to make or break gameplay, so don’t stress too much about optimizing which spells you take.
I recommend that you bring Energize and Bubble Shield into the medium difficulty battle between you and the Barrel King.
Since the Barrel King can’t take any spell damage, it would be useless to take any damage oriented spells.
An alternative spell you can take into this battle is Rejuvenating Spring.
If you choose to take Ozzy into this level, I highly recommend using Energize anytime you can. Draining the Barrel King regularly can surprisingly simplify this level, especially if you can get Ozzy onto the field early.
I’ve completed this map simply by placing Ozzy onto the field first and having it drain the Barrel King over and over so it never summoned the Barry Pixelings.
Similarly, you can use Edgar to help with your plight to never allow Barry Pixelings to summon, though Ozzy is much more powerful.
I continue to recommend the same spells that I did in Medium difficulty. You can choose to bring in Strengthen, however, from the ease of life perspective, I would recommend sticking to the Ozzy trick.
Pixeling team builds are going to heavily depend on what Pixelings become available to you and whether or not you receive enough duplicates to rank up your Pixelings.
The following are the Pixelings I found the most effective when battling the Barrel King in each difficulty, however, if you have a Pixeling that is a much higher power rank than the rest I would always use them.
Charge Ability | Heal Self | Gives Health to itself
Turns to Charge: 2
Tuski is one of the nicest tanks in the early game because she has the ability to heal itself.
What makes this ability most annoying is the fact that it only takes two turns to charge it healing a good portion of its health.
Tuski should always be placed in the center of the battle so it can tank all of the Melee DPS hits from both the barrels and the Barrel King.
When Tuski begins to get low use Healing Touch or Bubble Shield to keep it’s health up.
Charge Ability | Strengthen Back | Increases Attack by 25% for the Pixeling(s) in the Back Position(s) (Max 100%)
Turns to Charge: 4
Bob is a pretty chunky Pixeling who can withstand big hits and provides a decent buff to his teammates.
Bob isn’t necessarily my favourite Pixeling, but he is fairly easy to powerup, especially for players who are just starting.
In a few days of casual playing, I’ve got Bob up to Rank 4 and Level 8.
This makes Bob’s health sit at 259 and his damage at 33.
I always try to make sure that Bob is used as a sub-in tank, placing him mid when Tuski is low.
Charge Ability | Heavy Attack | Deals 98 Damage
Turns to Charge: 3
At this point, it’s between Pewds and Falcon for who my favourite Pixeling is in this game.
Pewds take a longer time to charge up his ability but deals heavier damage.
This usually makes me place him in the upper portion of the map, and I often switch him into the bottom position to wipe out the bottom Pixeling when Falcon has finished it’s ability attack.
This is not absolutely necessary, especially if you have used an ability like Flaming Bolt or Lighting.
PewDiePie is extremely powerful and I recommend keeping him out on the field for as long as possible.
Charge Ability | Heavy Attack | Deals 80 Damage
Turns to Charge: 2
Although it takes Falcon less time to shoot rounds of bullets, the damage dealt from Heavy Attack is lower than Pewds’ damage dealt.
This makes Falcon optimal for sniping enemies when they are low.
If Pewds manages to get the top barrel down to low health and you’re saving your mana for Healing Touch, swap Falcon in for one final blow and get to what really matters… KILLING THE BARREL KING!
Charge Ability | Poison | Inflicts Poison (20% Damage every turn)
Turns to Charge: 3
Slippy isn’t the most ideal
If you’re feeling ballsy enough to move Slippy to center field when he’s ready to unleash Poison be my guest, but remember to put him back at the bottom of the map so you can kill those darned barrels!
I personally still prefer Falcon, but it’s heavily going to depend on what level your Pixelings are and whether or not you’ve been able to rank them up.
Turns to Charge: 2
Charge Ability // Drain / Remove 2 Charges
Passive Ability // Poison Burst / Upon defeat inflicts a critical hit and Poison to its attacker
Ozzy is by far the most important Pixeling in the battle against the Barrel King.
It doesn’t matter if you want to force the Barrel King to never summon the smaller, or if you just want to get through the dungeon as quickly as possible, Ozzy will keep you safe.
Similar to the Easy version of this battle, the Barrel King will use an AOE attack against all of your Pixelings, bursting them down to nothing in one swing.
By simply using Ozzy, even without Energize, you will easily avoid this AOE attack.
Turns to Charge: 3
Charge Ability // Heal Lowest / Gives Health to the ally with the lowest health
Passive Ability // Frenzy / Has 50% chance to gain 1 Charge point every time it receives damage
Sponsy should be your main tank during this battle and should soak up the majority of the hit.
Sponsy is extra powerful if given a Bubble Shield at the right times in hopes to heal lower health Pixelings who have been hit by Thunder Strike.
If Sponsy needs time to breathe, rotate it out with another Pixeling who can soak a hit, such as Marzia or a real tank like Floss.
Turns to Charge: 2
Charge Ability // Heavy Attack / Deals Heavy Damage
Passive Ability // Shrouded / Receives 33% less damage from Ranged Pixelings
Passive Ability // Bloodlust / Gains 50% attack after defeating an enemy (Maximum 100)
I personally don’t have many Mythic Pixelings, but this slot is for one of your highest level damage dealers.
Marzia seems to do a lovely job against the Barrel King, especially if you let her last shot the Barry Pixelings. Allowing Marzia to last hit both Barry Pixelings will boost her attack stat to 100%.
As you can imagine, this will land some pretty sexy hits on the Barrel King, quickly demolishing him before things get more difficult.
Turns to Charge: 3
Charge Ability // Heal Self / Gives Health to Self
I use Floss as an Off-Tank.
Charge Ability // Heavy Attack / Deals Massive Damage
Turns to Charge: 2
I use Falcon as Off-Damage or a Sub.
Your Hard Difficulty team build is going to look pretty much like your Medium Difficulty team build. By the time you get to the medium stage, you should have all of the available Pixelings.
Upon completing the FinalShowdownEasy Difficulty, players will receive a number of rewards including the advancement to the next world Floatopia and access to the ability Scorching Blast. Scorching Blast is very similar to Flaming Bolt in the sense that they both do damage to a target enemy, however, Scorching Blast deals double the damage for the cost of 5 mana. You will also unlock the Medium Difficulty of BroTown.
Upon completing the Final Showdown Medium Difficulty players will only unlock Hard Difficulty BroTown.
Upon completing the Final Showdown Hard Difficulty players will receive the spell Strengthen All.
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