Visage is a great Horror Game that I strongly recommend to any Horror fanatic. While the game had a slow burn for me at first, being that it felt very confusing and challenging due to its lack of missions and guidance, I’m really glad that I had the opportunity to play the game as it is beautifully made and provided me with endless amounts of jump scares.
While I played Visage to completion on Twitch, I feel like I’m going to replay the game a few more times either on my main YouTube Channel or silently on Basically Average’s YouTube challenge with all the achievements. Quite frankly, I got almost all of the achievements in my first playthrough, as many of them are straightforward, but there are a few I had to go back and find to ensure that I got a 100% completion on the game.
As I am a completionist, I thought I would share my knowledge of Visage so that other completionists can ensure that they get all of the achievements and don’t fear missing out.
The following guide will contain a good amount of spoilers and I will do my best to categorize these in order that you would be able to unlock them. As Visage does not have “one solution” players will be able to select the order of chapters they complete and can complete all of these achievements as they prefer.
The first achievement that players are able to collect is the First Reactions achievement as it is unlockable upon loading into the game. Players will simply need to try to escape the house by using the front door.
There is no time constraint on when a player needs to complete this by and could technically check the front door as their last task before ending the game.
The Novice Electrician is a bit of an unmissable achievement as it simply requires players to change a lightbulb once. The game should actually take you through a tutorial that teaches you how to replace a lightbulb and players will be able to change the lightbulb in the foyer to the left when facing the front door.
The Special Recipe achievement can be missed, though gets reintroduced in Dolores’ chapter. Players will simply need to place a small object in the microwave in order to try to use it, though the Microwave shouldn’t function properly at this point. Players can use any items for this, though I would recommend completing the next achievement at the same time.
This one takes a few steps but is quite simple to actually complete. Admittedly, players will need to complete at least one chapter before they can prompt this event, though it doesn’t matter what chapter you complete.
Players will need to head to the kitchen to try to make some hot chocolate.
The Hot Chocolate Powder is located in the bottom drawer and the milk is located in the fridge.
Players must mix these two ingredients together in a mug and place them into the microwave. Upon watching the cutscene, the Mug will vanish.
Players must then head to the upstairs bedroom, to the left of the bathroom and the Mug will be floating. Pick up the Mug and you’ve got the achievement.
The Neighbors is a comic book that can be found throughout the house. This achievement is easy to miss if players do not find the Comic Book with the ripped-out pages, however, if players are lucky enough to find a single Comic Book page, they will know that it exists.
The comic book is located in the bedroom to the left of the upstairs bathroom, sitting on the desk.
Players will receive The Neighbors achievement simply for finding the first page, though I will cover where to find them all in the next section.
There are a total of 4 Comic Book pages that have been ripped out that a player must locate around the House. While all the Comic Book pages can be found in any chapter, only two can be found at first until a player triggers a cut scene from finding these two.
The following are all of the Comic Book page locations:
The first page of The Neighbors is quite easy to find but can be easily missed if players are not paying attention. It is found under the front door.
The second page of The Neighbors can be found inside a drawer in the far left corner of the Garage.
Page three requires players to engage with a cutscene first and will need to head back to the sitting room by the Progress Room. Rose will call and leave a strange message, unlocking the next two pages.
The third page can be found in front of the TV in the living room.
The final page of The Neighbors is found in the master bedroom walk-in closet, sitting on the floor.
This one is the hardest achievement to get as players will always need to be alert. There is a very, very, very, very tiny alien that spawns throughout the game and will make its way around the house. Most players will miss this, especially if they are not aware of it, given how tiny the alien is.
A good strategy to catch this little alien is to stand in front of the shelf by the room with the deep freeze. If you keep saving and reloading the game the alien will eventually appear. Reminder, it is very small, so make sure every time you reload you take a very good look.
Lucy’s Chapter, started by picking up a picture of a Panda in the Walk-in Closet (between the Master Bedroom and Lucy’s bedroom. Although players do not need to complete Lucy’s Chapter first, I strongly recommend it as it will provide players with a Camera that can be used as extra lighting or protection from certain ghosts.
Players must fully complete Lucy’s Chapter in order to get the achievement Chapter: Lucy.
To acquire the Matryoshka Doll achievement, players only need to find a single Matryosha Doll. To check how many Matryoshka Dolls you have you can head upstairs and turn to the left. Once players hit the Grandfather Clock they will have to turn left again to the mezzanine and they will find a few Matryoshka Dolls there. The next section lists all of the Matryoshka Dolls you can find.
The rest of the Matoyshka Dolls are found during Lucy’s Chapter and players need to move through the house slowly to find them. There are a total of 10 Dolls and they are found in the following locations:
The first Matryoshka Doll is located in the progress room. The Progress Room is located to the left of the stairs that are in the sitting room (the one without the TV) and will be where any trophies are placed.
Players have to head to the left of this room into the little nook in front of the confessional booth. Here players will find a small white unit that is to the left of the nook.
Players must crouch to look into the shelf of this unit and find a hidden Matryoshka Doll.
The second Matryoshka Doll is found in the master bedroom on the floor in front of the bed, in between the bed and mirror. This one is hard to spot as that room tends to be pretty dark.
The third Matryoshka Doll is found in the Garage. Players must head to the top of the stairs beyond the car and will need to find the Red storage unit. Move this storage unit to reveal a hidden entrance where there are a pile of boxes and storage containers.
The Matryoshka Doll is found to the left on top of the gray storage container.
In the room right of the Grandfather Clock, upstairs, players will have to head to the wardrobe. Tucked behind some boxes to the left of the wardrobe, the Matryoshka Doll can be found on the floor. Congrats on the fourth Matryoshka Doll!
The fifth Matryoshka Doll is located in the dining room. Players will have to open the glass cupboards to find the Matryoshka Doll. It is in the second last one to the right.
When players are in the unfinished part of the basement, which can be accessed by taking the staircase down (where the park will appear later on), players will have to pass the “workbench” that is on two stools to find a short staircase.
To make this clearer, the stairs I’m talking about have four rungs and are in front of a few white pipes.
The seventh Matryoshka Doll is located in the freezer beside the basement room with the TV.
The eighth Matryoshka Doll can only be obtained in Lucy’s character as it is hidden under a desk that appears in the Tree House. Players should be able to spot it immediately, but they will need to crouch to see it. It is located under the radio.
The ninth Matryoshka Doll is also located in Lucy’s Chapter and is behind a mannequin in the room with all the polaroid pictures and the eye on the wall.
It is directly in the right-hand corner of the room (closest to the next door).
The tenth Matryoshka Doll is a bit difficult to find as it can lead to a player dying a few times. When players are in Lucy’s chapter they will be met with a room with a good amount of wardobes. One of these Wardrobes has a plethora of masks. At the bottom of this Wardrobe, there will be a Matryoshka Doll.
If you fall down the hole it is too late, though if you die shortly after, you will return to the room with the Wardrobes.
I think that Rakan is my favourite chapter of all of them, though I still don’t know how to compare the chapters and will have to re-evaluate once I play the game more.
Rakan’s Chapter is begun by interacting with a crutch in the living room. Players must then head to the wheelchair in front of the TV to start a cutscene.
Rakan’s Chapter provides players with some tools, though again not something as game-breaking as the Camera in Lucy’s chapter.
I would still recommend you do Rakan’s chapter second, though the choice is yours to do the stories in whatever order you want.
The only achievement that is only obtainable in Rakan’s chapter is Psychological evaluation.
This must be completed in the hospital and takes place after players are chased by a group of faceless people.
Players must locate the “Records Department” and will need to interact with the tape recorder to unlock this achievement.
To begin Dolores’ chapter, players will need to look for the key with a mirror attached to it. I found this by the doorway in the front of the house, though some players have reported that they found it by a bedroom.
I’m not sure if this is because something changed in the game, or because I don’t understand what bedroom players are talking about, but nonetheless… you need the Mirror Key.
The key will always be on a hook nonetheless.
Although players can complete this chapter whenever they like, I would strongly recommend keeping it for last as it is can really mess with you and is a bit more difficult than the rest.
That being said, you don’t really gain anything of utmost importance from Delores’ chapter, so waiting to complete it isn’t really a problem.
George’s Mementos are only found in Dolores’ chapter and will require players to find cassette tapes. While the George’s Memento achievement only requires a single casette tape, the next section will cover where all of them are.
There are a total of 4 audio cassette tapes to find in the chapter. Most are easy to find, though there is one that I found more difficult to locate.
They can be found here:
The first Cassette Tape is located on the desk with the tape recorder on it. This is very easy to find and can be accessed as soon as the player enters the room for the first time.
The second Cassette Tape requires a bit of work. Players will need to return one of the knives to George’s dead body to retrieve the key to the room to his right.
Players will need to open a tiny tin box in order to retrieve a piece of the mobile and the cassette tape will also be located here.
The third Cassette Tape is located when players find Dolores in the kitchen. It is located to the left of the room right as players enter.
The final Cassette Tape is located in the “maze” element of the game where the player needs to follow the baby monitor.
It is located right next to the base of the baby monitor right upon entering the maze.
During Dolores’ story, players must head to the attic and find the glass case in the center of the room.
Players will have to head behind the glass case, as there is an opening here to pick up the Smiley Face Sticker.
If players miss this during Dolores’s story, they will not be able to get it again, unless they restart the game or reload an old save file.
While players are in Dolores’ chapter they will find a hole in the wall that leads them to a giant Jesus statue.
Here players must locate a cross they can pick up and head up to the room with the candles.
Go to the right of the room with the candles to find a hole in the floor and lay the cross down so you can cross the hole. Here players will find a door that has a Shotgun in it.
After players complete the three Chapters they will have access to a new key that makes people believe that there is another chapter (other than the Dwayne’s which isn’t classified as a chapter in the game.)
Players will be able to find a Key in the upstairs bathroom sink and will be able to use this to open the safe in the office.
Inside the safe is a key that says 302 on it, causing the player to need to locate this room. The room is found in the basement by the TV room, just behind the TV to the left of the electrical room.
Players will see the number 302 on the door and will only need to unlock the door to unlock a new cutscene.
This is the only time a player will be entering this room as it is typically used as an exit otherwise.
If players are hoping to get the good ending of Visage they are going to need to assemble the Mirror Mask. This is done by locating the various VHS tapes in the house and trying to figure out what areas they are leading to in order to unlock a Mirror Mask piece.
The Dwayne’s Memento achievement only requires players to locate a single VHS tape, though the next section will cover every VHS location so you can get the good ending.
There are a total of 7 VHS tapes that players can locate. Though many will be obviously placed, some are more well hidden as they are inside of drawers or hidden under other objects.
The following are all the VHS locations in Visage:
The first tape, Affliction can be found doesn’t require players to complete a chapter. It is located in the glass casing that is found in the sitting room, by the Progress Room.
Players will have to open the glass cabinet in order to actually obtain it, though players should be able to see it through the glass.
Indifference is located in the dresser that sits between the foyer and the kitchen, the one that is in the hallway that leads downstairs. Players can acquire this tape after they get the key to the Basement.
Addiction is located in the hallway toward the TV room. This is in the dresser under the Basement Rules and players will need to open the top drawer to locate it.
Greed is located in the Boiler Room on a cardboard box. This is to the left of the TV room in the basement.
The fifth VHS Tape players can locate in the game is after completing Lucy’s Chapter, it is labelled “Pride” and is found in the bathroom toilet. This is found at the top of the stairs between all of the bedrooms.
Prison can be located immediately after players finish the Rakan chapter, they will have to head to the basement in front of the “hint room” or the room that you kill yourself in.
If players don’t know what the hint room is, the best way to describe this is that there is an unpainted wall in the basement, by the TV room.
If you would like to access the Hint Room, you will need to do so by sledgehammering this wall.
The seventh VHS tape players can locate in the game is obtainable after players complete Dolores’ Chapter. It is labelled “Negligence” and is found in the Master Bedroom on the floor.
Players will want to enter the bedroom from the staircase, versus through Lucy’s Room as the tape is located right at this entrance.
The Special Gift Achievement is located in the Prison VHS tape story.
Players will reach a point where they are in a corridor with 4 hallways where all the lights turn off/explode.
Here players must take the sledgehammer to break down the walls. One of the rooms is a bedroom (the second room on the right) and it contains a crate that players will be able to pick up. Pick this crate up and head back to the first room on the left.
Here players must climb the crate to get into the “main bedroom.” Here there is a closet that contains an axe. Take the axe.
The Easy Way Out achievement is tied to the bad ending of the game and can be acquired at any point, especially if a player is wanting to stop playing Visage.
Players will need to head to the Hint Room, located in the basement behind the unpainted wall, but will only need to use the revolver once. This will kill Dwayne, but he will respawn until all the bullets have been used. The next achievement is the one tied to the “actual ending.”
If players use the revolver 6 times, whether it was for hints or because they wanted to end the game, they will ultimately kill Dwayne and unlock one of the endings.
Players can also mistakenly trigger this ending if they use their 6th bullet before putting on the Mirror Mask, so be careful if you’re not trying to get this achievement.
As mentioned, the Mirror Mask is the end goal for players who are trying to get the best ending for Visage. Players can technically end the game earlier than finding the Mirror Mask, though this can actually happen very early even before players finish all of the chapters in the game.
To obtain the Mirror Mask achievement, players must locate one of the Mirror Mask pieces by completing the story in the location that the VHS depicts.
In order to get Mirror Mask Master players will need to locate all of the Mirror Mask pieces by locating all the stories that are available to them on the VHS’. As these have to do with actual stories, I’m not going to share all of their locations as to not spoil, though if players are struggling or can’t find a guide that covers this element well enough, let me know and I’ll write a guide specifically for that.
The Family Reunion achievement can only be obtained if players have collected all of the Mirror Mask pieces. Players must engage with the Mirror Mask in the Progress Room and then must make their way to the “Hint Room.” Down here, players must go through the motion, unlocking a new element to the story.
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This is truly an achievement that the majority of players will miss as it will require players to head into the Hall of Fame, which can be accessed in the main menu.
There are a total of 5 hidden pages inside the Hall of Fame and they are located here:
The first page will be found behind them on the left-hand wall where there is a lamp.
Page two will be on the floor directly after.
Players must then head through the door and check the corner of the room, to the right.
Players must then knock down the picture of the two men and locate the fourth page under it. (Directly in front of the third page.)
The final page is on the furthest picture on the left hand side.
Players must then place all of these pages on the shrine and flip through all of the pages in order to unlock the achievement. These pages are the credits and are a cute way to end this game.
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