I’ll admit, I wasn’t a big fan of Sivir when I first started playing her in ARAM, but as soon as I got the hang of her I realized what a true powerhouse she is.
Sivir is a rapid-fire Marksman who can buff her fellow allies using her ultimate On the Hunt (R) providing players with movement speed and passively provides her ability Ricochet (W) bonus attack speed.
While Ricochet(W) may seem like a very simple auto-attack ability, the fact that it provides bonus damage, range and attack speed to Sivir players will lead players to want to use it every time it is off cooldown. Do it!
Use Ricochet primarily to farm minions, however, try to focus on minions that are closer to enemy champions as attacking minions may lead the Ricochet (W) to hit enemy champions, effectively whittling them down until they are no longer a problem to deal with.
Although it may be tempting to use Sivir’s Boomerang Blade (Q) to attack enemy champions, I recommend against it using Boomerang Blade (Q) can become quite expensive, especially if players have upgraded Boomerang Blade (Q).
Boomerang Blade (Q), in my opinion, should only be used to secure takedowns against enemy champions or can also be used to damage multiple enemy champions at the same time who are clumped close to one another. The most important thing is that players don’t overuse Boomerang Blade (Q) as they will never have enough mana to use the rest of their abilities.
Sivir’s last ability doesn’t see much use by newer players, however, I would recommend using it as often as you can. Spell Shield (E) provides players with an ability shield that also provides Sivir players with mana if they successfully block an ability.
Spell Shield (E), does not cost any mana to activate and can be used to avoid abilities like Veigar’s Event Horizon (Veigar’s E). I would recommend taking a look at enemy player’s abilities to see if there are any abilities you can use to your advantage by stepping into while players activate Spell Shield (E).
RUNES: Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Alacrity, Coup de Grace // Eyeball Collection, Ravenous Hunter
FIRST BUY: Vampiric Staff
BUILD ORDER: Essence Reaver, Berserker’s Boots, Statikk Shiv, Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, Phantom Dancer
COMBOS: Sivir has no combos on her kit unless you consider the fact that On the Hunt (R) empowers Ricochet (W).
Sivir’s kit doesn’t have much defence on it as Sivir players are recommended to focus on quick, steady and high outputs of damage. Since Sivir’s only protective/defensive ability is Spell Shield (E), players will have to rely on their Flash regularly to escape the battle, especially if players do not have access to their ultimate One the Hunt (R) yet.
Flash can be used offensively to get Sivir close enough to battle enemy champions, however, I would recommend that Sivir players only Flash in to secure enemy takedowns or Flash into battle in team fights where Sivir can quickly deal damage from Ricochet (W).
One of the best opportunities to use Flash is to Flash into your team, empower them with On the Hunt (R) and begin pounding on minions/champions with Ricochet (W). That’s the way I got my first Sivir pentakill, but the reality is there were other factors, like having a supportive team, that lead to the success of my pentakill.
Having Heal on your kit as Sivir is going to be extremely helpful, especially if you choose not to focus on building any health items early on or at all.
Heal both provides Sivir players with some extra health to sustain them in battle, but it also provides Sivir players with enough movement speed to run away from enemy champions who don’t have moment enhancing abilities.
The only other abilities I consider taking on Sivir are Barrier, which provides a shield more regularly but not movement speed, and Clarity, which provides players with mana, however, is completely unnecessary with Sivir players since her Spell Shield (E) provides more than enough mana if used correctly and regularly.
Heal proves to be the most helpful simply because of the amount of sustain it provides Sivir players as well as the movement enhancement which almost guarantees the success of her survival.
Caitlyn players can use similar runes as Vayne, Miss Fortune, Kindred, Caitlyn, Tristana, Ashe, Varus, Xayah, and Jhin.
After 1.5 seconds of damaging enemy champions, players will gain between 40-110% attack speed ignoring the attack speed cap for 3 seconds. Every attack players continue to take against enemy champions will extend the length of Lethal Tempo by 6 seconds.
Lethal Tempo is phenomenal when paired in tandem with Sivir’s ability Ricochet (W). Without realizing or putting in too much effort, players may be able to activate Lethal Tempo by damaging enemy champions when hitting minions that are found close to enemy champions. As I mentioned earlier, Sivir is a great champion for whittling down enemy champions until they are low enough to finally takedown with either a Boomerang Blade (Q), basic attack or an ally champion.
Lethal Tempo can be swapped out for Fleet Footwork as Fleet Footwork provides players with a good amount of health, though due to the amount of attack speed Sivir players will have access to, players should probably choose to use Lethal Tempo and instead purchase a piece of Life Steal gear to supplement the damage they take.
Not using Lethal Tempo may greatly reduce the amount of damage players produce with Sivir, especially because there’s a very big chance they will hit the speed cap early on.
Lethal Tempo will also provide players with early game attack speed, which can help out with securing takedowns against squishies in the early game.
If you’ve read any of my previous guides about Marksmen such as Xayah, Ashe, Varus, and Jhin, you know that Triumph is absolute god-tier.
Players will receive 6% of missing health as well as 10 Gold every time they participate in a champion takedown. Players will experience a 1-second delay before they get their health from securing a takedown.
Since Sivir players are most likely going to get in on the majority of kills while playing in ARAM, players shouldn’t have to build too many Life Steal items and the reality is that I can often rely on one Vampiric Scepter the whole game with Triumph.
Alacrity provides players with 3% (+ 1.5% per Legend stack) bonus Attack Speed, up to 18% when players have 10 stacks.
Securing enough kills to receive the 18% Attack Speed can be game-changing, especially if players haven’t died and thus do not have a way to access the shop.
Alacrity works extremely smoothly with Lethal Tempo as it can help push players past the attack speed limit earlier than initially expected.
The fourth Rune is definitely a personal choice, but I always like to choose Coup de Grace because it gives you 8% more damage to enemy champions below 40% health.
Who could say no to a buff in damage, just because enemies are low on health!
Collect 1 Eyeball per champion takedown, up to 10. Each takedown will provide players with 1.2 Attack Damage up to 12 bonus Attack Damage. Players will gain a total of 18 Attack Damage.
Eyeball Collection will provide Sivir players with a boost of base damage, though players can also choose to use Cheap Shot (true damage when enemies are movement impaired) or Taste of Blood (healing when damaging enemy champions) instead.
Abilities Heal for 1.5% of damage + 2.5% per every champion takedown for a maximum of 5 stacks. Healing is reduced to 1/3 on AoE damage.
While Ravenous Hunter won’t do a great deal of healing, it’s never a bad idea to round out your damage.
Ravenous Hunter is especially useful whenever Sivir players use her Ricochet (W).
If players want a higher amount of cooldown or want more mana, players can choose to go Sorcery.
I’m personally not a fan of Sorcery secondary, but the following are your options:
Providing players with 0 / 4.8 / 14.4 / 28.8 / 48 bonus attack damage. Stats increase every 6 minutes, making champions average to fairly powerful past the 12-minute mark.
Gathering Storm is one of the only Sorcery runes that makes sense to me, especially for Sivir as it provides her with a great deal of attack damage. When paired up with attack speed, Gathering Storm will become exponentially powerful.
Providing players with 10% cooldown reduction at level 10, Transcendence will also produce players with 1.2 bonus Attack Damage for every 1% Cooldown Reduction stat past 40%.
The reality is that I don’t focus on Cooldown Reduction when it comes to Sivir, especially because I predominantly use Ricochet (W) versus using Boomerang Blade (Q).
As for Manaflow Band:
Hitting enemy champions with an ability will permanently increase your maximum mana by 25 (cooldown 15 seconds), up to a maximum of 250 mana. Although players will receive an increase in the maximum mana they can have, proccing Manaflow Band will not provide an increase in your current mana.
Once players have capped out their maximum mana at 250 bonus mana, they will receive 1% of their missing mana every 5 seconds.
The option is yours, but my opinion is stick to Domination.
For the cost of 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 mana players will be able to use Boomerang Blade every 7 seconds.
Boomerang Blade deals 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 (50% of ability power + 0.7 / 0.85 / 1 / 1.15 / 1.3 per total attack damage) physical damage. Physical damage is reduced by 15-60% based on non-champions hit.
When Boomerang Blade reaches its maximum range it will return to Sivir, dealing a second round of damage.
Enemies can only be hit by the Boomerang Blade one per direction travelled, meaning that they can be hit a total of 2 times.
Boomerang Blade is a fairly powerful ability, however, it does cost a lot of mana.
If you haven’t already gathered by now, I think of Boomerang Blade as a secondary ability and only use it for emergency situations or in situations where I can deal high amounts of damage to enemy champions. I don’t use Boomerang Blade for minions… like ever.
Power Boomerang Blade second.
Costing 75 mana, Ricochet can be used every 12 / 10.5 / 9 / 7 / 6 seconds.
Ricochet will cause Sivir’s basic attacks to bounce to nearby enemies and deals 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70% of her attack damage to additional enemies hit.
The most beautiful thing about Ricochet is the fact that there is no limit on how many targets are hit, however, every enemy can only be hit once. There is one catch! Ricochet’s buff only lasts for 4 seconds! So, get that attack speed on girl!
Ricochet should be the first ability powered up as dealing 70% of your base damage to every enemy on the map is insane, especially if you have a good amount of attack speed.
I know I call many Marksmen “attack speed queens”, but is there a bigger Qween than Sivir? Is there? Jinx. LOL!
Every 22 / 19 / 16 / 13 / 10 seconds players will be able to initiate a 1.5-second ability shield that will cause Sivir players to regain 80 / 95 / 110 / 140 mana.
Players should use their Spell Shield every time it is on cooldown, especially because it is free and will refund a good portion of missing mana.
I wouldn’t power up Spell Shield until very last since there aren’t any big benefits it provides players in comparison to the other abilities Sivir has.
For the cost of 100 mana players can boost her allies’ movement speed by 40 / 50 / 60% then to 20 / 25 / 30% after 2 / 3 / 4 seconds for a total of 8 seconds.
Sivir players will be able to initiate On the Hunt every 120 / 100 / 80 / 80 / 80 seconds.
On the Hunt can most notably be used to initiate a team fight or to escape one.
Sivir doesn’t have a build that is very complicated, especially if players are used to building Markmen regularly.
I would recommend buying Vampiric Scepter and Boots of Speed first, since Sivir doesn’t have the highest amount of health, but players can also build B.F. Sword or Boots of Speed and Caulfield’s Warhammer.
I would recommend Caulfield’s Warhammer and Boots of Speed if players don’t feel like they need Vampiric Scepter.
Dealing 70 attack damage, 20% cooldown reduction, 25% critical strike chance and refunding 1.5% of the player’s missing mana on-hit.
Essence Reaver is great when it comes to refuelling Sivir players with mana as well as for allowing Sivir players to use her abilities more frequently due to the cooldown reduction.
If players don’t think that they are going to need much mana, because they are using their Spell Shield frequently enough, build Infinity Edge instead for its high damage. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with always using Essence Reaver first though.
I don’t think I have to explain this… Attack Speed Boots for an Attack Speed Queen. You can thank me later for my brevity.
Providing players with 40% attack speed, 25% critical strike chance, 5% movement speed.
As a passive, players will deal 120 bonus magic damage to 7 targets once Statikk Shiv is energized.
Statikk Shiv will deal more ranged damage, but the main reason players will want to build it is for the attack speed and movement speed it provides. Players do not absolutely need to build Statikk Shiv second and can alternatively buy Rapidfire Cannon as it provides range in a different manner.
Rapidfire Cannon tends to work better if players are finding it difficult to hit enemy champions, even when using Ricochet.
Infinity Edge deals 80 Attack Damage, 25% Critical Strike Chance and also deals 25% critical damage.
More damage, more power. Infinity Edge is going to be the piece of gear that sets you apart from the other team.
Bloodthirster provides players with 80 Attack Damage and 20% Life Steal.
Bloodthirster can also overheal you by converting excess health into a 50 − 350 (based on level) “shield.” Bloodthirster’s shield will decay when out-of-combat for 25 seconds.
Bloodthirster is my favourite form of Life Steal players can have when playing Sivir as it makes her very thiccc.
In the situation of Bloodthirster, I kind of think of “go big or go home” and quite frankly, I’d rather have a huge chunk of Life Steal all from one item than a bit of Life Steal and some other meh stats.
Blade of the Ruined King:
Giving players 40 Attack Damage, 25% Attack Speed and 12% Life Steal.
The most enticing thing about Blade of the Ruined King is that basic attacks deal 8% of the target’s current health as bonus physical damage. This makes shredding tanks fairly easy, while still giving you the same effect on lower health champions. The minimum bonus physical damage players will deal is 15 AD.
As an active, players will deal 100 magic damage to the target champion, causing them to move 25% slower for 3 seconds.
Blade of the Ruined King is nice when it comes to shredding tanks, but otherwise, I find Blade of the Ruined King leaves me fairly exposed and vulnerable.
Providing players with 30% attack speed, 25% critical strike chance, 5% movement speed as well as providing players with ghost as well as 7% bonus movement speed for 2 seconds.
As a unique passive, players will receive a shield that absorbs 240-600 (based on level) damage decaying over 2 seconds every 90 seconds when the player’s maximum health is below 30%.
Honestly, Phantom Dancer is just a nice piece of gear to have on any quick Marksman!
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