Cosmetics, skins and mounts are a really big reason why I personally play a lot of video games.
It’s no secret that I spend a good amount of my time off simply playing video games to make my characters look better and obviously in Trove you can find me spending hours in the Geode and general Uber Worlds trying to collect enough shards to get my Power Rank up to a decent amount.
As a player who has taken about 4 years off of the game to try something else, mostly due to the amount of pay to play that seemed to be around back then without the hopes of things becoming balanced, I’m happy to say that there are some really nice freebies that the dev team has given players, though it also seems like I may have missed out on some pretty ones as well.
The following are all of the currently available codes players can use in order to get free items in Trove.
The list will also feature Codes that have expired over the years, though I will do my best to regularly update this page in order to always give you access to the current free codes.
If for whatever reason you do not see a code that is currently still available, please free to leave me a comment that let’s me know so I can add it to the list. Similarly, if a code no longer works, please feel free to leave a comment that says a code no longer works as it may be difficult for me to double check a code being inactive since I would have already collected the code.
There are currently two ways to redeem Trove codes:
The first way to reveal codes is by using the code redemption website that is specific to Trove, though this may only work for standard codes that have 16 characters.
If players are having difficulty redeeming their codes that are non-typical they may have to head to the following code redemption website that will provide them with the ability to place codes shorter than 16 characters.
The following are the codes that players can currently activate in Trove in order to collect new items that are exclusive to codes.
Many, if not all of these codes will feature items that players cannot collect in any other ways, however, there may be ways players can craft these items in the future or collect them in Chaos Chests.
The Salt Sower is a mount player ride around their world.
The Salt Sower is a salt shaker that layers on it’s side dropping some salt crystals every so often and requiring a player to balance on top of it.
As a player moves on the Salt Sower, the Salt Sower will rotate, spilling more salt than it would if a player was stationary.
Players will not be able to fly on the Salt Sower and instead will switch to Wings if they double jump.
Code: 6Q6X-DD3Z-3MWN-6LWL-66XE
Players can collect the Salt Sower automatically by clicking this link.
The Hexflame Harrier is an absolutely adorable mount that players can ride around their world.
To me, it looks like a mix between a dinosaur and Ganda, though unlike Ganda the Hexlame Harrier simply works like a regular mount, allowing the player to run around their world.
The Hexflame Harrier is elegant, coming in tones of magenta, purple and black and has a bit of particle effects that look like confetti is dropping from it.
Players will not be able to fly on the Hexflame Harrier and instead will transition into Wings when double jumping.
Players can collect the Hexaflame Harrier automatically by clicking this link.
The Sanctuary Shuttle is a Mag Rider players can use when tracks are placed on the ground.
Without tracks the Sanctuary Shuttle will move at a fairly slow speed, however, on tracks this can be one of the faster ways to travel around a world.
The Sanctuary Shuttle looks a bit like a space shuttle and bus, coming with flame rockets in it’s back that will extend as a player rides a track.
The Sanctuary Shuttle is yellow, white and gray and is one of my favourite Mag Rider to use as it does not have any audio effects, making it a bit less annoying to constantly ride than other Mag Riders
Players will not want to use Mag Riders as mounts due to how slow they move, however, if a player is in a club world with multiple tracks they can use one to get around instead of a mount.
Players can collect the Sanctuary Shuttle automatically by clicking this link.
The Mapphew is an ally players can use in order to provide their character with bonus stats.
The Mapphew provides the following stats:
50 Light
1.0% Critical Hit
Although the usage of allies will directly co-relate with a player’s play style, the amount of light the Mapphew provides may help push a player’s Light level into the tier a player needs in order to enter a higher level Geode world.
It also helps that the Mapphew has a bit of Critical Hit, essentially making it so a player is that much more powerful.
The Mapphew itself appears to be a map with a compass and some paths.
The Mapphew will float nearby the player.
Players can collect the Mapphew automatically by clicking this link.
The Tannenbomber’s Bell is an Ally players can activate in order to provide their character with more stats.
The Tannenbomber’s Bell provides players with the following stats:
6% Magic Damage
30 Energy Regen
While the Tannenbomber’s stats aren’t the most useful, it is fairly good for players who are playing a Magic class such as the Chloromancer or the Tomb Raiser.
In end game, players will want to focus on stats like Critical Damage or Critical Hit, though in early game Energy Regen and percentage Magic Damage may potentially push a player to be strong enough to solo some content.
The Tannenbomber’s Bell appears to be a floating bell that flies using it’s ribbons.
It is in constant motion and is actually quite cute in comparison to other allies.
Players can collect the Tannerbomber’s Bell automatically by clicking this link.
If you are a new player or are simply a player who is under Mastery 20, please use my “Refer-A-Friend” code to both add you to my friends list.
There is no catch to using my code as there is no monetary value to this redemption and you can remove me from your friends list at any point, though if you need help grinding or are a viewer of my Twitch Stream, this will be easier for us to locate each other if you do need assistance or simply want some friends to hang out with in Trove.
Players will, however, get a free Starter Class Coin for using my friend code which will allow them to unlock one of the following characters for free:
š Knight
š Gunslinger
š Boomeranger
š Tomb Raiser
š Candy Barbarian
Players should ensure that they do not spend their resources crafting one of these classes before using my “Refer-A-Friend” code as Starter Class Coins are sometimes given by the Trove Devs and there’s no point wasting resources on these classes if you can save up for more powerful classes.
Thank you in advance if you use my code and if you would like to use your own personal friend code to invite your friends you can locate it here.
The following are all of the expired codes that players could have used in Trove.
While players can no longer redeem these vouchers, players may be able to obtain these rewards in other ways, such as using the Market Board or opening up Chaos Chests on certain weeks.
I strongly recommend looking these up as often they are less expensive than other items players can craft or buy.
Players may also receive a second chance to obtain these rewards by using a code as they sometimes come back with other versions of the codes.
The Papa Gaio is an ally players can use in order to provide their character with more stats.
The Papa Gaio provides players with the following stats:
1.5% Critical Hit
The Papa Gaio is a fairly decent early game ally to get as Critical Hit works well on most classes, though there are some good allies players can get instead that have similar if not better stats.
The Papa Gaio was inspired by the Trove Portuguese translation project and is a blue parrot.
The Mizala, Breath of the Evergreen is a mount players can use to get around the world.
The Mazaia, Breath of the Evergreen is a Raptor mount that is green and yellow and cannot fly like dragon mounts, transitioning into wings if players double jump.
The Tailwind Talisman Wings, also known as Mizala’s Mystique as they were previously named, are gorgeous blue, green and yellow wings players can use to travel around the world.
The Tailwind Talisman Wings will allow players to move at 95 movement speed and will provide players with 100 glide while in flight.
The Tailwind Talisman Wings were inspired by the Brazilian Translation event.
Code: DW33-LWC7-NE92-Y7CT-PWCE
The SS Festa is a boat players can use to get around the ocean world.
The Boat is orange, purple and yellow and has the following stats:
110 Movement SPeed
80 Turning Rate
16 Acceleration
The greatest thing about the SS Festa is that it also features a cannon players can use to destroy blocks and break down walls or collect resources.
Similar to the items above, the SS Festa was inspired during the Brazilian Translation event.
The Arcadian is a hat style players can collect and wear as a helmet.
Code: 6HT2-3PZ6-D9KT-KYJN-P99T
The Goat’Guud of Eil’Zaewynn is an ally players can acquire in order to provide them extra stats.
The Goat’Guud of Eil’Zaewynn provides players with the following stats:
2 Jump
2 Magic Find
The Carnival Coaster is a Mag Rider players can use to get around on tracks.
The Carnaval Coaster features a dance pad that will also play music as players move that is specific to this Mag Rider.
Similar to many of the items above, it was inspired during the Brazilian Translation event.
Code: 9PL9-Q9JX-GH36-7ZKC-RHED
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