Everyone loves getting free items in Trove, especially when that free item can potentially provide you with new glamours that can provide you with Mastery.
One of the most common resources players are going to want to farm out is Chaos Chests as they will provide players with Chaos Cores, which players will want to collect as many of as they can as they can both help with gaining Mastery, crafting new classes or other valuable resources.
The reason I bring up Chaos Chests is because Chaos Factor directly correlates with how many free Chaos Chests players will receive daily.
For old players returning to the game, players will need to note that the way that Chaos Factor works is a bit different than it used to work, though the amount of Chaos Chests a player will receive is the same amount.
Chaos Factor is a stat that provides players a single Chaos Chest for each of the of this stat that players are able to obtain.
So, if a player has 4 Chaos Factor, they will receive 4 Chaos after completing 4 dungeons.
Players used to be able to obtain the Chaos Chests immediately upon logging into the game, however, this is no longer true and not require a player to participate in some dungeon grinding before they are able to cash in on this stat.
Players with Patron will be able to gain four extra Chaos Factor simply for having this perk unlocked.
Patron players will also receive double the Chaos Chests from these daily Chaos Chests, which will essentially set a Patron user even more forward that Patron players are already set.
So, if a player has 7 Chaos Factor they will get a total of 14 Chaos Chests after completing 7 dungeons.
It does not matter what difficulty players complete their dungeons, essentially meaning that a player can quickly grind out lower difficulty worlds in order to ensure that they at least get their Chaos Factor dailies done, especially if they do not have much time in the day to grind.
Other than getting Patron, there is currently no simple way to get more Chaos Factor.
Essentially, the only way to guarantee more Chaos Factor is by spending 1,000 USD in game, which to me is fairly abhorrent.
Players used to be able to collect Chaos Coins which were consumable and allowed players to increase their Chaos Factor by 1, though this seems to be no longer implemented in the game.
Players were also able to collect these in the TrionWorld Streams and by reaching Mastery Ranks 100 and 250, but this seems to no longer be in the game.
This seems to be because players will be able to collect Chaos Chests randomly by completing dungeons.
At the end of the day, Chaos Factor is a bit obsolete.
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