It seems like I’m starting every new post with “how confusing” Trove resources can be and while I wish I had held off on those comments because one of the truly confusing resources is Binding Darkness, simply because it seems like a bit of a useless addition to the game.
The reality is that Binding Darkness can only be used for a single object and is simply an uncommon drop that players will manage to farm a decent amount of without even trying.
Players will not want to actively grind these and instead will just want to be aware of the multiple methods in which they can grind this resource.
Players will be able to collect Binding Darkness by opening Gem Booster Boxes, or from both World Bosses or any mobs in Shadow Towers or Delves.
I personally get the majority of my Binding Darkness from simply running through Delves and actively participating instead of being the person who stays back.
Realistically, lower level players will grind a good amount of these simply by clearing World Bosses in the Overworld and should not have any difficulty with having this resource grinded before entering Delves.
Binding Darkness is only used on Contained Chaos Sparks.
Players will be able to grind a single one of these using:
4 Binding Darkness
2,100 Eyes of Q’bthulhu
Each Contained Chaos Spark will allow players to exchange a single stat on a Gem, essentially being able to trade stats like Maximum Health or Health Regen for better stats.
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