Only second to completing the Spiral Abyss, solving Puzzles is my favourite thing to do in Genshin Impact.
I will say, the Ancient Carvings section of Dragonspire was something I left undone for a while, even though I was a fan of it’s mechanics, simply because I wasn’t a huge fan of Dragonspire itself due to the freezing mechanic that they implemented.
The main reality is that I wasn’t interested enough to solve the puzzle involving the Secret Room, which will hinder players trying to complete the Ancient Carvings puzzle.
When it comes to completing the Ancient Carvings questline, players will have to begin by heading to the Entombed City – Ancient Palace in order to uncover the story of the former civilization.
Players will have to read the first Ancient Carving in this area to activate this quest line, essentially lighting the first symbol that unlocks the Mural Room.
There are 8 Ancient Carvings players must locate in order to unlock this room and players will be able to tell which Tablets they have not located due to the fact that specific markings are co-related to the Ancient Carvings players locate. Due to this, it doesn’t really matter which Ancient Carvings players unlock first as long as they know which Ancient Carvings they have located so they don’t just keep reading the same markings over and over again.
There are two ways players will be able to identify whether or not they have located an Ancient Carving.
The first way players will be able to identify whether or not they have located an Ancient Carving is to head to the Mural Room and address the information below to see which markings they are missing.
If players are running around the world and don’t have time to head back to the Mural Room or have located an Ancient Carving in the Wild they can check the Ancient Carving to see if it is pulsating. Essentially after an Ancient Carving has been read it will glow consistently, while before it is read it will pulsate instead.
As mentioned, the first Ancient Carving is located outside of the Mural Room and must be the first Ancient Carving players must read in order to begin this quest line.
Players can head to the Statue of the Seven located in Dragonspire, located close to the Entombed City – Ancient Palace.
Players will have to drop down between the words “City” and “Palace” and head into the cave.
The Ancient Carving is located on the left and reads:
…its soul, and Starsilver its bones. But the one who could wield it, the ice-breaking outlander, Imunlau…
The second Ancient Carving is located above the word the word Glow in the Starglow Cavern.
If players are heading from the Waypoint from the left they will have to head into the cave and take the route to the upper area as the Ancient Carving is located outside at the top of this area.
Players can also climb up the mountain to get here faster, but let’s be honest, I hate dealing with stamina and would just fall multiple times on my way to it, essentially risking death.
The Ancient Carving reads:
…attempted to heal the Leylines, but the tree had already withered. After burying the princess…
The Third Ancient Carving is located in the cave below the puzzle that can be found under the Teleport Waypoint that is located Northeast of the Entombed City – Outskirts.
Players who joined the game after the Cryo Hypostatis was introduced may have difficulty locating this area as it used to be accessible by dropping into the hole under the Cryo Hypostatis.
Now that this is no longer possible, players will have to enter the cave in one of two ways.
Players can either head to the right and climb all the rocks until they find a cave entrance to reach the Ancient Carving.
If players are in the center of the room they have gone in too far.
Player can also teleport to the Waypoint located to the south west of this area and follow the path towards the Cryo Hypostatis, therefore ignoring the climbing. Both ways use the same entrance.
The Ancient Carving reads:
…without result or reply, Varuch proceeded on to the summit…
The Fourth Ancient Carving can be located by the Ruin Grader, down the path that is located West of Albedo’s camp.
Players will be able to locate this in the opening where the trail begins to wind.
The Ancient Carving reads:
…snow whipped across the skies. The pillar that fell from the heavens was riven in three…
The Fifth Ancient Carving is located next to the Peak of Vindagnyr domain.
The Ancient Carving Reads:
…far from snow and strife, and came upon this verdant paradise. A monument was laid down in this place, and it was named Sal Vind…
The Sixth Ancient Carving is located underneath the Ice Puzzle that is found West of the Starglow Cavern.
Players will be able to locate this Carving underneath some fallen rocks.
The Ancient Carving Reads:
…dreamed of the black dragon that blotted down the sun, and knew it to be an omen of doom. That same month, the outlander…
The Seventh Ancient Carving requires players to solve the Secret Puzzle which unlocks the Secret Room which will have a chest that contains rewards for the player.
The Ancient Carving is located to the left of the entrance when players have entered this Secret Room.
The Secret Room is located on top of the word “Nail” in “Skyfrost Nail” specifically over the “il.”
To be honest, this area can be confusing to locate as players will either need to climb the side of the mountain to get there, or go into the caves and locate a path that is not connected to anything near the top of the inside.
Please let me know if you’re having difficulty locating it, because I don’t know how to best describe that right now.
The Ancient Carving Reads:
…guided to where the pale white tree stood. That month, the underground waterway…
The Eighth Ancient Carving is located under the “Snow-Covered Path” specifically under the letter “d” in “Snow-Covered.”
The Ancient Carving reads:
…ended. There is no more need for records. Yet I regret nothing more than having been unable to watch her finish the fresco within that great hall…
Upon collecting all the information from the 8 Ancient Carvings players will be able to unlock the Mural Room.
Located here is a Precious Chest that provides players with the following items:
1 Crimson Agate
60 Primogems
Memory of the Entombed City Forging Blueprint for Snow-Tombed Starsilver (Claymore)
50,000 Mora
Players can also take this opportunity to light the four campfire torches in each corner of the room to obtain a fully crafted Snow-Tombed Starsilver (Claymore) in order to begin their progress to crafting and refining this strong weapon.
I strongly recommend completing this quest early on as it is one of the better Claymores players can craft for their Claymore wielding characters.
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