Two Point Hospital has by far been one of my favourite games to play on Twitch as it is both calming and quite challenging at the same time.
While Two Point Hospital is a fairly simple game to play, there are many cases where a player will find themselves struggling to stay in the green or able to deal with the massive hoards of patients simply because their employees are not working hard or fast enough.
Over my time playing Two Point Hospital, I’ve realized that there is a base plan that tends to work in order to set up your hospital in a manner that will help it become more efficient or ensure that you are not going into debt early on.
The following guide will take you through all my tips and tricks in Two Point Hospital and may contain spoilers from the game, so please make sure that you’re ready to read some of these or prepared for some more intricate tips.
It’s important to get used to switching views for your patients needs and satisfaction.
These overlays include views of a patient’s Hunger, Health, Boredom, Thirst and Temperature.
Players will want to ensure that they have enough Vending Machines, Arcades, Heaters or Air Conditioners based on their patients.
While players may already have 10 vending machines in their hospital, they may actually need 15 or so, depending on where their patients are congregated.
Switch into each of these views frequently to see if you need to reposition your appliances anywhere else as patients will often avoid having to travel very far to get their needs met.
This extends to facilities like toilets and the Café.
My typical hospital has about one to three vending machines per hallways, with some bins nearby and at least two arcades or leaflet stands.
I also tend to place a Café near my General Practices as they tend to be the busiest rooms in the game and the Café is great at containing hoards of patients without running the risk of them littering the ground.
Players should never worry about placing too many vending machines or arcades as there is really no way to lose money on these objects. While placing more vending machines means that players will need more Janitors to restock them, the reality is that the more vending machines there are the less chance that all of your stock will be depleted, essentially meaning that patients will always have a place to grab a snack or a quick drink.
Not only that, but patients are far more likely to remain happy due to lines being shorter.
In my opinion the following are the best types of machines:
Laxative Drink Machine
Luxury Drinks Machine
Luxury Snacks Machine
Amusing Snack Machine
Energy Drinks Machine
Meaty Snack Machine
Endless Game Machine
Arcade Machine
Coming across maximum prestige for a room may seem very difficult to acquire when you first start the game, but I’m happy to tell you that there is actually a maximum prestige a room can reach.
Each room, no matter the type, can be raised to a maximum of 5 prestige, including a reception area.
While some rooms are much easier to raise the prestige off, especially because some rooms come with very beneficial items, it’s important to try to max out as many rooms as you can as this will help guarantee the prestige award at the end of each room.
I will cover the best way to do so shortly.
Prestige will directly affect the mood of both patients and employees, essentially increasing their Happiness immediately, so try to make sure your hospital also has maximum attractiveness.
While it may be tempting to expand rooms to help raise the prestige of a room, the reality is that rooms do not actually need to be large in size in order to max out their prestige.
Each item you place in a room has a different amount of prestige, making some more optimal than others.
Players will want to mix a number of items that boost stats with items that simply provide prestige.
My favourite items include:
Gold Star A
Medicine Cabinets
Encyclopedia Bookcase II
Treatment Bookcases
Deep Thing 2
Operation Monitor
Wall Monitor
Other options include:
Encyclopedia Bookcase I
Anatomy Poster
Anatomy Model
Cubism Anatomy Poster
Display Skeleton
Brain Anatomy Poster
3D Printer
Weighing Machine
Deep Thing 1
Diagnostic Bookcase
Gigantic Pipette
Radiation Box
If you’re just trying to get your prestige up, I strongly recommend sticking to Gold Star Awards as they are the cheapest and most efficient at boosting a room’s prestige.
If players stick to using Gold Star Awards they can get by easily by placing the smallest variant of any room simply due to the sheer amount of prestige these objects give you.
The more prestige your hospital has the higher your reputation will be and the more reputation you have the higher your prestige against other hospitals, essentially raising the amount of awards you are able to obtain.
A big issue players find in Two Point Hospital is that guests get stuck in areas simply because there isn’t enough room for patients to move.
While it is more ideal for players to have hallways that are at least 3 tiles wide, this isn’t always realistic, especially with smaller hospitals.
Players will want to ensure that they at least have 2 tiles of space for patients and employees to move as they need.
The layout of your hospital is going to be very important, especially if you haven’t turned off the “Fast-Track Treatment Decision.”
Players will want to ensure that they place all Diagnosis rooms near the front of the hospital and close to each other so patients can move freely between them before moving on to the treatment that they need.
Depending on the layout of the hospital, players may want to have buildings that have both diagnostics and treatment, though I personally don’t find this to be as necessary, especially if your diagnostics rooms are in the centre of everything.
Realistically I find it much more important to have early diagnostics closer to each other to ensure that your patients don’t have to go from one location to the next with them being on different sides of the hospital.
I don’t think I realized just how important it is to train your employees early since I was trying to save money and not hire an external trainer to train employees.
As I’m a stickler for making sure that my employees are maxed out on one specific stat, unless their job entails multiple focuses.
What do I mean by that?
General Practitioners only have General Practice I-V, Psychiatrists only have Psychiatry I-V while Genetics doctors have Genetics, Treatment III and Diagnosis I, while Radiology Doctors have Radiology and Diagnosis IV.
While players may not be enticed to train employees early, simply due to the cost, the reality is that with the extra speed that they gain and the ability to cure people more efficiently, the more money they will make earlier, essentially being able to make back their money quickly.
Training your staff early will help ensure that as you gain extra reputation, you will still be able to handle the hoards of people.
If players end up leaving staff untrained they will commonly have difficulty once their hospital becomes riddled with patients due to the reputation going up.
So, get to it because you’re going to end up needing it!
As you gain more income, make sure you place as many Encyclopedia Bookcases (preferably II) to increase the training speed.
Note that these do stack and you can train people within 2 minutes.
After training your staff it is essential that a player always assigns their staff to specific rooms.
While players can get away with having all treatment Doctors or Nurses assigned to treatment facilities, having a Psychiatrist or General Practitioner work in a room that is not their forté will not only cause diagnosis to take longer, but may severely impact the diagnosis threshold or treatment a patient will receive.
There is also nothing worse than a room being vacant because the only Doctor who can facilitate that treatment or diagnosis, such as Genetics, Psychiatry or Radiology, because they were hanging in the GPs office.
While in the early game you can employees mill about, by the time they learn their second or third skill they should really begin focussing on a single room.
It can be scary to give your employees a promotion because that typically means that you will have to give your employees a bit more money each year.
While scary, the reality is that an employee with a promotion will gain extra stats including simple things like Movement Speed, Diagnosis Skills and for every type of employee this will provide them an extra training slot.
I would strongly recommend making sure that you double check your overview as you can make it so a staff member always gets promoted when they have reached the stage in which they can be promoted.
This will simply promote the staff member and not alter the pay, essentially meaning that the player will still have to manually increase the staff’s wages to make them happy.
Sending people home can feel a bit anxiety inducing as it generally means that a players will miss out on some cash.
The reality is that sending people home can be one of the best methods of keeping your hospital afloat, especially if players are struggling with opening up facilities fast enough or are experiencing queue lines that are too long.
One of the worst things a player can experience in regards to reputation is the death of a patient and while players will lose a bit of reputation when sending a patient home, players will lose much less, making it a worth it trade off.
I would strongly recommend checking in on your patients’ health and happiness regularly, either helping boost their stats with things that will make them happier or with Laxatives to give them more health, or simply send them home.
I would also regularly send people home if an area gets too overwhelmed and you do not have the finances to open up another area for treatment to be facilitated or diagnosis to be fulfilled.
The choice is always up to you and if you’re not at risk of patients dying it’s not worth it, though if you’re ready to hear those death bells toll regularly, you may be in for a nasty nose dive when it comes to your reputation.
The Overview menu can be obtained in the second area of the HUD and will allow players to customize how they interact with their hospitals.
The Overview will show players many options including sections like Awards, Leaderboards, Finance, Staff/Break Policy, Patients, Policy and Log.
The section I’m going to focus on right now is the Policy section as it is the most important in my opinion.
When it comes to working with your Policy players will be able to change a variety of options though the most important include:
Diagnosis Threshold for Treatment
Fast Track Treatment Decision
The settings that I usually use for my Hospital Policy are the following:
The Diagnosis Threshold for Treatment relates to how successful diagnosis needs to be before a patient is sent to treatment.
Players will be able to reduce this stat to as little as 50%, though this is not advisable.
I personally like to start off my hospital with 100% so that I can know when I need extra diagnosis rooms in order to properly send patients to treatment, though in the mid-to-late game switching to as low as 85% is more desirable as many of the patients who have been diagnosed to this capacity already know what they have and are just wasting valuable time.
If General Practitioners are getting overwhelmed or any other diagnosis room for that matter, players can always reduce their Diagnosis Threshold to speed up the whole process and ensure that more patients are being pushed out of the hospital rapidly.
Dropping the Diagnosis Threshold can unfortunately run the risk of misdiagnosing a patient causing them to fail treatment, on the flip side, lowering the Diagnosis Threshold too low can flood rooms that take a bit too much time to facilitate treatment, essentially making so patients die in line for things like Surgery.
There is a healthy medium for these things, though in reality there isn’t a specific number players will want to leave the Diagnosis Threshold for Treatment and instead will want to regularly change it based on what your hospital needs.
The Queue Warning Length is going to be a much more personal option for players to select as all it will do is place a flag at the top of any room to inform the player about how many patients are waiting in line for treatment.
I personally prefer to have my Queue Length Warning down to 1 as this always lets me know how many people are in line for every facility, helping me have a better understanding of which rooms are rarely getting use or what room to run a Marketing campaign for, especially when it comes to completing missions and achievements.
Overall, players will want to make sure that all rooms have a maximum of 6 people lined up by them in order to maximize their efforts in curing patients.
As soon as a room reaches more than 6 patients waiting in line for it, players are recommended to place another room of it’s type if they have enough money and staff to work in them.
The Fast-Track Treatment Decision is by far the most important option to enable as leaving it unticked will essentially make it so a patient will have so a player has to visit the General Practitioner for the initial diagnosis and return to the General Practitioner after visiting all diagnosis rooms to confirm that they have been diagnosed properly.
Realistically, this format makes no sense and never reaps any benefits, which is why a player should try to avoid having their patients revisit the General Practitioner at all costs.
I always have the Fast-Track Treatment Decision enabled.
The Staff Leave Rooms when Idle is a an option that proves to be extremely useful as it will make sure that whenever a staff member is not doing anything they will leave the room that they were working, essentially making it so a staff member can work in multiple rooms if lineups are not too long.
I would always leave this option on as doing so has no bad traits unless you’re worried that a staff member will take an unexpected break, though this may actually be beneficial if a player is trying to make sure that all their staff is as happy as a clam!
Staff Training Messages are great for players who want to know exactly when their staff can learn new traits in order to become better at their jobs.
I personally like to leave these messages unread until I’m ready to train and then progress quickly through the stages of growth.
Players do not need to need to play around with the Promote Staff Automatically option as this will be on a player’s preference.
Realistically a promotion only entails that a staff member needs a raise, though this will open the option for training, making it quite essential for players to do if they want to progress on the speed of their training.
When it comes to selecting what space to infiltrate with patients, you’re going to want to select a treatment that costs a lot so you can make as much profit as you can.
In my opinion, the Surgery is the best choice because treatment costs over 12,000 on average, essentially meaning that Surgery can carry a hospital for years on it’s own.
Once players unlock the Surgery players will want to make sure that they run marketing campaigns for the Surgery every so often, though I would recommend doing burst of marketing campaigns as too many campaigns for surgery will overwhelm the Surgery and essentially lead to a number of deaths.
Players will want to make sure that they have between 4-5 Surgeries by the end game to ensure that patients are taken care of quickly and efficiently, especially if they hope to run multiple campaigns for the Surgery.
Players will want to ensure that their staff is wasting as little time as possible, making the placement of staff rooms and toilets important.
Staff will tend to congregate in Staff Rooms and will often find it difficult to locate a vacant toilet if there are too many patients in the hospital, making staff based toilets a bit of a priority.
I normally place a small staff room in every building and a small toilet with about 2 cubicles that is only open to staff.
Doing this will ensure that staff always have a place to go, though if players have enough toilet cubicles in a larger room this is not as much of a problem.
Staff rooms, on the other hand are always a necessity as it will ensure that staff aren’t walking for too long before they get to the room they are assigned to.
Psychiatry can easily become overwhelmed when players are diagnosing and treating patients.
Players will never need Psychiatrists to diagnose patients, especially with some high tier diagnosis rooms.
Players will quickly reduce their queues for psychiatry by doing such, essentially raising the chances of not having patients die.
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