When it comes to collecting resources, one of the most confusing resources players can collect is the Moonlight Bulb.
The Moonlight Bulb appears to be very similar to a Sunlight Bulb though it has a much darker appearance and appears a lot less frequently than the Sunlight Bulb.
Moonlight Bulbs can be seen scattered around the Overworld and are frequently missed, though players can add a mod into their game in order to add a waypoint flag that helps players easily locate the Moonlight Bulbs if they need to quickly gather a few.
Moonlight Bulbs can be a frustrating resource to collect as a player is required to use them quickly before they disappear, expiring after 1 hour after log out even if placed in a chest.
Moonlight Bulbs are used to craft upper tier gardening items that are used to yield more resources.
The following guide will take you through all the crafting recipes players can use when using Moonlight Bulbs and when players will want to opt into these crafting recipes instead of others.
The Shapestone Flower Seed is crafted using the following recipe:
1 Moonlight Bulb
5 Concentrated Compost
835 Shapestone Ore
835 Formicite Ore
The Shapestone Flower Seed can be grown in the Club World or on a player’s personal cornerstone.
Shapestone Flower Seeds will take 4 hours to sprout and will need to be watered once per harvest.
Players will be able to harvest the Shapestone Flower 4 times before it expires as it is harvestable every 3 days and withers in 15 days.
Upon harvesting a Shapestone Flower a player will yield the following:
400 Shapestone Ores
2 Quality Organic Refuse
A chance of a Bobble Pod Plant Seed
The Formicite Flower Seed is crafted using the following recipe:
1 Moonlight Bulb
10 Concentrated Compost
900 Shapestone Ore
900 Formicite Ore
The Formicite Flower Seed can be grown in the Club World or on a player’s personal cornerstone.
Formicite Flower Seeds will take 4 hours to sprout and will need to be watered once per harvest.
Players will be able to harvest the Formicite Flower 4 times before it expires as it is harvestable every 3 days and withers in 15 days.
Upon harvesting a Formicite Flower a player will yield the following:
350 Formicite Ores
2 Quality Organic Refuse
A chance of a Bobble Pod Plant Seed
The Infinium Flower Seed is crafted using the following recipe:
1 Moonlight Bulb
10 Concentrated Compost
850 Shapestone Ore
850 Formicite Ore
The Infinium Flower Seed can be grown in the Club World or on a player’s personal cornerstone.
Infinium Flower Seeds will take 4 hours to sprout and will need to be watered once per harvest.
Players will be able to harvest the Infinium Flower 4 times before it expires as it is harvestable every 3 days and withers in 15 days.
Upon harvesting a Infinium Flower a player will yield the following:
425 Infinium Ores
2 Quality Organic Refuse
A chance of a Bobble Pod Plant Seed
The Cinnabar Flower Seed is crafted using the following recipe:
1 Moonlight Bulb
15 Concentrated Compost
600 Shapestone Ore
600 Formicite Ore
600 Infinium Ore
The Shapestone Flower Seed can be grown in the Club World or on a player’s personal cornerstone.
Shapestone Flower Seeds will take 4 hours to sprout and will need to be watered once per harvest.
Players will be able to harvest the Shapestone Flower 4 times before it expires as it is harvestable every 3 days and withers in 15 days.
Upon harvesting a Shapestone Flower a player will yield the following:
400 Shapestone Ores
2 Quality Organic Refuse
A chance of a Bobble Pod Plant Seed
The Cinnabar Flower Seed can be grown in the Club World or on a player’s personal cornerstone.
Cinnabar Flower Seeds will take 4 hours to sprout and will need to be watered once per harvest.
Players will be able to harvest the Cinnabar Flower 4 times before it expires as it is harvestable every 3 days and withers in 15 days.
Upon harvesting a Cinnabar Flower a player will yield the following:
70 Shapestone Ores
2 Quality Organic Refuse
A chance of a Bobble Pod Plant Seed
The Crystal Outcrop Seed is crafted using the following recipe:
1 Moonlight Temper
1 Moonlight Bulb
15 Concentrated Compost
450 Day Drop
500 Gleamstone
The Crystal Outcrop can be grown in the Club World or on a player’s personal cornerstone.
Crystal Outcrop will take 4 hours to sprout and will need to be watered once per harvest, though it must be watered 3 times before the first yield.
Players will be able to harvest the Crystal Outcrop 4 times before it expires as it is harvestable every 3 days and withers in 15 days.
Upon harvesting a Crystal Outcrop a player will yield the following:
100 Crystals
3 Quality Organic Refuse
A chance of a Bobble Pod Plant Seed
The Eyestalks of Q’bthulhu Seed has the following crafting recipe:
1 Moonlight Temper
2 Moonlight Bulb
15 Concentrated Compost
300 Crystal
300 Day Drop
The Eyestalks of Q’Bthulhu can be grown in the Club World or on a player’s personal cornerstone.
Eyestalks of Q’Bthulhu will take 4 hours to sprout and will need to be watered once per harvest, though it will require 3 waterings before the first harvest.
Players will be able to harvest the Eyestalks of Q’Bthulhu 4 times before it expires as it is harvestable every 3 days and withers in 15 days.
Upon harvesting a Eyestalks of Q’Bthulhu a player will yield the following:
750 Eyes of Q’bthulhu
3 Quality Organic Refuse
A chance of a Bobble Pod Plant Seed
The Gleamstone Stalk Seed has the following crafting recipe:
1 Moonlight Temper
2 Moonlight Bulb
15 Concentrated Compost
300 Crystal
300 Eye of Q’bthulhu
The Gleamstone Stalk can be grown in the Club World or on a player’s personal cornerstone.
Gleamstone Stalk will take 4 hours to sprout and will need to be watered once per harvest, though it will require 3 waterings before the first harvest.
Players will be able to harvest the Gleamstone Stalk 4 times before it expires as it is harvestable every 3 days and withers in 15 days.
Upon harvesting a Gleamstone Stalk a player will yield the following:
500 Gleamstone
3 Quality Organic Refuse
A chance of a Bobble Pod Plant Seed
The Fishing Lure Reed Seed has the following crafting recipe:
1 Moonlight Temper
2 Moonlight Bulb
15 Concentrated Compost
750 Day Drop
700 Gleamstone
The Fishing Lure Reed can be grown in the Club World or on a player’s personal cornerstone.
Fishing Lure Reed will take 4 hours to sprout and will need to be watered once per harvest, though it will require 3 waterings before the first harvest.
Players will be able to harvest the Fishing Lure Reed 4 times before it expires as it is harvestable every 3 days and withers in 15 days.
Upon harvesting a Fishing Lure Reed a player will yield the following:
150 Lures
3 Quality Organic Refuse
A chance of a Bobble Pod Plant Seed
The Cultivated Day Drop Seed has the following crafting recipe:
1 Moonlight Temper
2 Moonlight Bulb
15 Concentrated Compost
725 Eye of Q’bthulhu
725 Gleamstone
The Cultivated Day Drop can be grown in the Club World or on a player’s personal cornerstone.
Cultivated Day Drop will take 4 hours to sprout and will need to be watered once per harvest, though it will require 3 waterings before the first harvest.
Players will be able to harvest the Cultivated Day Drop 4 times before it expires as it is harvestable every 3 days and withers in 15 days.
Upon harvesting a Cultivated Day Drop a player will yield the following:
750 Day Drops
3 Quality Organic Refuse
A chance of a Bobble Pod Plant Seed
The Cultivated Tentacle of Q’bthulhu Seed has the following crafting recipe:
5 Moonlight Tempter
3 Moonlight Bulbs
20 Concentrated Compost
14 Sunlight Bulb
14 Golden Soul
The Cultivated Tentacle of Q’bthulu can be grown in the Club World or on a player’s personal cornerstone.
Cultivated Tentacle of Q’Bthulhu will take 4 hours to sprout and will need to be watered once per harvest, though it will require 3 waterings before the first harvest.
Players will be able to harvest the Cultivated Tentacle of Q’Bthulhu 4 times before it expires as it is harvestable every 3 days and withers in 15 days.
Upon harvesting a Cultivated Tentacle of Q’Bthulhu a player will yield the following:
15 Tentacles of Q’bthulhu
4 Superior Organic Refuse
A chance of a Bobble Pod Plant Seed
The Golden Soul Flower Seed has the following crafting recipe:
5 Moonlight Temper
3 Moonlight Bulb
20 Concentrated Compost
35 Sunlight Bulb
35 Tentacle of Q’bthulhu
The Golden Soul Flower can be grown in the Club World or on a player’s personal cornerstone.
Golden Soul Flower will take 4 hours to sprout and will need to be watered once per harvest, though it will require 3 waterings before the first harvest.
Players will be able to harvest the Golden Soul Flower 4 times before it expires as it is harvestable every 3 days and withers in 15 days.
Upon harvesting a Golden Soul Flower a player will yield the following:
5 Golden Soul
4 Superior Organic Refuse
A chance of a Bobble Pod Plant Seed
The Cultivated Sunlight Bulb Seed has the following crafting recipe:
3 Moonlight Temper
3 Moonlight Bulb
20 Concentrated Compost
10 Golden Soul
10 Tentacle of Q’bthulu
The Cultivated Sunlight Bulb can be grown in the Club World or on a player’s personal cornerstone.
Cultivated Sunlight Bulb will take 4 hours to sprout and will need to be watered once per harvest, though it will require 3 waterings before the first harvest.
Players will be able to harvest the Cultivated Sunlight Bulb 4 times before it expires as it is harvestable every 3 days and withers in 15 days.
Upon harvesting a Cultivated Sunlight Bulb a player will yield the following:
400 Sunlight Bulb
4 Superior Organic Refuse
A chance of a Bobble Pod Plant Seed
The Builderite Shrub Seed Seed has the following crafting recipe:
7 Moonlight Temper
4 Moonlight Bulb
25 Concentrated Conpost
100 Nitro-Glitterine
150 Primordial Flame
The Builderite Shrub can be grown in the Club World or on a player’s personal cornerstone.
Builderite Shrub will take 4 hours to sprout and will need to be watered once per harvest, though it will require 3 waterings before the first harvest.
Players will be able to harvest the Builderite Shrub 4 times before it expires as it is harvestable every 3 days and withers in 15 days.
Upon harvesting a Builderite Shrub a player will yield the following:
115 Builderite
5 Superior Organic Refuse
A chance of a Bobble Pod Plant Seed
The Cultivated Instagrower Seed has the following crafting recipe:
7 Moonlight Temper
4 Midnight Bulb
30 Concentrated Compost
70 Nitro-Glitterine
70 Wallflowers
The Cultivated Instagrower can be grown in the Club World or on a player’s personal cornerstone.
Cultivated Instagrower will take 4 hours to sprout and will need to be watered once per harvest, though it will require 3 waterings before the first harvest.
Players will be able to harvest the Cultivated Instagrower 4 times before it expires as it is harvestable every 3 days and withers in 15 days.
Upon harvesting a Cultivated Instagrower a player will yield the following:
15 Insta-Grower
5 Superior Organic Refuse
A chance of a Bobble Pod Plant Seed
The Primordial Flame Shrub Seed has the following crafting recipe:
7 Moonlight Temper
4 Moonlight Bulb
30 Concentrated Compost
90 Builderite
90 Wallflowers
The Primordial Flame Shrub can be grown in the Club World or on a player’s personal cornerstone.
Primordial Flame Shrub will take 4 hours to sprout and will need to be watered once per harvest, though it will require 3 waterings before the first harvest.
Players will be able to harvest the Primordial Flame Shrub 4 times before it expires as it is harvestable every 3 days and withers in 15 days.
Upon harvesting a Primordial Flame Shrub a player will yield the following:
150 Primordial Flame
5 Superior Organic Refuse
A chance of a Bobble Pod Plant Seed
The Cultivated Wallflower Seed has the following crafting recipe:
7 Moonlight Temper
4 Moonlight Bulb
25 Concentrated Compost
40 Builderite
40 Insta-Grower
The Cultivated Wallflower can be grown in the Club World or on a player’s personal cornerstone.
Cultivated Wallflower will take 4 hours to sprout and will need to be watered once per harvest, though it will require 3 waterings before the first harvest.
Players will be able to harvest the Cultivated Wallflower 4 times before it expires as it is harvestable every 3 days and withers in 15 days.
Upon harvesting a Cultivated Wallflower a player will yield the following:
55 Wallflowers
5 Superior Organic Refuse
A chance of a Bobble Pod Plant Seed
The Nitro-Glitterine Flower Seed has the following crafting recipe:
7 Moonlight Temper
4 Moonlight Bulb
25 Concentrated Compost
50 Insta-Grower
50 Primordial Flame
The Nitro-Glitterine Flower can be grown in the Club World or on a player’s personal cornerstone.
Nitro-Glitterine Flower will take 4 hours to sprout and will need to be watered once per harvest, though it will require 3 waterings before the first harvest.
Players will be able to harvest the Nitro-Glitterine Flower 4 times before it expires as it is harvestable every 3 days and withers in 15 days.
Upon harvesting a Nitro-Glitterine Flower a player will yield the following:
55 Nitro-Glitterine
5 Superior Organic Refuse
A chance of a Bobble Pod Plant Seed
The Evolving Alchemy Plant Seed has the following crafting recipe:
5 Moonlight Temper
5 Moonlight Bulb
30 Concentrated Compost
165,000 Flux
The Evolving alchemy Plant Seed will sproud into a random Alchemy Plant including those which have Radiant Quality.
It will sprout in 30 minutes and its needs will be made known once the plant has sprouted.
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